After he rescued a large number of people, Liu Xu's image in the hearts of the women became taller again.

Even Minase Nayuki, a girl who has a general impression of him, now looks at him with an indescribably ambiguous look in his eyes, and in the eyes of Akiba Rieko looking at him from behind, she often unintentionally releases A hint of sadness.

"I know there is a way for you to reduce stress and recover faster!"

Hattori Shizuka lowered her head and whispered softly in Liu Xu's ear, then Liu Xu felt her pull up her blouse, then grabbed her hands, and pressed them on the creamy twin peaks.

"You can touch whatever you want!"

Hattori Shizuka's face was as red as an apple, and the tenderness in his eyes could melt into gold.

Without half a second of hesitation, Liu Xu's wolf claws grabbed it hard.

Hattori Shizuka's low-pitched female Qiao Yin even made Liu Xu feel like a beast, and moved his mouth together for a while to communicate.

Now, Hattori Shizuka's bowl of soup has already been drunk in his mouth, and he is about to find a place with a bed and no one to swallow it.

Just when the two sides were lingering and preparing for the final thunder and fire, the expected situation appeared.

Qiuting Lianzi opened the door and walked out.

"Xu, Mrs. Hattori, you..."

The appearance of Qiuting Lianzi made both of them feel embarrassed, especially Hattori Jinghua.

She is a wife, and Reiko Akiba calls her Mrs. Hattori, which is to remind Shizuka Hattori that she has a family, but in fact, in this last days, reunion with her family is really just a luxury, because the information is interrupted , so apart from Liu Xu, they don't know that only Tokyo is a hell on earth, while the rest of the world is fine.

This is thanks to Kronos. If it weren't for this powerful organization that secretly controls the earth, the scope of this virus crisis will definitely affect the entire Japan, not the mere Tokyo area. Of course, the reason why such a thing happened is also It's all their work.


Beauty is like soup, drinking bowl after bowl is a human comedy, but when they are served at the same time, they collide fiercely when they are close to the mouth, and the ending often turns into a tragedy in the world.

Looking at Hattori Shizuka beside him, and looking at Akiba Reiko in front of him, Liu Xu now feels like his mouth is scalded by the splash of juice from the two colliding bowls of beauty soup.

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Chapter 317 Respective Abacus

"Mrs. Hattori, I... I won't lose to you again, I, I like Xu Jun very much."

Qiu Ting Lianzi's sudden confession irritated the two people in the room at once.

This time, Liu Xu knew that she was telling the truth, because when she spoke, her brain was secreting a lot of dopamine.


Back in the house, Hattori Shizuka silently picked up a book and started to read it with a flashlight. It was a cooking book.

Yuan Shan and Ye are still aggrieved about her.

"That woman is really too much, actually..."

"He Ye, do you think I'm really angry?"

Hattori Shizuka, who was reading a book, chuckled and stopped her from continuing.

"Today it's just that woman is taking the initiative to pick things up again. He's actually been wronged."

"Then why did you..."

"I did that on purpose!"

"Auntie, how bad are you!"

By the light of the flashlight, Yuan Shan and Ye found that the wife and aunt who usually seemed to be a virtuous and virtuous model now had a smirk on her face, and she immediately understood what was going on.

"If I'm really angry with him, then I won't be a little woman, and I've been fooled by that woman, wouldn't that push him to her side? I'm not that stupid! Come here, He Ye, help me Let me check, what should I make breakfast for him tomorrow morning..."

The two women's heads were quickly brought together, and they began to look it up in the cookbook.

Although Liu Xu himself can cook good dishes comparable to a five-star chef, as a traditional woman, Shizuka Hattori who grew up in a traditional family knows that if she wants to win the heart of a man, she must first To grab a man's stomach.

This is the same as the fastest way for a man to approach a woman is through the vagina.

Hattori Shizuka said to Kazuba while reading a book: "However, in the future, don't keep fighting with Akiba Reiko. If possible, you should reconcile with her."

"What's the matter, auntie, isn't she poaching your corner?"

She even married and had children and said she was being poached, Hattori Shizuka blushed, couldn't help but take a bite, and then sighed: "You don't understand... Times have changed, maybe one day, we To join forces with her."

What Hattori Shizuka has experienced the most these days is that the old world order will soon collapse.

Doomsday crisis is not a new topic, from some people predicting that the sun will disappear, asteroids hit the earth, mutated virus, zombie siege, nuclear bomb crisis, etc...

