The TV Tower, located in the east of Tokyo, is radiant and exquisite under the rendering of night lights; but in the daytime, it feels like the tallest and largest illegal building in Tokyo.

Many nightclubs that are full of many small streets in Tokyo have also opened for business. There are many beautiful girls in scantily clad seats inside the glass doors, making many passing male students blush and causing many middle-aged and elderly men passing by to burst into eyes. sudden.

On the side of the fence near the river on Lover's Road, Liu Xu and Zhijin sat on a chair for pedestrians to rest. Today she was wearing a white suspender dress, tall and slender, with undulating under the white dress.

At this time, Zhijin got up and leaned against the riverside barrier, with his chin propped on his jade arm, leaning slightly, his eyes fell on the river thoughtfully.

She looked at the rushing water in the river, her eyes were a little blurred.


Liu Xu called her name.


Shijin turned his head and leaned his head lightly.

After Shijin leaned his head against the faces of the two, breathing could be heard.

Liu Xu looked at Zhijin, those eyes were so beautiful.

Zhijin's pretty face flushed, and Liu Xu took the opportunity to move closer...

At this moment, there was something pure and beautiful in Zhijin's heart, and a crack appeared.

It can no longer be made up.

After parting his lips for a long time, Liu Xu said softly, "It smells so good!"

At this time, I saw Zhijin's wide-eyed eyes and slightly opened mouth. The shyness, joy, anticipation, surprise, and complaints in his eyes were mixed together, and he was confused, unable to say what he wanted to express.

"You, why are you ignoring me?"

There was a small gap between Shizu's lips.

How can there be any reason for this kind of thing?

Although Liu Xu's IQ is just a few blocks away, in some respects, he is surprisingly naive!

However, Liu Xu also really confirmed one thing, that is, Zhijin was really close to him on purpose, otherwise, this is the second meeting between the two, how could it develop into a relationship that can be talked about? Needless to say, Liu Xu can Succeeding is naturally a relationship that Zhijin tolerates to the utmost.

Behind this incident, there is a name that is ready to be revealed.

Roll Island E people!

"When you were listening to the concert just now, you pinched me, and I will charge some interest back!"

Liu Xu looked at Zhijin's face, smelled the fragrance from her face and hair in his nose, and felt the heat of Zhijin's exhaled breath on his cheeks.

He just admired Shizu's thrilling beauty from such a close distance.

"You bastard, I'm going back."

After speaking, under Liu Xu's hot eyes, Zhijin, who was already blushing, turned around and ran away.

ps: Please ask for flower evaluation, monthly ticket collection, subscription and reward!

Chapter 219 The Little Prince of Hue

Liu Xu accompanied Zhijin to her house, and they didn't say anything to each other on the way.

"why do not you talk?"

Seeing Liu Xu walking with his head muffled, Zhijin pretended nothing happened as soon as he finished kissing him?

"So sweet!"

Liu Xu glanced at Zhijin.

"What? Ah... what are you doing?"

"Your lips!"

Liu Xu moved his hand away from Zhijin's lips.


Shizu blushed.

"Hmph! Now I can't walk anymore, you have to find a way."

Shizu suddenly said arrogantly.

"Can't walk anymore?"

Liu Xu stopped.


Shijin said unhappily.

"Have you thought it through?"

Hearing Zhijin's childish words, Liu Xu looked at her with a smirk.

"Hmph, who is afraid of whom?"

Looking at Liu Xu's teasing eyes, Zhijin looked stubborn.

"You said it yourself."

As soon as the words were finished, Liu Xu suddenly stretched out his hand, held Zhijin's willow waist with one hand, and put his hand into the crook of her leg with the other, and hugged Zhijin horizontally.


With a soft cry, a pair of delicate and smooth jade hands were already on Liu Xu's shoulders.

At this moment, Zhijin was no longer allowed to make any resistance, and Liu Xu silently enjoyed the intimacy from her hands.

He put his hands on the slippery pink shoulders of Shijin's suspender dress, and at the same time leaned her body against his arms.

Before Zhijin had a chance to speak, Liu Xu smiled and said, "It's done."

After speaking, he ran forward like flying.

In about twenty minutes or so, Liu Xu had safely sent Zhijin home.

At the door of Zhijin's house, Liu Xu gently put her down.

Running all the way, Liu Xu didn't let Zhijin down at the gate of the community.

At this time, Liu Xu found that his shirt was already exposed with sweat.

Running for tens of minutes with someone in your arms, you actually sweat?

This is simply too abnormal.

Zhijin stood up straight, raised his head and lifted Yue Xiongbu to exhale. He was crushed enough by running all the way just now.

What seems abnormal may not be my own fault!

"Big pervert. Wolf."

Noticing that Liu Xu had been looking at her all the time, Zhijin suddenly broke out in a low voice.

"You rest, I'm leaving first."

Liu Xu smiled, then took his leave and prepared to leave.

Of course he didn't intend to leave, he was just playing hard to get.

"Don't go, I'm hungry, you can make me something to eat."

Shizu opened the door.

Liu Xu shrugged indifferently, and succeeded in playing hard to get.

Of course, it was impossible for Zhijin to let him leave so easily, which was exactly what Liu Xu thought.

After entering the room, Zhijin turned on the TV, then sat on the sofa and watched the TV program, ignoring Liu Xu.

Liu Xu was relieved because he didn't find the big dog of Zhijin's family.

"what do you want to eat?"

Liu Xu rolled up his sleeves, ready to fight.


Shijin hugged a pillow in front of Yuexiong.

"Don't be casual!"

What Liu Xu is most afraid of is the word casual.

"Oh, by the way, what do you have at home?"

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, so Liu Xu naturally wanted to ask clearly.

"Go and look in the kitchen refrigerator yourself."

When Shijin spoke, his eyes were still fixed on the TV.

"Ahem, actually, I have a very important question to ask you."


"When someone talks to you, you should at least look at them. This is the most basic courtesy."

Shizu reluctantly raised his head.

"Why are you hungry?"

Liu Xu had a serious expression on his face.


Shijin frowned, looking at him with some puzzlement.

"I gave you saliva just now, and the amount was so much, don't tell me you're not full yet?"

Liu Xu said with a smile, and walked towards the kitchen like the wind.

Sure enough, after Zhijin reacted, a sofa cushion hit Liu Xu's back fiercely, but naturally he missed it.

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