
Chapter 554 Medical Skills Are Taught by Martial Arts Masters

The map brought by Koichi Yarai helped everyone. He introduced the map. According to Yarai's guess, there are four things on the map, one is an antenna, one is a residence, one is a laboratory, and the other is a lighthouse.

Everyone didn't quite believe it at first, but Yayori said what he guessed.

The pyramid is 31 floors underground, and the lighthouse is such a large facility with 6 floors above the ground. It is impossible to build it without more than 100. According to this calculation, these facilities have to be built for a few years. If a family moves in, there will be at least 1000 people. Left and right, in this case, it must be a residential area.

"Indeed, the possibility is very low, but it's not certain." Liu Xu muttered to himself, "According to what he said, there may be survivors on this island."

Liu Xu himself was stunned by what he was thinking.

Yarai Koichi next to him also said at this time: "If the remaining buildings are human habitation, there are likely to be survivors."

The discussion started immediately, and some people said: "If there are survivors, wouldn't all the problems be solved?"

Some people also said: "If that place is a place of residence, then we can take a good hot bath and sleep well."

In everyone's good thoughts, gradually at night, everyone was cooking their own specialties, while Liu Xu, Yarai Koichi and Sengoku Akira took soup and sat down.

At this time, Yarai first said: "What are you going to do in the future?"

"Aren't you coming?" Liu Xu asked, and Xianshi beside him also nodded.

"I'm like a wolf, I like to be alone, I don't like this atmosphere."

"Actually, you are afraid that everyone will not agree with you?" Xianshi said with a smile.

"..." Yarai was silent for a while.

Suddenly, Yarai stood up and said: "Xianshi, I have something to tell you, come here."

Watching the two leave, Liu Xu narrowed his eyes, thinking whether to save Xianshi or not.

Thinking about it in a blink of an eye, I realized that I had snatched all the women who had an affair with him, and it seemed a bit unreasonable to let him die, so I stood up and chased after the two of them.

When Liu Xu caught up with the two of them, Koichi Yarai had already attacked Xianshi. Xianshi was beaten so helplessly that his mouth was full of blood.

Just when Yaraimitsu was about to give Xianshi a final blow, Liu Xu showed up in front of his fist that was hitting Xianshi instantly, and held his fist with one hand.

"If you have something to say, we are all classmates, so why kill each other?" Liu Xu said.

"I don't want to kill him either, but the doctor said that without Xianshi's head, he would not save Teacher Caoqi." Yarai Koichi said in pain: "So I have no other way to save Teacher."

"What's wrong with her?" Liu Xu asked.

"The doctor said that Ms. Misaki had internal bleeding in her abdomen and needed an operation to save her." Yarai Koichi replied.

"Then have you ever thought about it, in this environment, without medical facilities and disinfection methods, how can he open her abdomen? Even if the abdomen is opened, you are not afraid of bacterial infection?" Liu Xu said.

"This is the only way to save her. The only way to save her is to sacrifice the fairy stone."

"Then let them kill each other!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the side.

The three of them looked to the side and found that it was a teacher from the school named Jiuzhong Youxian.

The school year director and science teacher of the junior high school of Meixie Academy, known as the "mad scientist", an outstanding talent from Teito University of Science, but caused a lot of commotion in the school because of making poisonous gas and electromagnetic guns.

"Why are you here?" Xianshi asked.

"Seeing the three of you coming over, as a teacher, I don't trust you, so I came over to have a look. I basically heard everything you said."

"Is there anything you can do?" Xianshi asked.

"Didn't I just say that if you kill each other, whoever wins will be fine." Jiuzhong said.


With the sound of flesh colliding with flesh, Jiuzhong was directly sent flying by Liu Xu.

"The neighbor next door is numb, what are you, teacher, you have come up with bad ideas." Liu Xu cursed angrily.

"I didn't come up with bad ideas, you know? He lost his mother twice, and now he regards Cao Qi as his mother." Jiu Da said loudly.

"I went to get to know Yarai. He was six years old. His first mother died. Later, his mother's sister adopted him, but died a few years later. When he was lonely and helpless, Caoqi appeared, making him Treat Cao Qi like his own mother. That's why I told them to kill each other."

After listening to Jiuzhong's words, Liu Xu and Xianshi were silent for a while.

Suddenly, Xianshi said: "Okay, let's play a game."


Suddenly, a few voices came from the nearby grass.

It turned out that Liyin, Kagura, and the girls brought by Yarai Koichi made voices. They also came to look for Liu Xu when they found out that Liu Xu was missing. They didn't expect to hear such a thing.

"Wait, I didn't say I don't know how to treat diseases!" Seeing this situation, Liu Xu said helplessly, "Bring Teacher Cao Qi here, and I'll treat her without surgery."

"What, you can still cure diseases?" Li Yin and the others said in unison.

