In the bathroom, water was running from the faucet, and Hattori Shizuka was gently laid flat on the bed by Liu Xu.

There was no light in the room, and the darkness made Hattori Shizuka's body more sensitive. She only felt her hands moving around her body. Wherever she passed, the clothes that used to wrap her beautiful body were leaving her body one by one. .

When Hattori Shizuka was stripped down to the last pair of panties, those evil hands left.

Hattori Shizuka instinctively retracted her body into the bed. Although she couldn't see her fingers around her, she still wrapped herself tightly with a thick quilt.

Regarding what will happen next, Hattori Shizuka is both excited and a little scared.

This man, she has known him for less than half a month, and there is not much verbal communication between the two parties.

Hattori Shizuka once asked herself how she felt about this man, love, part of it arose when he took her to fight in the hotel that day, and the other feeling was admiration, she especially admired him, he Possesses great power, but never bullies the weak in this end times, and can lend a helping hand to the weak at critical moments.

Although it is impossible for this man to have many women, his essence is still very positive, so Hattori Shizuka is completely willing to give everything he has to him.

In the darkness, there was the sound of undressing, and Hattori Shizuka nervously grabbed the corner of the quilt.

This kind of room without light made her more nervous, because she didn't know when the man would press her up.

After a while, the room suddenly lit up, and after Hattori Shizuka saw the glowing object clearly, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You pervert! You're really smug!"

The luminous object is Liu Xu's body. He is completely naked, and now he is sitting in a corner at the end of the bed, intentionally posing in the pose of the "Thinking Man" statue, and Hattori Shizuka can't help laughing.

"Like it?"

"I don't like it! Turn off the light!"

The beauty smiled, and what Liu Xu likes most is the way she smiles.

"Then look at this, does it look like David?"

Speaking of Liu Xu, he stood at the end of the bed, with his waist straight, his left hand bent on his shoulder, and he posed in the pose of Michelangelo's famous statue of David. The whole movement was the same as that famous statue, the only one The difference is, the indecent reaction of his body.

And in order to highlight this detail, Liu Xu dimmed the light emitted by his body, but specially increased the brightness of the difference.

"You bad guy, you're dead!" Hattori Shizuka, who has been there before, doesn't know anything about men, but she still couldn't help being ashamed and covered her face with a quilt, but she was muttering in her heart, "How can you be so big... ...How can Bihe stand it in the future..."

Hattori Shizuka, who had already become meat on the felt board, didn't know that when Liu Xu had enough cells and was reborn from the ashes, when he was shaping his whole body, including that place, he didn't miss it.

Men always hope that their symbols are as strong as possible, and Liu Xu is no exception.

Liu Xu got under the covers, and when the two of them were naked, Shizuka Hattori shrank into a ball nervously, and the pores on her body stood up reflexively.

"Is it cold? I'll warm you right away."

Liu Xu's body was quickly attached to it. His body was very hot. Hattori Shizuka was hugging a heater. Although the air outside was very cold, this man brought her great warmth like the sun. , as if the only light in the darkness.

Chapter 321 Suppression

While Liu Xu was living a happy life, because of Akafir's awakening, the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes.


All are being attacked by Kronos!

North Pacific United States of America, Seventh Fleet.

"Captain, there is an urgent message from the flagship 'Blue Collar Good'!"

"Okay, read it out."

"Issuing 'Alert Level 2' order."

"Suddenly the release of '2'? Is the country under nuclear attack?"

As soon as the captain finished speaking, there was a loud explosion outside the cabin.

"The Bunker Hill was sunk?"

"Torpedo attack!? But, but the sonar didn't respond at all..."


"The blue fox scrambles into space!"

"Blue Fox Received!"

The blue fox fighter jet taxied, ready to take off.

The deck of the battleship exploded suddenly, and a murderer jumped out from below the deck.

The fighter plane slammed into it straight, and with a "boom", a violent explosion occurred.

"F, what happened?"

The pilot of the fighter plane took off was overwhelmed with fright.

Suddenly, my head tightened.

The guide was grabbed by the head and lifted up in the air.

No, not by a person, but by a fish-shaped creature.

Explosions sounded one after another.



"The Seventh Fleet has just been wiped out."

"Only in the part currently in control, 72% of the air combat power, 64% of the sea combat power and 81% of the road combat power have been lost."

"In addition, [-]% of the state army, police, fbi and other units are no longer under the control of the conquest."

"The combat power that can continue to fight now..."


The President interrupts the aide's briefing.

"How could such a thing happen? The glorious history of my United States of America ended in this way..." The president roared angrily: "Those guys... Where are those monsters? Where and how did they come from?" So far, where exactly is it lurking?"

"Do you want to know the truth of the matter so much? Your Excellency the President?" the adjutant asked calmly, but his body changed dramatically at this time.

From human to beast!


"Since a long time ago...we have been by your side..." the adjutant who turned into a beast soldier said with a grim face.

Arizona, the lowest floor of the Kronos headquarters.

between the celestial spheres.

"The suppression in North America is complete, the attack in South America is in progress, the suppression in Western Europe is complete, the suppression in Eastern Europe is complete, the attack in Australia is in progress, the suppression in East Asia is complete, and the west Asia is almost complete. U.S. military bases…”

"Gather all the troops and let them see the power gap." The beast god general Xin En said in a deep voice, "beat them to pieces."


In the east of Saudi Arabia, the US military sends bases to the Middle East.

"The second line of defense has been breached!"

The distance between the chariot troops and the enemy is four thousand! !

"Notice the commanders of the tanks, this is the last line of defense, comrades, don't let them break through!!"


The chariot moved forward rapidly.

"Enemies appear at eleven o'clock!!" The observer looked at the army of beast soldiers rushing through the tactical binoculars, "My God... this is the army of demons..."

Tanks fired.


Intensive artillery bombardment.

Beast soldiers suffered heavy casualties, but they were not afraid.

"It, what kind of bastards are they, aren't they afraid of death?! Fire, fire, fire as much as possible!! Don't let any one pass through here..."

Cannonballs continued to bombard, and the sound of explosions was endless.

Beast soldiers have tenacious vitality, even if they are fragmented, as long as their brains are not damaged, they can continue to fight.

The tank was fighting vigorously, when suddenly a beam of light shot from a distance, and the tank exploded into a big fireball with a bang.

"Then, what is that?"

On the horizon, a row of beast soldiers lined up, and the biological cannons on both sides of their shoulders were fully deployed.



The tank and chariot units are all wiped out.

The satellite monitoring screen perfectly presented the entire battle process, and there was a sudden silence in the command room.


"I, we still have the tactical nuclear bomb 'spear'!" The captain said with a pale face: "As long as you use the 'nuclear weapon', no matter how powerful those monsters are, they can't resist it..."

"Are you kidding me? Use nukes at this distance, and we'll be together..."

"Shut up!" The captain drew his gun and exploded the head of the speaker, "How, how can you be looked down upon by those monsters, the earth belongs to us humans..."

East longitude xxxx, west longitude xxxx, a very dazzling light began to appear in the sky, and this dazzling light became bigger and bigger, as if a sun had risen.

The beast soldiers in the area closest to the explosion died instantly.

However, within a second, these dead beast soldiers and the desert beneath them were gasified by the high temperature, revealing huge charred pits.

After the nuclear explosion, the captain ran outside from the ruins of the base with difficulty, and looked at the war zone through the tactical binoculars.

"Wahhahaha...Look! Those guys were blown up to nothing." The team leader laughed nervously, "Monsters, you know how powerful they are! This is the power of us humans!"

Suddenly, his voice stopped.

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