A violent punch hit him directly in the face.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and several bloody teeth flew out of the bald man's mouth.


Immediately afterwards, Nigui Zhixu swung his second punch.


A punch landed on the bald man's abdomen. His body was twisted and completely bent into a bow. His expression was so painful that he didn't even have a chance to resist. Blank.

However, Ni Gui Zhixu didn't intend to let him go, he grabbed the bald man's clothes with his left hand, and punched him with his right hand, hitting the opponent's abdomen continuously.

"Bang bang bang..."

Ni Gui Zhixu punched and punched.

"Puchi puff puff..."

Almost every time Nigui Zhixu punched the bald man, his body trembled and he spit out a mouthful of bloody red liquid.

As for all of this, Nigui Zhixu didn't seem to notice, and continued to attack the bald man in front of him frantically, punch after punch.

The person in front of him gasped when he saw this scene, it was too shocking.

Chapter 027 The God of Death in the Dark Muay Thai World


"Crack Kacha!"

Another punch was thrown out, and there was a sound of broken bones, and the man had already passed out. Following Ni Gui Zhixu's punch, Ni Gui Zhixu's left hand had already been released. Suddenly, the man's body flew upside down.


The body slammed into a car parked by the side of the road violently, and the violent sound made the ground tremble.

Immediately, the body of the bald man collapsed directly on the ground, without a trace of vitality in his whole body, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

Moreover, his entire face and Yue Xiongqian's clothes were covered with blood and bloody red liquid.

These were all spit out by Ni Gui Zhixu when he attacked before, not the heavy bleeding caused by the wound.


This scene made everyone in front of them gasp again.

Brutal, bloody, violent!


At this time, before everyone in front of them came back to their senses, Nigui Zhixu's sharp voice sounded, and that voice resounded in the minds of everyone present like thunder from the nine heavens.

That pair of cold eyes stared intently at the underworld team of nearly a hundred people in front of them, like a sharp sword, about to penetrate their souls.


Everyone gasped again, feeling as if they were locked by a prehistoric beast.



The violent voice of Ni Guizhixu resounded in the mind of one of the people present, causing everyone in front of him to tremble and tremble, and his fearful eyes even glanced at the bald man who didn't know his life or death in the distance.

They didn't dare to imagine that if the person in front of them was themselves, then...


Thinking of this, they couldn't help but gasp. They looked at Ni Gui Zhixu with fearful eyes. At this moment, he was like a killing god.

Dull atmosphere, restless hearts, weird atmosphere.

In front of my eyes, there was a dead silence.

"You... who are you?"

"A karateist who fights 100 dan, he is against ghosts."

Due west.

"If you don't come over, then Apacha will go over!"

Apacha Popacha shouted angrily, ignoring the surging crowd of black people in front of him, and rushed directly to a burly man in the front, and the lingering murderous intent burst out of his body, instantly killing him Locking tightly and enveloping him, the burly man in front of him trembled all over, and the taste of fear in his eyes filled his pupils.


A punch landed on the opponent's body, and the dull voice sounded.


A mouthful of blood spewed out from the mouth of the burly man, and the opponent's body flew out fiercely.


Apacha Bopaca kicked the opponent away with a violent kick. At this moment, he was really angry. Liu Xu and Xiao Zhizhi were Liang Shanbo's disciples, and they were bullied by them. How can it be tolerated?

After one kick, the man flew upside down and slammed into a utility pole by the side of the road.


There was a sound of bone shattering in an instant.


A mouthful of bloody red liquid also spewed out from the mouth of the burly man, and then the man's whole body went limp.


This scene made everyone gasp involuntarily.

After dealing with the burly man standing at the front, Apacha Popacha did not hesitate at all, and rushed towards the remaining four people who looked like nothing at all.

That berserk aura carried a murderous intent, as if a ferocious beast had found its prey, that aura made people feel uneasy, terrified, and frightened.

"You...you monster...what do you want to do?"

Seeing Apacha Popacha rushing towards him, the other party's astonished voice sounded, and his body couldn't help taking a slight step back.

"Bullying Yixia... bullying Xiao...Apacha is angry..."

Apacha Popacha's piercing voice sounded, and at this moment he was like a ferocious beast, ferocious and brutal.

The moment the words fell, he had already appeared in front of the opponent, and rushed out with a sharp blow.

The god of death in the dark muay thai world has come!


Apacha Popacha punched directly on the opponent's face, not even giving the opponent a second chance to react.

That violent punch twisted the whole body of the person attacked by Apacha Bopaca in front of him, but everything was not over yet. After the punch, Apacha Bopaca's attack rushed again, that It is a real killing move.


A punch landed directly on the opponent's neck, abruptly breaking the opponent's moon bone, and a crisp sound sounded.


Everyone was trembling all over, the person who was attacked was sunken in front of the moon, a trace of bloody red liquid overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of fear and despair.

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, his body fell directly to the ground. With such an injury, he would have to recuperate on the bunk for at least a year, and after his health recovered, he might not be able to continue on the road.


This scene made everyone in front of them extremely afraid.

The little leader who was surrounded and protected by the younger brothers was no exception. Regarding the big man who suddenly fell from the sky in front of him and shouted not to let people like himself pass by, he chose to ignore and let the younger brother do it directly. Now But the intestines are green with regret.

At this moment, how can he not see that his own side has completely angered this killing god, and the people here are not his opponents at all, what should we do?

Involuntarily, the little boss stepped back rapidly, staring at Apacha Popacha with guarded eyes.

It's just that Apacha Popacha's target at this moment is not him, otherwise even if he is protected by many younger brothers, he will definitely not be spared.


In an instant, Apacha Popacha's berserk attack rushed out again, rushing towards the three people in front of him like a wolf like a tiger.

When the three of them saw this, their pupils shrank involuntarily.

Although they were ready to fight when they came, but when they really faced death, the fear, despair, and nostalgia were far from what they could bear.

They were scared, scared, and completely panicked.

That violent means.

That brutal killing. Killing.

That bloody picture.

This is not something they can bear.

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, the three of them faced the attacking Apaca Popacha, and the figures of the three rushed towards three different directions at the same time, avoiding his attack and the shadow of death. sweeping.

At the same time, they were all terrified to the extreme.

Chapter 028 The Son of the Sword and the Weapon

At this time, Apacha Popacha had locked one of them.

Although the opponent tried his best to evade his own attack, the opponent had no chance to escape when the god of death in the dark muay thai world became serious.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, none of the three people in front of them had the idea of ​​leaving the main force and running away alone.

This limited space naturally limits their escape.

Apacha Popacha attacked even more violently, and in just an instant, he had already rushed to one person's side.

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