
"Girls won't like you like this." Chifuyu said unhappily.

"You don't have to worry about this. You should think about your own personal problems. You are such a person. Do you have more than two friends of the opposite sex?" Liu Xu glanced at her and saw her loose long hair Hanging down to the neckline of the pajamas, the deep "career line" made him swallow his saliva.

"All good men in this world are extinct!" Qiandong sighed, but quickly smiled again: "Fortunately, we still have one in our family, but it is being cultivated."

Did you think you were playing a game?Also develop!

"I heard you won today?" Liu Xu changed the subject, "Sister Qiandong, congratulations."

"I'll kill them every minute." Qiandong said with a little complacency.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "You really are not humble at all."

After eating, when Liu Xu went to drink water, he found a device like an electric eye on the wall, and asked casually, "Sister Qiandong, what is this?"

"Detector! The latest technological product my friend gave me. It can detect your nerves and various body data indexes from the surface of your body." Qiandong stepped forward, pointed at a progress bar above, and said with a smile: "Look at this , This is the hormonal rise data you just saw when I was not wearing clothes."

"Ah?" Liu Xu was dumbfounded, but he confirmed one thing, that is, the friend Qiandong was talking about must be Xiao Zhishu.

"Judging from this index, my younger brother has unknowingly grown into an adult!"

Saying that, Chifuyu giggled coquettishly.

"You deliberately dressed like that to stimulate me to see my reaction in life?" Liu Xu blushed, feeling speechless.

"That's right, speaking of this." Qiandong took Liu Xu's hand and sat down, "Yixia, sister wants to ask you for help."

"What?" Liu Xu had a bad feeling.

"My friend is doing some research on biological science recently, and needs a lot of clinical trial data. I want you to cooperate with my sister's experiment and help her complete these research projects." Chifuyu said.

"You mean, let me be your friend's guinea pig?" Liu Xu's premonition really came true.

"Almost." Chifuyu showed a naughty smile.

Liu Xu hesitated, and asked, "What do I need to do?"

"Anyway, you just listen to me. As long as you are obedient, my sister guarantees that you will get great benefits." Qiandong said mysteriously: "But, no matter what my sister does to you, you are not allowed to get angry."

Liu Xu had a bitter face: "Since I was a child, how dare I be angry with you?"

"That is, if you are not good, I will take the punishment measures I used to punish you when I was a child." Chifuyu put her middle finger and thumb together with a smirk.

"Hey!" Liu Xu was so frightened that he covered his hands, it was an unbearable memory, "Don't play, it's different now, we are all adults."

"How big is it?" Qiandong moved closer, and a faint fragrance came over, making Liu Xu confused.

Damn it, doesn't she know how alluring she is?

"It's none of your business, go away!" Liu Xu stepped back.

Qiandong grinned, and suddenly pulled off the pajamas, revealing two beautiful and exquisite mountain peaks.

"Hmm..." Liu Xu leaned back and almost fell on the sofa. He covered his nose with his hands that was about to spurt another nosebleed, and a certain part of his body immediately bounced as if electrified.

"Look at the trick!" Qianfu flicked his fingers while he was leaning back.

A life-threatening chasing bullet!

"Oops!" Liu Xu hugged her crotch and jumped up and down in pain. She laughed so hard that she burst into tears.

"Giggle..." Qiandong laughed like a weasel who stole an old hen.

"Sister, you are going to play me to death!" Liu Xu protested loudly.

"Oh oh oh...it's my sister's fault." Qianfu pulled Liu Xu into her arms like a child, "I forgot for a moment that your little brother is also responsible for the important mission of carrying on the family line of our Orimura family, how can you bully him?" What about it? My sister was wrong, my sister apologized, and my sister rubbed it for you?"


Don't talk about being close to her skin in Qiandong's arms, just the feeling of snuggling with Qiandong Yuexiong makes Liu Xu feel like he is going to collapse, not to mention that her soft little hands have already started to rub His deadliest place...

Liu Xu felt a ball of fire rushing from below to his forehead, and he became confused.

"Yixia, remember when I used to take a bath, I always laughed at you for not growing up, but now you have become a big mushroom, and you are starting to look a bit manly!" Chifuyu patted his shoulder like coaxing a child while rubbing .

Liu Xu woke up like a dream, he jumped up and said, "Sister Qiandong, stop playing, I'm an adult now, can you respect me?"

"Okay, you can be considered half a man at most, and besides, even if you are a mature man, do you still want to retain your masculine dignity in front of your sister?" Qiandong fired again bluntly, but fortunately Liu Xu reacted quickly, She dodged in time, but staggered and fell on the sofa, her body posture allowed her to see clearly below him, so embarrassed that he hurriedly covered it with sofa cushions.

Chapter 064 Data

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"Haha..." Qiandong laughed so hard that she threw herself forward and held Liu Xu's face, "My dear brother, why are you so cute?"

Leaning over, he gave him a suffocating slap.

"Okay, go back to the room and read a book obediently, my sister is going to clean up the dishes." Qiandong patted Liu Xu's cheeks, and straightened the clothes with half bare shoulders.

He was lying on the sofa with a half-dead feeling.

"Oh my god, sister Qiandong, the temptation is too great?" Although Liu Xu's reincarnation is not good because of his age, his mental age is calculated according to the time flow rate of different two-dimensional worlds. , tens of millions of years old is still easy to have!

Although Chifuyu in the anime is also a beauty, she is nothing compared to the current Chifutsu-sister. Her random movement can make Liu Xu feel surrounded by the boundless sea of ​​desire. The sex-twitching mystery person is simply called People go crazy.

