The next day.

After a night of fighting, Liu Xu won a big victory, while Qiaoer was exhausted by Liu Xu, and was still sleeping soundly at dawn.

Seeing that Chuyang had already risen, Liu Xu knew that he should leave Qiao'er. If others saw it, he would not know what the next scene would look like.

After making up his mind, Liu Xu carefully took away Qiao'er's hand, put on his clothes and slipped out of the room. Seeing that it was still early in the morning, and Lujiazhuang was still sleeping like a lion, Liu Xu floated towards Lujiazhuang like a leaf. outside.

Obtaining [-]% of Ouyang Feng's internal strength, coupled with the Dafa of Changing Tendons and Cutting Marrow, Liu Xu can't do it if he doesn't want to be awesome.

The body lightly fell outside Lujiazhuang, and Liu Xu's stomach began to growl restlessly, causing Liu Xu to roll his eyes.

Liu Xu remembered that there were no people around Lujiazhuang, so it seemed that he had to start in Lujiazhuang if he wanted to find food, but it was still early, around six o'clock at most, and it was obviously inappropriate to knock on the door at this time, and he had to consider a very serious problem. The only problem is that Cheng Ying was taken away by me for the first time. If she complains to Huang Rong, then she will be finished.

After a night of relaxation, Liu Xu woke up in the morning and began to think about those difficult problems.

Cheng Ying probably wouldn't have said it, anyway, she did it voluntarily in the end, and after all, he was just half-pushing and giving it to her at most. If she wanted it, he would give it to her. This is the beauty of being an adult!

Liu Xu comforted himself with this thought.

Chapter 010 Tsundere Guo Fu

After waiting outside Lujiazhuang for more than half an hour, Liu Xu was already squatting on the ground. He was really hungry. If he continued like this, he would starve to death, so Liu Xu decided to find something to eat and fill his stomach first. Let's talk.

Sweet potatoes and tomatoes are all within Liu Xu's calculation range.

After choosing a direction, Liu Xu began to stride forward. After walking through the dense jungle, Liu Xu saw a watermelon field in front of him.

His appetite was immediately raised to the highest point, and no matter who won it, he jumped over the half-human high fence and attacked a big watermelon.

After struggling to tear it apart, Liu Xu was immediately attracted by the red color inside, held it to his mouth and began to gnaw...

After several minutes of hard work, Liu Xu finished five big watermelons in one go. He rubbed his stomach and hiccupped when he was full.

Looking at the rising sun, Liu Xu got up and wanted to walk towards Lujiazhuang.

After walking for a while, Liu Xu came to the front of Lujiazhuang. Seeing that the gate of Lujiazhuang had been opened, Liu Xu walked over.


Two servants stopped in front of Liu Xu.

"I'm Yang Guo, I'm here to meet Huang Rong, the leader of the Beggar Clan, and I'm very grateful for my introduction." Liu Xu said with a smile.

Seeing Liu Xu's upright and imposing aura, the servant believed it seventy percent, and the two whispered to each other, and one of them ran in.

After a while, he ran back again, with a very humble attitude, bowed and stood aside, and said, "Master Lu is here to invite you."

Following the servants through the garden, Liu Xu purposely looked at the third floor a few more times, then quickened his pace and walked forward.

When he came to the front of the hall, the servant stood on the side, spreading his right hand to signal Liu Xu to go in.

When Liu Xu crossed the threshold, he saw Huang Rong, Guo Jing, Lu Wushuang, Guo Fu, Wu Xiuwen, Wu Dunru, and Lu Zhanyuan. Seeing that everyone was in a bad mood, candles were lit on the hall, and a portrait was placed on it. Bai Bu, Liu Xu already knew that He Yuanjun was dead, it's a pity for that delicate little beauty, if she is still alive, Liu Xu has something to say to her.

"Yang Guo pays homage to everyone, please forgive me for disturbing you early in the morning." Liu Xu bowed.

"You are finally here, let auntie see how your injury is?" Huang Rong motioned for Liu Xu to come over, and then took his pulse.

After holding it for a while, her willow eyebrows frowned, and she said to herself: "It's strange, she was obviously poisoned by the Bingpo silver needle yesterday, why is her pulse so normal today, there is no sign of poisoning at all, and she is still alive and well."

Liu Xu was afraid that Huang Rong would see something, so he quickly withdrew his hand and said with a smile, "I'm a cheap man, if I want to die, Lord Yan won't accept me!"

Guo Fu stuck out her tongue and said, "I know I'm such a loser, yet I dare to come here."

