"I should know, but I don't know if you still remember, Aunt Xizi!" Xiaolan said.


When Xiao Lan said that an elder was coming, Liu Xu guessed that it was You Xizi, and the result was exactly the same as his guess.

"So it's Aunt Youxizi, what's wrong with that, wouldn't it be more fun to go out and play with one more person? If you just give a gift, it may not be able to represent your heart!" Liu Xu continued to encourage Xiaolan.

"Xinyi, what Xinyi..." Xiaolan blushed.


Liu Xu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, Xiaolan thought Xinyi was Xinyi.

Seeing Liu Xu staring at her, Xiaolan's face turned even redder, like a ripe red apple, as if she was taking a bite out of it.

Suddenly, Xiaolan seemed to think of something, and said softly: "I know there is a good hot spring, why don't we go to the hot spring!"

"Okay!" Liu Xu blurted out instinctively, he likes hot springs or something.

"You are not allowed to think about anything else." Xiaolan looked vigilant.

"Other thoughts?" Liu Xu asked with some doubts.

"Aunt Youxizi is a big star!" Xiaolan said.

"Girl, your mind is really unhealthy." Liu Xu was speechless for a while.

Liu Xu's heart was already throbbing with her breath of blue and light body fragrance, and the words she said in that ambiguous tone made Liu Xu couldn't help but think about it.

Seeing the two beauties going out arm in arm, Liu Xu secretly prayed, don't go shopping!

He was relieved that there was only Xiaolan alone, and he was also relieved that there was only You Xizi alone, but when the two of them got together, Liu Xu couldn't help but not worry.

Because women like them with shopping desire and spending power are a perfect match together.

After Liu Xu finished talking to Xiaolan in the coffee shop, due to time constraints, the two acted immediately.

ps: Please ask for flower evaluation, monthly ticket collection, subscription and reward!

ps: I recommend a new book, "Love Apartment: Infinite Players"!

Chapter 249 Princess Didan

Yu Xizi called to invite You Xizi, and the latter readily accepted Xiaolan's invitation, especially when she knew that Liu Xu was with her, she drove out directly.

The car belongs to Fei Yingli.

However, I finally met Yukiko.

Any picky aesthetic expert authority can't help admiring her beauty, elegant and dignified, such as mountains and rivers, snow and cold plums, unattainable, can arouse your strongest desire to conquer valleys, and can definitely be done with a frown and a word , Let you lose all confidence and return home in defeat.

Her creamy skin is as smooth as snow, and she has a slender and tall figure with flawless curves.

You Xizi is for people to look up to and worship, and those who try to blaspheme will feel guilty, sinful and ashamed, really worthy of the name "Princess Didan".

In the end, what Liu Xu was worried about finally happened. As soon as the two girls met, they discussed several plans, all about shopping.

The process is not tiring. Although I didn't buy anything, just shopping is tiring enough.

Accompanied by two beauties who were more than tired, Liu Xu received countless admiring looks from the same sex along the way, but he himself smiled wryly all the way.

After shopping, then...

Then there is no more then.

How about a hot spring?

Liu Xu thought for a while, but finally didn't ask this question.


However, looking back, Yuanzi was still left alone in the love hotel by him, and suddenly someone with conscience found out that he should send him home.

As for soaking in hot springs, there is still a chance. Besides, what Liu Xu thinks in his heart is not just soaking in hot springs.

When he returned to the love hotel, he found that the room had not been checked out. Liu Xu was relieved to know that Yuanzi hadn't left yet. It seemed that it was time for him to come back.

Opening the door, Liu Xu found that Yuanzi had woken up and was fully dressed.

Seeing Liu Xu, Yuanzi's beautiful eyes lit up, and the expression on her face was very pleasantly surprised. She trotted over and took Liu Xu's arm, and the female Qiao said, "I knew you were different from other men, not the kind of man who gets you." A person who doesn't cherish someone else's body. Just now, when I got up, I couldn't see you, and thought you had already left!"

Liu Xu smiled awkwardly, but did not speak.

Send Yuanzi home, and the latter invites him to have dinner at her home.

Liu Xu unexpectedly refused. The reason was that he would definitely buy a gift when he came to see his mother-in-law for the first time. Now that the two of them were empty, he felt embarrassed.

In fact, Liu Xu was worried that he couldn't help but bully Yuanzi again. After all, it seemed like the first time for her.

At this moment, Liu Xu suddenly received a call.

When Liu Xu put down the phone, Yuanzi asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Liu Xu said: "It seems that something happened to a friend."

Yuanzi said softly: "Then you go!"

Liu Xu kissed Yuanzi heavily on the face, and said with a smile, "Then I'll go first."

After speaking, Liu Xu left.

When Liu Xu rushed to the "Metal" nightclub that was said to be well-known in Tokyo, he saw Koizumi Hongzi running over from the door and standing in front of him panting.

"Hongzi, what's the matter?" Liu Xu jokingly said, "You miss me so much? You can't help throwing yourself into your arms."

