"Okay, you guys give me a quiet class! Today's lecture is very important!"

After Xiaolan shouted the password, Judy Stein continued.

After finishing speaking, she turned around, picked up the chalk, and clicked on the blackboard to write on the blackboard.

Looking at the back of Judy Sterling Miaoman, Liu Xu couldn't help swallowing.

Xiaolan squeezed Liu Xu lightly, and said in a low voice, "Pervert!"


The first English class in the morning ended soon.

"The best classmate!"

After class, Judy Stein did not walk out of the teacher directly, but called Liu Xu to the front of the podium and said, "After school today, the teacher has something to talk to you about, please don't leave after school. Wait for me in the teacher-student conference room upstairs."

Liu Xu observed the expression on Judy Stein's face. When she was speaking, she seemed a little uneasy, but she was still very normal on the whole, not significantly different from usual.


Liu Xu nodded and replied.

After speaking, Judy Stein left.

"She asked you to stay in the afternoon, why?"

Sonoko approached and asked.

"She didn't make it clear." Liu Xu said, "However, it should have happened last Friday, right?"

"Then why did you only find you?" Yuanzi wondered, "I was there at that time!"

"Why don't I ask for you later?"

Yuanzi rolled his eyes at Liu Xu's words.

The morning class ended quickly, and it was time for the noon break in a blink of an eye.

Liu Xu bought some bread, went up to the roof of the campus with Yuanzi and Xiaolan, and sat in the stairwell to enjoy it.

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Chapter 280 Abnormal Judy

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The lunch break was over without knowing it, and the first class bell in the afternoon rang quickly.

After three classes in the afternoon, Liu Xu felt that he had made up enough.

Then, at the time agreed with Judy Stein, Liu Xu entered the teacher-student meeting room on the second floor.

The teacher-student meeting room is a small room used by the tutors of each class to conduct individual interviews with students, or to discuss with students individually. There is only one table in it, with a chair on each side.

The teacher-student meeting room is just across from the staff office, so theoretically, Liu Xu shouldn't have to wait too long, and Judy Sterling will walk into the meeting room right away.

But he waited for almost half an hour before Judy Stein walked in with a nervous expression on her face.

"Yes... I'm sorry." Judy Stein said, "I just... went to the toilet..."

She was holding a few textbooks and something like a cane in her hands.

Judy Stein put the book on the table, turned around, and locked the door of the meeting room with a click.

Because this action was abnormal, Liu Xu couldn't help but look at her curiously. Generally speaking, it is impossible for the teacher to lock the door in order to avoid suspicion.

Then, Judy Stein sat back in her seat, staring at the textbooks on the table with a tense expression, her shoulders were even shaking.

"The most one classmate... You should know why the teacher left you today, right?"

After a while, Judy Sterling finally spoke.

"Is it because of me and Sonoko?"

Liu Xu raised his head and asked.

Judy Stein raised her head, staring at Liu Xu with hooked eyes, with anger hidden in her eyes, and said slowly: "Since you know, then the teacher has a few questions for you."

"what is the problem?"

"You and Yuanzi... how long has that relationship lasted?"

asked Judy Stein.

"Not long, four or five days, right?"

"Four or five days..." Judy Stein couldn't hide her surprise on her beautiful face, "Didn't you just come here for a short time, so you gave classmate Yuanzi..."

"Teacher, you sound as if I did something bad to trick Yuanzi into my hands." Liu Xu said, "The two of us have a legitimate relationship, not as complicated as you imagined."

"Stop lying!" Judy Stein stood up suddenly, and said excitedly, "You must have used some kind of trick secretly, so that Yuanzi had to be with you..."

Judy Stein shook her head halfway through speaking, "Yes... sorry, I'm so excited."

Suddenly, she bowed her head to apologize to Liu Xu while speaking, and sat back in her seat.

"Then... you've only known each other for a few days, and it's in the chemistry lab..."

Judy Stein asked in a low voice.

"Make love?"

The corners of Liu Xu's mouth turned up slightly, and he said with a smile in his voice.

