On Liu Xu's side, he kept chasing after the footprints. When Liu Xu wondered if he was going in the wrong direction, he found Xia Naiko's clothes, so he wanted to follow the footprints.

It's a pity that a saber-toothed tiger suddenly appeared in front of Liu Xu, but he found that the saber-toothed tiger was not hostile to him, and only looked at him and grinned.

Liu Xu then turned sideways, and a fluffy hand appeared where Liu Xu was standing.

Turning his head, a giant ape appeared at his position just now.

At this time, the saber-toothed tiger had rushed up and bit the giant ape.

It's a pity that the giant ape is several times the size of a saber-toothed tiger, and biting on its body feels like tickling.

The saber-toothed tiger was quickly grabbed by the neck of the giant ape, and it was thrown on the ground a few times, only to hear the sounds of "click, click, click..." one after another.

A healthy saber-toothed tiger has now become a slag, just like a child playing with a toy, and the toy is broken into pieces with a few chirps.

Liu Xu shivered when he saw it, and quickly jumped up the tree and started looking for Xia Naiko again.

Soon he came to a high and low slope, and the roots of a giant tree next to him dragged to the bottom of the high and low slope.

Liu Xugang followed the tree roots to the bottom.

"Liu Xu!"

Kanako's voice came from afar.

Liu Xu hurried over and said, "Xanako, are you okay!"

"Oh oh oh..."

Just as Liu Xu was about to ask, a voice from behind Xia Naizi interrupted him.

"After you step back quickly, I'll deal with this giant ape." Liu Xu said as he stood in front of Xia Naizi.

As soon as the words fell, the giant ape punched Liu Xu.


Chapter 545 Martial arts masters have to experience falling off a cliff

Liu Xu ducked down, hugged the giant ape's swinging arm with one hand, and kicked the giant ape's ribs, directly kicking the giant ape out.

Turning around and hugging Xia Naiko, Liu Xu jumped up and started to run.

Because the giant ape was kicked vigorously by Liu Xu, it stood up as if nothing had happened, and chased him angrily.

Liu Xu hugged Xia Naizi and jumped from tree to tree, while the giant ape chased after him, and soon reached a small cliff.

As soon as he stopped, the giant ape couldn't catch up because he didn't know that there was a cliff ahead, so he picked up a stone and threw it at Liu Xu.

Liu Xu wanted to hide, but he couldn't help but hugged Xia Naiko, so he concentrated all his energy to one point, only to hear a "bang", followed by a piercing female voice.

Liu Xu and Xia Naizi fell off the cliff together.

Hearing the sound, the giant ape rushed over, then stopped on the edge of the cliff, and left the cliff after a while.

Let's talk about Liu Xu, he fell from the top holding Xia Naiko, first hit a steep slope with a "bang", and then rolled down.

This long slope is not long or short.

Liu Xu rolled down from the top, and he didn't know how many dead vine branches were broken and how many rocks he bumped into.

When Liu Xu was about to fall to the bottom of the slope, he suddenly bumped into a half-meter-long tree and was crushed instantly. However, this obstruction slowed down his falling speed, so that when he landed, Did not feel a strong shock.

Now Liu Xu's feeling is pain, his eyes are full of stars, and his brain is groggy.

He was lying sprawled on the ground, gasping for breath, and even his breathing was trembling. This was the most serious injury Liu Xu had suffered since he boarded the ark and started his interstellar exploration.

I didn't expect that in the more dangerous world of giants and insects, I didn't suffer any harm, but on an island full of ancient animals, I suffered such serious injuries...

But he changed his mind, martial arts masters have to experience falling off a cliff.

Liu Xu quickly closed his eyes, and slowly flowed the air all over his body, which relieved the injury a lot, and it was not so painful anymore.

Sitting up slowly, although he still felt dizzy, he soon recovered.

Liu Xu tried to move his hands and feet, but found that the bones were not broken, but his clothes and trousers were all torn from grass sharp stones, and there were many soft tissue scratches and bruises all over his body.

Liu Xu turned his head and saw that Xia Naiko was lying three or four meters away from him, wriggling and struggling, as if trying to get up.

He said: "Xanaiko, are you okay? Wait, don't move, lie down first, and slowly try every department of your hands, feet and body to see if you can use your strength?"

Xia Naizi was still sane. After listening to Liu Xu's words, she stopped wriggling, fell on the ground, and slowly moved her arms and legs.

She asked, "Liu Xu, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I can't die yet." Liu Xu said.

At this moment, Liu Xu turned left and right and observed the surrounding area. This is a small hill... the area is not large, and the sounds of insects are constantly amplifying around it.

Desolation, desolation, coldness, and loneliness describe all of this.

