After a while, it disappeared into the distance, only the sound came from afar.

"Brother, I hate you..."

Speaking of it, the talent of playing is really not good, so master masters look down on him, so although Liang Shanbo accepts him, playing is at most a registered student, and the dark world will not even look at him, of course It's also safer to play.

So now more often, Liu Xu is passing on the art on behalf of the teacher, and in the name of the senior brother, he acts as the master. Fortunately, it is not the first time for him.

When he and Xiao Zhizhi were practicing sword together, Liu Xu was also in charge of teaching some students.


The next day, Liu Xu went to school on time and went to sleep.

After school in the afternoon, Liu Xu didn't rush to eat, but went to a nearby martial arts dojo.

"The martial arts challenge task assigned by Misaki Yueji Qiuyu master, come on!"

The lesson taught by Ni Gui Zhixu The task of the nearby underworld society has been completed, and the nearby underworld figures are trembling when they see Liu Xu now, and they run away when they see him from a distance.

Taking a stroll in the courtyard, Liu Xu came to a newly opened martial arts school.

Why go to the newly opened martial arts gym, because it has been open for a while, and Liu Xu has challenged it.

"Zhenwu Dojo? The name is really good!"

Looking at the big golden characters on the door, Liu Xu smiled slightly, opened the door and walked in.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

As soon as I walked into the Zhenwu Dojo, I felt a gust of hot wind blowing, and accompanied by the loud and neat slogans, it brought out bursts of chilling meaning, and people couldn't help but tense up, thinking that they had arrived at a certain battlefield generally.

"It seems that this dojo has a few brushes!"

The area of ​​this dojo is not small, it is as big as two football fields, but at the moment it is full of students, they are lining up in a queue, conducting orderly training, and the slogan just now, It was also sent by these students.

This made Liu Xu nod secretly. Whether a dojo is strong or not can be seen from the students.

The students in this dojo are not only in neat uniforms, but they don't look lazy during the training. On the contrary, they work hard one by one, which shows that the owner of this dojo still has some skills.

"Hello, are you a student who wants to register? Please go to the side to register!" Seeing Liu Xu walking in, a middle-aged man dressed as a coach came over immediately and asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm not here to sign up, I'm here to find your curator!" Liu Xu smiled lightly, and said elegantly without losing his grace.

"What do you want to do with our owner?" The coach was a little puzzled and asked back.Judging by the young man's age, it's a bit strange that he didn't come to sign up, but asked for their owner by name.

"It's nothing, I just want to compete with him in martial arts." Liu Xu said lightly.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day

Chapter 088 It's not even close!

It was obviously a game, but Liu Xu said it was a contest, but the other party looked at him as a child, and obviously listened to Liu Xu's words as a joke.

"Hahaha... Kid, you actually want to play in the gym with your weak body? Hahaha..."

The coach looked at Liu Xu carefully, and suddenly, as if he had encountered something similar, he burst out laughing.

"Hehehe!" The students also laughed.

Although their Zhenwu Dojo originated from Japan, they were forced to leave their hometown due to poor management. Unexpectedly, they developed and expanded in the United States. Now they have returned to Japan and opened this flagship hall.

Although it is the first shop, it is very famous in Japan, and the owner is also one of the best Japanese masters in the United States. It is a bit ignorant that this young man wants to come to play the shop.

"It's a bit ugly to say that you kicked the pavilion, but you can think so if you want to, please go and ask your pavilion owner to come out!"

Seeing the laughter of the crowd, Liu Xu was not moved at all, instead he was very demeanor with a warm smile.

In the words of Misaki Yueji Qiuyu'er, it's not right to slap people in the face at home. If you are not polite, it would be too much, so this bit of face should be given to others.

"Hey! Boy, I advise you to go back! Our owner is a well-known martial artist in Japan, even the whole world, how could he just see you as an outsider, and our Zhenwu Dojo is not a place where you can make trouble, read When you are still young, I will not care about you." The coach stopped and said: "You go!"

"I'm sorry, the purpose of my visit today is to compete with your museum owner. I won't leave until I see him." Liu Xu still smiled softly.

"You kid, you really don't know how to live or die!"

The coach was a little impatient. He was already hot-tempered, but Liu Xu tolerated it because of his age. He didn't expect that the other party would not let him go.

He took a few steps forward, pushed Liu Xu hard, and was about to push him out.


To the coach's surprise, the boy opposite looked thin, but under his strength, he remained motionless.

This made him a little unbelievable, and the power in his hand gradually increased, but it still had no effect.

"It seems that your Excellency is really a warrior, I am blind." Seeing the young man's still soft smile on the opposite side, the coach was stunned for a moment, and then said seriously: "Since your Excellency is also a warrior, and you have to If you want to compete with our curator, you must first defeat me!"

"Oh? What is your status in this dojo?" Liu Xu asked.

"I am the head coach here. Apart from the curator, I should have the final say here. Although I am not one ten thousandth of the curator, I have to show him the strength of the challenger. If even I can't beat , then there is no need for your Excellency to meet our curator."

Although the head coach speaks politely, anyone can see the contempt in that language. It's no wonder that the opposite is just a young man, even if he is practicing martial arts, how strong will he be?

