Chapter 2164 What the hell is turning jungle warfare into positional warfare

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



A small charge, spewing tongues of fire, yellow smoke rose from the bulletproof vest on the chest of a Tiger member who charged first, he was so angry that he punched the air vigorously, and sat on the ground with his ass sulking .

"You still haven't run?"

While the red fox was angry, he couldn't help admiring Liu Xu's courage.

"Of course I have to run, but not now. Your corpse is now my human shield. Why don't I use it more and kill a few more little tigers, which is equivalent to reducing the burden on my other team members."

"how did you do it?"


"I didn't even notice that you touched me."

The red fox is now "killed" and there is no other way, he accepts his fate.


Another round of bullets killed another tiger member who had just rushed out of the woods.

Liu Xu threw Wei Chong on the ground, and he saw that figures had appeared from three directions.

If you don't leave, it's really too late.

Liu Xu patted Chihu on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Old man, this corpse of yours really talks a lot, bye bye Chihu, and wait to be trained by the leader when you go back!"

"Whether I'm trained or not has nothing to do with you. Let me tell you, do you think you can still run?"

Chihu suddenly realized that the other party hadn't spoken, and turned around abruptly, only to realize that Liu Xu had disappeared.

"Hiss!" The red fox sucked in a breath of cold air, "Be obedient and boom, this little mouse is not easy!"


On the other side, Zhao Xiaohei took advantage of the opportunity and withdrew according to Liu Xu's established plan.

Duan Weibing is by no means weak. He was in the Spike Special Battle Brigade. He once singled out a small team. He is also very familiar with jungle warfare. His military literacy and personal ability are very strong.

After Duan Weibing ran with the people for a while, he immediately found a place to hide.

"Mice team, let's meet! Let's discuss!"

Ling Yun, Tao Jing, He Miao and others immediately came over.

Duan Weibing said seriously: "Everyone listen to me, Liu Xu is not the only protagonist in this exercise! It is impossible for us to let Liu Xu take care of us like a parent. We have hands, feet, weapons, and Lack of certain military literacy, why not take the initiative to attack!"

He Miao said excitedly: "I agree! Boss is not our nanny, not our guardian, there is no reason we are running for our lives, he is desperate! We are a team! We should fight side by side!"

Ling Yun said: "I agree!"

Not to be outdone, Tao Jing said, "I agree too!"

At this time, Zhao Xiaohei also ran over quickly.

Duan Weibing said: "We won't run away! Do it with them!"


"My God! Even the red fox has been killed! This Liu Xu is amazing!"

Thunderbolt was shocked.

Tieniu smiled and said, "I just finished boasting that the red fox has the style of a general, and he's raised his hair. This is simply a great irony."

Lei Dian said: "Don't tell me, I don't know if the red fox has the style of a general, but I know he is very cunning."

Tieniu rolled his eyes: "Just be jealous!"

Lei Dian smiled and said: "Leader, after this exercise is over, I want to bring Liu Xu over, is there any problem?"

Tieniu hurriedly said: "What, why did Liu Xu give it to you? Can't you give it to our third squadron?"

Lei Dian shouted: "Don't you already have a red fox? You can't just pull all the good seedlings into your bowl!"

Tie Niu refused to accept it and said: "Old Lei, don't fight me. Didn't you go to Langya and bring Duan Weibing over? You get Duan Weibing to your team and Liu Xu belongs to me. It's fair and reasonable."

"This is also called fairness..."

Long Feihu said solemnly: "Don't argue, I already have an idea about Liu Xu and these little mice, and I have already talked to Captain Xu before, and they will make other arrangements."


Liu Xu did not expect that because of Duan Weibing's "unconvinced", a decisive battle would result.

What's more, Zheng Zhi, who hadn't shown his face all this time, even got a few guns, brought five other people, and after hearing the gunshots from here, they also threw themselves into the battle.

This is not what Liu Xu wants!

