Arya suddenly exerted strength and was about to throw Liu Xu away, but Liu Xu let out a sneer, his body suddenly became several times heavier, and with a plop, he firmly pressed Arya down again.

Arya was like a boat in a storm, rising and falling suddenly, completely involuntarily.

A feeling called despair enveloped Arya's body and mind, and at this moment, her original firm will was shaken, and the girl's soft body gradually became weak, stiff, and lifeless.

Liu Xu noticed something was different, but at this moment, he couldn't stop at all.

Moreover, Liu Xu made up his mind at the beginning of the action that Arya's body must be destroyed, and he did not want uncontrollable variables to appear.

When Liu Xu got up from Arya, the noble girl had lost her vitality, and her soul was absorbed by the Nether Twins [dead dolls].

As Liu Xu said, I sent Arya to meet her mother Gloria.

512 Confession

Imperial Calendar, 998.

A rare torrential rain swept across the entire imperial capital. Dark clouds as heavy as lead accompanied by terrifying thunder made the capital of this thousand-year-old empire seem to have fallen into a demon world.

At the port of the Wei River outside the city, countless officials and sergeants in black official uniforms stood densely, despite the violent wind and rain, their bodies were nailed to the ground like iron nails, motionless.

Amidst the turbulent waves, a giant iron-clad ship suddenly sailed in.

A bolt of lightning across the sky fell at this moment, illuminating the black and heavy iron-clad giant ship in white.

All the officials and sergeants standing on the edge of the port changed their colors in horror.

The head of this giant iron-clad ship was actually the head of a real super dangerous species.

Even though the beast's head, which was bigger than the city gate of the imperial capital, had been chopped off by the neck, its crimson eyes still shone with mad killing intent.

The return of the Ice Queen, the news of Esdeth spread throughout the imperial capital immediately.

Night raid station.

Esdeth's return casts shadows on the Night Raiders.

"Esdeth is back, and the future battles will not be so easy. Our opponents should be composed of Tegushi." Liu Xu said thoughtfully.

Although the tone was speculative, Liu Xu knew very well in his heart that the next battle was to kill the three beast warriors, and after that it was the hunter.

Regardless of strength or weakness, these opponents have one thing in common, they are all Tegu envoys.

"Liu Xu is right. There are also biological Tegushi in the imperial guards. The battle in the future should be the battle of Tegushi. Ordinary people should have no chance to play." Najie Xitan nodded. , agreed with Liu Xu's statement, and then said in a deep voice: "Since this is the case, in the following days, we will try to reduce the time for activities, and other sub-bases can be more active to disperse the pressure on the imperial capital."

The crowd nodded.

"Okay, Esdeth is also human and has weaknesses. There is no need for you to put too much pressure on us. Let's start with collecting intelligence, then this task will be handed over to Leonai, Liu Xu and Tazmi, you guys The task is related to the success or failure of the following tasks, it is very important, we must not be sloppy, you know?"

Although Najie Xitan said lightly, Liu Xu knew that things were not as simple as she said, and Ice Queen Estes was not so easy to deal with.

The three people who were named to collect information looked at each other, and they all felt each other's dignity.

"That's the way it is. There is no task today. Let's go to bed early!" Najie Xitan got up and left the conference room after her concluding speech.

"Why do you go to bed so early, Tazmi, let's go to training! Sweat can't lie." Brand and Tazmi both got up, the former hugged the latter, and walked out behind Najahitan meeting room.

"I don't want to go to bed so early, Hill, let me play flying chess with you!" Ma Yin is also a night owl, complaining that the time is too early, not the time to go to bed.

"I'm going to have a drink... Cough cough, what I mean is, I'm going to the tavern to find out information." Leonai said the obviously deceitful words without blushing, his saliva almost flowed out, and asked for information, I'm afraid I'll forget my last name when I go to the tavern.

"I'm going to bed." Lubbock decided to go to bed, though he wasn't sleepy.

What a blind obedience!

As long as it is Najie Xitan's words, in Lubbock's eyes, it is an imperial decree.

In an instant, the house was empty.

In the conference room, only Chi Hong and Liu Xu were left.

"Chitong, I..." Liu Xu was just about to speak, but was interrupted by Chitong, "I'm hungry, let's eat supper!"

She looked at Liu Xu expectantly, blinking her crimson crystal pupils.


After hearing the news of Esdeth's return, it is true that everyone didn't eat much for dinner, but just after the dinner table, they clamored for supper, isn't it too much?

"Chitong, actually I..."

Liu Xu felt that it was not a solution for Chitong to always hide from him, it was better to settle the matter early, so that he could accept girls with confidence and boldness!

"Well, let's barbecue, there are still a lot of ingredients left for today."

Saying that, Chitong took Liu Xu's arm and walked towards the kitchen, she did not avoid suspicion.

Between men and women, in addition to not holding hands casually, pulling next door is also an expression of intimacy!

"Chitong, listen to me, the person I like is actually you." Liu Xu finally confessed to Chitong, and said that he succeeded one by one.

Otherwise, if Chi Tong really thinks that Liu Xu is going to be with Hei Tong, then the relationship between the two of them will be difficult to break through in the future, and if time drags on, even if he takes the initiative, he will be considered a fool. If things really got to that point, they would really want to cry but have no tears.

Black pupil is indeed very cute!

