"He Ye, I'm not used to doing nothing and waiting on the sidelines to eat. Anyway, it's just boiling water, it won't take much effort."

At this time, the power supply in the villa area has been interrupted, and it is inconvenient to cook in the dark, and the only thing that can be cooked is to cook instant noodles, add some vegetables and canned food-but whether it is Shizuka Hattori or Reiko Akiba, even if the lights are bright, The kitchen utensils are complete. One of these two is living the life of a noble lady, and the other is a woman who has barely mastered a spoon and is living the life of a musician. At best, she cooks instant noodles.

Hattori Shizuka is not ignorant of Qiu Ting Lianzi's actions. She did not confront Qiu Ting Lianzi directly, but showed her edge in her own way.

"He Ye, in fact, I have known Mr. Xu for a long time..."

Hattori Shizuka's words are naturally not true. It is true that Liu Xu knew her, but Hattori Shizuka didn't know how he knew her.

So she reversed the words.

The secret battle in the kitchen, Yoshino Ayaka and Minase Nayuki outside all "listen" clearly.

Minase Nayuki, who had been hungry all night, thought to herself while chewing a piece of chocolate: "Is it three daughters fighting for a husband? No, it should be two daughters fighting for a husband. Is Kazuba helping her aunt? But, her aunt is really a bit Shameless, she is so old..."

But Yoshino Ayaka was thinking: "They are all people who can't cook!"

Of the women in this villa, only Yoshino Ayaka's cooking skills are acceptable. Of course, this is only compared to the other four.

As for Liu Xu, who was taking a bath, he didn't know that he was already the focus of several women's secret battles.

After he took a shower, what awaited him were two bowls of noodles served by two women.

Facing the two steaming bowls being pushed over at the same time, Liu Xu, who is super emotionally intelligent, immediately sniffed out what was behind them.

After a few seconds of silence, he answered.

"Great, I'm so hungry! I'll eat two bowls!"

This was a very bad answer, and as a result, someone pinched his thigh under the table, it was Qing Shan and Ye Qian.

Of course, Liu Xu didn't suffer. The moment he was pinched, he saw Qingshan and Ye again...

"I still can't get enough of these two bowls, at least five bowls."

Of course, this sullen man cleverly hid the above sentence in his heart.

Staying alone in the master bedroom on the second floor, Li Xu sat on the big bed that the former owner spent [-] to order.

There was a knock on the door outside, and without looking at Liu Xu, he "read" that the person outside was Yoshino Ayaka.

Liu Xu opened the door. Due to the power outage and the lack of emergency lights and other lighting devices, the room was pitch black.

"I'm here tonight because I want to talk to you!"

Taking advantage of the moonlight coming in from the window, Yoshino Ayaka walked in half-heartedly, and sat on the edge of the bed.

Liu Xu shrugged and walked to the window.

"Let me introduce myself first! My name is Yoshino Ayaka, and I work at Domoto Tourist Company as the vice president's secretary."

"I can see that you are a very powerful office worker just by looking at your temperament."

Liu Xu responded politely, turning his eyes from Yoshino Ayaka to the sky, the moon was covered by dark clouds.

"Xu Jun, I want you to promise me a request."

Yoshino Ayaka got up, put her arms around Liu Xu's moon, and her back was pressed tightly against her back. Then, from the changes in her body's estrogen, Liu Xu felt that Yoshino Ayaka It is getting sunny.

"any request?"

Liu Xu was very curious, he could roughly guess the reason why Yoshino Ayaka came to find him.

"I have only one request, let me be your..."

Yoshino Linghua slowly retracted her arms around Liu Xu, and her body separated from him, then she took a step back.


Although in the dark, Liu Xu noticed that the expression on her face became solemn and serious, and even the originally burning emotion disappeared completely.


Liu Xu was startled, and then asked, "Why not another identity?"

"Because there is no shortage of women around you, but the secretary is unique! Of course, if you need it, I can work part-time!"

Yoshino Ryaka grabbed Liu Xu's hand and placed it on Yuexiong's mouth.

"What is the secretary doing?"

Liu Xu smiled, this woman's way of thinking was tailor-made for him.

"Of course!"

Yoshino Ayaka frowned.


Liu Xu was dumbfounded.

"Of course the secretary does something, otherwise why do you need a secretary?"

