Of course, if they dare to seek trouble and revenge, they will be pleasantly surprised to find that the place is called Liangshanbo.

After the hooligans left, Liu Xu stood up and said with a smile, "I'm sorry to bother you, I invite you to eat today's meal!"

All the diners responded loudly, and the scene was very lively.

Liu Xu also didn't have much money in his pocket, but the money left by those gangsters just now was enough to treat everyone present to dinner, and he was considered generous to others.

"Brother Yixia, you are amazing!"

Lan watched Liu Xu drive away the hooligans. She already had a good impression of him in her heart, and she liked Liu Xu faintly. Now she has directly risen to the point of admiration, and she has decided to be his girlfriend mainly. up.

Seeing that Liu Xu's cup was still empty, she hurried into the kitchen to fetch the kettle.

"Then do you want to marry me as a wife?"

Seeing her delicate and cute, Liu Xu couldn't help but say something flirty.


Lan stopped pouring water for Liu Xu, her pretty face blushed, as if the fire was burning, and she looked at a loss.


Liu Xu looked at Lan affectionately again, and called her name softly.


Lan's head was still dizzy, and she subconsciously agreed softly.

"The water is overflowing..."

Liu Xu pointed to the cup.


Lan yelled, put down the kettle, and hurriedly packed it up.

"Oh, by the way, have you considered it? How about marrying me as a wife, so that I can protect you!" Liu Xu shook his head pretending to be disappointed, "Don't you want to?"

"This... this... yes, but we are still so young..."

Lan lowered her head, not daring to look at him, and wiped the water stains on the table, her movements were completely mechanical.

"You don't take it seriously, do you?"

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders with a wicked smile on his face.

"Ah...you, you...I...I don't, I don't care about you..."

Lan, who was blushing pretty, glared at Liu Xu and ran back to the kitchen.

Lian Heyan came over and thanked Liu Xu.

Facing the two elders, Liu Xu is very restrained, courteous, soft-spoken, completely in the gentle style that everyone praises, and he is completely different from when he suppressed the gangsters before, but if you want to go deeper I'm relieved, isn't there a word called gentle bird. Beast?

It was the beast side just now.

Chapter 056 Dreamlike Speed

Leaving Lan's restaurant, Liu Xu wandered the streets bored for a long time before returning home, because Sister Qiandong was not at home, and now no one cares when he returns home, as long as he doesn't stay out at night, because Qiandong Sister Dong sometimes calls back at night.

Liu Xu put on the helmet, connected to the network, and entered the game world.

As soon as the ID Dongfang Bubai appeared, the world of Infinite Strath was immediately detonated.

If Liu Xu came every day, the attention might not be so high, but after he played such a beautiful move, he suddenly disappeared again. Isn't this tantalizing?

Mystery is the only way to attract attention.

Liu Xu is not interested in things in the real world, he just wants to improve his skills.

Choose the right person to fight from the massive challenge information.

Big boar!

not online……

Heaven is missing!

In battle!

I love Woo!

Diving code words...


Picking up girls

Finally, Liu Xu chose an opponent.

This is a lieutenant officer, and those masters who are above the rank of officer did not appear in the challenge list.

ID Earth Elf, winning rate: [-]%.

Liu Xu saw that the other party was a combat faction, and the IS was a modified alien knight F.

The undefeated battle of the East has attracted the attention of many people, with more than [-] paying users, and the number continues to increase.

Agil, who received the challenge, attached great importance to this game. As a veteran player, he watched the videos of Liu Xu's first two rounds and knew that this was a strong opponent.

Soldiers: Invincible in the East


Lieutenant: Earth Elf.

The place where the two are fighting is the interstellar meteorite belt. The IS was originally developed for space operations, so the battle scenes are not limited to land, but also include the seabed, aliens...

The earth elf is very powerful and well-known in the circle, and his level is about to be upgraded to the assistant officer.

Agil has a solid foundation, and he can also use difficult techniques such as oblique jumping and anti-killing.

Of course, there is an essential difference between being able to use it and using it well, and using it superbly.

People like Liu Xu who use white knights and perform difficult skills are completely abnormal.

