Liu Xu calmly walked among the monsters, and found a kind of quick shock called slaying, just like walking in a world full of monsters.

It was already eleven o'clock at night, but the power supply system in this community had not been damaged, and the surrounding area was temporarily still brightly lit.

However, when Liu Xu's feet were about to step into the restaurant, he didn't know whether it was artificially cut off or destroyed by monsters. He had been struggling to support the power supply and finally reached the limit, and the lights of all the surrounding buildings were instantly extinguished.

In the darkness where you can't see your fingers, there are only pairs of emerald green light spots swaying around.

The night vision abilities of the monsters are mostly excellent, but they haven't the courage to approach Liu Xu. After he stepped into the McDonald's restaurant, these green light spots quickly gathered in front of the two corpses on the ground, and then clicked. Chewing sound of sizzling.

Stepping into the fast food restaurant, the target monster was lying on its stomach behind the sales counter. Liu Xu's intrusion alarmed him, but after deliberately restraining all the breath on his body, Liu Xu, in its eyes, was the same as the one who had been torn apart before. The other humans filling the restaurant were indistinguishable.

Human flesh, in fact, is not tasty at all.

Now that there are hamburgers, fried chicken nuggets, and fried chicken wings to eat, the monster boss who is disturbed by hunger does not want to eat raw food full of fishy smell like human flesh for the time being.

Liu Xu slowly approached the target.


In the restaurant, the sound of tables and chairs being knocked over the counter, the sound of energy clashing explosions, the sound of fighting for more than ten seconds, and then everything fell silent—it lasted less than [-] seconds.

Immediately afterwards, like a slaughtered pig, one after another, the howls became longer and louder, and the more piercing howls tore through the tranquility again.

The many "non-humans" gathered at the door to eat, first instinctively tightened their pores, then their muscles collapsed, and finally scattered in fear, even those from farther away escaped.

With the KFC store as the center, the "inhumans" within a radius of [-] meters no longer exist.

The howl changed from strong to weak, from sharp to flat, and finally completely quiet.

Soon, the "non-humans" who were hiding in the distance saw the human-shaped figure appearing at the door again with their good night vision.


If there are too many people, "non-human" is a monster, if there are too many "non-human", people are monsters!

This is still very reasonable.

If the "non-humans" around could still retain their original consciousness, they would call Liu Xu a monster loudly.

Because only the "monsters" among human beings have the courage to walk among monsters alone.

Out of the instinct of life protection, after this day, they all remembered the aura of this "monster" walking upright, and marked it as extremely dangerous and not to be provoked.

When he came to the pool that he had passed before, Liu Xu bent down, dipped his hands into the pool water, and slowly washed off the blood stained on his arms.

There was still endless darkness all around, but Liu Xu, who was in the darkness, smiled, and he laughed loudly while washing his hands: "Where are all the beauties, I'm here to save you, hurry up and come to my bowl! "

"Then why are those monsters afraid of you?"

The voice came from behind Liu Xu, and when he turned around, his eyes lit up.

Does he still have hidden summoning attributes?She called out casually, and the beauty ran out by herself. From her facial features, one could tell that she was a traditional Yamato Nadeko-type woman, with soft facial lines and the unique intellectual atmosphere of a scholarly family.

Liu Xu recognized the other party's identity as Hattori Heiji's mother Hattori Shizuka at first glance, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Conan (Heiji), your mother came to ask you to come home for dinner!"

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Chapter 304 I know all the beauties in Conan's world

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"There are monsters everywhere, aren't you afraid?"

Liu Xu looked Hattori Shizuka up and down, his eyes were not honest.

Although Hattori Shizuka is not very young, she is still beautiful.

Because her husband Heizo Hattori and her son Heiji Hattori have dark complexions, but Shizuka Hattori's complexion is very fair. It is difficult for outsiders to recognize her relationship with Heiji Hattori. not come out.

"I'm scared and I want to live, so I'm coming out to see you."

Hattori Shizuka turned a blind eye to Liu Xu's presumptuous and fiery gaze. She saw Liu Xu fighting the monster just now, and knew that he was her only chance to survive.

She has been learning kendo since she was very young, so she is very agile and agile. She once showed off a wonderful skill of using a fan to win a white blade. She is very courageous and courageous, but in this world full of monsters, Hattori Shizuka knows that she is The chances of survival are almost zero.

So after seeing Liu Xu's inhuman fighting style and winning, she ran out from her hiding place.

"I won't leave here for the time being. If you want to be with me, it will be very dangerous."

Liu Xu thought about it, but he could use the elf ball to take Hattori Jinghua directly, but before the critical moment, he was not willing to let her go to the two-dimensional town like this, because Liu Xu hadn't had a relationship with her yet!

"I'm not afraid!"

Hattori Shizuka replied calmly. While the two were talking, there were no monsters around, but no monster dared to attack.

"Why are you here?"

Liu Xu was very curious that Hattori Jinghua would appear here. She is from Osaka, so she must have really come to find her son!

"I came here with my friend's daughter. She has an exchange event at the school here, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

"My friend's daughter?" Liu Xu frowned, "Yuan Shan and Ye?"

"how do you know?"

"There are few beauties in Conan's world that I don't know."


Hearing that Yuan Shan and Ye came to Tokyo with Hattori Shizuka, Liu Xu was a little surprised, but fortunately, Yuan Shan and Ye were beauties he had always wanted to see but had no chance to meet, but Liu Xu was also a little worried her safety.

at the same time.