Yoshino Ayaka took it for granted.


"I mean..." Liu Xu coughed and said seriously, "Have you heard the next sentence?"

"Next sentence?"

Liu Xu laughed and said, "It's okay to be a secretary!"

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Chapter 312 The Battle Between Women

Ps: Ask for flowers!Please subscribe!Ask for a reward!Thanks!

Yoshino Ayaka was stunned for a moment, then smiled sweetly, and quietly moved to the bed, and unbuttoned her coat in the bright moonlight shining in from the window.

Then, Liu Xu saw a goddess.

Seeing Liu Xu's shocked expression, Yoshino Ayaka smiled from the corner of her mouth.

My hard work has been the most satisfying return.

Tonight, she specially put on a set of black lace underwear, which she rummaged through in the hostess' room of the villa. The scientific curve design made her already uneven and well-proportioned figure even more mysterious.

Under the moonlight, her snow-white skin shone like a jewel.

Liu Xu woke up from the initial trance, strode towards Ayaka Yoshino...

In the room.


Yoshino Ayaka let out an intoxicated cry.


Yoshino Ayaka left, she didn't stay in the room overnight, but left in time wisely.

Because she knew that when she came in, the girls beside Shizuka Hattori had already noticed, and staying too long would bring trouble to the "boss".

This is not what a qualified secretary should do.

See the road ahead clearly, set your own position, and do your own things well. She is not the oldest among all the women in the room, but she is more mature than all of them.

Of course, what satisfied Liu Xu most was that this was the first time for Ayaka Yoshino.

"It's been an hour and a half, and the woman finally came out!"

Hattori Shizuka and Aoyama Kazuha lived directly opposite Liu Xu's bedroom. When Yoshino Ayaka knocked on the door of Liu Xu's room, this girl who didn't seem to be gossip, but actually had paparazzi tendencies, paid attention.

"What is she doing in Xu Jun's room?"

Qingshan and Ye surfaced to talk to themselves, but they said it to their aunt.

Unknowingly, she was also influenced by Liu Xu, otherwise, how could Aoyama and Ye always report the situation of Liu Xu to Hattori Shizuka, who is her aunt who has a husband and a son...

"He Ye, Mr. Xu is a good man, you should seize the opportunity."

Hattori Shizuka, who was already lying on the bed, said solemnly.

After being tossed and frightened all day yesterday, Hattori Shizuka and Aoyama Kazuha got up late the next day.

When the two women rubbed their eyes and went downstairs, they found that an astonishingly rich breakfast had been placed on the table in the dining room downstairs, but they only saw Yoshino Ayaka working in the kitchen alone.

Hattori Shizuka asked, "Did you do Miss Yoshino?"

"I originally wanted to do it, but when Xu Jun made a move, I had no choice but to help him."

Yoshino Ayaka replied with a smile that she planned all this, but she was also surprised by Liu Xudang's superb cooking skills.

But what even Yoshino Ayaka didn't expect was that Liu Xu was actually a master of the game, and his performance was dozens of times better than she imagined.

Since pushing Yoshino Ayaka, Liu Xu has been in a good mood.

After eating, clean up.

"Are you going out to fight those monsters again?"

Seeing that Liu Xu was about to go out, Hattori Shizuka ran over and took his hand.

Liu Xu replied: "To protect you, I need strength!"

In fact, Liu Xu's real idea was to find more beauties. Yesterday, he got five beauties and pushed one of them. He felt very good.

Hattori Shizuka lowered his head and said, "Be careful, come back soon!"

She stretched out her face and kissed Liu Xu on the cheek in front of everyone.

Sparse applause rang out, and it was Aoyama and Ye who were agitating, while Minase Nayuki and Yoshino Ayaka also booed.

Although Aoyama and Ye did not fall into Liu Xu's clutches, they pushed Hattori Shizuka, who was supposed to be their future mother-in-law, into Liu Xu's arms. If Heiji knew about it, the expression on his face must be pretty.

What is rhythm?

After being stunned for a moment, Qiuting Lianzi came over, took off a silver cross necklace from her neck, and hung it around Liu Xu's neck in front of Hattori Shizuka.

"This is my amulet, I have been wearing it since I was a child!"

She turned her head slightly and looked at Hattori Shizuka, who also looked back at her.

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