Engineer Ian Varsity quickly traveled between large containers in order to repair the damaged Gundam body.

His good friend, physician JB. Moreno, as usual, sticks to the principle that "the job of a doctor is only to treat the wounded" and does not intervene in superfluous things, waiting for tasks in his own workplace, the infirmary.

The members of the bridge seemed to be concentrating on their work, but they were all listening to Tieria and the Emperor's conversation with their ears stretched out, their fingers unable to move freely because of the sharp atmosphere.

Tieria said sternly to the emperor who was sitting on the captain's seat from behind: "This time, in the military battle with the Human Revolutionary League, I was hunted down when the Lord Angel Gundam was captured, and Nadrey's appearance was exposed as a result. Give it to the enemy, this is all the responsibility of the combat commander, you."

"I'm sorry." The emperor tilted his head slightly forward to express his apology, and then continued: "But I am also human, and I will fail occasionally."

"It's not that kind of problem, you don't know how big a mistake has been made in the plan!" The pseudo-mother Tieria said sharply: "Of course, Allelujah is more responsible for being captured, he is not worthy of being a celestial being at all , let alone pilot a Gundam!"

"Is that enough?" Lockon Stratos, who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded and watching quietly, interrupted Tieria, "You are the one who exposed Nadre to the enemy, Tieria."

"If you don't do that, you will be killed." Tieria said in a deep voice.

"Even so, you are still responsible, don't just blame the emperor." Lock Ang said.

Tieria stared at Lok Ang fiercely, with unspeakable dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Lok Ang lowered his head slightly as if trying to divert Tieria's attention, and then said comfortingly: "It's a miracle to be able to save your life, you should think so!"

Tieria's expression was visibly distorted.

"In the future, we will give priority to executing the instructions issued by Veda, so I will excuse you first."

Tieria stomped hard and left the bridge. When his figure disappeared behind the door, the air in the bridge was visibly relaxed.


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Chapter 432 Alien, Be a Mistress

"Xu, I want to hear your opinion." Huang took a deep breath and said slowly.

Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, seeing everyone's gazes, he couldn't help touching the tip of his nose, and said with a smile: "It's no big deal, the main angel has been snatched away, we just need to take it back."

"It's easy to say, go grab it if you have the ability!" Christina curled her lips, and jumped down from the high seat while talking.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "If I do it alone, I can't guarantee Alleluia's safety. If I want to save him, I have to rely on the strength of all of us."

"Tell me, what should we do!" Huang asked bluntly. Now, she has completely lost her position.

"First of all, we need to know where the Lord Angel and Allelujah were sent. Only when we find out the exact location can we rescue them," Liu Xu said.

The emperor pondered for a while, and then immediately ordered the red-haired girl to say: "Felute, call Wang Liumei immediately, and ask her to send someone to investigate where Allelujah and the main angel are being held!"

"Okay." Felut nodded, and immediately acted.

"You guys talk, I'll be alone."

After leaving this sentence, Huang walked out of the bridge alone, because she didn't want others to see her fragile heart, she wanted to cry a lot!

Inside the bridge, a group of people looked at you and I looked at me. In the end, Christina broke the silence. She looked at Liu Xu and whispered, "Xu, is she okay?"

"It should be fine, who knows?" Liu Xu sighed slightly, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I really don't understand how you guys got together. Complaining is not like a comrade in arms at all!"

In Liu Xu's mind, a comrade-in-arms is a kind of respectable person, a kind of person who can entrust his back to the other party, and a person who has given enough trust.

Obviously, this group of people is not.

Hearing this, Lok Ang couldn't help but shook his head, and said slowly: "Perhaps the success has paralyzed our eyes, and not many people will accept the sudden failure. After all, we are still too young!"

