"Okay, it's safe."

As soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, Heiji, who had a strong sense of justice, picked up the scooter and ran out.

The bandit has disappeared.

When Heiji was about to pass the bank parking lot, Heiji suddenly heard a "boom", followed by the sound of glass breaking.

The alert Heiji quickly hid behind a car.

When he secretly poked his head out to look, he was shocked. It turned out that it was the group of bank robbers just now.

They're robbing cash vans right now.

There were a total of five gangsters in addition to the previous three, and two more, one with a shotgun and one with a pistol.

And a bank employee was moving boxes of money to another car under the threat of gangsters.

On the ground next to them, there were two staff members crawling, apparently dead.

"Shocking! They pretended to rob a bank, but the real target was a cash truck."

"Conan, you..."

Kogoro and Xiaolan were worried about Heiji, and chased him out, only to see him hiding here sneakily.

The voices of Xiaolan and Xiaogoro not only startled Heiji, but also alarmed the gangsters.

When Pingji didn't know what to do, the five gangsters had already rushed out by car.


The staff member who carried the boxes shouted.

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Chapter 203 Reiko Kujo

Before Kogoro and Ran could react, Heiji jumped on the scooter and gave chase.

"Xiao Lan, I think you should go to the bank first, and I'll go and see the wounded..."

Kogoro was also sober at this time, he was only worried about this brat Heiji, and forgot to call the police, but there are so many people in the bank, at this time, someone might have already called the police.

Although Heiji tried his best, the gangster's car was going too fast, and he could hardly catch up.

At this moment, the alarm bell on the railway platform ahead rang, and the level crossing was slowly lowered.

However, the gangster did not stop the car, but rushed over abruptly, smashing the level crossing into pieces.

"Damn it, let him run away!"

The result of chasing the robbers in Pingji is naturally...

Did not catch up.

"What?! A billion!"

Kogoro couldn't keep his mouth shut when he heard that police officer Mu Mu had stolen a whole billion yuan.

"One billion!"

Kogoro stretched out ten fingers, thinking about what a billion is.

"Yes! It is said that all the money that the head office will distribute to the branches below has been robbed!"

After speaking, Megure asked Heiji again.

"Conan, the license plate number of the gangster you just told me is correct!"

"Well, absolutely not!"

Heiji nodded affirmatively. He is a famous detective in Kanto, as famous as Kudo Shinichi, so naturally he can't even remember the license plate.

"The robbers were two masked gangsters with pistols and shotguns... Fortunately, the guards are not seriously injured!"

Mu Mu stroked his chin and pondered for a while, then turned to look at the three guards who were taking statements.

"At that time, the armored vehicle arrived, and we prepared to move the cash out as planned. At this time, the window glass was shattered suddenly, and I was shocked. When I looked back, there was a masked man standing outside the window." Point the gun at me! I tried to press the alarm bell to call Xiaoshan and Murata who were sitting in the cab, but there was no response in the cab! I thought they must have been killed, so I opened the door..."

The guard carrying the banknotes was describing what happened just now to the police.

"Officer, you must understand that I was helpless at that time."

The guard said to the police who took the statement with a sad face.

"Uncle Guard!"

Heiji put his hands on the back of his head and said to the guard, "You're really lucky!"

"Hey, how do you say that?"

Both the guards and the police looked at Heiji in surprise.

"The cash van is all covered in black glass that you can't see inside, right?"


The guard didn't know what he wanted to do, but it was common sense, so he nodded.

"Then, the gangster fired without seeing the inside. Not only did he miss the uncle, but he just hit the bag containing the change, so that the bullets would not ricochet around. It's either your luck, or..."

Heiji deliberately paused while speaking, observing the guard's reaction, and suddenly said, "The gangster already knows the location of the change bag, right?"

"Ah! You, what are you talking about?"

The guard looked nervous, and even stuttered when he spoke.

Actually, this is just a possibility in Heiji's reasoning, but judging from the guard's reaction...

"Miss Hirota, where did you go at such an important moment just now?"

Who is so angry!

Heiji turned his head and saw that it was the bank boss, a fat guy with big ears.

He is reprimanding Miss Hirota.

"I'm really sorry, I just changed shifts and went to lunch!"

Miss Hirota said aggrievedly.

"Young girls nowadays don't know what they are thinking. What time do you think it is? Is your watch broken?"

The boss is still relentless.

Hearing the boss's reprimand to Hirota, Heiji added another doubt in his mind.

At this time, Takagi ran out of breath and reported to Mumu that he found a vehicle that might be used by the gangsters to escape.

"Really! Where is the car now, brother Takagi?"

Both Megure and Kogoro tensed up.

"The car is on the bank of the Diwu River, which is next to the iron bridge in TR County."

"Okay, I'll go there right away." Officer Megure turned to Kogoro again. "Brother Maori, come here too!"

"No problem! Xiaolan, then you should take Conan back first."

Before leaving, Xiao Wulang confessed to Xiao Lan that as for Liu Xu, he was still in the bank when they tied the match just now, but when Xiao Wulang and his daughter returned to the bank again, Liu Xu had disappeared.

Afterwards, Kogoro, Police Officer Megure and Takagi set off.

"We should go back, Conan! Conan? I don't know where this kid went!"

Heiji couldn't be found anywhere, and Xiaolan stomped her feet angrily.

As for where is Liu Xu?

Time, half an hour earlier.

As soon as the robbers left, the entire bank was in chaos, as if a pot had exploded.

"Sister, are you alright!"

"No, it's fine, thank you." Reiko looked at the young man in front of her, with a gentle look on her icy pretty face, "You call me sister?"

After listening to Lingzi's words, Liu Xu frowned and looked at her, and said doubtfully, "Sister, although you are not a few years older than me, it seems inappropriate to be my younger sister, right?"

"Is it just how old you are? Little brother, you are so funny!"

Reiko gave a "puchi" smile.

My brother is not young at all, you will have a chance to meet him later.

Of course Liu Xu would not reveal his true inner thoughts. He touched his head and asked, "Sister, what are you doing at the bank?"

When Lingzi heard this, she gave Liu Xu a complicated look, and said, "I'll come to the bank to withdraw money!"

Liu Xu felt as if he had been hit on the head with a stick. He was really stupid, and the question he asked was too idiotic.

Although Reiko Kujo is a beautiful woman, she also needs to eat and shop. When she comes to the bank, she either withdraws money or deposits it. Could it be that she came to meet her by chance?

"Okay, I'm leaving, you should leave too!"

With that said, Reiko Kujo left the bank.

Liu Xu thought for a while and followed.

Out of some kind of sixth sense, Liu Xu followed Reiko Kujo to protect her. Of course, you can insist that he walks behind.

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Chapter 204 Heroes Save America

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Reiko had to go through a park on her way home. Since it was already afternoon and it was not a weekend, there were no people in the park.

Walking alone on the cobbled path, thinking of the boy who called her sister in the bank just now, Reiko couldn't help feeling a little warm in her heart, and her mood improved accordingly.

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