"Tina, why are you angry again? How many times do you have to be angry this day!"

Liu Xu is very active, looking at her leisurely and leisurely look, the woman next to her really wants to abandon her mature, stable and gentle personality, and teach this man a lesson.

Well, better cuff him and beat him up.

Tina calmed down the tide in her heart, and recovered after a while, sitting on the beach chair and gently wiping the tea sprayed just now.

"Major General Liu Xu, please continue to uphold the just ruling and eliminate as many pirates as possible. Tina is very happy like this."

Her voice was very gentle, which surprised someone, why did this change so fast?

No, what she said is that the young master is lazy, right?

Oh, my God, is this young master very hardworking?

"Tina, why don't you promise me one request, and I'll kill more pirates, how about it?"

Liu Xu's eyes flashed treachery, but his face showed a negotiating look.

Tina was puzzled and asked, "What request?"

"Don't smoke in the future, my young master doesn't smoke, how can you smoke, what a shame." Liu Xu said and patted his belly, "Besides, women's smoking will affect pregnancy, what should we do if the child has problems? "


Major General Liu Xu, you are just my boss, not my man, okay?


Flying the deep purple thunder and lightning through the navy flag, the warship gallops on the endless sea.

Great route, awe-inspiring and passionate channel.

The first half is a complete paradise, although there are many navies here, there is a risk of being hunted down all day long...

The weather here is also changeable. The weather at sea is inherently unpredictable, especially on the great route.

One second it was sunny and sunny, and the next moment it was stormy.

On the balcony, Liu Xu was lying on a beach chair, sipping a drink leisurely, holding a notebook in his hand, looking at it from time to time, the corners of his mouth revealing a contented arc.

"Major General Liu Xu, please be serious, Tina is very sorry."

Tina frowned slightly, her eyes showed a hint of helplessness and relief, she got used to it, everything has a process of getting used to it.

She learns this process faster than others...

Liu Xu rolled his eyes, and turned his gaze to the thing in her hand, a thick stack of documents, and it gave her a headache when she saw it.

"Tina, you can just read the rosters of combatants, why do you have to read them! Well, I'm reading things too!"

As he spoke, he raised the notebook in his hand.

Unexpectedly, Tina reached out and snatched his notebook directly, and said, "Major General Liu Xu, the book "How to Make a Chef" is useless to you, your barbecue is still so unpalatable."


Sprayed, spouted the drink out of his mouth gorgeously, Liu Xu couldn't believe it, is his barbecue skill so bad?

I'm just bored recently, so I'm just studying dark cooking.

"Tina, I'm going to be angry if you question my cooking skills again."

When Liu Xu said this, he didn't really think about it. He enthusiastically distributed the dark barbecue he made to the soldiers that night. What was the reason why those soldiers were not on duty the next day.

Suddenly, the clear sky darkened with a deafening roar of thunder.

"Huh? A storm is coming?"

Liu Xu's attention was diverted in a blink of an eye. Looking at the gloomy sky that was shining with lightning from time to time, a look of excitement and disappointment appeared on his face. It's not suitable here. It's not good to accidentally destroy the flowers and plants on the warship. .


The first drop of rain fell, and it was pouring down in a blink of an eye.

Liu Xu got excited and let out a loud roar.

"It's raining, pack up your clothes."

After speaking, he stood up, quickly avoided the book in Tina's hand, turned around and walked into the room, and did not forget to move the beach chair in when he was done.

Tina shook her head, stood up expressionlessly, the information in her hand was squeezed tightly by her.

The soldiers on the deck immediately took action when they heard someone's roar, and ran back to put on rain gear and continue on duty.


Chapter 2324 Has been walking on the road of serious destruction of the world

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In the room, someone was leisurely, lying on a beach chair and dangling, holding a book in his hand, but this time it was no longer a cooking book, but another one, with a pile of words densely written on it, judging from the handwriting It's a manuscript.

Outside the balcony is the pouring rain, and it is also a pleasant thing to enjoy the rain.

Tina was standing beside him leaning against a table, silently watching the man in front.

"Tina, why don't you practice the Sixth Form of the Navy?"