Suddenly, Liu Xu's heart tightened. If the giant ape came down, the situation of Liu Xu and Xia Naiko would not be optimistic.

Liu Xu was a little anxious, and wanted to stand up, but he couldn't exert all his strength. The more anxious he became, the more he couldn't exert himself. In the end, he exerted too much force, and his muscles twitched like cramps...

In desperation, Liu Xu had no choice but to look up at the sky mournfully with a mentality of resignation.

"Zhang Wuji probably had this mentality back then!" Liu Xu complained.

More than [-] minutes had passed, but the giant ape who had received a thousand knives did not come down.

Only then did Liu Xu let out a long sigh of relief.

After half an hour of rest, Shanako finally got up slowly.

She staggered to Liu Xu's side, squatted down with a little difficulty, and said eagerly: "Liu Xu, Liu Xu, are you okay!"

Because Liu Xu closed his eyes now, he adjusted his body motionless and regained his strength, so Xia Naiko was scared to death, thinking that something happened to Liu Xu.

When Liu Xu heard Xia Naizi's voice, he opened his eyes and said, "Xia Naizi, it's okay, I can't die...cough cough..."

Shanako hurriedly said, "Don't talk, don't talk..."

Liu Xu waited for a few minutes before trying to whisper, "Xia Naiko, you don't have any serious injuries, right?"

"No, I lay down for a while and moved my body, there is no serious injury." Shanako said.

"Then wait, let's go when I can move." Liu Xu said.


Liu Xu then slowly began to adjust his breath again.

After a while, Liu Xu felt that the breath adjustment was almost the same. Although the whole body was still in pain, it was already within the tolerable range, so he opened his eyes.

As soon as I opened my eyes, under the faint moonlight, Shanako's uniform had been torn by rocks, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the clothes were completely torn...

"Uh..." Liu Xu's nose felt hot, and the nosebleed from the left nostril flowed down.

Seeing Liu Xu's expression, Xia Naizi realized it. She looked down, then let out a piercing scream, and quickly squatted down, covering her hands with her legs together.

"I'm sorry, Shanako, I didn't mean it." Liu Xu quickly explained.

"Xia Naiko, I took a look. Your injuries are not serious. It may be that when you rolled down just now, I was in front and you were in the back. So just scratches."

What Liu Xu said, Xia Naiko didn't listen. She was shy and nervous now, but she couldn't get angry. She was only embarrassed and reserved.

Shanako turned around and straightened her dress.

When she turned around like this, Liu Xu saw something she shouldn't have seen again.

Finally, blood flowed out from Liu Xu's right nostril.

He secretly said: "Ci'ao, it's so beautiful."

Shanako tidied up in a hurry, then turned around slowly.

She tidied what she could. As for the damage below the skirt, Shanako had no way to cover it up, so she could only clamp her legs tightly. The expression on her face was extremely shy.


Chapter 546 Miasma Lost

"Liu Xu, can you stop looking this way?" Xia Naizi sat next to Liu Xu and said.

"I won't take advantage of you." Liu Xu looked straight into the distance, looking straight into the distance, but said in his heart, "I can't forget even if I want to, tsk tsk, by the way, the stewardesses have pretty good figures."

"Xanako, I don't think the giant ape will come after us. Look, we've been down for so long. If the giant ape wanted to look for it, it would have found us long ago. Let's take a good rest now and wait for my strength. We've recovered, and then we'll go out together," Liu Xu said.

"Well, everything is up to you."

Xia Naizi hugged Liu Xu's head and let him lean on her lap.

There is no such thing as a knee pillow, the legendary knee pillow!

Liu Xu adjusted his breath on Shanako's lap in a cool way.

About thirty minutes passed.

"Liu Xu, it seems to be foggy." Xia Naiko said doubtfully.

"What?" Liu Xu suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked around and realized that it was really starting to fog up.

"It's not good, it's not miasma gas, is it! Tsao, miasma gas is poisonous."

Liu Xu quickly sat up and began to climb up with difficulty.

Xia Naizi quickly supported him and said, "Liu Xu, I will help you."

"Xanako, cover your mouth and nose quickly."

Liu Xu tore off two pieces of his own clothes, told Xia Naiko to close her eyes, and then urinated directly on the rags.

Shanako blushed in embarrassment.

Liu Xu didn't care about these, and directly gave the rags that were soaked in urine to Shanako, told her to cover her mouth and nose, and quickly covered her mouth and nose as well.

Liu Xu saw Xia Naizi's hesitation, because ordinary people really can't accept it, so when she was hesitating, he said: "Xia Naizi, hurry up, these miasmas are poisonous, if you don't want to die, cover them up."

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