Miyano Shiho knocked on Liu Xu's door three minutes ago, but he didn't speak. Even if he was a beast general, he couldn't guess what she was going to do.

There was still a distance of more than half a meter between the two, but Miyano Shiho felt as if Liu Xu was beside him, and his heart was beating wildly.

In fact, Miyano Shiho knew exactly what he was doing, and he also knew that if he really followed the idea in his head, what would happen would be absolutely crazy.

But now that he has made a choice, Miyano Shiho has no intention of backing down at all, he is just a little shy.

"Xu Jun..."


"I like you!"


Liu Xu's eyes widened, and he looked at Miyano Shiho in astonishment.

Although Miyano Shiho was regarded as a dish in his own bowl, Liu Xu never expected that she would take the initiative to confess her love to him.

"Ahem, Shiho-chan, are you kidding?" Liu Xu asked Miyano Shiho, whose face was as red as a red apple from Mt. Fuji.

"Well, I'm very serious!" Miyano Shiho turned around and looked into Liu Xu's eyes, and said very seriously.

Although a little shy, I finally showed all my courage.

Liu Xu was already happy in his heart at this moment, but he still said seriously on his face: "But... Zhibao sauce, I am your brother-in-law, so..."

"Is it just because of my sister?" Miyano Shiho looked at Liu Xu and asked with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Liu Xu was slightly taken aback.

Seeing that Liu Xu didn't speak, Miyano Shiho suddenly stared at Liu Xu, and then asked, "Then why did Mr. Xu do that with Sister Qianying in the office!"

"Ah...Where, which one?" Liu Xu asked stammeringly, wiping the cold sweat off his forehead.

Miyano Shiho blushed and replied in a low voice: "I saw it, just a few days ago, I saw Xu Jun and Chikage sister doing that at the desk!"

Liu Xu never expected that someone would actually see his crazy corridor walk that time, and it was Miyano Shiho.

You can see it when you see it, it’s not a big deal, Kronos is now implementing polygamy and polyandry.

"Well, since you've seen it all, I can't deny it. I'm not just your sister!" Liu Dian looked into Miyano Shiho's eyes and said, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I want to say...brother-in-law, let me be your lover too!"

Miyano Shiho closed his eyes and let out a loud cry, and then directly entered a chaotic state, his mind was muddy and he felt nothing.

Even Liu Xu was stunned for a while, he always felt that he had some auditory hallucinations, isn't it because Miyano Shiho is a cold beauty?

In fact, Miyano Shiho's transformation is not surprising at all. She not only has a high IQ, but also has a high EQ. In the original book, she suppressed her character because she couldn't help herself. Later, her body shrank and became Haibara Ai. She had to hide yourself...

Now at this time, Miyano Shiho can be herself, and it is her freedom to like whoever she likes, even if it is her brother-in-law, there is no problem if there is love, right?

Chapter 332 My sister-in-law is half of my brother-in-law's ass

While the atmosphere in the house became more awkward, it also produced some ambiguous atmosphere.

Under such circumstances, as a man, would Liu Xu reject Miyano Shiho with righteous words?

of course not!

Naturally, Liu Xu had no reason to let go of this little beauty who was delivered to his door, and he was indeed a little moved by Miyano Shiho.

About ten seconds later, Liu Xu stared, and said a sentence in Chinese under Miyano Shiho's surprised eyes.

"My sister-in-law is my brother-in-law's half ass."

Just when Miyano Shiho was still wondering about the meaning of this sentence, Liu Xu had already stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, then lowered his head and kissed Miyano Shiho's soft lips, and instantly pried her lips open. Jaws...

Lips for a long time.

Liu Xu looked at Miyano Shiho, and then asked seriously: "It's too late to regret it now!"

Miyano Shiho shook his head with a red face, and then said firmly: "I don't regret it!"

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and his body trembled slightly, as if he was ready.

Liu Xu is by no means a good man or woman. Under such circumstances, he directly took off his clothes, no matter whether it was inside or outside.

