Suddenly, these dangerous movements paused, and then they shouted in unison, facing the same direction.

If anyone could describe this scene, it would be...

Fighting fiercely with the opponent's large army, suddenly learned that he was copied by the little gangster from his hometown...

Those little bastards... No, the dangerous species left the owls in the air one after another, and rushed in that direction.

"I always feel that it has something to do with the senior... What did he do?"

After hesitating for a moment, the owl flew after the group of dangerous species.


In a remote cave.

This cave is very well hidden. The entrance of the cave is on the mountain wall, and the surrounding area is densely covered with vines.

Although at first glance there is no human presence, but as long as you take two or three steps into the shadow of the cave, you will definitely be greeted by a big mouth.

A few huge lizard-like creatures with a human face were lying in the shadows just barely covered by the sun, their long tails were slowly swinging, and disgusting saliva was constantly dripping from their mouths.

If you lean over and smell it carefully, you can still smell a strong stench...

Corpse stink.

In the corner of the cave were a few rotting corpses. Every once in a while, a lizard would take a bite and then return to its position to continue guarding the gate.

"It's a tiring job. After walking for so long, I have to come to this kind of sewer-like place. Did the Revolutionary Army send this mission on purpose?"

Suddenly, they heard human voices after a long absence, and the lizards became agitated, and expressions of excitement appeared on the faces of the people.

But they are still waiting patiently in the shadows, finding the right moment to deliver the fatal blow.

That figure was walking straight towards the cave as expected by their undeveloped brains.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Got it!

All the lizards swooped over, and the patient waiting for the previous second seemed to be an illusion, just like a hungry ghost snatching food by all means.

But this time, none of them could touch the food, let alone eat it.

"Boring watchdog, at least put some capable guys in front, it's like the mentally retarded villain in an RPG game, insisting on putting the most scumbag subordinates at the front to give experience, and directly sending a strong one up Isn't it good to kill the enemy? You are tired of dying and I am tired of killing!"

Liu Xu's voice echoed in the cave, and the lizards only felt their brains shake, and then their heads burst like balloons.

Well, to deal with these weak things, the effect of direct mental attack seems to be too good.

Ignoring the extra corpses, blood, and white pulp on the ground, Liu Xu continued to walk inside.

A minute later, the owl who had just arrived watched helplessly as more than a dozen dangerous species who were guiding him all the way rushed into the cave, and then there was a scream of "quack..." from inside.

In the deepest part of the cave is a decent room.

"Damn it, that group of trash died so quickly!"

A man in a cloak covering his whole body cursed.

He was sitting at the table, furious at a pitch-black lock in his hand, and most people would regard him as a snake maniac when they saw him.

But it was just such a snake spirit who manipulated those non-mainstream-looking monsters to destroy everywhere, and even made the Revolutionary Army send people to investigate in fear.

So, it's really not easy to provoke the snake spirit disease to go crazy...

"Forget it, anyway, this is just one of them, and the real big guy hasn't appeared yet! Let you have fun with it..." The man smiled coldly, and took out a piece of gossip-like dish things.

"[Shangri-La], activate!"

Sheila pressed the gossip plate to the ground, and a circular pattern emerged on the rocky ground, shining slightly.

Everything in this small room began to shake, and it seemed that the space became unstable.

The light of the graphic array quickly dimmed, and the next moment, the door of the room was kicked open, and a young man with black hair and black eyes walked in.

Looking at the empty room, Liu Xu said to himself: "I have already run away, is it a special Teigu? I always feel that there is a smell of scum here."

Chapter 539 Mother and Daughter

"Ah, senior, are you alright?"

"Well, are you Chelsea?"

Just as Liu Xu walked out of the cave, a small black figure rushed towards him. If he hadn't heard someone's exclusive address, he might have slapped him directly.

The owl almost bumped into Liu Xu's face, but it barely stopped when it was less than an inch away.

Then, a puff of smoke rose, and she changed into a girl again.

"Exactly, did senior wipe out this place alone?" Chelsea leaned over and asked, her eyes seemed a little unbelievable.

"Well, maybe, maybe, but someone escaped." Liu Xu laughed.

"Ah, don't be humble, senior completed the task without my help, it's really amazing!" Chelsea patted Liu Xu on the shoulder, her tone was very relaxed.

By the way, isn't this mission yours?Is it really okay to do it all by me?Although it is true that I left you halfway...

As if seeing what Liu Xu was thinking, Chelsea said nonchalantly: "Ah, isn't this task asking me to trick my seniors to help me complete it? I've already said that I'm not the type to fight head-on, Najie Xitan said If you can fool the seniors, the others will definitely be fine."

