After he finished speaking, he dragged his legs, squeezed past Liu Xu, and walked towards the entrance of the hall.

Matsushita walked through the crowd in the hall in a daze, threw out the banknotes to the service desk, and didn't wait for the cashier to ask for money, he staggered a few steps, pushed open the door, and walked out.

Seeing Matsushita staggeringly disappearing from the Yixiang Hall, all the boys in the hall couldn't help but feel sad for the death of the rabbit and the fox, and all the girls were also frightened by Xiaolan's violent reaction, they all quietly withdrew their gazes, muffled They buried their heads in eating the food in front of them.

A tyrannical figure like Matsushita also ended up like this, so why would he cause trouble for no reason.

Afterwards, some timid students paid their bills quietly and fled without caring about the unfinished lunch.

Seeing Xiaolan's fierce reaction that she had never experienced before, Suzuki Sonoko sighed in her heart, her friend finally fell into it...

Sonoko should be happy at first, because Kudo Shinichi disappeared, and she hoped that Xiaolan would come out of the shadows, but she didn't expect that, by accident, she would have an intimate relationship with Liu Xu...

Jingzi and Zhenchun looked at each other in blank dismay, and the same thought flashed in their minds, could it be: This is the legendary love at first sight?

If it wasn't love at first sight, how would you explain the scene in front of you? This is the first time Xiaolan and the transfer student have met!

Seeing this scene, Uchida Asami could not help but quietly frowned.

Xiaolan is so kind to Liu Xu, it seems that she has forgotten Kudo Shinichi and accepted a new relationship.

Tashiro and Hidaka were happy in their hearts, seeing Matsushita's bear-like appearance, they didn't even dare to snort, and walked away with their tails between their legs.

Very popular!

At this time, Liu Xu knew everything about the changes in the expressions of everyone in the hall. He glanced at Xiaolan and said with a smile, "Let's go!"

After speaking, he took the lead and walked in the direction of Uchida Asami.

Xiaolan raised her eyebrows lightly, and swept away the unhappiness in her heart.

She didn't understand why she was angry just now. Maybe Panasonic went too far. He even called Liu Xu a follower and blocked the aisle. He was humiliating himself.

While thinking in her heart, Xiaolan followed Liu Xu's footsteps.

Suzuki Sonoko's three daughters, Tashiro and Hidaka also followed.

"Hello! My name is Uchida Asami, a student in Class A of the third year of high school."

Uchida Asami's charming face showed an extremely beautiful but sincere and enthusiastic smile, her tall female Qiao leaned forward slightly, which made the already unusually plump Xuefeng more prominent, and then she extended a gentle Ruyu's slender right hand greeted Liu Xu and said.

As soon as Liu Xu walked to this big table, he met such a charming and warm hospitality.

In the face of such a dazzlingly beautiful senior sister who offered to extend a warm hand of friendship, Liu Xu couldn't help but hesitated, and there was a slight ripple in his mind.

Liu Xu still kept the smile on his face, just nodded slightly to Uchida Asami, and then stood quietly, waiting for the arrival of his companion behind him.

Uchida Asami was startled for a moment, Shin extended his right arm with an elbow, slowly raised his palm, turned in the air, and then returned to his head.

She smoothed out her drooping hair, and her leaning forward body quietly returned to straightness, but the smile on her face dimmed a little.

At this time, Asami Uchida became more and more interested in Liu Xu.

Just now, she wanted to get acquainted with Liu Xu before Xiaolan arrived, firstly, to give Xiaolan a bad start, to blow her confidence, and to eliminate the power established by her expelling Panasonic in public; By the way, let's test Liu Xu's background, see how he responds to the invitation of the beautiful woman, and inquire about his relationship with Xiaolan from this side.

Kudo Shinichi, whom she liked at the beginning, was taken away by Xiaolan. Although Mami didn't say anything, she was very unconvinced in her heart.

She has always had absolute confidence in her beautiful appearance, but Liu Xu's performance was completely beyond her expectations, making Mami's wishful thinking come to naught, which aroused her interest even more.

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Chapter 265 Boyfriend and Girlfriend

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"We are all classmates in the same school, and it is rare to get together at ordinary times, and Liu Xu just came to our class B today, so let me introduce you to everyone, let's get to know each other!"