"Uh! I didn't seem to say that I can't cure diseases!" Liu Xu said looking at their surprised eyes.

"Liu Xu, what you said is true, you really know how to cure diseases?" Yarai grabbed his shoulder and said excitedly.

"Those who know martial arts will basically learn some Chinese medicine. Otherwise, how can they cure their hidden wounds? My..." Liu Xu said proudly, "Medical skills are taught by martial arts masters."

"Great, I'll go and pick up Teacher Cao Qi."

Yayai is so excited now that he wants to pick her up now.

"Wait until tomorrow! It's getting dark now, and I don't think it's suitable to move because of Teacher Cao Qi. I'll go with you tomorrow!" Liu Xu said.

Night, very quiet.

Everyone has fallen into a deep sleep.

Liu Xu looked for something that could save Cao Qi in the consciousness space, and the surgeon judged that she was bleeding internally, so it was easy to handle.


Chapter 555 Aim at the chrysanthemum if you are weak!

Because Liu Xu thinks about it for a while now, and he has several treatments for Teacher Cao Qi's internal bleeding, including acupuncture, medicine, folk remedies...etc, and there are medicines and instruments in the consciousness space.

Suddenly, the ground shook and the mountains shook, directly waking everyone up.

They all ran out desperately, and found that several trap doors around the base had fallen down.

Everyone panicked, thinking there was an earthquake.

Suddenly, there was a loud roar in the trap, and then a giant claw poked out from the trap door.

Everyone saw a burst of panic and shouted: "What is it that wants the monster to come out?"

Soon, the monster climbed up from the bottom of the trap.

Lushan's true face of this monster also appeared in front of everyone.

The monster was a ten-meter-tall saber-toothed tiger with three heads and barbs on its back like armor. It was full of muscles, with blue veins looming on the muscles, especially its limbs, which looked like humans and had five toes.

Everyone was terrified, Zhen Zhengu shouted: "This... this is not scientific!"

But it didn't attack them, it just looked at them drooling.

Liu Xu came to his senses in an instant, and said, "Everyone, go, and run away as soon as it doesn't respond."

Just when everyone was about to escape, suddenly, the monster stretched out a long tongue, like a frog, and directly swept Sakuma Yuki away, just in time to land on the revolving door trap.

Seeing that she was about to fall, Liu Xu grabbed Sakuma Xue's hand and brought her up.


Everyone shouted for a while, but stopped immediately because she was rescued by Liu Xu.

However, they themselves began to be in trouble, the monster stretched out its long tongue and kept sweeping.

"Nimma, this is going to go against the sky. How did these scientists create such a monster like a collection of animals? It's so against the sky."

Liu Xu couldn't complain anymore.

The scene was chaotic, and many people were swept away.

Liu Xu let go of Jianxue, and said to Zhenzhengu, "Hurry up, I will resist it, run away."

He discovered its weakness, rushed straight up, punched the huge monster to the side, and sent it flying.

"It hasn't recovered its full strength yet. Run away. This guy may have been in a trap for a long time, hibernating or in a state of suspended animation. He hasn't recovered yet, and his limbs are a little coordinated."

Just as Liu Xu dodged the tongue that was sweeping towards it, Akira Sengoku, Koichi Yarai, Maya Miyauchi and Aya Tokiban rushed up at this moment, saying: "Now is the time to defeat it, we will be with you."

Liu Xu, Xianshi and Yarai slowly avoided its tongue and approached it little by little, while Miyauchi Maya and Changqing Aya attacked its left and right hamstrings.

However, just when the two of them were about to attack, a tongue suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and directly swept them away.

The two women looked at each other in disbelief, and thought to themselves: "How is this possible, it is obviously a blind spot of the eyes, so you shouldn't be able to see it?"

Suddenly, they saw the monster's extra head on the left and right, and one of its eyes was looking at them. In this way, it made sense for the two of them to be attacked.

The two women who were about to stand up suddenly felt pain in their arms. It turned out that the arms had been twisted irregularly and broken.

At this time, the monster was already trying to attack the two women.

Yarai Koichi arrived at the right time, and directly took out the strongest blow to hit the monster, but the monster just paused, and he was directly knocked out.

At this time, Xianshi had already stabbed the monster's eyes with a sharpened branch, but unfortunately, the monster directly swept him away with its tongue.

When Xianshi and Yarai attracted the monster's attention, Liu Xu had already appeared on its head, punching its skull with a smoking fist all over his body.

The monster was directly punched to the ground by Liu Xu's second gear in Luffy mode. Seeing the monster being beaten to the ground, the uninjured people began to help the injured people and started to leave.

When Liu Xu helped Xianshi up, he said, "This guy is probably a failure of the dna experiment."

"I see, you run away first, I will deal with it, or none of them will try to escape."

"But, Liu Xu..."

"Don't worry, there is no time. Now you see that almost all the staff are injured. Now you lead them to a safe place, preferably to the pyramid."

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