"Where did this guy Heiji go? Although he left a message saying that he came to Tokyo to find a famous detective Kudo Shinichi to compete with and test his reasoning ability, but now there is no news at all..."

Yuan Shan and Ye cursed bitterly in their hearts, and walked into the bathroom with resentment on their faces. The sky blue tight-fitting sportswear matched her delicate appearance, and with her student temperament, she was really a very good young and beautiful girl.

Facing the mirror, when Yuan Shan and Ye tied the loose shawl and hair into a ponytail, they realized that their angry appearance was ruining their image. She quickly put away the resentment in her heart, rubbed her temples, squeezed her cheeks, Soothe the facial muscles, inhale and exhale, and repeat in your heart: "Don't be angry, anger will make wrinkles and age quickly!"

After doing [-] seconds of facial beauty exercises in front of the mirror, Yuan Shan and Ye, who had fully adjusted their mood, faced the mirror and tapped their shoulders. Because the burden was too heavy, they moved for another whole day, and now they are so sore here.

"Is it heavy?"

Another beautiful face appeared in the mirror, it was her friend Minase Nayuki who came in a little later than her.

"It's so sour!"

Yuan Shan and Ye shook their shoulders and complained, "Hey, dangling around all the time... so tired!"

"How about you go for a moon shrinking operation to reduce the burden..."

Minase Nayuki is a quiet and honest girl on the surface, but she is a wonderful person who is very good at teasing people.

"Damn girl, I'll tell you the truth if you're jealous. If you're a B-level, don't come up with bad ideas on purpose!"

"What's wrong with the B grade? This is called moderate size, and this is called the beauty of coordination, do you understand?"

Yuan Shan and Ye Gu were so angry that they reached out to pinch each other's noses, but she pushed them away.

The two girls chattered for a while, Yuan Shan and Ye suddenly stopped, slapped their heads suddenly, and shouted: "Oops, I forgot to call Aunt Jinghua!"

After she took out her mobile phone, she found that the mobile phone was out of battery and could not be turned on, so she had to ask her friends around her for help.

"Mingxue, your..."

Before she could speak, Minase Nayuki was already dangling in front of her with her mobile phone, the expression on her face clearly meant "I guessed it would be like this".

"Yesterday, when the phone was out of power and the alarm kept ringing, I told you to charge it!"

Minase Nayuki looked at her good friend helplessly. This friend of hers is good at everything, but she is careless and a complete off-line girl.

"What's going on? The network is busy, can't connect? Forget it! Anyway, the school activities are over, at worst, after returning to the hotel..."

Returning the mobile phone to the friend, Yuan Shan and Ye Bian said while opening the door of the bathroom, before stepping out, a fiery figure rushed towards him.

The two girls, Yue Xiong's mouth bumped into Yue Xiong's mouth, and the person who came knocked her backwards and fell to the ground, and then another person came in from behind.

It's a pity that this is a women's bathroom, and there are no men. Otherwise, if they saw the scene of the collision, someone would definitely shout: "The collision of the Yuexiong instrument!"

"'s you...what are you doing!"

What knocked Yuanshan and Ye down was this female musician Qiu Ting Lianzi who always pays great attention to maintaining her image, a soprano singer with absolute pitch.

Qiu Ting Lianzi is elegant and beautiful, and the most familiar song is Amazing Grace. She graduated from Didan Primary School and taught children to sing. frightened.

What horrible thing happened to make Qiuting Lianzi lose his composure?

Falling to the ground together, Qiuting Lianzi, who put half of her body on Yuan Shan and Ye's body, yelled frantically at the woman who followed behind: "Close the door quickly, don't let those monsters in!"

"Monster, what monster?"

Minase Nayuki stared at the scene in front of her with wide eyes in disbelief.

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Chapter 305 The Wife's Compromise

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The whole body of the black Mercedes-Benz was bruised, the headlights were broken, the rear view mirror was blown off, the luggage compartment at the rear was flattened, and the doors on both sides of the car were covered with severe scratches.

In the past tens of minutes, it has been rampaged on the road in the city by its owner in the most violent way.

After completing the communication in the shortest time, Liu Xu and Hattori Shizuka quickly embarked on the road to find Qingshan and Ye.

Although they have been unable to contact Qingshan and Ye, in this era of popular mobile phones, Qingshan and Ye still use a roundabout method to directly log in to the Internet to check, and soon found out in her space that the school where she went to exchange and study was in the city. Tokyo Grand Hotel to participate in the event.

In order to fight for time, Liu Xu relied on his mental perception to drive the car like a tank, challenging the limit of dangerous driving, bumping into and out of danger along the way, almost non-stop straight to the Tokyo Grand Hotel.

In fact, if there is only one person, Liu Xu can fly there, but it is not so convenient to take Hattori Shizuka with him. Flying in the air is easy to be attacked, and many mutant creatures are even more difficult to deal with than beast soldiers.

Ten minutes later, less than one kilometer away from the Tokyo Grand Hotel, Liu Xu stopped the car, and the road ahead was blocked.

When the solar storm hits, it mutates, and the originally orderly city becomes chaotic in an instant. There are people fleeing for their lives and monsters looking for food everywhere, and the roads are quickly blocked by chaotic people and cars. The function of opening to traffic.

After Liu Xu got off the car, Hattori Shizuka came over and gently held his left hand.

The moment the two held hands, Liu Xu felt that not only himself, but also a small amount of dopamine was being secreted in the body and brain of Hattori Shizuka who was shaking hands with him.

On the way here, Liu Xu confessed to Hattori Shizuka the truth that he had plans for her.

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