Chelsea told the inside story outrightly, and Liu Xu instantly felt betrayed.

Also, everyone of NightRaid, your disaster is coming...

The two returned to the city, and then went back to their respective homes.

When Liu Xu saw Annie again, she was still wearing yesterday's clothes, with a short skirt full of moonlight, and her flavor was different from yesterday.

Sentimental energy is subtracted by three points, enchanting sex is increased by three points, and charm is increased by nine points.

No matter how delicate the buds are, they can't compare with the delicate and beautiful flowers in full bloom.

When I left in the morning, Annie was sleeping soundly, and now she had enough time to read magazines in the room.

Has she met Aggie?

Liu Xu was about to speak, when the door opened, it was Ai Ji.

While he was still thinking about how to deal with it, Annie said to Ai Ji: "Mom, my man is back!"

If Liu Xu was struck by lightning, he was stupid on the spot.

Aggie and Annie are mother and daughter?

Liu Xu felt so stupid, really!

Obviously feel that they are carved out of the same mold; obviously know that the F cup artifact is rare in the world; obviously see the small artifact and hear the dead father and go berserk, and the big artifact is just orphans and widows; obviously find that the small artifact is very familiar with this place, obviously No matter how obvious, there are so many, it really blinded my kryptonite dog eyes.

Annie quietly floated a complacent look, like an angel who had won a great victory, contemptuously contemptuous of the defeated general.

Ai Ji's face remained normal. During the war years, it was very common for men and women to have sex.

It is better for her daughter to give Liu Xu, a man she can see for the first time, than cheap gangsters outside.

Liu Xu glared at Annie, and silently said to Annie word by word: "Dare to lie to me, next time, fuck, die, you!"

Annie pretended to be a lady in front of her mother, but quietly stretched her right hand to the back of Ai Ji's head, raised her little finger to Liu Xu, and shook it gently.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, but soon the rescuers arrived.

The three gangsters who were exterminated yesterday led the way, and a dozen or so people directly blocked the door.

They were all dressed in black clothes and black trousers. Although they didn't show their weapons, they had a hostile expression and an aggressive aura.

The welcome lady was very winking, and hurried to report after seeing it from a distance.

Liu Xu quickly patted Yue Xiong's mouth and said, with him around, it's no problem.

Keeping the uninvited guests out of the door, Liu Xu glanced over and everything was under control.

The visitor is a martial artist, but it is limited to the extent that he can kill the first-level dangerous species.

Liu Xu sent them away in twos and twos, because Ai Ji's mother and daughter were both in the store, so the process of saving the beauty was omitted.

Back in the store, Ai Ji greeted her with a smile on her face.

imperial capital.

The architectural style of medieval Europe is gorgeous yet elegant.

Pedestrians are all wearing suits and foreign clothes, and only homeless people live in the dark corners of the city.

Compared with the attire of pedestrians, Tamiz's attire is a bit ordinary.

Keyashu Bookstore is also a well-known bookstore in the imperial capital. (ps: I don’t know the Keya tree, the author can only borrow the words of the prince: you are almost far away!)

"Oh!" Rabar looked at the visitor—Tazmi unexpectedly.

"Yo!" Tatsumi greeted with a smile.

Rabel pointed to the inside of his bookstore, motioning for Tazmi to come in with him.

"Be careful when you go in!" Rabel said when he opened the secret compartment.

"It feels like a secret base!" Tatsumi said excitedly.

"Really? I'm very proud!" Rabel said with a smirk.

"You didn't do this yourself!" Tatsumi looked at Rabel speechlessly, and continued to walk down.

"Ah, huh..." Leonai sat on the sofa with a comfortable face, "Welcome to the hidden home of the imperial capital!"

"Elder sister, you are too relaxed!" Tatsumi shouted furiously, looking at the table full of empty beer bottles.

"Next, Ma Yin's arrest warrants have been distributed everywhere." Rabel took out the arrest warrants, which belonged to Ma Yin. The only ones walking down the street are the three of us plus that guy..."

"That guy?" Tazmi was startled, and then realized that Lubbock was talking about Liu Xu.

Originally, Tatsumi and Leone also exposed their identities, but for some reason, Seleu did not provide portraits of them. It was probably because Leone's head was hit hard by the lion king, which resulted in the loss of the relationship between the two. memory.

"By the way, I also showed my face in the incident on the boat." Tazmi suddenly remembered the incident of the dragon boat beheading the three beast warriors.

"I think maybe the situation is not so good!" Lubbock said in a deep voice, "But you went for a walk just now, right? No one remembers your appearance!"

"Then, it turns out that people on the street are talking about that special policeman named Hunter!" Tatsumi said with a serious face.

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