If two people are themselves, how can there be two selves at the same time?

If two people are not themselves, then where is the real self?

Watching the continuous stream of electric lights pouring down from the air and pouring into his body on the ground from the top door, he in the air could clearly feel the impact and tremor of the huge energy in his body without the slightest pain. Liu Xu was instantly overwhelmed by the great joy...

Create something out of nothing... break it and build it...

When he emerged from the ocean of great joy in his heart, Liu Xu opened his eyes.

He was surprised to find that the ground had sunken, and there were still scorching marks from electric shocks all around, and there were traces of green smoke and steam rising from the high-temperature pit. The self on the ground was no longer there, but the self floating in midair felt unprecedented enrichment.

Liu Xu touched his body subconsciously, and he felt the reality of his body.

This means that, now, he is "floating" in the air with his real body.

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Chapter 298

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It was still raining heavily.

However, Liu Xu soon discovered that not a single drop of rain fell on his body, and he seemed to be isolated by a layer of things. After the huge raindrops fell on his body, they immediately vaporized, which caused a hazy circle on the surface of his body. of fog.

A burst of excitement flowed through his heart, Liu Xu couldn't help stretching his arms and stretching his body, looking up to the sky and screaming.

Yes, he did it!

He regained a more powerful force, and the reproductive cells of the reproductive armor have completely replaced the human cells.

Phoenix Nirvana, rebirth from the ashes.

Now Liu Xu is even more powerful.

Qingyue's long howl passed through the heavy rain, and spread layer upon layer into the distance...

Indulging in his new life, Liu Xu gradually calmed down.

He restrained the still ups and downs of his heart, and decided to take a good look at the current state of his body.

At this time, the rain started to lighten up. Liu Xu looked at the surrounding environment, and saw that as the rain gradually slowed down, the visibility of the air became higher and higher, and the surrounding far and near scenes gradually appeared.

At the same time, there were also faint and noisy voices...

Liu Xu made a decisive decision and decided to find a secluded place to learn more about the miracle that happened to him.

As soon as he thought about it, as expected, Liu Xu slowly descended from mid-air.

Due to the buoyancy of the air, Liu Xu glides and floats down.

With a thought in his mind, he adjusted his posture, and sure enough, his body slid towards the target according to his adjustment.

What surprised Liu Xu was that he could fall to the ground just by looking at it, but he was always about two feet away from the ground and couldn't sink any more, no matter how many times he tried.

Liu Xu couldn't help crying secretly in his heart, God, wouldn't it be miserable if the ground never touched the ground like this?

At this time, a voice came from a distance, and Liu Xu didn't want to be seen by others.

At this time, Liu Xu was just gliding to the rock wall in the middle of the volcano, and a clump of green vines suddenly swayed in front of his eyes. He quickly reached out and grabbed one of the green vines. Whoosh and quickly jumped up dozens of meters.

This discovery made Liu Xu overjoyed. It was a good idea. He followed the gourd and drew a scoop, and arrived at a protruding stone cliff platform on the edge of the crater.

Looking far away, it suddenly becomes clear, with lush dense forests and jagged rocks everywhere.

Liu Xu had no intention of admiring the scenery, and spotted a faint cave about [-] meters ahead, kicked his feet, stretched his arms, and immediately glided towards the target in a fluttering manner.

During the gliding process, Liu Xu didn't know whether he was happy or worried about his way of "flying".

Of course the joy is that I can fly, but the worry is that I can't fly higher, especially if I can't land. Slow down...

Could it be that the inability to land was a flash of inspiration in his heart, and Liu Xu found the crux of the problem.

He thought of a general common sense, that is, the repulsion principle of magnets.

Isn't your current situation somewhat similar?

Liu Xu thought that because of the thunderbolt's empowerment, his body might have the corresponding electromagnetic ability, so he could float.

Thinking of this, his heart became more active.

Ordinary magnets are dead, and the magnetism is not adjustable.

However, people are alive!

Almost all human behaviors can be adjusted subjectively, such as breathing, strength, speed, feeling and so on.

So from this perspective, if a person is a magnet, this magnetism should also be able to adjust itself.

When thinking of this, Liu Xu realized that he had reached the cave at his destination before he knew it.

The cave is about four to five meters high and wide, and the inside is zigzagging a hundred meters deep, but at the end is a dead end, and it is impossible to move forward.

Although the light in the cave was very dark, Liu Xu could still see clearly, which made Liu Xu discover another change in himself, his eyesight was much stronger.

The cave is still relatively dry, which makes Liu Xu very satisfied.

He stopped at the end of the cave. Of course, Liu Xu was still floating in the air. The difference was that his body touched the top of the cave's stone wall.

Liu Xu finally calmed down and began to observe the changes in his body.

Liu Xu found that the surface of his body was emitting a faint light, and it was this light that slightly illuminated his surroundings.