Miyano Shibao squinted her eyes and took a look. This was the second time she saw it, and the first time was in the swimming pool, where Liu Xu was wearing swimming trunks, but this time she saw it clearly, and almost cried out in fright. stand up.

His heart was beating wildly as if it was about to explode, Miyano Shiho simply closed his eyes.

Then Miyano Shiho felt a state that he had never felt before under Liu Xu's brilliant technique, it was really crazy.

Liu Xu's head worked under Miyano Shiho's body for a while, and when he realized that the preparations were almost done, he pressed down on it.


The fierce battle lasted for an hour and a half. In the middle of the night, the two washed up and went back to bed to sleep again. However, Liu Xu suddenly found that he seemed to be a professional bather, and practice made perfect. The key point was that he was very happy.

It seems that being a scrubber in the future will probably be world-class, but if the object of scrubbing is Ran, Eri, Yukiko, Belmode, Chikage Kuroba, Aoko Nakamori, Toyama Kazuha... I am afraid it will be the whole world No man can dislike this job!

Lying in the quilt and hugging Miyano Shiho's soft body, Liu Xu's heart was still dominated by excitement and happiness, but at the same time he was also a little curious.

"Shiho-chan, you really don't regret it?"

Miyano Shiho, who had just become a woman, of course couldn't fall asleep at the moment, the previous madness still made her blush even thinking about it now, but there was a sense of satisfaction in her heart that she had never had before.

Hearing Liu Xu's question, Miyano Shiho, who was lying on his mouth, blushed and replied: "No, this is a decision I made with great difficulty. I know that some...some...some are shameless, But I won't regret it, really!"

This made Liu Xu feel a little embarrassed, so he stretched out his hand to caress Miyano Shiho's smooth back, and said softly: "This is not shameless, if I really want to say it, a man with a heart like me is the one Shameless, but since things have already happened, so...you will be my little lover from now on, you must obediently listen to brother-in-law!"

Liu Xu coaxed Miyano Shiho like a child, then reached out and hugged her directly to him, kissing her little mouth...

After the kiss was over, Miyano Shiho took a deep breath, then nodded with a smile, "I will be obedient."

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "Okay, brother-in-law treats you to sweets!"

"Candy?" Miyano Shiho was slightly startled.

Liu Xu smiled and nodded, "Bang Bang Tang!"

Miyano Shiho didn't understand the stalk, but she clearly felt that Liu Xu's smile contained malicious elements.


A rough design plan is already in place, and Fan Xiaobing also likes Liu Xu's design very much, and she very much hopes to become such a beast soldier.

As a beast general, the resources that Liu Xu can mobilize are terrifying. It can be said that the resources are fully open. Not only does he have a special preparation room, but he also has many assistants. However, the assistant Liu Xu arranged by Kronos is not He doesn't catch a cold, and when he has something to do, he still likes to let Miyano Shiho do it.

If you have something to do as a secretary, if you have nothing to do, be a secretary!

As for Kuroba Chikage, she is mainly responsible for taking care of Liu Xu's life.

Mature women will hurt people.

Five young female criminals became Liu Xu's experimental subjects. Even Liu Xu's modulation success rate was not [-]%, let alone a new type of beast soldier that had never been prepared before.

"Wings must have the function of flying." Miyano Shiho wrote and drew on paper.

"This is necessary." Liu Xu nodded.

He read a lot of information on birds and found that birds that can soar in the air for a long time are very suitable. The wings of a bird called the golden eagle are very suitable, and the appearance is also very beautiful.

He also found the chromatophore gene that controls the color of the bird's wings. This part refers to the parrot, which turns the wings red, and the tail refers to the peacock. There are also some feathers on the limbs that control the flight posture. At the same time, these feathers also serve as decorative embellishments. , and the ears are also decorated with feathers.

These practices are not only beautiful, but also can expand the hearing. The eyes are eagle eyes, and the eyesight is a hundred times that of a human. You can see a rabbit on the ground from an altitude of thousands of meters.

Muscles simply increase in density, which is only ten times that of ordinary people. This is done to control the body and prevent the body from losing shape.

This is the modulation of appearance, consuming an experimental body.