Xiaolan looked around at the people at the same table, and said.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, she introduced them one by one, starting with herself.

On Xiaolan's left are Liu Xu, Tashiro, and Hidaka, and on the right are Suzuki Sonoko, Kitao Keiko, and Sera Masumi.

Sitting directly across from Xiaolan was Asami Uchida. The girl on Asami Uchida's left was Ayako Ninagawa, and the boy on the right was Kunishi Shiko. All three of them were students in Class A of the third year of high school.

As soon as Xiaolan finished her brief introduction, the lobby foreman of Yixiang Hall walked up to her and interjected at the right time: "Hello, students! Excuse me, what would you like to eat today?"

Asami Uchida laughed first and said: "The three of us have already ordered three set meals just now. Xiaolan and I are friends, and I am very happy to be able to get together with you, especially to meet the best classmate! The seven of you want to eat What, just order whatever you want, today I will treat you!"

Xiaolan didn't expect Asami Uchida to make a preemptive move so soon, and she even pointed to Liu Xu, she immediately smiled and said: "Sister Mami, you are too polite! We are here today to catch the wind. How can you spend money on this?! Foreman! Let us each have a set meal that is the same as the three of them. The whole table will have a total of ten servings. In addition, there will be a seafood king soup for ten people. This time it will be Let Yi treat you! Asami Uchida, do you want to treat me? There will be plenty of opportunities in the future! Let’s talk about it next time!”

After finishing speaking, she smiled like a flower, and glanced affectionately at Liu Xu who was sitting beside her.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "OK! I will be the host today, do you have any opinions?! What else do you want to eat, just order it, don't be polite to me!"

Seeing the expressions of Xiaolan and Liu Xu, Asami Uchida felt mixed feelings.

In front of so many people, Xiaolan is so unavoidable to avoid suspicion, and she can treat guests for Liu Xu without authorization, so she must have a very close relationship with Liu Xu.

You know, Xiaolan never pretends to talk to boys. Could it be that this transfer student is really her boyfriend?

Their relationship is boyfriend and girlfriend!

There must be something special about the person who can let Mori Ran, who used to be Kudo Shinichi's girlfriend, choose as her boyfriend.

Well, from the outside, Kudo Shinichi is indeed somewhat inferior to Liu Xu. I don’t know how Liu Xu compares to him in other respects...

Sitting next to Uchida Asami, Shiko Kokufuge didn't know what was going on in the hearts of the beauties around him. In his eyes, the beauties around him were his whole world, and everything else was superfluous.

He was born into a merchant family with a wealthy family.In the class, his academic performance has always been in the top ten of the class. He is also the sports committee member of the class, the head of the school table tennis department, and the main player. In the eyes of teachers and students, he is a good student with excellent morality, intelligence and physique. , is a man of great popularity.

He thinks he is excellent in talent and learning, handsome in appearance, and dismisses the many beauties in the school who are vying to show off to him, but he has a deep love for Uchida Asami.

Among the many students in the school who pursue Asami Uchida, his family background, appearance, and talents are all outstanding, and he is also a classmate with Asami Uchida, so he has the advantage of being close to each other. Asami Uchida is the class monitor, and he is the sports committee member.

Therefore, he made full use of the convenience of his position to cater to Asami Uchida in all aspects of work, study, and life, but he never got the beauty's heart. Fortunately, Asami did not have close contacts with anyone else.

Shigu Guofan has seen everything that happened after Xiaolan's seven entered Yixiang Pavilion. Although he felt a little sympathy for what happened to Matsushita, he was more gloating and secretly pleased.

Shi Gu Guofan believes that most of the students in the hall will feel the same way. As both influential figures in the school, he has long been displeased with Panasonic's domineering behavior, but the two are of equal strength and each has its own sphere of influence. There is no direct conflict of interest, so they can also live in peace without violating each other.

But this time, Matsushita was expelled by Xiaolan in public, and his reputation would definitely drop, and he would be removed from the list of intercollegiate figures, and there would be no future for him.

On the contrary, this Liu Xu seems to be a new threat. As a newcomer, he can win the favor of Mao Lilan, the heroine of the karate club known as the "boy insulator". Even Uchida Asami seems to treat him differently. He must have some real skills.

It seems that it is only a matter of time before he is on the list of intercollegiate figures of the year.

This is a character who must be highly vigilant!