He stretched out his hands and saw that his hands were also covered with a faint light.

Liu Xu closed his eyes again, and at the same time raised his feet in the air, and began to feel the changes in his body in mid-air, and he entered the ethereal realm again.

In the forgetfulness of things and me, a trace of spiritual wisdom rose from the deepest part of Liu Xu's heart, and this spiritual wisdom filled his whole body in an unstoppable, clear and gentle manner like the mighty sun.

At the same time, the acquired consciousness is slowly awakening, peacefully intertwined with the innate wisdom, so that he can clearly feel all the sensations of the body.

With a thought, Liu Xu scanned his body.

Everything is so clear.

Liu Xu found that he could see everything in his body clearly, as if he had penetrated into his own body, including the movement of internal organs, the rush of blood, the pulsation of blood vessels, and the contraction of nerves.

You know, although Liu Xu could feel it when he was in the world of the Great Sword Demon before, but that was just a fantasy in his heart, he didn't really see it, but now he can really see it clearly.

Two feelings, completely different.

Liu Xu's mind moved, causing himself to see the flow of energy in his body as if he was adjusting the visual focus normally.

What Li Xu sees now, there is no specific human body tissue, but the body is filled with lights of various colors. At first glance, it looks radiant and beautiful.

Liu Xu's spiritual wisdom told him that these lights are the energy that maintains his life.

Look carefully, those lights are constantly flowing and moving according to a certain direction and law, it really is a feeling of endless life.

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Chapter 299 Goodbye Shiori

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Liu Xu adjusted his mind again, and finally made himself look at the energy in his body and the various components of the body together.

What he saw this time fascinated him even more. He saw that different organs were shrouded in different colors of light, such as the red light of the heart, the green light of the liver, and so on.

Adjusting the angle of view again, he discovered a phenomenon, that is, all the body cells are arranged extremely neatly, and even the damaged parts of himself due to internal injuries are healed again because of this neat arrangement.

His heart moved again, do these different magnetic substances share the same characteristics?

It should be known that for all magnetic substances, the internal atomic combination and arrangement are all arranged in a neat structure based on the properties of the substance itself.

Now, Liu Xu's own body has also produced this kind of arrangement. Is this the reason why he has the characteristic of "magnetic substance"?

Thinking of this, Liu Xu went further and thought, then, matter is dead, and he is alive. If he adjusts the internal energy in his body, that is, the flow and size of the energy he saw just now, then he can solve the problem that bothers him. Flying" problem?

Thinking of doing it, Liu Xu immediately tried it.

After an unknown period of time, Liu Xu finally came out of the hidden cave.

Now he is full of strong self-confidence.

After groping and practicing, Liu Xu finally figured out the changes in his body, and mastered the changes and movement of energy in his body.

When Liu Xu came out of the cave, the sky was full of stars, it was late at night.

As soon as he thought about it, his whole body was immediately covered by a light shield about three feet away. There was still a faint brilliance flowing in the light shield, and a few strands of electric light burst out from time to time.

After looking around, Liu Xu raised his arms and rose into the air.

Liu Xu kept fine-tuning the flow of energy in his body. After this period of running-in, he has reached the point where he can do this adjustment as he pleases, which has become his instinct.

Through the delicate balance relationship with the earth's magnetic field, Liu Xu's flying speed is getting faster and faster.

In an instant, it disappeared from the cave and came to the sea.

Floating on the surface of the sea, Liu Xu couldn't help but feel his heart agitated.

The same is flying, Liu Xu also flew when he first got the strong colony armor, but that kind of flying is completely different from the feeling of real flying with his body now.

Now Liu Xufeiyang seems to have melted into the air, and he was reborn from the ashes. Now he has undergone a huge transformation, possessing the powerful power that everyone dreams of.

Although this power may not be able to say that it is indifferent to everything at present, what is left is only a matter of time and energy accumulation.

Looking at the sky full of stars and the blue sea, Liu Xu's heart surged with pride, and he couldn't help but let out a long roar.

He turned around, and his right fist hit a reef thirty meters away from him that was being pounded by the waves like lightning.

But seeing a dazzling white light faintly hit the reef with the sound of wind and thunder, and with a loud bang, the reef was smashed to pieces.

Energy released!

In layman's terms, Liu Xu has now jumped from the world of monsters and technology to the world of supernatural powers. His current flying and energy attacks can be regarded as a manifestation of supernatural powers.

Liu Xu drifted leisurely to the top of his first test object, saw that the huge reef was now only a few uneven broken rocks on the water surface, and smiled with satisfaction.

Although the sound was loud, Liu Xu knew that no one would notice the changes here. The reason why he chose this place was, of course, because the sound of sea waves impacting rocks by the sea was relatively loud, which could serve as a cover.

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