As the only game player in the entire novice area who has not participated in an IS battle, many people are interested in Liu Xu's first time.

There was even a gambling game, and some female players claimed that whoever could break Dongfang's invincibility would date that lucky one.

The IS design in the game is for the purpose of protecting the privacy of players, and you can freely choose whether to reveal your true colors.

If you choose to hide, the IS will have an outer layer of protection, which looks fully enclosed from the outside, but from the perspective of the operator, there is only a layer of transparent crystal light film in front of your eyes, and the omnidirectional viewing angle has no effect on the battle. .

Infinite Stratos is ranked according to the upgrade rank of the points, like Liu Xu, who has never participated in a battle, is always the soldier level of IS.

The military ranks are the same as the real system. There are six grades in total, from soldier, non-commissioned officer, associate non-commissioned officer, lieutenant officer, second officer to general officer.

Today Liu Xu is going to let everyone get to know himself again, not everyone dares to call Dongfang Invincible.

Among the challengers, Liu Xu clicked on a non-commissioned officer's challenge message, and then chose to accept it.

ID Black Swordsman, non-commissioned officer, [-] wins and [-] losses, IS is a modified version of the second generation Ruijun III.

Seeing this data, Liu Xu nodded. As his first goal, he barely qualified.

War scene selection, desert.

This is a very difficult environment. People with poor operation can easily produce errors of more than [-]%. Those who are not masters dare not choose this place.

Press the accept option, and both sides enter the battlefield.

The battle between Dongfang Bubai and the Black Swordsman immediately attracted a small amount of attention. People also paid a lot of attention to Liu Xu, the "basic knight" Dongfang Bubai.

So, hundreds of people tuned in to the live broadcast of the fight.

Of course, this needs to be paid, but the cost is very low, and it can be paid with game currency.

Although the game manufacturer launched this game not to make money, Infinite Stratos is popular all over the world, the pressure on servers is increasing day by day, and the demand for customer service and maintenance personnel is also increasing. Money.


In the combat state, the opponent’s Ruijun III is a speed type IS, which is less than two-thirds of the weight of the White Knight, and is easier to operate in the desert.

At the beginning of the battle, the "Black Swordsman", who was also well-known in the world of Infinite Stratos, walked towards "Eastern Invincible" with light steps, brandishing an alpha alloy knife.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move. The IS of the Black Swordsman has been modified. The desert environment restricts his performance, but Liu Xu is even more restricted.

Although Dongfang Invincible has a solid foundation, but in this situation where the right time, place and people are not dominant, I am afraid that they will be killed in one round, and the people watching the battle can't help but feel a little bit uninterested.

Liu Xu's white knight stood there motionless. His IS was too heavy and moved clumsily. For this first actual battle, he naturally responded to all changes without change.

The Black Swordsman has already rushed over, and the speed has indeed increased, nearly one-third faster than the IS of the same model.

From a tricky angle, the alpha alloy knife obliquely stabbed at the white knight's waist.

Most of the spectators are already ready to disconnect. In their view, the outcome of this battle has been announced in advance.

The alloy knife rushed forward with extreme speed, and stabbed over with force.

At this moment, Liu Xu moved, and saw that cumbersome white knight was suddenly awakened like a sleeping beast.

Pulling out the weapon, it was a special saber "Snow Flake II" for melee combat, with murderous aura rising.

At the same time, Dongfang Bubai's figure suddenly rose from the ground, his saber seemed to be swung and blocked, and the bulky fuselage made a difficult oblique thrust, even with a forty-five-degree angle.

The black swordsman's alloy knife was completely blocked, and the laser gun was knocked away by the hilt of Dongfang Bubai's saber.


Dongfang Bubai kicked the black swordsman in the leg. This kind of IS, which wins by speed, sacrifices weight. Once it is hit hard, it is basically equal to failure.

The Black Swordsman staggered from being kicked, and when he stabilized his footsteps, the saber in Dongfang Bubai's hand had already passed by like a spring breeze.

A mechanical head flew into the sky, and the next second, the data of the Black Swordsman disappeared into nothingness.

Chapter 042

In the haze, a burst of urination awakened Himiko from her deep sleep, and she sat up from the bed with half-closed eyes, feeling extremely sleepy.

He got up in a daze, walked into the bathroom gropingly, turned on the light and sat on the toilet.

After satisfying her physical needs, Himiko stood up little by little and put on her underwear. When she passed the bathroom mirror, she strained her eyelids and caught sight of the school uniform she was wearing.

"Huh? School uniform?"

Just now, I was lying on the bunk reading comics, and fell asleep before I knew it, without even taking off my clothes.

Himiko, who was so sleepy, thought that he would not be able to wear his school uniform to sleep, and he would not be able to wear it to school tomorrow if it was wrinkled.

After a big yawn, Himiko returned to the bedroom, closed his eyes and unbuttoned his school uniform, then unzipped the school skirt, and finally opened the tight bra. Although ordinary junior high school students still use comfort, Himiko is I can only wear a tight-fitting bra, otherwise, if the movements are too big, the violent turmoil before the moon is really indecent.

After taking off the bra, Himi, who was really sleepy, felt relieved for a while, but he couldn't stop the deep tiredness, anyway, he was still in his bedroom, so it didn't matter if he didn't wear pajamas.

