Her hand slowly descends...

Please, don't touch your hands if you like it!

Although the matter was explained last night, it is cruel to be able to see but not eat.

In the Is world, the male protagonist is the only man who can control the Is, and the reason has never been mentioned, but judging from the current development of the plot, it should have something to do with the experiment that Qiandong and Shu are currently conducting. Liu Xu doesn't mind being The object of their experiment, but can you change someone...

If it had been Qiandong, Liu Xu couldn't guarantee that he would be able to persist until the end of the experiment.

Therefore, Qiandong's hand was held down by Liu Xu.

"Yi Xia, you are amazing."

"how do you know?"

"Seeing is believing!"


"Didn't you write it in your diary, even if you are siblings, there is no problem if there is love, right?"

"How can you peek at my diary?"

"I'm checking to see if you're on any unhealthy websites."


"Would you like me to help you out?"

"Don't say stupid things..."

"Hmph, it's not silly words, I want to stimulate you with more H words."

"You are a personal attack!"


Yami, who was eavesdropping in the next room, heard Liu Xu make a wolf-like sound, and exclaimed, "Miss Qiandong is really amazing, just talking about it makes Brother Yixia almost collapse..."

Liu Xu was panting heavily on the bed, Qiandong giggled, and said angrily, "Bastard, your head is full of unhealthy things."

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu begged, "My Lady Queen, please stop playing with me."

Chifuyu kissed him on the nose, and said: "Okay, let you go, just calm down for a while!"

She put on her clothes and left the room.

Liu Xu was covering his forehead on the bed, still panting lightly. Although there was no real sex, the feeling was too exciting.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 081 I will burn myself until the end...

Chifuyu came to Masami's room, Masami looked at her with admiration and said, "Sister Chifuyu, you are really amazing."

"It's impossible for me to keep doing this with him. From now on, I'll leave these things to you. I'll give you the complete steps. I'm just assisting." Qiandong wiped her hands with a tissue.

"Wait a minute." Yami suddenly grabbed her hand and smelled it, "Is this the smell of Brother Yixia?"

Qiandong wondered: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Chifuyu-san likes this smell very much, right?"

"Why do you say that?"

"When I was at the nightclub, I saw girls serving customers, but they would wash their hands in a hurry afterwards, but you didn't seem to care." Yami thought for a while and said, "I understand, the person Yixia likes is Qian Sister Dong and Sister Qiandong also like Brother Yixia."

Chifuyu blushed and said: "He is my younger brother, of course I like it, but you are his girlfriend."

"I dare not." Yami lowered her head, "I know my identity..."

"Don't think so." Chifuyu patted her on the shoulder, "You are no longer a lady at the night show, and you are not adopted here. You are a volunteer for a scientific experiment, and you will become a family with us in the future."


The word made Masami's eyes light up.

Chifuyu nodded and said: "My younger brother is very kind, he won't treat you badly, I promise he will treat you like his own sister."

Yami bit her lip as if swearing: "I will definitely work hard to make Brother Yixia like me more."

"Thank you! As I said, he has a special body and needs to be further understood. It will take a period, so you can just study hard during this time. Yami, we will depend on you to see the results of the future experiments."

"I will definitely not disappoint Chifuyu-san."

"The important thing is not to disappoint Yixia. From now on, you can sleep with him every day, and you must fulfill your responsibility as a good girlfriend!"

Chifuyu smiled, and Masami blushed.

Liu Xu rested on the bed for a while before opening his eyes, and said to himself: "God, Qiandong is too tempting, no, I have to avoid her, otherwise I'm really afraid that I won't last until the end of the experiment." One day I was burning with lust..."

He didn't dare to think too much, so he quickly got up and took a cold shower. When Liu Xu came out, he found that only Yamei was at home.

"What about my sister?"

"Sister Qiandong went out to do some errands, and she said that the work unit has something to ask her for."


"Brother Yixia, what does Miss Chifuyu do? Are you a university research professor?"

"Uh, this... her work is a state secret..."


Masami stuck out her tongue and head, and made a cute face.

"Are you hungry? I'll cook for you."

She stepped forward, took Liu Xu's towel, and helped him wipe off the water on his body.

"I'm not hungry."

Liu Xu looked at her, her body was equally attractive, and her beauty was no less than that of Qiandong, but I don't know if it was due to emotional factors, in short, he was not that emotional towards her.

That's good, so I don't always lose my cool.

Liu Xu checked that the time was only one o'clock, so he decided to go downstairs to do another thing, turning the miscellaneous room downstairs into a gym.

He did not forget the instructions of the master masters, to practice diligently, as the first disciple of Liang Shanbo, it will be his job to honor the lintel.

Liu Xu scoffed at what a glorious family lintel is. The masters don't care about these people, otherwise even if IS is in power now, they are definitely not famous.

With Yami's help, Liu Xu cleared out a training room, hung sandbags covered with steel plates, and prepared some fitness equipment.

"Bang! Bang!"

In the afternoon, there was loud beating in the gym.

With his upper body bare, Liu Xu punched sandbags with his fists.

Although it was covered with steel plates, he showed no signs of pain. The whole house seemed to vibrate from the beating. Fortunately, the sound insulation of the house is excellent, otherwise the whole building would have heard it.

Yami looked at him quietly, her eyes gradually blurred.

She found that although Liu Xu is not tall because of his age, he has a well-proportioned and strong physique, with beautiful prismatic muscles.

When he was attacking profusely with sweat, he could feel his masculine strength from the loud noise. No wonder girls often said that men in sports are always mysterious.


Liu Xu kicked the sandbag hard, the sandbag flew up and hit the ceiling, the chain broke and slid far away.

He stopped to rest for a while, frowned and said, "I need to change to a thicker chain."

"Take a break, Brother Yixia."

Yamei stepped forward to hand him a towel, Liu Xu should also rest, he has been exercising vigorously for more than an hour.

Liu Xu took the towel and drenched his body under the shower. His skin was like a branding iron, and there was white gas when the cold water poured on it.

He found that even practicing kung fu seems to be more handy. The effect of practicing for so long in the past was not so good. Liu Xu just has a high understanding, and his physical fitness belongs to the category of normal human beings, which cannot be compared with Liang Shanbo's master masters.

But now, after practicing hard for an hour, he is full of energy and his mind is clearer, especially just now when he kicked and broke the chain, which used to be something Liu Xu could do with concentration, but now he can do it very easily.

"Brother Yixia, your hands are bleeding."

Masami noticed that his gauze-covered hands were bleeding.

"It's okay, I haven't practiced for a while, it's just a broken capillary."

Liu Xu took off the gauze indifferently and sucked the wound with his mouth.

"let me."

Yami held his hand and sucked his wound with her small lips.

"No need to do this." Liu Xu withdrew his hand, "It will be fine in a while."

Yami lowered her head and said, "Have I made Brother Yixia hate me?"

"No, it's just that I'm not used to being served like this."

Liu Xu was telling the truth. He used to study in the dojo, and it was common for him to be injured or something. Only masters loved swords there.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 082 Sure enough, it's not the same name!

"But this is my job. If Brother Yi Xia is not taken care of properly, I will feel uncomfortable."

"You've done a good job, look how tidy the gym you helped me clean up."

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