What's more terrible is that she doesn't see herself as a young boy at all, and is still as close as she was when she was a child. Did she do it on purpose or did she not realize that her charm also works on her younger brother?Or...was she experimenting on herself?

Liu Xu thinks that the latter is more likely. Although he doesn't know the specific reason, Orimura Ichika is able to drive the IS, and he is the only male driver in the world. of?

According to Liu Xu's understanding of Qiandong, she has very little interest in other men. It is said that she can count the number of times she shook hands with men. From Liu Xu's own understanding, she was a relatively reserved girl since she was a child. Maybe she just watched She was so let go only in front of her younger brother.

There is obviously a problem here!

And all the questions point to one person, the genius scientist, Shinoyuki.

Liu Xu sneaked into the kitchen and looked at Qiandong's notebook. There were many physiological terminology written on it, such as steroids, polypeptide system, gonad hormones, etc., which were all related to human hormones. data and symbols.

Just as he wanted to see more, Chifuyu snatched it from behind him.

"What are you doing? It's too disrespectful to my sister's privacy."

"But you are academic..."

"That's not allowed!" Chifuyu shouted: "Without my permission, you are not allowed to touch my academic materials, otherwise..."

She made a finger collapse.

"Yes yes yes." Liu Xu nodded quickly and fled in despair.

Looking at his back, Chifuyu showed a meaningful smile.

At nightfall, Liu Xu took a bath in the bathroom. Although it was cool autumn, he still chose to shower in cold water. Firstly, he had developed a habit of taking cold showers since he was a child. Secondly, the impulse Qiandong brought to him was still continuing. Cold water is needed to wake up.

After showering for a while, he began to feel a little cold. Liu Xu took a deep breath, stretched his arms, and the muscles in his hands swelled.

Although he is not tall, he has a well-proportioned physique and relatively well-developed muscles. This is due to the talented masters in Liangshanbo. It's no wonder that a talented and intelligent disciple like himself has replaced Kenichi Shirahama as the chief disciple of Liang Shanbo.

Seeing the obvious eight-pack abdominal muscles, Liu Xu himself could feel a lot of strength, and on a whim, he punched the air twice.



Liu Xu played a sonic boom.

Suddenly there was a creak, the bathroom door opened, Liu Xu turned around and saw Qiandong walking in wearing only a bra.

"Hey, Chifuyu-san..."

Qiandong smiled slightly: "Yixia, so you have such a good figure."

Liu Xu was stunned. She used an apron to cover half of her body in the kitchen, but now she only has to wear a bra. Only then can she fully see the perfection of her figure, especially the oncoming "waves and turbulence". I can't imagine how she can make this pair of Bugs Bunny grow so attractive. Compared with the actors who made Feng Yuexiong commercials on TV, all of them can only be defeated by her.

"Sister Qiandong, what are you doing?" Liu Xu hurriedly pulled up the towel to cover her body, otherwise she would see his embarrassment again.

"Good boy!" Qiandong didn't answer, she stepped forward and gently hugged Liu Xu's back from behind, and bathed under the shower with him.

Liu Xu turned his head slightly, and saw Qiandong's daughter Qiao Yan's face was glistening, her long hair was loosely tied behind her head, and when she shook her head lightly to shake off the water drops, she had a dreamlike beauty.

"Miss Chifuyu..."

"Shh!" Qiandong raised her fingers to cover Liu Xu's lips, "Don't suppress your body's reaction, I want to see."

Liu Xu realized something, relaxed his tight body, and felt Qiandong's hand caressing in front of him. She was only slightly shorter than him, and when her head rested on her shoulders, her lips pressed against her ear like a breath. orchid.

Just when Liu Xu felt his body was about to explode, another instrument in the bathroom suddenly rang.

Chifuyu let go of his body, pressed the switch on the instrument, the instrument opened in a fan shape, and a progress bar and some data appeared on it.

"Interesting..." She muttered to herself, "Is Yixia's body special? Or a data error?"

Chifuyu closed her eyes and thought for a while, then opened the door and left the bathroom.

"Oh my god!" Liu Xu squatted down. Just now Qiandong gave him the ultimate "torture" for several minutes, which made his body hot after being woken up by the cold water. He simply took out an ice pack to press physically.

After finally suppressing the flames of death, when he came out, he saw her wearing a nightgown, writing something in front of the desk, typing on the computer from time to time, all of a sudden picking up the bean from the moment when he was sexually intimidating. Jova became a dedicated scholar.

"I can't take it!" Liu Xu shook his head helplessly, went back to his room and threw himself on the sheet.

Torturing in the fire was also exhausting. When Liu Xu was about to fall asleep in a daze, he suddenly heard the door knocking and Qiandong came in. Before he asked why, she had already got into his quilt.

"Sister Qiandong!" Liu Xu exclaimed, because this time she didn't even wear a bra, and he fell down on the bunk without pajamas because of the tossing just now.

Liu Xu could clearly feel that the two of them were completely naked now.

"I'm sorry, Yixia, I just want to prove one thing." Qiandong wrapped him around like a snake, "Can you stay still?"

"What the hell are you..." Liu Xu was about to speak, but her mouth was blocked by her lips.

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Chapter 065 Chifuyu's First Kiss

Liu Xu didn't speak any more, this was Qiandong's first refrain, although the two of them had kissed on weekdays, but it was just a touch of lips, it was just a taste, but now...

Liu Xu officially got Qiandong's first love!

She chatted with him for a full five minutes before Chifuyu slowly left his lips.

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