"The preparation of the super-organ refers to the super-beast soldier of the Japanese branch, Dazhebu." Miyano Shiho showed Liu Xu what was written on the paper, and at the same time introduced to him: "This is a kind of organ that can emit through the skin. The outer skin of a high-temperature creature is a far-infrared radiating organ. In reality, such devices have long existed, such as ordinary medical far-infrared rays and electric heaters, and industrial electric furnaces. Infrared rays have the ability of solar radiation, and the radiation accelerates the movement of molecules to generate high heat."

Liu Xu watched and listened, nodding his head from time to time to express his approval.

Chapter 333 Eat first, then eat you

"The working principle is that the bulging molecules on the shoulder first accelerate the organs, causing the material molecules to vibrate to generate frictional heat, and then generate powerful far-infrared rays. This far-infrared rays have two continuous attack methods."

"1. Directly use the far-infrared rays emitted by the skin to accelerate the movement of air molecules within a limited range, and the air molecules in contact with objects collide violently with each other. As a result, the energy is transmitted to the surrounding gas molecules, which can be within ten meters. A thousand-degree high temperature is generated in an instant."

"2. Heat the air in the mouth into a plasma air mass, and then spray it out, which can attack distant targets."

Miyano Shiho said eloquently, she is no different from the original book when she enters the working state clearly.

"Obviously, the super-organs change the appearance. As a battle beast, this is no problem, but as an idol beast, you must pay attention to the appearance of the image, so it is almost necessary to redesign."

Discussions like this have been held many times between the two.

In the end, the molecular acceleration organ was rearranged in the moon part, where it was supposed to bulge, it didn't affect the appearance, it was just bigger.

The infrared emitting organs are arranged on the feathers of the wings to preserve the whiteness of the skin. At the same time, the wings refer to Cotto, the leader of the five-man group of super beast soldiers, and can absorb heat.

Because storing energy requires a large body size, but the idol beast soldiers cannot change their body size arbitrarily, so they can only use external energy to modulate the feathers like eyes on the long tail of the phoenix into crystals one by one. This crystal is a small laser generator.

There are five large laser generating organs at the end of the tail, which are directly connected to the energy channels of the wings, and can emit huge beams, and it only burns the tail. The feathers around the wings and the tail are high-frequency swords, and the fingernails look like flashing lights. The bright crystal is also a laser that can emit lasers. The long hair can flutter freely, and its toughness is comparable to carbon fiber. This is the design drawing of the super animal phoenix.

The appearance is beautiful, and the battle is comparable to the head of the re-modulated five-man group.


In the media and entertainment company, most of the employees have already left work, but the lights in Qiu Ting Lianzi's office are still on.

Qiuting Lianzi is still buried in familiarizing herself with the music score. As a popular artist, she is definitely the one who works the hardest.

"There is no one in the company, don't you take a break? Didn't I tell you to pay attention to your body?"

Liu Xu's voice suddenly appeared in the office, so suddenly it startled Qiu Ting Lianzi.

When she looked up and found that it was Liu Xu, Qiuting Lianzi complained and said, "Can you stop scaring people so suddenly next time, it's scary!"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "I thought you were used to it!"

"Even if you're used to your sudden speaking, it's scary. You know it, but you think my office is haunted if you don't know it." Qiuting Lianzi rolled her eyes complainingly, and stopped the work at hand, "Why do you remember this? I thought you went to Sister Jinghua's side, and you forgot about her."

"How could it be? Jinghua knows how to take care of it. In contrast, it's you who make me feel at ease. If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have given you those sheet music. Who knew you would work so hard, in case you were exhausted. What should I do?" Liu Xu smiled, but Qiu Ting Lianzi was interrupted when he was about to speak, "Okay, I have to eat one bite at a time, and the music score will not run away with long legs, and it's getting late. I can tell by your appearance that you haven't eaten yet, let's go, I'll treat you to dinner!"

"Where are you going? A restaurant?" Qiuting Lianzi was indeed a little hungry, not to mention that since Liu Xu came, he might not be able to continue reading the music score, so he simply stopped.

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