Liu Xu smirked and closed his eyes to determine the location of the girl's fragrance. It seemed... It seemed to come from underground!

Liu Xu suddenly opened his eyes, stared at the ground, and said to himself: "It seems that I am overthinking."

Liu Xu laughed and wanted to go back, his eyes accidentally caught sight of a small Buddha head "growing" on the fake peach tree next to him.

Without even thinking about it, Liu Xu went to pick off the little Buddha's head. As soon as the little Buddha's head was taken off, a gust of cold air gushed out from below, covering Liu Xu's whole body.

After a while, the cold air began to weaken, and Liu Xu had disappeared, only a small Buddha head lying alone on the ground.

Liu Xu felt that his world was completely plunged into darkness, felt that his body was being surrounded by an extremely cold air, and his breathing was becoming weaker and weaker...

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Xu suddenly opened his eyes and saw a group of Antarctic penguins!

He looked at the place where he was staying, it was an igloo!

"Ah..." Liu Xu roared and opened his eyes. When he looked at the surrounding environment, he froze. Could it be that he was dreaming?Because he saw head-sized ice flowers blooming all around, all ice flowers, and he couldn't see any other plants.

Liu Xu shook his body and jumped up, and hurriedly used his internal energy to drive away the coldness on his body. If his body didn't possess [-]% of Ouyang Feng's internal energy, he would probably have turned into a popsicle.

Looking up, Liu Xu saw a piece of darkness, probably covered with a layer of mud, Liu Xu only remembered that he touched the head of the little Buddha, and then the ground cracked, and he fell down, not knowing that he was dizzy How long has it been.

Liu Xu walked carefully between the ice flowers, for fear of disturbing these elf flowers.

He doesn't know which direction he is going now, anyway, he wants to leave these ice flowers most now, he always feels that these ice flowers are too arrogant, and a low-level person like himself is not suitable to destroy these ice flowers.

After walking for a while, Liu Xu still couldn't see the end of hope, and always felt that he was abandoned in the boundless wilderness.

It’s okay to be left in the wilderness, but the most important thing is that there are no women. If there is a woman, it’s good to play desert island games with her. You can do whatever you want. If you create another Li family, it will be even better up!

Liu Xu was taken aback by the sensuality that came from his bones, so he restrained himself and continued walking forward.

After walking for a while, Liu Xu felt that the ice flowers near here became bigger and more coquettish, as if they were about to bloom.

Looking forward, Liu Xu saw gusts of cold air rising in front of him, and a coffin carved with ice crystals was being supported by thousands of ice flowers.

Just as Liu Xu was about to walk over, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the left, and he hurriedly squatted aside.

When he saw clearly the owner of the footsteps, Liu Xu was taken aback. This person was none other than Lu Zhanyuan.

He walked to the side of the coffin, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and cried: "Yuan Jun, you have been away from me for some time, you don't even know how I came here these days, why are you so stupid, why are you so stupid? You killed yourself for me, I am actually a man who is not worth your sacrifice, if it weren't for the strict family style, I might have been with Li Mochou, hey, Li Mochou, Li Mochou, you changed for me To be so ruthless, why bother..."

Chapter 029 You Are A Concubine

Liu Xu tilted his head and listened, he understood the general idea, that is, He Yuanjun was in the coffin, and Lu Zhanyuan came here to mourn her, but he also talked about his love and hatred with Li Mochou, which made him very uncomfortable.

Li Mochou is the woman Liu Xu wants to subdue, he doesn't want to remember that she once loved Lu Zhanyuan when he was with her.

After waiting for a long time, the weeping Lu Zhanyuan finally stood up and walked back.

After confirming that Lu Zhanyuan was far away, Liu Xu walked towards the coffin.

When he saw He Yuanjun in the ice coffin with his hands on his lower abdomen, naked and naked, Liu Xu's body immediately became restless.

She looks so perfect, so Liu Xu's heart is moved.

Probably because he was afraid that the corpse would be corroded by the clothes, He Yuanjun's corpse was left bare. Anyway, it would be better if it was not hung. What Liu Xu wants is this kind of blood spraying scene, otherwise she has to take off her clothes, what a bother!

Liu Xu crouched in front of the ice coffin and looked at the dead He Yuanjun carefully. He looked like a Sleeping Beauty in a dream, with no sign of a dead body at all.

He Yuanjun is the object of YY in the minds of many sculpture fans. Since I saw her, there is no one here anyway, hehe...

After making up his mind, Liu Xu began to caress the still elastic face. It seemed that the temperature here was set just right, and the corpse would neither rot nor freeze like a popsicle.

Liu Xu hoped that she would come back to life and start a big fight.

It's a pity that this is just a dream, the corpse is still a corpse, and it is impossible to resurrect it.

"It's a pity." Liu Xu sighed.

Suddenly, Liu Xu was stunned, he wondered: "Impossible, how could a dead person have such softness?"

Liu Xu withdrew his fingers in a panic, and stared blankly at He Yuanjun's body.

This is at most Jin Yong's world of martial arts, and it's not someone's fantasy novel, so it doesn't have to be so fantasy, right?

Liu Xu was depressed.

Except for not breathing, this is no different from a living person!

Liu Xu was very depressed. When he noticed that there seemed to be something glowing inside He Yuanjun's slightly parted thin lips, he quickly lowered his head and carefully opened He Yuanjun's mouth.