Of course Liu Xu does not deny that he likes Hei Tong, but the reason why he patted Yue Xiong's mouth to bring Hei Tong back safely was to capture Chi Tong, but the result was that he was more than a friend. The lover is not satisfied, not rising but falling, from a prospective boyfriend

"You, what did you say?" Chi Tong was obviously stunned for a moment, she didn't hear clearly, but she still asked subconsciously.

"I said, I, Xi, Huan, you!" Liu Xu looked into Chitong's eyes and said every word with a serious expression.

"Ah!" Chi Tong's pretty face flushed slightly, and her heart beat faster.

Is this the confession that Najie Xitan said?

Liu Xu struck while the iron was hot, reached out to hold Chi Tong's arm, looked at her beautiful face and said, "Chi Tong, the person I like is you, of course I also like Hei Tong, but that's after liking you. Chitong, let's date! I am willing to be your exclusive chef, I will take care of you, protect you, and be with you forever..."

"But..." Chi Tong hesitated, she didn't have feelings for Liu Xu, but who made a black pupil suddenly inserted between them!

"No but." Liu Xu said firmly.

"Heitong said you don't want her..." Chitong's head was a little messed up, and he could plan all kinds of murder schemes meticulously, but he didn't know what to do.

"It was to save her. I wanted to explain it to you a long time ago, but you always avoided me! In fact, it was just an accident. The truth of the matter is... Do you understand?" Rescue Hei Tong, use your mouth to breathe out for her.

"Is that so?" Chi Tong's eyes flickered, but no matter what the starting point was, it is a fact that Hei Tong likes Liu Xu now!

Hei Tong himself had already admitted it, but when Chi Tong thought of Hei Tong holding Liu Xu's hand and saying that he wanted to be her girlfriend, his head felt that it was not enough.

Chapter 513 Sleep Together

There is no doubt that Liu Xu likes Chitong, he has already confessed it.

Of course, Liu Xu also likes others, including Heitong, Najie Xitan, Leonai, Hill, and even Ma Yin.

Chitong's favorite person is Heitong. If Liu Xu and Heitong fall into the water, she will definitely save Heitong first, because Chitong is her sister.

As for Liu Xu...he said weakly that he could swim.

Everyone knows that Heitong likes Liu Xu, but the problem is that Chitong also has a crush on Liu Xu, and besides, he even touched Chitong's Yuexiong, and the two are also entangled.

This relationship is really messy enough.

"Chitong, I've already said that I like you, what about you?" Liu Xu is very serious, at least now.

"I... Hei Tong, she..." Chi Tong didn't answer Liu Xu's question directly, she couldn't answer at all, Hei Tong finally left the empire, joined the righteous revolutionary army, and had someone he liked, Chi Tong As an older sister, Tong Tong is of course happy. If she is with Liu Xu, Hei Tong will definitely not be able to bear it.

When she left, she failed to persuade Hei Tong to defect with her, which caused her to do a lot of wrong things over the years. This time it was hard for everyone to reunite, but this incident should not cause a rift between the two sisters.

"Don't worry about Hei Tong's thoughts, I'm asking you, you just need to tell me what you really think in your heart." Liu Xu looked at the girl who was persecuted by him, her character was very courageous and resolute Yes, I didn't expect such an embarrassing day to come.

"I, I'll just forget about it." Chi Tong finally made up her mind to fulfill her younger sister. She bit her lip and said in a low voice, "You should stay with Hei Tong! We can still live together!"

Chitong-chan, should I say that you are innocent or innocent!

Living together is not sleeping together, Liu Xu looked into Chitong's eyes and said, "Chitong, this is not the time to show sisterhood, please take your relationship seriously."

"But it's really embarrassing!" Chitong felt that it was easier to carry out the burial mission, and with Cun Yuluo in hand, everything was solved.

Liu Xu let go of the hand holding Chitong's arm dejectedly. Is it possible that a carnivorous girl is so stubborn? In Chitong's eyes, it seems that she must be with Heitong, and she has already excluded herself. Well, not counting all the discharges, they can live together, but probably living together is also for the convenience of seeing my sister and eating meat!

"Heitong has suffered a lot, and she needs someone to take care of her even more, so..." Chitong's voice paused for a while, and then continued: "Heitong is begging you, I will be grateful."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and Chi Tong walked towards the meeting room.

"Chitong, after we are together, I will be Heitong's brother-in-law, and Heitong will become my family, and I can also take care of her!" Liu Xu said behind Chitong, but hearing his words, Chitong Hitomi just froze for a moment, then strode out again.

The expression on Chitong's face was sad, she already knew Liu Xu's feelings, but for the sake of her sister, Chitong could only silently say sorry to him in her heart.

Damn, why is this happening?

It's rare to have a serious confession once!

The girl in front usually pushes her directly, but she succeeds with one push, but now she confesses honestly and seriously, but she is rejected.

You forced me, Liu Xu got angry, this is forcing his sisters to eat everything!

Although it was originally planned that the two sisters would not let go, but now the order has to be reversed, first take down the black pupil, and then attack the red pupil...

Sisters should be together!

Whether it's brother-in-law or brother-in-law, as long as there is love, there is no problem, right?

Push the younger sister first, and then attack the younger sister. It's a good idea. Chitong is a genuine heroine, how can she let it go.

"Hmph, it seems Ye Wang must be upgraded!"

In Liu Xu's heart, he had already made the decision that sisters take all, but now he put all this situation on Chitong, it was all forced by Chitong, he was forced.


At this moment, the door of the conference room opened again.

Red pupil.

She came back again, walking towards herself with a solemn face.


Liu Xu was taken aback. Could it be that something happened to him?

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