
Liu Xu stroked his chin and finally became interested.

Liu Xu, who was interested, immediately called up relevant information and made a special investigation.

But they are all superficial data, because Li Yanyu passed out as soon as he came back, so more information can only be collected after he wakes up.

When Liu Xu checked the relevant information, stood up, and stretched, it was almost noon.

At this time, Yoko Okino had already woken up, and was shaking her two smooth jade legs, lying comfortably on the soft bed and scrolling through Twitter.

Seeing that Liu Xu was finally done, Yoko Okino smiled sweetly and said coquettishly, "Is it finally done? I'm so hungry."

"Just call the front desk." Sitting casually by the bed, Liu Xu looked at Yoko Okino who was lazily lying on the bed and smiled.

She was obviously awake, but she stayed on the bed and didn't get up.

Yoko Okino's reddish cheeks still had the lingering aftertaste of last night, lightly flicking her slightly messy hair, she sat up from the bed, stretched her waist enchantingly and said, "What good thing happened to you?" Yet?"

"That's right, how did you tell?" Liu Xu asked slightly surprised.

"Hee hee, it's all written on his face." Blinking playfully, Yoko Okino jumped off the bed.

With a pair of jade feet stepping on the cold wooden floor, she reached out and took the white shirt from the hanger, covering her attractive figure.

She is very clear about her own charm, and she is also very good at displaying this pure and charming charm.

"Oh? Then guess again, what is the good thing that happened to me?" Liu Xu said.

"Is there a prize for guessing right?" Okino Yoko pouted.

"Of course." Liu Xu smiled.

"Hmm!" Thinking with her index finger against her fragrant lips, Yoko Okino rolled her beautiful eyes, and then nodded with certainty, "Surely a big deal has been negotiated?"

Standing up and walking to Okino Yoko, Liu Xu put his hand around her waist, and smiled happily: "Haha, that's right! How did you guess it?"

"Hee hee, when you are with me, good things always happen." Okino Yoko said with a smile.

"So, you are really my lucky star." Liu Xu pretended to think seriously for a moment, then nodded.

"How are you going to reward me?" Okino Yoko said crisply.

"Is one kiss enough?" Liu Xu smirked and squeezed her waist.

"Hate!" Okino Yoko said angrily.

Because it was already lunch time, the two got dressed and went directly to the restaurant in the Hilton Hotel for dinner.

The lunch portion is not much, but it is unusually rich.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 351

Liu Xu ate very casually, but Okino Yoko ate more reservedly, and every dish was just tasted.

After all, she is also a star, without genetic modification, if she wants to keep her figure, she can only rely on the most primitive control of food intake.

Liu Xu, on the other hand, didn't have so many troublesome things to think about. Except for those delicate delicacies, he ate two steaks before he wiped his mouth to show that he was full.

Looking at the empty plate on the table, the waitress was dumbfounded, and thoughtfully left a box of stomach medicine on his table.

Seeing Yoko Okino's suppressed smile, Liu Xu touched his nose in embarrassment.

I have to say that the service of this five-star hotel is really thoughtful, almost to the point of meticulous care.

It's just that sometimes it's too thoughtful, and it still can't help but make people feel a little embarrassing.

Putting the stomach medicine in his pocket, Liu Xu pressed the bell to pay the bill.

"Aren't you afraid of becoming a big fat man?" Looking at the stacked empty plates, Okino Yoko couldn't help teasing.

"Don't be afraid, it's not a bad thing for a man to have a belly." Liu Xu joked haha.

Even so, the word fat is still a little far away from Liu Xu.

Glancing at Liu Xu's flat belly, Yoko Okino couldn't help but exclaimed, "How did you do it?"

"Want to know?" Liu Xu smiled mysteriously.

Yoko Okino nodded vigorously, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

To keep fit without diet control, the temptation is deadly for women who are entangled in whether to eat sweets or not.

"I'll tell you later." Liu Xu laughed.

The blond waitress handed him the bill and the credit card machine, smiled at him, and looked away politely.

The tipping culture in New Zealand is not as deep-rooted as in the United States, but it still exists, but when paying the bill, the waiter will not ask for it face to face. In order to avoid embarrassment, the waiter will look away when entering the tip amount, which is convenient for those who do not want to pay the tip The customer presses the 0% button on the base of the card reader.

Because he was in a really good mood, Liu Xu naturally lived up to the expectations of the beautiful waitress, and directly pressed the 100% option on the tip amount column of the card reader, then took out his bank card, and readily paid.