A light bead the size of an agate is lying in her mouth. There are two red and green air currents in the light bead that are constantly circulating, just like the two levels of yin and yang.

Is this the legendary relic?

I'm so meow, it's really too fantasy.

Liu Xu remembers that the relics in martial arts novels can prevent corpses from corroding, and can even keep corpses in their pre-death appearance, including appearance, skin and physiological functions.

Combined with the abnormal phenomenon on He Yuanjun's body, Liu Xu can already confirm that this is the relic.

Since she is no different from being alive now, it means that even if she is with her, there is no problem.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu felt great anticipation for what was about to happen.

The expectation became a reality, and Liu Xu was also physically exhausted.

It's really tiring, I don't know how to cooperate at all, and Liu Xu is the only one who contributes.

At this time, Liu Xu suddenly noticed a slight movement in He Yuanjun's mouth.

He saw it clearly, and hurriedly lowered his head and lay down in front of He Yuanjun Yuexiong.


Although it was very weak, He Yuanjun's heart was indeed still beating.

Liu Xu broke out in a cold sweat from fright. Could it be that he is about to turn into a dead body?

He Yuanjun's thin lips opened slightly, a gust of heat rose, and then her eyes opened. When she saw a strange man lying on top of her, she showed no expression at all, spat out the relic, and asked, "Excuse me?" Where is this place?"

Liu Xu stared straight at He Yuanjun, put his hand under her nose, settled down after making sure she was breathing, and ignored He Yuanjun, because he really didn't know what to say!

He Yuanjun sat up after resting for a while, and asked, "Excuse me, my lord, where is this place and who am I?"

Liu Xu came back to his senses and asked back, "Don't you know who you are?"

He Yuanjun looked at the relic in his palm and said doubtfully: "My mind is blank, I can't remember anything."

A burst of joy immediately lingered in Liu Xu's heart. Since He Yuanjun has lost his memory, then...

Liu Xu smiled and said seriously: "Actually, you are my concubine. We ran here when we lost our way. Later, you fainted from the cold, so I dedicated myself to save you. Fortunately, you woke up, otherwise I wouldn't be here." Know what to do."

"Oh." He Yuanjun replied, she didn't know what to say, since the man in front of her was her concubine, it was only natural to do that kind of thing just now, and he was still saving herself!

"Where are my clothes?" He Yuanjun asked as he felt the chill.

"Uh, it seems to be gone." Liu Xu replied.

"I'm a little cold, Mr. He." He Yuanjun bent his legs.

Liu Xu hurriedly hugged Liu Xu, warming He Yuanjun's body, pretending to say affectionately: "Don't worry, I'm by your side."

He Yuanjun hugged Liu Xu's neck, looked at the darkness around him, and said worriedly: "Sir, can we leave here? I'm so scared."

Liu Xu licked He Yuanjun's lips, took her relic and stuffed it into his pocket, and said, "Then let's find a way out now."

Liu Xu pulled He Yuanjun up, put on his pants, and walked in the direction where Lu Zhanyuan left.

"Sir, what's my name?" He Yuanjun asked.

Liu Xu thought for a while, then laughed and said, "Your name is Wu Teng Lan."

"Wu Teng Lan?" He Yuanjun tilted his head, "Wu Teng Lan, what a strange name."

"It's not surprising, it's your name." Liu Xu smiled wickedly.

"Then why did we come here?" He Yuanjun asked again.

"Actually, there is something I want to tell you. This is the strength of Lujiazhuang. The head of Lujiazhuang is called Lu Zhanyuan. He just died a few days ago. It looks a bit similar, so when we came to Jiaxing from the Western Regions, he was attracted to you and wanted to take you as his own, so I fell here to protect you." When Liu Xu lied, he even Without blinking.

He Yuanjun frowned, and muttered, "There are so many bad guys!"

Liu Xu grabbed He Yuanjun's hand and said affectionately: "Don't worry, I am the ultimate good person, I will definitely not let you fall into his clutches, if you can go out, I will send you to a place to hide for a while. "

"Thank you, Mr., you really love me." He Yuanjun clung to Liu Xu like a bird.

Chapter 030

After walking for a while, Liu Xu noticed that the surrounding ice flowers began to decrease and the temperature began to rise. It seemed that the exit was not far away.

After a while, Liu Xu and He Yuanjun came to a plum tree.

"Wait for me here."

Liu Xu let go of his hands and walked over alone, and immediately saw a small Buddha's head hanging on a branch.

He took a few steps back, picked up an ice flower and smashed it hard. He didn't believe that an accident would happen if he stood so far away.

The little Buddha shook his head under the tree and fell to the ground.

Liu Xu immediately became alert.

"Master, behind you." He Yuanjun exclaimed.

Liu Xu hurriedly turned his head, but saw a wall rushing towards him.

"I'm so meow... that's okay too..."

Liu Xu cursed secretly and jumped to the back, the wall crashed to the ground, and a long-lost sunlight shot in.

If it was a few steps later, Liu Xu would probably have turned into a meatloaf.

"Wait here, let me see if there is anyone outside."

After speaking, Liu Xu walked over cautiously.

Liu Xu slipped outside to look at the terrain, only to find that this was a mountain south of Lujiazhuang... Only a corner of the observation tower remained in Nuoda's Lujiazhuang, and Liu Xu could still see a guard with a knife patrolling.

Liu Xu turned around and shouted, "Tenglan, come out!"

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