As the second strongest person in the Zhenwu Dojo, he is not an ordinary person.

"Alright, then you can make a move!" Liu Xu nodded slightly, and then said flatly, "You only have one chance!"

"What did you say?"

After the head coach heard this, he was stunned for a while, and then asked again in disbelief.

"I let you take the shot, because I will only give you one chance." Liu Xu repeated.

"Hmph! I've never seen such an arrogant young man like you! If that's the case, then I'll just beat you out."

The coach was furious, thinking that as the head coach of the Zhenwu Dojo, he was also admired by others on weekdays, and he had never been so slighted. At this moment, he made up his mind to give this ignorant young man some color.

Thinking in his heart, he punched at will, and he hit Yuexiong with a heavy punch back then.

Looking at the roaring fist shadow, Liu Xu did not rush to dodge, but commented: "The speed is a bit slow."

When the fist shadow approached his face, he stretched out his left hand to block the fast fist shadow.

Immediately after he exerted his strength slightly and pushed it outward, the head coach immediately felt an irresistible force coming from him, and his whole body was blown away by more than ten meters, and fell to the wooden plank of the dojo.

"In addition to the slow speed, the footwork is not stable, and it needs to be honed!" Liu Xu continued: "If you follow Wangwang's statement, it is, it is still far away!"

"Here, the head coach was defeated by one move, how is it possible?"

"This boy is amazing! He's the same age as me, yet he can beat the coach!"

Following the defeat of the head coach, those students who watched the excitement were all stunned.

They all know the head coach's strength, he can be called a humanoid monster, but he was defeated by this seemingly thin boy with one move, so how terrifying is this boy?

Seeing the boy's still indifferent expression, they all started discussing in low voices.

"No sound, no loud noises are allowed in the dojo, have you forgotten?"

Although the head coach seemed to have been thrown far away, Liu Xu's strikes were very measured, so he was not injured.

This is also in accordance with Qiu Yu's request. If Nigui Zhixu's rules are changed, his rules will be no rules, just get his opponent down in the shortest time possible.

Of course, it’s not only Qiuyu of Miyue Temple who has rules. Apacha asks to salute before the fight and asks to salute after the fight. Ma Jianxing’s rules are similar. China is the most particular about red tape...

Seeing those messy students at this moment, the head coach immediately jumped up from the ground and shouted to stop.


This head coach is usually very prestigious. Although he was defeated at this time, his usual power is still there, and these students quickly calmed down.

"Your Excellency is superb, I am ashamed of myself! Please wait a moment, I will go and call our pavilion master!"

I have to say that this head coach can still afford to lose. He came to Liu Xu, bowed, and walked to the innermost part of the dojo. There are many rooms over there, and the owner of the gym is probably there!

Chapter 089 You Are So Courageous

"The owner is here, the owner is here!"

After a while, following the shout of a student in the crowd, a tall figure slowly walked out from the innermost part of the dojo, and the head coach followed closely behind.

At the place where the museum owner passed by, these students spontaneously made way for him, which shows their great respect for him.

"Oh? Looks good!"

Seeing that tall figure walking towards him, Liu Xu revealed a faint smile.

Although he hasn't fought yet, the Zhengming Qi he cultivated is very sensitive to the breath of the human body, and the host on the opposite side is not only tall, but the muscle strength in his body is also continuously surging.

This is definitely a master who has broken through the limits of ordinary people. It is not wrong to be called the number one master in Japan, but that is only in the eyes of ordinary people. Looking at the world of dark boxing, it is not enough.

The museum owner finally walked to Liu Xu's side. His appearance was rather rough, but he was not ugly, but instead had a different kind of masculine charm.

Coordinating with his height, he gave people a mountain-like coercion. At this moment, he said to Liu Xu in a rough voice: "Young man, are you going to come to our Zhenwu Dojo to kick the hall?"

"I can't say it's kicking the gym, but I want to test my ability, so I just want to compare with you." Liu Xu was not at all moved by the aura of the master of the real martial arts gym, and still smiled lightly.

"Okay, boy, since you can defeat Oda, then you are naturally qualified to fight me, please!" The host waved his hand to the side, making a polite gesture.

The two came to the center of the dojo, and the surrounding students naturally left a large enough circle for them, and then crowded around to watch and discuss quietly.

"I'm really looking forward to the owner fighting against people in person! Speaking of which, I haven't seen the owner make a move yet!"

"Hey! I have seen it once. Last time, there was a middle-aged man who wanted to challenge the owner. He fought with the head coach for a long time and finally won by a narrow margin. However, he was defeated by the owner. How many tricks did you do?"

"Whatever, let's wait and see! There are not many chances to see the owner of the pavilion make a move."

"It seems that your students have full confidence in you." Liu Xu naturally heard what the students next to him said, smiled slightly, and said to the owner who was already in a fighting posture.

"My true martial arts disciple will naturally have the determination to win." The owner of the hall said quite proudly.

"Oh, that's the best! Take it!"

Liu Xu nodded slightly, and then he swung his legs and took the initiative to attack with a side kick.

Anyway, his opponent is also an expert, so he must not be careless.

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