A very curious question in my heart, why has Colonel Tina, who is extremely popular in the headquarters, never seen her use the Navy Six Style, nor heard that she has domineering.

However, her strength is extremely strong.

The person with the ability of the threshold fruit, the black prisoner Tina, is a nightmare in the hearts of many pirates.

Such a serious question made Tina stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted.

"Not everyone needs the Navy Sixth Form, and not everyone can practice the Navy Sixth Form. My fruit ability is enough for me to use, no matter how much, I don't need it anymore."

"Huh? Why does this sound so wrong?" Liu Xu had a speechless expression on his face, "If you don't need it, can you stop being so disappointed? Can we be honest? What about the trust between people? "

However, perhaps for the development of the future secretary, Liu Xu was very concerned about this matter and volunteered.

"Would you like me to teach you the six naval styles?"

Tina was taken aback for a moment, he taught herself the six naval styles?Are you kidding me?There is such a good thing?

Oh, need something to calm down.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and was about to light it, but he thought of something and put it back again.

"Is that appropriate? You really can?"

Liu Xu turned his head when he heard this, and said angrily: "Tina, what do you mean, who can't do it? Who can't do it? Let me tell you, I have a certain understanding of the Navy Six Styles. Well, this is all my research. What came out. Heh heh, Lu Qi's paralyzed face said that I surpassed him in attainments, don't you believe me?"

As he spoke, he waved the notebook in his hand.

Shameless, completely twisted Lu Qi's meaning.


Tina felt a little strange in her heart. The book he was reading just now was the Sixth Form of the Navy that he had researched?When did he get so serious?

Heaven and earth can learn from the conscience of heaven and earth. If Liu Xu opened his heart network, he would probably cry for a while. Could it be that he really looks so lazy?

He has been walking on the path of seriously destroying the world.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The thunder sounded, accompanied by a dull sound, interrupting the conversation between the two.

"I am so surprised."

Liu Xu said something and got up and walked to the balcony. The voice just now was a bit wrong, as if something happened.

Tina behind her folded her arms and said softly.

"Major General Liu Xu, pay attention to your image, Tina is very..."

She didn't finish her words, but she saw someone walking towards the balcony looking at something, which made her heart skip a beat, did something happen?

The sea in the world of One Piece has countless treasures and wealth. Pirates gallop on the sea to find such wealth, but there are also dangers in navigating the sea, and one of the dangers comes from below the sea.

Neptunes are the most powerful species of seabed creatures, with different shapes and sizes, some are more than ten meters long, some are hundreds of meters, and some are thousands of meters.

Neptune, one of the things that navigators are most afraid of encountering, the huge Neptune can easily capsize the ship and is powerful.

Even the most powerful sea kings can sink even islands, this is the most terrifying place.

However, for some pirates or powerhouses, sea kings are also supplies for navigation at sea. Sea kings with a body length of more than ten meters or even tens of meters are often hunted by powerhouses to supplement their marine supplies.

At this moment, what Liu Xu met was a Neptune.

"Damn it, isn't this four different things?"

Liu Xu was stunned, why is this Neptune so happy?

The head of the seahorse, the body of the snake, and four tentacles-like things grow on the abdomen, and its body length is about four times that of a warship.

The more than [-]-meter-long sea kings fluttered their teeth and claws in the sea, and saw the warship ahead resolutely rushing up.

At the same time, exploding sparks appeared on its body from time to time.

"Quick, stop it."

The soldiers on the deck shouted loudly, and the twelve cannons on the bow fired continuously, blocking the speed of the sea kings.

"Tsk tsk, the sea kings who came in a storm are so handsome."

Liu Xu sighed, Neptunes, I have heard about it, and I have eaten it...

In the days of Kojima, sea kings are the staple food.

No, there are many types of sea kings, and Liu Xu has seen only a limited number of them.

"Major General Liu Xu, pay attention to your image." Tina behind him said helplessly.

At the same time, her eyes locked on the Neptune.

Well, not too huge.

Ignoring Tina behind, Liu Xu chuckled, and his hands quickly turned into elements.

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