When the invoice was typed out, looking at the impressive 100% option, the blond girl opened her mouth in surprise and looked at Liu Xu in disbelief.

It was the first time she had seen such a generous guest.

If it wasn't for the fact that the beauty sitting across from him was so pretty, she would have wondered if this young oriental tycoon had taken a fancy to her.

Counting tips, one meal cost $5000, which was almost as much as half a day's room rate in the presidential suite they lived in.

Seeing the back of the waiter leaving, Yoko Okino pouted slightly, looked at the ceiling, and muttered jealously: "Hmph, have you taken a fancy to him?"

"How is it possible?" Liu Xu laughed.

"Hee hee, that's good." Yoko Okino smiled and said happily, "Where shall we go next?"

A woman who knocks over the jar of jealousy every day will only push men out, while a woman who is not jealous can hardly make a man feel concerned.

Jealous but not entangled. I have to say that Xiaolan and Yuanzi together are no match for Yoko Okino in terms of cleverness. However, it is precisely because of this that Liu Xu only intends to regard her as a lover.

Knowing this very well, she didn't make too many demands, because even if she was a lover, Liu Xu gave her enough respect.

Name or something, it's just a name.

"I heard that the diving project here is good, do you want to have a look?" Liu Xu smiled.

"I want to! Also, I want to go to sea on a yacht!" Okino Yoko said happily.

"no problem."

After getting up and stretching, Liu Xu took Okino Yoko's little hand and walked out of the hotel.

Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand and has more than fifty islands, large or small.

The whole city is half on land and half on the sea, just like a garden built on the sea.

In addition to the beautiful natural scenery, another major feature of Auckland is its convenient transportation.

Within half an hour's drive, you can get anywhere.

Whether it's taking a boat to an island, trekking through the rainforest, picnicking at a volcano, or going surfing.

Soon, Liu Xu took Okino Yoko and got off the car at the seaside pier.

This wharf named Old Fisherman was found by him on the Internet of the local Chinese community in New Zealand.

The boss is a British guy named John, who treats tourists very friendly.

It is precisely because of this that his business is very booming, and many people come to his pier to charter boats.

According to netizens who have been here, the owner who runs this pier once served in the Australian Navy and is a good diver.

The equipment in the pier is also very complete, and the rental of various diving equipment is not very expensive.

Holding Yoko Okino's hand, Liu Xu walked to the office at the dock and asked about boat rental and diving.

The red-nosed British guy was very happy to see Liu Xu asking about diving. He happily sold him various diving suits in his collection, and explained to him the things that need to be paid attention to when diving.

"When diving, you must pay attention to the depth. For beginners, I suggest not to exceed 6 meters."

"6 meters, what does that mean?" Liu Xu couldn't help asking.

"In the shallow sea area, you can see beautiful scenery only 6 meters shallow. So if you plan to dive, I don't recommend you to rent a yacht to go to far away places. In deeper waters, you may dive tens of meters Nothing to see yet, and there is a danger of encountering a shark." Although he said something dangerous, John's tone was very funny.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 352

"Shark, shark?" Okino Yoko shuddered and looked at Liu Xu in fear, "Let's not dive!"

Although her English is average, Yoko Okino still recognized the word shark.

Seeing the frightened expression of the tourists, John smiled honestly and said with gestures with his hands.

"In fact, there is no need to worry too much. Most sharks do not attack people. Every year, the number of people killed by coconuts is ten times higher than the number of people attacked by sharks. Only great white sharks and tiger sharks are likely to attack people. Yes. In some places, divers will also be organized to feed sharks."

For sharks, Liu Xu is naturally not afraid. After all, he can single out the existence of the beast general, and he will be afraid of sharks, a marine creature that can't even transform into soldiers with only teeth?

"This is the first time I have seen a businessman who persuades customers not to rent their own yacht." Seeing John's serious look, Liu Xu spread his hands helplessly.

"I am responsible for the safety of tourists." John shrugged. "Only when the safety of life can be guaranteed can we enjoy the charm of the sea."

"It seems that you have a good understanding of the charm of the sea." Liu Xu smiled.

"I love diving." John smiled, his white teeth showing through his unshaven stubble.

"But I still want to rent a yacht and a set of diving equipment. I will worry about safety." Liu Xu shook his head and said.

John wanted to persuade Liu Xu, but at this moment, a discordant voice came from behind Liu Xu.

"Can the ones in front hurry up, if you can't afford the rent, don't just stand there and grumble, okay?" A man wearing sunglasses urged impatiently.

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