Unknowingly, the time arrived in the afternoon.

"That's right, I had a good time today, so I decided to give you a gift, which is what you deserved..." Esdesh's pretty face flushed slightly, and it became more and more charming against the backdrop of the sunset.

Gift?Deserving... should be said is not a 'on top' thing, what kind of gift is that?

Liu Xu was full of expectations.

Back at Hunter's headquarters, Esdes asked Liu Xu to go to the training room, and gave him fifteen minutes to finish the afternoon fighting training for all Hunter members before going to her room.

Fifteen minutes later, six o'clock.

In front of Estes' room door, Liu Xu took a few deep breaths and knocked on the door.

But the queen didn't respond, but after hearing some small voices, the door lock was automatically unlocked. Liu Xu naturally understood, opened the door little by little, and walked in.

Estes, who was in sight, did not stay in the room, but sat on the balcony that was not open that day.

She sank lazily in the pure white chair, while bathing in the last brilliance of the setting sun, she tilted her feet and shook the wine glass in her hand.

Through the crimson liquid, what I saw was her meaningful smile.

Liu Xu approached and found that besides the tea set, there was a rectangular box on the table in front of Estes, not too big but not too small.

What Liu Xu cares about is not only this, but what is indescribable is that the things that seem to be contained here have an unexpected attraction to him.

"Inside is..."

Liu Xu had a feeling that something inside was calling him.

"You'll know when you open it."

Estes drank the wine in the glass and said.

Before Liu Xu could answer, Estes reached out and turned the box over, tapped his finger on the lock surface, and the extremely hard encryption lock turned into ice chips in an instant, scattered by the wind and reflected in the air. shine.

The box that lost its confinement was gradually opened, and the white mist came out from the gap, and became more dense as the opening got bigger and bigger, but the items lying in the box were not affected at all.

As far as Liu Xu saw, there was a ring in the box.

Complicated design, gorgeous engraving.

"How about it, do you like it?" Estes' voice brought Liu Xu back to reality, "Although you already have Teigu, as a reward for the championship, Teigu still wants to give it to you, you can't take advantage of that fat pig! "

Liu Xu knew that the fat pig Esdesi was referring to was the minister.

"The Teigu of the Ring, the starry sky summons [Shen Ji Wushuang], the ability is unknown!" Esdeth said in a calm voice.

"Unknown ability?" Liu Xu raised his brows, he became more interested in the Teigu of the Ring.

"Since the death of its first owner, no one has been able to use it, so the ability is unknown." Esdeath's fingertips slid gently on the ring, as if responding. Where she outlined, white mist drifted away and formed a line, which dissipated after a surge, "Okay, put it on quickly! Once you put on the ring, you are really mine. "

"Is that why I chose Teigu of the Ring?" Liu Xu was so moved by Esdesh's good intentions that he couldn't be more moved, so he could only secretly make up his mind to repay her love even more when he was on the top at night.

Chapter 581

Although Estes was speechless in choosing the Teigu ring, Liu Xu still decided to wear the ring.

Liu Xu stretched out his hand slowly, the closer his fingers got to it, the faster his heart beat.

Even the cold feeling couldn't stop Liu Xu's blood from boiling and galloping violently the moment it touched the ring.

Completely different from its surface, when Liu Xu held it and picked it up, he realized the torrent-like power, so hot, and so exciting.

Completely different emotions emerged from his heart, something was yearning, yearning for the red liquid, yearning for the violence that tortured everything.

Yeah, that seems like it should be.

When putting on the ring, Liu Xu only felt a loud "bang" in his ears, and the whole world collapsed.

Turn around.

Liu Xu managed to stabilize his emotions and found himself in a strange place.

"It seems that something strange happened again..." Liu Xu remained calm, at least on the surface.

He looked at the ring on his finger, and knew that the root of all the accidents was this ring.

When Liu Xu stared at the ring intently, a sentence sounded in his mind, and he followed it up: "In the name of the demon god, with the soul as the door and faith as the bridge, I signed an eternal contract and obeyed my call. Come to the other side of the starry sky!"

Raising his arm high, the Teigu of the Ring called "Summoning the Starry Sky [Shenji Wushuang]" in his hand turned from dark to bright amidst Liu Xu's continuous voice, and finally shot out a dazzling white light .

The next moment, in mid-air, an extremely exquisite white giant gate appeared out of thin air, and countless mysterious inscriptions were engraved on the gate.

Afterwards, the door gradually opened, and a transparent bridge extended from it, connecting the ground and the giant door.


The sound of metal trampling on the ground sounded, and a figure finally walked out of the giant gate, and came in front of Liu Xu along the transparent bridge.

"Following the call, are you my Master?"

Beneath the long golden hair is a beautiful face, which is not like the beauty that humans can have, but more like a goddess who descended from the sky. The delicate silver armor is connected to the pleated skirt. It's a pair of slender and tight legs, and silver over-the-knee combat boots.