Hattori Shizuka knew a little bit, now that all this has become real, and being able to kill those monsters easily, she can imagine the future achievements of this man.

"In the future, there will definitely be many Yaoerzi who will fly over and post back on their own initiative..."

Hattori Shizuka sighed weakly in his heart, looked at Toyama Kazuha who still didn't quite understand, but didn't blame her for being too naive.

She knew in her heart that Yuan Shan and Ye did not have a strong sense of survival crisis like others because of her own "big tree" supporting her.

"It's really not possible, the fat and water will not enter the fields of outsiders...Hmph!"

At that moment, Hattori Shizuka felt that she seemed very shameless.

the other side……

"Linghua, I ruined him and that woman today, will he hate me?"

"Of course not, but you have this kind of worry. It seems that you really like him."

"I didn't expect that either. It's just that I feel very uncomfortable seeing him with her these days. As for just now, I didn't expect that I would be so impulsive and say such shameful things. It's really embarrassing."

"No, you're doing great!"

Yoshino Ayaka climbed onto the bed, sat next to Akiba, and said softly: "In fact, you did a very good job today. Before today, you were just a beautiful vase in his heart, but after today, you are already in his heart An imprint was carved."


Yoshino Ayaka laughed, as expected she still lacked experience in dealing with men.

Although Qiuting Lianzi is more mature than all girls of the same age, after all, she has not had much interaction with men in her past life. As a maverick musician, compared with the beautiful wife and wife of a wealthy family, this sister is still a little tender Some.

"In the past, you used beauty to deal with him, but today, your weapon is 'truth'! A man has no resistance in the face of this kind of 'truth'! In fact, you have already made a mark."


"Really! What you said today is the truth. He can tell it. In fact, everyone can tell the truth. Otherwise, how could that woman be so honest and not speak bad words to you. "

Yoshino Ayaka patted Akiba Reiko's shoulder lightly, but she thought of her former self in her heart.

"Ling Hua, you know men so well, before... I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything else."

"I, I've dated men since I was in college, but..."

"But what?"

Qiuting Lianzi, who was still shy, has recovered at this time, and plays the role of paparazzi with great interest.

"However, I have never had a relationship with them, because I can't help being moved when I see a better man, and I always want to give myself to a better man."

"Pfft! Wow!"

"Don't think about it! Why can a man have a dream when he sees a beautiful woman, but we women can't be obsessed when we see an outstanding man?"

"That's right!"

Akiba Riko kept nodding to express her agreement. She usually seemed mature and experienced, but she was as tender as a student in front of Yoshino Ayaka.

"Ling Hua, how many men have you fancied?"

"It's almost a hundred!"


"I saw that outstanding men are easy to fall in love with, but they can't 'betray' the boyfriends they were dating at the time, so I had to pretend that they have a relationship to balance it!"


Qiu Ting Lianzi was shocked again. It turned out that the woman who had been helping her with advice was a full-fledged rotten girl.

"Actually, I...forget it, let's not talk about it!"

"Ling Hua, keep talking, keep talking, I want to hear..."

In the two dark rooms, the gossip between the two pairs of women was still going on, and Liu Xu, who was full of anger, didn't go to either side this night, but knocked on the door of Minase Nayuki's room.

Chapter 318 I'll Come and Cover You with a Quilt

"Xu Jun, why are you here?"

"Mingxue, I'm here to cover you with the quilt!"

With that said, Liu Xu had already entered the house.


"Is it cold to sleep at night? How about letting me sleep with you!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu suddenly hugged Minase Nayuki, bowed his head and kissed her.

Minase Nayuki's body had no strength at all, and she couldn't dodge at all, and his lips were kissed by him.

Minase Nayuki is a top student in school, she has been studying hard, and has never been involved in love affairs at all, and there are no messy compensated dating girls in her classmates. Since she was a child, she has never even watched H manga and island country action movies , so this aspect is completely a rookie.

But Liu Xu is a saint of flowers who has harmed many beauties. How could Minase Nayuki be his opponent?

Minase Nayuki only felt a strange feeling flooding her whole body, and her widened eyes closed involuntarily, could it be

Is this what it feels like to be in love?


Liu Xu screamed again. It turned out that Minase Nayuki, who was addicted to the beauty and young girl's feeling of kiss, suddenly woke up, and bit down hard in a panic.

"Wow, it's so drumming with hot stocks (you girl is a dog)!"

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