Hongzi didn't seem to be in the mood for joking at all, her eyes were a little anxious, and she said seriously: "Qingzi is drunk, I don't have any other friends here in Tokyo, please help me to help her."

With that said, she dragged Liu Xu into the nightclub.


Aoko Nakamori!

Liu Xu followed Koizumi Hongzi to a corner of the nightclub, and saw two or three men urging her friend named "Qingzi" to drink, and she was already flushed from drinking, and she was drunk.

Even though the lights in the nightclub were dark and the laser lights were flickering non-stop, Liu Xu still felt his eyes light up, feeling as if he had been shocked by electricity.

The slender willow eyebrows, clear eyes, straight nose bridge, delicate wooden baby lips and smooth cheeks are so perfectly combined on the same pure and refined dimple, and the black and soft shawl long hair hangs over the shoulders , gently swaying, with drunken eyes, slender figure, exquisite curves, any man can't help but salivate.

Koizumi Hongzi approached Qingzi, said in a low voice, "Qingzi, let's go!" and then reached out to help her.

Liu Xu didn't say anything, and reached out to help her up.

Qingzi twisted a bit, as if she didn't want Liu Xu to help her, but Koizumi Hongzi couldn't support her alone, so she didn't break free.

"Hey! He didn't say he was leaving, what are you doing?"

Seeing how hard it was to hook up the beautiful girl and be dragged away, those men were naturally upset, and the ducks that arrived at the mouth flew away, so they were naturally not upset; and after drinking again, the more irritable one spoke.

"What?" Koizumi Hongzi's beautiful eyes widened, she glared at them, and said coldly, "Your approval is required for her boyfriend to take his girlfriend away?"


Several people looked at each other, glanced at Qingzi, and then at Liu Xu, seeming to believe, but it was not a matter of believing or not, but simply unwilling to believe.

Liu Xu had already seen that those people definitely had plans for Qingzi, so he didn't say much, but just glanced at them coldly.

If they don't know each other yet, he doesn't mind using his fists to wake up the other party, or even make them disappear from this world.

"Let's go home."

Liu Xu leaned close to Qingzi's ear, whispered something, and then couldn't help but dragged Qingzi out of the nightclub.

Koizumi Hongzi also drank a lot of wine, but her mind was still clear, she said to Liu Xu: "Qingzi's tutor is very strict, you can send her back to my house."

Liu Xu nodded. His father is a policeman. Can the family education not be strict?

ps: Please ask for flower evaluation, monthly ticket collection, subscription and reward!

ps: I recommend a new book, "Love Apartment: Infinite Players"!

Chapter 250 The Drugged Aoko Nakamori

"Forget it, she's so drunk, she won't be scolded to death by her father when she comes home, she'd better go to my place..."

Without their greetings, a taxi had already driven over. Liu Xu helped Qingzi into it, and said in a low voice, "Be careful! Be careful on the road."

"Hey, you won't go with me?" Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help being anxious, and said angrily, "How can I get her upstairs later?"

Liu Xu was obviously playing hard to get. Drunk people are very heavy, and Koizumi Hongzi herself drank too much. As a girl, she wanted to take care of drunk Qingzi, so she was naturally powerless.

"Then I'll take you home."

Liu Xu got into the car, and the taxi drove very fast at night, and it didn't take long to arrive at the place where Koizumi Hongzi lived.

After getting off the car, although Qingzi hadn't passed out yet, but his whole body was limp, and his mouth was even more murmured, pestering Koizumi Hongzi to whisper something in the car.

Although I didn't hear what she said, Liu Xu also guessed a general idea. They said that it is easy to think wildly after being drunk. She probably had a conflict with Heiyu Kaidou!

Koizumi Hongzi was so drunk at this time that he couldn't take care of himself, so Liu Xu had no choice but to hug Qingzi up by the waist and accept this glorious and fragrant task.

Ruanyu Wenxiang hugged her full of arms, with his arm strength, even if she carried her for a few hours, she wouldn't get tired.

Qingzi's sanity was almost blurred, she didn't seem to recognize who Liu Xu was (she didn't know him in the first place), or she didn't feel bad for him anymore, her hands instinctively wrapped around his neck, Feihong's pretty face was buried in his Rubbing forward, murmuring, and laughing lowly from time to time.

Koizumi Hongzi lives alone, the room is spacious and bright, and the decoration is good, but the room is too messy.

When Liu Xu put Qingzi on the bed in his arms, he saw that there were still unwashed underwear lying on the bed, and that Lace scrambling there made his mouth dry.

Pretty face flushed, Koizumi Hongzi hastily tidied up the clothes on the bed, and then asked Liu Xu to put Qingzi down.

Liu Xu gently put Qingzi in his arms on the bed, but she refused to let go, still hugging his neck.

"Hongzi, why don't you come over and help?"

Although Liu Xu enjoyed it very much, but with the Red Witch watching over him, he didn't dare to eat tofu blatantly.

"You take care of her first! I'll get a towel."

Koizumi Hongzi pulled it for a while but didn't pull it away, and quickly went to the bathroom to get a wet towel.

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