"Yeah, I'm too young. I haven't experienced the big ups and downs in my life. I'm not very mature. I just go my own way when performing tasks and don't know how to cooperate. Fighting against the enemy depends entirely on the performance of the airframe and my own quality is too backward. Of course, this can't be completely Blame you, the human physique determines the limitations of its piloting body, and there are only a few people like PMC's Saches and United's Graham who have reached the top ace pilots by virtue of their own skills and experience." Liu Xu sighed slightly said.

"Hey, hey, Xu, why are you talking so deeply, as if you're not from Earth." Christina muttered, rolling her eyes.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Since when did I say I'm human?"

Christina was taken aback for a moment, then her eyes widened, and she said in surprise, "Are you an alien?"

Hearing this question, the eyes of several other people followed Liu Xu, all of them were surprised.

"It can be said to be yes, or it can be said to be no. My physique is special, and it can no longer be measured by humans. If I were to drive the Gundam, hehe, let alone the four of Lokoon and the others, even if the number doubled, it might not be possible. It can hurt me in the slightest, whether it is Lok Ang, Setsuna, or Tieria, the reaction power and thinking and calculation ability are too slow. It can be seen that when the pilot's ability reaches a certain level, it is enough to defeat the Gundam." Liu Xu said.

Regarding Liu Xu's words, the people present certainly would not have believed them before, but after going through this war, they believed them.

The German angel was forced out of his original appearance, and the main angel was captured alive, which made them realize that heaven and man are not invincible.

Christina stared at Liu Xu with her big bright eyes without blinking. Liu Xu felt hairy when he saw it. He couldn't help shrinking his neck and said, "What are you doing?"

"You haven't told me yet, are you an Earthling or an alien?" Christina asked.

"Is there any difference?" Liu Xu asked.

"Of course there is a difference." Christina said as a matter of course: "If my boyfriend is an alien, how much face would it be to say it!"

As soon as she said this, Christina realized that she had said the wrong thing. Seeing the surprised expressions of the group of people, she couldn't help but blushed, and then gave them a fierce look, and said viciously: "What are you looking at?" Look, I've never seen a beautiful woman before, what's wrong with this lady just liking Xu? I want to be his mistress!"

A tough life doesn't need to be explained, the tough mistress was someone who tried to be the tough one.

"Ahem, that, I still have something to do, so I'll go first!" Lock Ang coughed a few times, feeling a little unbearable, left this sentence, and left.

Several other people continued to control the Ptolemy transport ship as if nothing happened.

Liu Xu touched the tip of his nose, and said in embarrassment, "Well...there are so many people here, it's better to be more reserved."

To be honest, Liu Xu was also intimidated by this tough girl. Of course, it wasn't the first time he met a woman who was willing to be a mistress, but Christina was the first to say it so loudly.

But then again, listening to Christina's confession, Liu Xu was still very happy, proving that he is very attractive!

"Hmph! People just like you, why should you be reserved!" Christina gave him a blank look, then suddenly stretched out her hand, hugged Liu Xu's waist, then tiptoed, pecked lightly at the corner of his mouth, and said: "I I know you have other women, Wang Liumei is one of them, but I don't mind, as long as you can accept me, Xu, I...I want you to protect me!"


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Chapter 433 Comfort Emperor, Veda

In the end, Christina told her ultimate goal. What she needs now is a sense of security, and Liu Xu can give her just this sense of security.

Hearing this, Liu Xu couldn't help being moved. He put his arms around Christina's slender waist, stroked the greasy pink back, stared at the brown-haired girl's misty eyes, he couldn't help sighing slightly, and said: "I won't let you get hurt!"

This is equivalent to a different kind of acceptance. Christina wept with joy, hugged his waist tightly, nestled her little head into his arms, and rubbed against it like a kitten.

Seeing this scene, the two big men, Reiser and Jerry, showed envious expressions one after another.

In the Celestial Organization, the open-minded, optimistic and generous beauty was snatched away by a latecomer, which made them more or less dissatisfied.

As for the red-haired girl Felute, there was a three-point smile in her blank eyes.

