Himiko let out an exclamation, stretched out his hand to protect Yue Hung's mouth, and took a step back.

Her actions reminded Liu Xu that this girl just left.

Himiko rushed into the bathroom, the movement was too big, the towel was not wrapped properly.

Although she is only a nine-year-old girl, Himiko is well developed.

After taking a shower, she was naturally naked.

Although Himiko protected her with both hands, was she covering it up?

It's completely counterproductive!

"You... hooligan..."


Liu Xu covered his face with one hand and was speechless.

If Himiko hadn't jumped out by himself, Liu Xu wouldn't have noticed that she was gone.

"I'm really more wronged than Dou E!"

Liu Xu knew that no matter how he explained, Himiko who had a prejudice against him would not believe him.

"Sister, I'm not a hooligan."

Liu Xu first moved his eyes away from Himiko, and put on a serious look.

"Obviously I was taking a shower, but you rushed in..." He took out his elder brother's shelf, and calmly explained the whole incident, "And you are not young, can you pay attention?"

"Hmph, and you said that you are not a hooligan. If you are not a hooligan, why would you pay attention to my place?"

Himiko's pretty face flushed with embarrassment, and she firmly protected her position with her arms around her shoulders. Those jewel-like blue eyes radiated silent lethality towards Liu Xu.

"Pay attention to where you are?"

Seeing Himiko's shy and angry look, Liu Xu instantly understood that this girl had misunderstood his sentence "not too young".

"Please, I mean your age, not where you are."

Liu Xu rolled his eyes wildly.

"No, ignore you..."

Like a raging little tiger, Himiko fiercely showed its little tiger teeth at Liu Xu.

"Himiko, I didn't say that you are not young anymore, I mean that you are not young anymore. You were afraid that I would enter the bathroom when you were taking a bath, and now I am also taking a bath, should you pay attention?"

"I'm not as perverted as you!"

Without waiting for Liu Xu to refute, Himiko went out with a small basket, and slammed the door hard with a "bang...".

This arrogant stinky girl!



Himiko screamed from outside the door.

"what happened again?"

Liu Xu didn't have time to think, opened the door, and hurried out.

As soon as he went out, he stepped on the small basket that Himiko had carried out, his feet became unsteady, and he fell to the ground.

When Liu Xu came back to his senses, the scene he saw made the muscles on his face twitch.

It turned out that Himiko fell down as soon as he went out, fell on his back to the ground, and threw the small plastic basket at the door of the bathroom.

When Liu Xu rushed out, he just landed on the basket, his feet were unsteady and he fell down.

It has to be said that Liu Xu's fall was too level, and his hand was pressing on Himiko's mouth.

The bath towel had completely fallen off and lay flat on the floor, like a quilt.

No one could think of a normal scene when they first saw the whole scene.

Chapter 036

Himiko was still angry last night, seeing Liu Xu staring in a daze, he snorted coldly, raised his proud head and went downstairs, leaving him with a cuter back.

The washing room was occupied by Himiko, so Liu Xu had no choice but to pack his schoolbag in the living room. The black one-shoulder long bag matched the school uniform very well.

There are several textbooks, exercise books and a pencil case in the schoolbag. It is not heavy, much lighter than China.

Packed his schoolbag, Himiko had already packed everything, walked past him with haughty small steps, and was ignored again.

I went to the toilet to comfortably drain the water that I had been holding back all night, brushed my teeth and washed my face, brushed my hair along the way, and looked in the mirror.

Well, your sister is much more handsome than me.

Liu Xu smiled evilly, no, this is me.

After washing up, Liu Xu saw Himiko sitting at the dining table in the living room, chewing slowly on a portion of curry rice.

There were also two steaming home-cooked dishes on the dining table, fried pork with beans and scrambled eggs with tomatoes. They looked so delicious, and Liu Xu couldn't help swallowing.

The reason why it is loud is that hunger is one reason, the delicious breakfast is another reason, and the biggest reason is that Himiko who eats as elegantly as a Persian cat stopped eating, and those bright eyes shifted to Liu Xu.

Liu Xu thought that Himiko was going to despise him again, but Liu Xu guessed wrong this time, in other words, he had never guessed what this girl was thinking.

Why is it that so many goddesses have been dealt with, why is it that the girl Himiko is the one to make a movie about?

Is it...

Could it be that Feifei came here to play with her?

"I put yours in the kitchen, if you want to eat, you can serve it yourself."

Himiko still had that lukewarm tone towards Liu Xu.

"Sister, can't you talk to your brother in a better tone?"

Himiko directly answered Liu Xu's question by rolling his eyes.

In the next second, Liu Xu found a way for himself. After all, she talked to him again, didn't she?

The end of the Cold War is good news.

"You did it?"

In order to continue this good start, Liu Xu continued the conversation.

"Nonsense, I didn't do it, could it be Thumbelina did it!"

The next moment, Himiko looked like a kitten whose tail had been trampled on, with his willow eyebrows raised and his face full of anger.

Liu Xu was stunned and didn't know what to say.

Himiko obviously gained a sense of accomplishment from Liu Xu's stunned eyes, and seemed to be in a much better mood.

Seeing Liu Xu standing there in a daze, she scowled at him coquettishly, and said, "Go to the kitchen and get breakfast, you'll send me to school after eating!"


Liu Xu agreed, then turned around and went to the kitchen to serve dinner.

Walking into the kitchen, I saw a curry rice covered with transparent plastic steel.

This is a good start!

Liu Xu was very happy.

He came to the table with curry rice, sat down, picked up the chopsticks and started.

Well, delicious, not only good-looking but also delicious.

"When did you learn to cook?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

"taste good."

Liu Xu picked up a few chopsticks and fried pork with beans, and praised Himiko without hesitation: "Mmm, it's delicious."

After all, she was only nine years old. Hearing Liu Xu's praise, although she still looked arrogant and unreasonable, the faint blush on her pretty face and the faint smile at the corner of her mouth still betrayed her. After seeing her, the little girl was still very happy.

Stop talking and concentrate on eating breakfast.

Liu Xu stared at the dishes on the table, and filled his stomach with two dishes and curry rice in a few minutes.

After eating, he realized that he had eaten all the dishes, what should Himiko do?

Looking up, I saw Himihu looking at him thoughtfully, her blue eyes shining brightly, fortunately, her curry rice was also finished.

"Look at me, go wash the dishes after eating!"

Seeing Liu Xu looking at her, Himiko's eyes flickered for a moment, then lit up again, and waved him to wash the dishes.

"Thank you for the breakfast."

Liu Xu put away the cutlery on the table, including Himiko's, and went to the kitchen with his hands in his arms.

"Why are you thanking me?"

Himiko Xiao. His mouth was opened into an "O" shape, his pretty face was unexpectedly covered with a layer of blush, and there was an emotion that Liu Xu couldn't see in his bright eyes, and he looked at him in disbelief.

"Don't think that if you say thank you, I will be bought by you? A bad brother who steals my sister's milk..."

Himiko raised his little head proudly, and stared at the back of Liu Xu washing dishes in the kitchen with his lofty eyes.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Liu Xu and Himiko had already packed up. Her house was not far from the school, and it was only ten minutes' walk away.

Therefore, Liu Xu sent Himiko to school, and he still had plenty of time to go to his own school without being late.

In Japan in the morning, there is a lot of traffic on the streets. Cars are like water, people are like ants, and machines come and go. Work for work, and the efficiency is very high.

Looking at the busy traffic, Liu Xu sighed, living in the world of the second dimension is not easy!

"Sure enough, I'm late again today, yeah!"

"Young man, in order to become the king of tardiness, come on!"

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