The gist of jungle warfare is not to fight recklessly, but to use the special terrain of the jungle to obtain big fruits of victory at a small price.

However, Duan Weibing insisted on turning this battle, which was originally quite beneficial to them, into a positional battle.

Tigers, which one is vegetarian?

It is in their best interest to form a positional battle.

And the mice don't have communication equipment, so they can't dispatch and command in the first time!It is very inconvenient to fight such a battle.

The battle soon became stalemate.

Liu Xu was almost driven crazy by this state. The helicopter driven by Zuo Yan locked on to this area, and two other helicopters, carrying some members of the second Tiger Squadron, airborne towards this area.

And the tiger members of the third squadron have already rushed here regardless of the distance, regardless of whether there are mice in other areas.

Tiger Commando, the commander of the third squadron were taken away.

But no one laughed at the red fox or the third squadron. Instead, all the people became extremely cautious, cheered up and devoted themselves to this battle.

Because, they realized that what they were facing was definitely not an ordinary opponent.

Because, they discovered that the battle has progressed to the present, and the Tigers have "killed" as many people as mice.

Because, they also discovered that up to this time, none of the mouse team, that is, Liu Xu's team, had been "killed".


Liu Xu was about to die of anger right now, he wasn't worried about whether the other team members would be killed, he was only worried about Ling Yun and Tao Jing in his own group.

However, the actual development has deviated from the original plot. Even though Liu Xu has watched this TV series from beginning to end, it is obvious that something is wrong, just like the world of Fire Phoenix.

Liu Xu felt that whether he had behaved too well or too strongly had led to such a dangerous situation.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2165

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


At this time, Liu Xu had already used his extraordinary experience in jungle warfare and hunting skills to help Duan Weibing and the others kill several Tigers, but when he saw more and more Tigers were still rushing here to help Suddenly, Liu Xu came to his senses.

Why are there more and more people in the third squadron?

Liu Xu counted with his toes, and cursed inwardly, "Long Feihu is too shameless."


Unprecedented pressure!

How did Liu Xu know that the number of Tigers that Long Feihu joined had already surpassed the number of mice.

Fortunately, Duan Weibing also felt that something was wrong, and immediately ordered to leave the battlefield and break out of the encirclement.

Fortunately, Duan Weibing reacted quickly and adjusted the combat strategy in time.

The moving mice also brought more opportunities to Liu Xu.

At the same time, in order to reduce the pressure on Duan Weibing, Liu Xu deliberately exposed his position and attracted six Tigers.

And at this time, the distance from the dark is getting closer.

If it was night, it would be even more dangerous. The Tigers all had night vision goggles, but among the Mouse players, only Liu Xu, Ling Yun and a few others had snatched the equipment of the Tigers.

"Ancient tomb! The ancient tomb in Wild Bear Ditch!"

Liu Xu's mind suddenly lit up!

But then, he was stunned. Even the members of the Tiger Commando had to find a local guide to find this ancient tomb.

A shuttle of bullets almost shot close to the ear, Liu Xu was startled suddenly, not daring to be distracted.

"One-horned one-horned! I am Team Zero Four! I found a cunning little mouse running around the perimeter! It has already killed the three of us in a row!"

The current No. [-] Squadron is commanded by the Red Fox, and it is the Unicorn.

"Single horn received! Team Zero Four, order you to eliminate him as soon as possible, be careful!"

At this moment, the voices of dragons and tigers came from the personal terminal communicators of all the Tigers.

"One-horned one-horned, I am the leader, you immediately send an additional team to assist the zero-four team! That cunning little mouse! It is most likely Liu Xu!"

After the Tigers got serious and went all out, not to mention Duan Weibing and his gang, even Liu Xu felt the strong pressure.

Liu Xu was almost shot several times.

A few minutes later, the Tigers who came to support Team [-] arrived.

Don't stay here for long!

Liu Xu immediately gave up the battle with them, and quickly retreated in the opposite direction to Duan Weibing and the others.

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