"Fu'er, don't be rude to Yang Guo, after all, he is still your big brother." Huang Rong said with a smile.

"Hmph! He is dressed so sloppily, the devil would recognize him as the eldest brother!" Guo Fu pursed her lips and walked out.

"Cheng Ying, watch Miss Guo Fu, don't let her make any mistakes." Lu Zhanyuan said.

After Li Mochou's door-to-door provocation and his wife's death, Lu Zhanyuan has become very haggard, but as the host, he still has to arrange all matters, especially the safety of the guests.

Liu Xu watched Lu Wushuang walk out in front of him, and asked softly, "Where is Sister Cheng Ying?"

"Abducted by Li Mochou." Lu Wushuang stepped out with a twinkle in his eyes.

"After a while, brother Jing and I discussed it last night, and we decided to take you to Peach Blossom Island, which is very suitable for self-cultivation. When you become a talent, you will go to Xiangyang to help us resist the Mongolian army."

Now that Huang Rong has already arranged for her, can Liu Xu still refuse?He could only nod his head and said, "Well, thank you auntie for your hard work, I will work hard later."

"Huang Yaoshi is already waiting for us at the pier, we have to pack up our luggage and set off." Wu Xiuwen interrupted hastily.

"I've asked the guests to prepare breakfast, it's not too late for you to eat something before leaving." Lu Zhanyuan suggested.

"It's going to be a long day, let's have a good get-together in the future, Madam's funeral has not been completely settled, so we won't have any farewell meals." Huang Rong laughed.

"Alright, then I'll call Qiaoer to give you a ride."

After saying that, Lu Zhanyuan walked out.

Koji?Liu Xu was taken aback, but still pretended to be very calm. Looking at the two brothers Wu Dunru, Liu Xu wanted to step up and punch them a few times, because they were so ugly. If they dared to hit Guo Fu It's no wonder Liu Xu didn't abolish them.

While Huang Rong and the others were packing their luggage, Liu Xu began to plan what to do on Peach Blossom Island. It seemed that there was nothing else to do. Study?Well, let him be spared, he has read books for more than ten years in modern times.

Papa?Well, there must be a target. It seems that there are only Huang Rong and Guo Fu in Peach Blossom Island. It is easier to make up for Guo Fu. As for Huang Rong, Liu Xu still dare not act recklessly. After all, Huang Rong is very calm and resourceful. The measurement will still be expected by her, so she can only attack Guo Fu.

"Hey, you're still standing here, won't you help me with my luggage?" Guo Fu stared straight at Liu Xu.

When Liu Xu saw his prey appearing in front of him, he couldn't help but look at it a few times, then put his hands on his hips and said, "Your things are not mine, so why ask me to help you? It's so funny!"

"My mother is..."

"Is it the leader of the beggar gang, your father is the Beixia Guo Jing, your grandfather is Dongxie Huang Yaoshi, or something. A lot of famous people in the world are related to you, right? What else do you want to say? Why? Does it make sense to always talk about other people's achievements? If you have the guts, do it yourself!" Liu Xu exclaimed.

Guo Fu's face was reddened by Liu Xu's words, her eyes widened even wider, she just wanted to chop Liu Xu up and feed her to the dogs!

"Fu'er, you bullied Er again, didn't you?" Huang Rong walked over with a smile.

"It's him who keeps bullying me!" Guo Fu stomped.

"Which eye did you see?" Liu Xu asked back.

"Hmph!" Guo Fu snorted coldly and walked over to the two brothers Wu Dunru.

"Let us carry your luggage for you, don't worry about the kid." Wu Xiuwen said.

"It's not that I have no hands or feet, so why do you want them to take it? Get on with it!" Guo Fu stomped on Wu Dunru and walked out of Lujiazhuang angrily.

Huang Rong looked at Guo Fu's leaving figure, without shaking her head, she said, "It seems that I spoiled her."

Chapter 011 Peach Blossom Fairy Island

"Auntie, you don't have to worry about it. In time, Guo Fu will definitely understand your painstaking efforts, and then you won't have to bother so much."

As he spoke, Liu Xu took the burden from Huang Rong's shoulders and said with a smile, "Let me take this little thing!"

"It would be great if Fu'er could be as sensible as you." Huang Rong laughed and walked towards the door.

At this time, Qiao'er, who was dressed up beautifully, was coming on foot, and Liu Xu was stunned to see her exquisite and charming body tightly wrapped in her green clothes, and her tender red face was revealing a sense of maturity.