Alien Knight F is the humanoid main battle IS. It moves quickly and is equipped with considerable firepower.

The earth elf didn't want to use long-range laser weapons. After all, the white knight's long-range attack ability is too weak, and he is very confident in his skills.

Agil moved, and the superior mobility of the alien knight F allowed him to attack first, while Liu Xu's white knight still used the method of static braking.

Alien Knight F's tactics are very simple, even rough, jumping high and attacking directly.

Agil slashed down from the air with a knife. The strength of their weapons was not equal. If they faced each other head-on, Liu Xu's weapon would probably be damaged. No matter how powerful Liu Xu's skills are, he can only stare blankly.

Alien Knight F swooped down from the high school, and if Liu Xu confronted him head-on, it would undoubtedly be the worst outcome, and avoiding his edge was the most correct and reasonable choice.

If Liu Xu wants to make a name for himself in this IS world, he is doomed not to follow an ordinary path.

A red light flashed in the white knight's eyes, and a heavy mechanical roar bounced up, rushing into the air like a cannonball.

The onlookers were stunned, how could the white knight have such a starting speed and flying height?

Soon, everyone thought of a reasonable explanation, full energy output, commonly known as "full firepower", also known as explosion.

However, full energy input consumes a lot of energy.


Agil was also taken aback. If there was a frontal impact, the white knight would take advantage of the weight of the model, and the Alien Knight F would be crashed. In the air, if he changed direction, he would undoubtedly reveal his flaws. He could only grit his teeth hard. Cut it down, place your bet on cutting off Liu Xu's weapon first.


The sound of metal tearing resounded throughout the audience, and the alien knight F in Elki's posture was cut in half by Liu Xu.

Looking at the white knight who easily won another victory, the game players went completely crazy.

"The East is undefeated... The East is undefeated..."

They chanted his name, because they were convinced that they were witnesses to the birth of a King of Infinite Strath.

After studying the slow-motion replay of the battle video, relevant experts have already figured out the secret of Liu Xu's real victory.

The key to his victory is not his own weight advantage, but the final attack.

Apparently, Dongfang Bubai also knew the disadvantage of his weapon not being strong enough. If two people directly collided with such a large momentum, there was an [-]% chance that his weapon would be damaged because it couldn't withstand the impact.

During the fight, Liu Xu didn't slash hard, but brushed the opponent's blade and drew a series of sparks that directly bounced Agil's alpha alloy knife away.

This is very good kendo kung fu. It seems that this mysterious Eastern Invincible player is a "martial arts master" in the real world.

There is another important reason for coming to this conclusion, that is, if another person can avoid the damage of the weapon in the impact, it is already very powerful, and it is impossible to carry out another attack at all.

However, Dongfang Invincible did it.

In the video, it looks like Agil was split in half by Liu Xu from head to body, but the actual situation is not like that at all.

The white knight volleyed in the air, swung his knife back, and cut the alien knight F in half directly from his crotch.

The speed like a dream, swinging the knife in the opposite direction actually gives people the feeling of being slashed, is this going against the sky?

If Dongfang Bubai is replaced by a more powerful IS, who is his opponent in the world of Infinite Strath?

Those who watched the battle live or afterward would only feel that Dongfang Invincible has created another miracle, but senior players and experts engaged in IS-related research, after repeated research on the battle video, all gasped in unison. Cool.

The driver of this white knight is simply too powerful. Players suspect that he is a member of the military and the ace of IS, but will the ace be exposed so easily?

Liu Xu didn't feel anything about the outside world. He had summed up a lot of experience from the fight just now. In fact, there was no need to jump up just now. He could also use the same fighting method to kill the opponent.

However, I have to say that Liu Xu doesn't like people being on top of him very much.

One-on-one, Liu Xu is not afraid, but if there are two or more opponents, there will be loopholes.

In the previous battle, Liu Xu's best choice should be to accurately determine the moment of attack, move sideways or retreat, and launch the attack at the moment the opponent lands, which will be much easier.

Liu Xu summed up the gains and losses of the first battle, and instead of going offline, he began to choose his next opponent.

Chapter 057 The Blue Phantom

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