On the right hand, there is a white cross-like sword held tightly. I don't know if it is an illusion, but a wave of scorching air is spreading.

"Tell me your name." Liu Xu asked.

"I am..." The girl in silver armor was interrupted, "It doesn't matter who you are, because you will disappear soon."

This is the voice of an unusually enchanting and charming girl. If you just listen to the voice without thinking about the meaning of the words, you may think that it is a girl in love who is acting like a baby to her sweetheart.

As soon as the words fell, a young girl walked out of the light gate again.

This is a well-educated girl who looks like a young lady. Her long black hair is tied into two braids. The unusually long bangs almost cover the left half of her face. Her skin is as white and smooth as pearls, and her right eye is ruby ​​red. His left eye was covered by bangs, making it impossible to see. He was dressed in a black gothic dress.

"Who are you?" The silver armored girl asked.

Her answer was a lasing bullet.

The white cross sword held in the right hand of the girl in silver armor was actually covered with a thin ball of flame, and then swung it out suddenly from the air.

The group of flames covering the sword was directly blasted out by this slash, and precisely landed on the girl's body, shooting out.

The transparent flame bombarded the girl's body and did not dissipate immediately. Instead, it started to burn crazily like tarsal maggots, and it became more and more prosperous. But the strange thing is that the surrounding air did not burn because of the burning. heat up.

"This is an attack... How could it kill her!" Liu Xu looked at the figure burning with flames, "Is that so, Kuang Sanchan!"

The girl who came through the light gate was none other than Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Kill, drop, you, oh!"

Kuang San's lifeless body fell to the ground, but there was a voice, still the girl's charming voice, but it didn't come from the body that fell on the ground, but...

With black double ponytails and wearing a red and black gothic outfit, Kuang San emerged from the red shadow beside the corpse, with a creepy smile on his face.

"It's so disgusting to be so rude to others! I, I hate being hurt!" While speaking, Kuang San stuck out his tongue and happily touched his plump lips.

The words are unusually obscene, but they don't leave an impression of obscenity, as if the girl in front of her should be like this.

"So, please treat him gently!" Kuang San smiled softly, and countless "hands" suddenly appeared on the ground, and then dragged the scorched girl's body into the red shadow.

"Are you summoned by me?" Liu Xu was curious.

"Yes, but you are not someone else's Master!"

"Is that why you want to kill me?"

"Correct solution, so go die!"

The girl in silver armor stood in front of Liu Xu.

"Looks like I'm going to kill your Shen Ji first!"

The neatly cut bangs covered the left eye, and in the exposed eyes, it could be seen that the left eye was a golden clock.

This is such a strange girl with pearly white and smooth skin and a pretty face, but with a chilling twisted smile on her face, her two-color pupils, one red and one gold, are staring straight at the armored girl in front of her. girl.

"Let me do it!" Liu Xu summoned Ardaius. It doesn't matter if it's another opponent, but he really likes the sick girl, Tokisaki Kurumi, so he doesn't want others to "kill" her.

As he said that, the death scythe swung out, drawing countless black tracks, and one after another sharp blades outlined the dazzling shadow of the storm, instantly obliterating the petite and small figure of Tokisaki Kurumi standing there.

Surprised, Kuang San wanted to dodge, her body kept jumping around, but under the overwhelming blade, it seemed that any dodge was futile.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that the elf girl can't even resist.

If there is only this little power, it is too weak for an elf.

This was the voice of Liu Xu who was fighting her.

as predicted……

After the "second place" Tokisaki Kusan turned into a pool of blood, countless shadows appeared around Liu Xu, and countless chaotic voices rang out.

"Allah, that's too rough!"

"Really, treating a weak lady like this is not a gentleman at all..."

"But... it won't end so soon!"

ps: Three sisters who love madness!

Chapter 582 Sick girl, engraved emperor

There are so many monologues that the scalp is numb, without exception, they are all voices of the girl named Tokisaki Kurumi.

Then, countless Tokisaki Kurumi emerged from the shadows.

Tokisaki Kurumi, Tokisaki Kurumi, Tokisaki Kurumi...

Double-color pupils, double ponytails, gothic outfits, exactly the same looks, the number is close to hundreds, and all of them are Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Hmph, summon yourself from the past timeline? Time is really an ability that I love!" Liu Xu held Yuexiong's mouth with both hands, and looked around at the girls who surrounded him, "But ah, the pain of death I suffered I have to bear more, is it worth it, third place?"

"Ala, ala, to ask if it's worth it..." This was the voice of Tokisaki Kurumi standing directly in front of Liu Xu, and she put her small black silk gloved hand on her mouth and smiled coquettishly, "As long as I can fulfill my original wish , everything is worth it.”

"In this way, don't you feel that the work is too tiring?" Liu Xu closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Without him, everything would be different." Seeming to be a little confused, Kuangsan lowered her head slightly and put her fingers on her plump lips. She then chuckled, "So, we must kill him." Woolen cloth!"

"I can help you." Liu Xu opened his eyes.

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