Shigu Guofan is a man with deep scheming and prudent actions. Although he can't help thinking about things in his heart, he has a modest smile on his face, showing that he is interested in everyone at the same table. In private, he Focus on Uchida Asami, Liu Xu and Xiaolan.

Sitting next to Uchida Mami, Ninagawa Ayako is Uchida Mami's friend and best friend. She is well aware of the relationship between Uchida Mami and Xiaolan. As soon as he spoke, he just sat quietly on the side, sneaking eyes on Liu Xu from time to time: "What kind of ability does he have? Can he win Mao Lilan's heart..."

Suzuki Sonoko knew it well, although she felt a little uncomfortable, after all, she met Liu Xu only later, and of course she also knew that Liu Xu was pursuing Xiaolan, and seriously, Miss Sonoko was the third party ...

Kitao Keiko and Sera Masumi exchanged glances and showed knowing smiles. Xiaolan really liked the transfer student. Seeing that she was not avoiding suspicion, she was ready to fight vigorously.

As expected of the heroine of the karate club, she dares to be so aboveboard even in a relationship.

Seeing Xiaolan's expression towards Liu Xu from the side, Tashiro couldn't help feeling jealous.

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Chapter 266 I Only Keep Beautiful Girls

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Jealousy is jealousy, but he knows his own weight, and being able to have lunch with these well-known beauties on campus is already a great blessing, what more can he expect?

He took a deep breath, and slowly let it out together with the depression in his heart.

After venting the depression in his heart, Tashiro glanced at the people on the table and found that the atmosphere at the table was a little dull. He rolled his eyes, reached out and patted Liu Xu's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Everyone, what's the matter? I'm afraid Will you be poor for a meal? You are too contemptuous of people, don’t let go of eating and control your fullness, right, one?”

"Yi, look at Tashiro's appearance, so thin that a gust of wind can blow it up, typical malnutrition! Poor flower of the motherland, how can your thin body withstand such ruthless wind and rain?! It's okay! Today , The great savior has finally come! The days of suffering have finally come to an end! From now on, under the meticulous care of comrade Yi who is full of love, you will eat delicious food, drink spicy food, and thrive until you grow into a towering giant flower."

Rigao made a sad look at first, then turned into an impassioned look, and finally showed a serious face, folded his palms together like a virtuous and eminent monk, and said with lowered eyebrows.

As soon as Hidaka sat down, he was focused on Sera Masumi who was sitting opposite him, and didn't pay attention to the words of the people. He didn't turn his attention until Tashiro spoke. As soon as he opened his voice, he would follow up subconsciously, so he began to perform in an expressive manner.

"Ha ha……"

Everyone was amused by Hidaka's expression, and the hearty laughter caught the eyes of everyone in the hall and made a collective report to them again.

Only Liu Xu has an innocent face, damn, I'm not interested in men, I only keep beautiful women!

Liu Xu said solemnly, "Students, please rest assured, I promise to complete this glorious and arduous task, and I will take good care of this little flower responsibly until it becomes a pillar."

"Wow, it's developed! After traveling in the vast sea of ​​learning for many years, today I finally found a safe harbor. One, one, I love you, and I will use your solid arms as a harbor for anchoring. It's so warm !"

Tashiro looked intoxicated and leaned towards Liu Xu's shoulder.

Everyone laughed again, and the atmosphere on the table became relaxed and harmonious.

"The last classmate, which school did you study in?"

Knowing that Liu Xu was a transfer student, Uchida Asami became more interested in him, so she asked Liu Xu with a smile.

"I was transferred from a small place, and my senior sister probably hasn't heard of it."

Liu Xu took it with a word.

"Oh, then can you keep up with our study progress here?"

Asami Uchida became more interested and asked.

"There should be no problem!"

Liu Xu smiled and said.

"One's study is absolutely fine! Later, I have to ask him some questions! One, when the time comes, don't push me away!"

Xiaolan looked at Liu Xu affectionately, and said with a smile.

At this time, although Xiaolan's eyes were looking at Liu Xu, she quietly parted her mind, paying attention to the reactions of everyone at the same table, especially Asami Uchida.

"Ah!" Everyone was surprised when they heard Xiaolan's words.

No way, transfer students are so powerful?

Xiaolan is a top student, one of the best talented girls in the school!

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