Going back to the bunk again, Himiko couldn't help but let out a soft sigh under the slippery silk quilt, and soon fell asleep again.

In the world of Infinite Stratos, those who watched Black Swordsman vs. Dongfang Undefeated online didn't see anything. Although there were less than one hundred people, they were really shocked.

In fact, the reason why they didn't choose to disconnect was because even if they quit at this time, the infinite coins collected would not be refunded, but they didn't expect that this idea of ​​not wanting to waste their game coins actually made them see...

To see such an amazing comeback.

Slant forward and leap forward to fight back!

The game is different from reality, it has camera and video functions, but only a few of the nearly [-] people at the scene have turned on the camera function.

In a game without any suspense, there were indeed not many people who took pictures. The only people who took pictures were doing news in the Infinite Stratos game. After all, "Basic Knight" is also considered a celebrity!

But it's different now, such an unbelievable scene doubled the value of the video in the hands of several players.

They rubbed their eyes subconsciously, clicked on the video with disbelief, and chose to replay it.


Slanting forward, jumping and anti-killing, it is so perfect that it can be written in a textbook.

Even in the military, there are only a handful of people who can use the first-generation IS to make a slanting leap and counterattack, and this basic knight Dongfang Bubai with a cool name has also completed it.

Could it be that this IS has also been modified, but it is only camouflaged. It looks like a white knight on the outside, but it is actually a second-generation high-end modified model?


In this way, Liu Xu ushered in his first victory easily.

Without too much joy, Liu Xu turned a blind eye to all kinds of information protruding from the sky and covered the sky, and directly chose to go offline.

"It's time to cover my sister with a quilt..."

Liu Xu took off his helmet, stood up and moved his body.

His strength is top-notch in the entire IS world, and he will not lose to anyone in games.

And Liu Xu didn't care, but Infinite Stratosli turned the pot upside down.

The entire official website is boiling.

The white knight's perfect slanting leap and anti-kill, with a video attached.

The title is quite catchy.

As soon as this post was posted, it immediately had tens of thousands of hits, and it broke through [-] in ten minutes, with thousands of followers.

Whether it is a senior player or a military combatant, when they see this title, they will involuntarily choose to click in and read it. After reading it, everyone has only one thought, how is it possible?

And Dongfang Bubai, nicknamed Basic Knight, suddenly became a popular figure at the same level as the officers (no one has become a general yet), and the search ranking soared to the top ten.

The players who watched the game with their own eyes were so excited. It was like a dream to watch an infinite coin jumping in and out, and it was still on the bulky white knight.

And some senior players watched the replay with serious expressions, even slowing down to the extreme, replaying frame by frame, the faster the speed, the heavier their faces became.

This is simply a jump that is more standard than the textbook, but looking at the military circles of all countries, except for those senior instructors, who would dare to shoot Yuexiong with a white knight to make such a move?

Although there is still a difference between the game and actual combat, it is theoretically feasible in the game and has a certain success rate in reality, not to mention the opponent's movements are so natural and skillful.

Who is the Invincible in the East?

This question is sure to keep countless people awake tonight.

Both curious and dissatisfied.

Most people think the same way and think it's [-]% a coincidence.

After all, it is a game, not reality.

Dongfang Bubai used to only do basic exercises and never accepted invitations to battles. Now it is possible to suddenly soar into the sky and become a blockbuster, but this is based on the premise that the IS he is driving is a second-generation modified or fantasy IS. Down.

Equivalent to Dongfang Invincible's lack of reputation, or a negative reputation, his opponent, the black swordsman, is also worthy of attention.

Even in the face of the first-generation eliminated model like the White Knight, he still goes all out. The Black Swordsman is definitely a professional player, and only professional players will be like this. The enemy must be defeated by the lion and the rabbit.

This is the basic quality of professional players.

At this time, a young man was staring blankly at the screen. He had black hair, a medium build, and a well-proportioned build.

Kiritani Kazuto can't be said to be handsome, but he has good facial features, and it can be seen from his eyes that he is a gentle person.

He gives people a quiet and kind feeling, and there is a childlike childishness on his face.

At this time, Kiritani Kazuto was in a daze, and it seemed that he encountered a problem that he couldn't figure out.

As a professional player, he actually lost to a rookie who was just playing?

Although he thought it was a bit careless, Kiritani Kazuto still felt very uncomfortable when he was KOed by a person using a white knight with a diagonal jump.

"Hey, why is my elder brother Kazuto so sad?" A slightly gorgeous female voice sounded, but she was even more gorgeous in person.

Hearing the voice of the voice, Kiritani Kazuto couldn't help frowning.

The speaker is Kazuto Kiritani's younger sister, Suguha Kiritani, a kendo girl, a hard-working girl who has been wielding a bamboo sword for 8 years since she was a child.He was ranked among the top 8 in the country when he was in junior high school, and was selected to participate in the national competition in just his first year of high school.

When I was young, I was a good brother and sister with Kazuto, and I started to learn kendo because of Kazuto.When Kazuto wanted to give up kendo and was scolded by his grandfather, he cried that he would work hard for his brother's sake and continue kendo to this day.

But since Kazuto gave up kendo and became obsessed with computers when he was seven years old, a deep generation gap has appeared between the two, and the siblings have gradually become less talkative.

Chapter 043 Demon Wolf Fenrir

On the login interface, Liu Xu once again entered the world of Infinite Stratos.

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