"This man is so gentle!" This was what she was thinking at the moment.

The Gundam operator and all members were assigned to a room.

The room was large enough to survive, but with metal walls on all sides and no windows, it was a little hard to breathe, reminiscent of the closed-off feeling of living in a cell alone.

In Huang's room, apart from the allotted bed, all that is left is wine and the tables and chairs where the wine is placed. Famous wines of various years can basically be seen in this small room.

For Huang, wine is her life, the raw material for her survival. This kind of thing can make her escape from reality, evade responsibility, indulge in a world that is completely her own, and forget all troubles. At this time, she is the the happiest.

When Liu Xu pushed the door and walked in, Huang was sitting in front of the table and chairs in the room, drinking vodka from the glass.

Her face turned a little red, and the corners of her eyes were a little moist.

"What's the matter?" Huang raised his head slightly, saw Liu Xu, and couldn't help asking.

Liu Xu didn't speak, just entered the room silently, then closed the door, and sat down opposite him.

"Are you angry too? Yes, I'm so sorry for being so miserable. I'm a useless tactical forecaster." Huang laughed at himself.

"Are you drunk?" Liu Xu frowned.

"Can't you?" the king asked back.

"It's better to control it a little bit." Liu Xu said: "Alcohol is not a good thing, drinking too much will hurt your body!"

"No, I won't be able to live without this." The emperor drank all the wine in his glass.

Liu Xu naturally had nothing to say, and then, as if he didn't know how to respond, Huang smiled wryly and looked at him silently.

"Hey, Xu, if there's nothing wrong..."

"There is an old saying in China, people are not sages and sages can do nothing. We are human beings and not gods. We always make mistakes. It is not a terrible thing to make mistakes. What is terrible is to learn to understand after making mistakes!"

As if to interrupt Huang's words, Liu Xu said it in one breath, and felt that the tension was slightly relieved.

"Easy to say, but how to do it?" Huang laughed at himself: "What I control is not my own life. Once I make a mistake, everyone may be over. For me, making a mistake is absolutely unacceptable." existing!"

"Why make yourself so tired?" Liu Xu sighed.

Hearing this, the emperor smiled slightly, took a deep look at Liu Xu, and said slowly: "Among so many people, you are the only one I can't see through. You have too many secrets, you know, until now I have never seen through you. I don't really believe you..."

Maybe it was because he uttered the truth after drinking, or maybe he had other intentions, Huang suddenly spoke his heart out.

She really doesn't trust Liu Xu, because this person is a mystery at all. She doesn't know the real purpose of joining the Celestial Organization, and she doesn't know its origin. Letting him stay on the mothership is actually a ticking time bomb.

Liu Xu's ability is really too strong, and his scheming is not shallow at all, so Huang is very afraid, afraid that this person will hurt his friends and sisters.

Liu Xu was silent for a while, and after a long time, he suddenly said: "In any case, I will not hurt the friends on the Ptolemy mothership. I did have my own purpose when I came to the mothership, but in order to achieve I will not insist on this goal, if that is the case, my goal has already been achieved..."

Hearing Liu Xu's confession, the emperor couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and said, "I hope so!"

In Ptolemy, the multi-purpose transport ship of Celestial Beings, there is a mysterious small room with a spherical shape.

The wall composed of curved electronic circuit boards is almost made into a perfect spherical shape.

Countless projections use convex lenses, and then the shimmering light reflects all the data in the spherical space.

This is a preparation room for connection with the quantum calculation processing system "Veda" of the Celestial Beings.

In the very center of this preparation room, there is a boy who seems to be standing on the waves. The boy who has been granted the right to use the preparation room is one of the Gundam manipulators, Tieria Erde.

Tieria, who had closed her eyes as if she was asleep just now, gently opened them, and a golden iridescence full of electronic breath radiated from the eyes.

In an instant, Veda's huge amount of information flowed into Tieria's consciousness.

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