When Judy Stein heard it, her ears turned red, and she said in a trembling voice, "You guys...wouldn't it be too early for that!"

She has an ecstasy figure, but she is surprisingly innocent.

"Although the teacher does not object to students falling in love, you are only middle school students, so it is too early..."

Judy Stein said, while wiping the sweat off her forehead with her hand, she could see that she was very nervous.


Liu Xu nodded noncommittal.

He has already felt Judy Stein's abnormality, but he has no way of knowing the reason.

"So... so you can't do this again in the future, at least after you are all eighteen..."

Judy Stein said, while observing Liu Xu's expression.


Liu Xu nodded again.

"The last classmate..." Judy Stein's voice suddenly sank, "Are you... looking down on the teacher?"

"Huh?" Liu Xu couldn't help wondering when he heard it, "What?"

It was as if Judy Stein had changed suddenly, her sultry eyes were filled with a cold and cruel look, her eyebrows were raised like knives, and she stared at Liu Xu intently, making her He was startled.

"Teacher Zhu Di?" Liu Xu couldn't help asking, "Why did you suddenly..."

"Answer my question, the teacher is asking you now!" Judy Steining sternly stood up from her seat, "Who allowed you to ask?"

"I didn't mean to look down on you."

Liu Xu said lightly.

"stand up."

Judy Stein stared down at Liu Xu, and said coldly.

He stood up as he said.

With a "click", the chair was pushed and fell to the ground.

Judy Stein rushed over suddenly, grabbed Liu Xu by the collar, and pressed him against the wall.

"From the first time I saw you, the teacher has a feeling..." Judy Stein held Liu Xu's collar tightly, and whispered in his ear coldly: "Like you Your bad student will definitely destroy the study atmosphere I have worked so hard to establish in the class...I am not like Teacher Chengzi, who was deceived by your appearance..."

"I can not understand what you say."

Liu Xu frowned, and wanted to push her hand away. Although it wouldn't hurt him, it was obviously uncomfortable in this way.

If any man dared to do this, Liu Xu would have broken his hand long ago.

"Don't move, you're not allowed to touch me."

Unexpectedly, Judy Stein pressed Liu Xu against the wall with both hands, preventing him from moving, and said sharply.

Her beautiful face was full of crazy resentment.

"The teacher originally didn't want to make things difficult for you... After all, you didn't do bad things blatantly..." Judy Stein became more and more excited as she spoke, "But I didn't expect you to defile classmate Yuanzi...you actually defiled her."

Liu Xu's impression of Judy Stein was that although she was very strict in class, she was basically a very kind person, and it was unlikely that she would do such a thing of pushing people against the wall.

But now she was pressing him down, although she was holding Liu Xu's collar with both hands, but from her expression, she might want to strangle him directly by the neck.

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Chapter 281 Punishment

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This sudden change is probably caused by excessive psychological pressure. Judy Stein had a lover before, but the two broke up because of the mission. In order to help the undercover agent enter the organization, Mizuruna entered the organization and cheated Gin He was shot by him, and his life and death are still unknown.

The nature of her work is similar to that of Infernal Affairs, and the long-term depression has caused some mental problems.

Regarding Judy Stein's abnormal behavior, Liu Xu made a correct judgment. He found that even if he is familiar with the plot of Conan's world, it is a test to conquer every woman. After all, the limitation of the two-dimensional dimension will inevitably happen. Some changes, such as character traits, are of course not necessarily changes. It can also be said that the system complements the characters.

"I didn't use any tricks!" Liu Xu spread his hands and replied calmly: "Yuanzi and I are consensual."

"Stop lying, you just let classmate Yuanzi think so." Judy Stein sneered, "Although classmate Yuanzi came from a wealthy family, she is very kind and doesn't have the temper of a young lady. I am full of expectations for her ,did not expect……"

"Student Yuanzi was ruined by you just like this, and he has become so shameless." Judy Sterling's fingertips trembled, her voice became more and more sharp, "to do that kind of business with someone like you there .”

"So what?" Liu Xu smiled and said, "That has nothing to do with you, right? Yuanzi and I are very happy."

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