She was smiling halfway, looking at Liu Xu like a girl in Sanyuehuai. Then she lowered her head, looking very cute.

It seems that the standard for measuring a woman must be divided into day and night!

So sweet and lovely during the day, but so YD at night.

Qiao'er walked up to Liu Xu, raised her head slightly, and said, "Mr. Yang is good."

Liu Xu could hear her affection for him in those four simple words.

Liu Xu's heart felt as if it had been pricked by a needle, and he was still there in a daze.

"Master told me to take you to the pier, please go!" Qiao'er said.

"Haha..." Liu Xu laughed dryly and walked towards the door.

The port looks endless.

As the oars pushed the waves away, the boat carrying Liu Xu and others headed towards Peach Blossom Island.

Standing at the stern of the boat, Liu Xu looked at Qiaoer who had been standing on the pier and refused to leave, and murmured: "Although I define her as a female worry, but she cares so much about me, it's hard for her, alas, Men are like this, just for fun, why be emotional?"

Guo Fu slipped to the stern because she wanted to see the distant view of Lujiazhuang. Seeing Liu Xu was looking at the rear, she slipped behind Liu Xu, raised her hand and patted him on the shoulder, shouting, "Hey, if you want to turn around, I can Ask the boatman to row back."

Liu Xu was taken aback by Guo Fu. Looking at this naughty and cute little girl, Liu Xu couldn't forgive her for chopping off the real Yang Guo's arm. , Liu Xu will definitely give Guo Fu to that before that!

Seeing that Liu Xu didn't speak, but just looked at her with absent-minded eyes, Guo Fu felt uncomfortable all over, as if she would lose a piece of meat if Liu Xu looked at him a few more times. She stared at Liu Xu and shouted coquettishly: " This young lady is so beautiful, how can someone like you look at her!"

Liu Xu sneered and said: "In my eyes, there is no such thing as good or bad, only pleasing to the eye and not pleasing to the eye. If I don't like you, even if you look better than Xi Shi, I still won't look at you. "

"Then you just looked at me all the time, that means I'm pleasing to the eye, and you think I'm more beautiful than Xi Shi?" Guo Fu immediately began to take the words literally.

Liu Xu spread his hands helplessly, and said, "You can understand it as you like, and it has nothing to do with me."

Guo Fu puffed up her cheeks, turned around and walked into the cabin.

a few days later.

Liu Xu stood at the bow of the boat as usual.

A gust of wind came from the front, Liu Xu moved his nose, and seemed to smell the faint fragrance of peach blossoms in the air. The fragrance of flowers, as warm as the warm light of the twelfth lunar month, made Liu Xu take a deep breath unconsciously.

He suddenly covered his nose, and his forehead began to ache.

At this time, Huang Rong suddenly poked her head out of the cabin, and seeing Liu Xu's expression was a little painful, she knew that Liu Xu had made an ordinary mistake.

This is already a sea area where peach blossoms are fragrant. If you don't learn to regulate your breathing and enter the inner sea, then Liu Xu may be poisoned and die.

Few outsiders came in and out of Peach Blossom Island, so Huang Rong ignored the fact that Liu Xu didn't know how to breathe when the boat was sailing.

Huang Rong hurriedly walked up to Liu Xu, stretched out her hand and hit the Tiantu acupoint in front of Liu Xu's Yuexiong, so that he would stop inhaling the fragrance of peach blossoms.

"Come on, try to hold your breath now, and you'll be fine once you pass through this sea of ​​peach blossoms and fragrance." Huang Rong comforted. She wanted to teach Liu Xu how to adjust his breath, but she felt that he didn't even have a little knowledge of martial arts. Now Learning is a waste of time, it is better to teach him how to cross this sea.

Liu Xu is already a congenital body now, how can this kind of peach blossom fragrance get him, just because he was not used to it just now, now that Huang Rong gave him the steps, he hurriedly covered his mouth, nodded straight, and from his fingers A few words popped out of the cracks.

"Well, I see, thank you Auntie for reminding me."

Seeing that Liu Xu is so sensible, Huang Rong felt very relieved. As long as he inherits Mu Nianci's fine traditions and discards Yang Kang's bad habits, then this piece of martial arts material will definitely become a talent.

The boat sailed into a dense fog, and Liu Xu felt that he had entered a fairyland. Huang Rong in the haze was even more seductive, stimulating Liu Xu's eyes like a hermit fairy, but for Huang Rong, Liu Xu Xu didn't know how to do it yet, he could only laugh dryly and stood there motionless.

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