"will complete."

"very good."

At the same time that the CCG formulated a new policy for District 20, Liu Xu was waking up from his sleep.

Couldn't help taking a deep breath, Liu Xu sat up slowly, Chu Shi was lying on his bedside and fell asleep peacefully, her small body undulating gently with her breathing, she looked like a cute bird Like a kitten, people can't help but want to smile.

Smiling, he touched Xiao Chushi's head. The latter was shaking his head in his sleep, probably because he was too tired, and he still didn't wake up. Seeing this, Liu Xu shook his head funny, got out of bed and stood up. on the ground.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu punched the air hard.

This punch seemed to be accompanied by a howling wind. Immediately afterwards, Liu Xu withdrew his right fist, and struck out his left fist again, repeating back and forth dozens of times before letting go.

"This kind of power is too terrifying, right? Why don't you just kill two white pigeons?" Grinning, Liu Xu clenched his fists. The feeling of being filled with power is really unstoppable, "Probably because of Yamen Kotarou is an important character in the plot, right?"

Suddenly, Liu Xu was slightly taken aback.

A wonderful feeling appeared in his heart, it felt like his heart was being washed slowly by a stream of clear water.

"Well, the power of the strong reproductive cells has also increased?"

Feeling this unusual situation, Liu Xu was a little surprised.

"Reproductive outfit!"

Liu Xu called out the strong colony armor.

At this moment, the voice of Hina, who woke up at some point, sounded from behind.

"Master Liu Xu, you are awake!"

"Master Liu Xu, what is your outfit...?"

Hearing Chushi's words, Liu Xu looked down in doubt.

"Can you see it?" With an embarrassed smile, Liu Xu looked at Chu Shi, "This is... Cosplay..."


Chapter 573 Gourmet, Investigator

"Sure enough, it's still hard to win at the SS class!" Sitting on the sofa of the mask shop HySyArtMaskStudio, Liu Xu yawned boredly.

Wiping the mask with a smile, he stretched out a finger and said, "After all, he is Mr. Crow! In the SS class, Mr. Crow is also considered a very advanced type."

Hearing this, Chu Shi also laughed and said: "Master Liu Xu will definitely defeat Mr. Sifang!"

"Well, yes!"

Liu Xu nodded.

Indeed, at this time, Liu Xu could still kill Sifang Lianshi if he fully used Hezi and the strong colony armor.

"Hey, I can't pretend I didn't hear that!"

Hearing what a few people said, Sifang Lian rolled her eyes speechlessly. These people are really good enough. They start to look down on people in front of her. If she continues like this, she will become the kind of person who can be ignored by others at will. The tragic role of Tucao?

Everyone glanced at him indifferently.

"I plan to go out for a while." Liu Xu said to Chu Shi calmly.

"Okay! I will prepare things for Mr. Liu Xu!" Chu Shi nodded with a smile.

"Don't ignore me!"

Sifang Lian cried, her sense of existence was completely obliterated by Liu Xu!

"Silver hair, have you heard of 'Gourmet' Tsukiyama Tsuki, and Ghoul Investigator 'Shinohara Yuki'?"

"Ah?" Hearing Liu Xu's question, Sifang Lian was slightly taken aback, "The first one is an S-rank ghoul, and the second one is a special investigator. What do you ask these two people for?"

"Nothing, just ask."

Waving his hands expressionlessly, Liu Xu naturally couldn't say, he planned to find the two of them and kill them.

All in all, after lunch, in fact, he was the only one who wanted to eat in the entire mask shop, and Liu Xu wandered around the streets of Tokyo again.

There are not many people at this time, but it is definitely not too small, because it is Tokyo after all.

Very hot!

According to Sifang Ren’s information, the whereabouts of Special Investigator Shinohara Yuuki is not very clear. As a Special Investigator, he will often be sent to various places, and the S-rank ghoul “Gourmet” is just like that. Find too much.

Haruman Gakuin University.

Looking at the university sign in front of him, Liu Xu smiled in satisfaction and walked in slowly.

"I really didn't expect... an S-level ghoul would actually be in a human university, and he can still live so well. Is this a great irony to human beings?"

While thinking this way, Liu Xu casually stopped a passing female student.

Originally, the latter looked a little angry when he was suddenly stopped, but when he saw Liu Xu's smiling face, the female student's face suddenly turned red.

"Please, what's the matter with this classmate?"

"Well... I would like to ask, do you know where Yue Shanxi is? A person like him should have a unique life field!"

For people who have nothing to do with him, Liu Xu will basically maintain a polite attitude, which can be regarded as a devil's disguise!

Hearing Liu Xu's voice, the female student blushed even more, and even her voice trembled a little: "Student Yueshan usually studies in the library at this time."


Hearing this, Liu Xu was a little surprised. Originally, he thought that even if this ghoul went to school, he was just pretending, but he didn't expect to really study?

Nodding with a smile, Liu Xu was about to go to the library.

At this moment, the female student suddenly grabbed Liu Xu by the corner of his clothes. Seeing Liu Xu who turned around in doubt, the female student blushed and whispered, "Please, may I ask, are you free tonight?"

Looking at the female student speechlessly, Liu Xu shook his head while lamenting the openness of the students from the island country: "Sorry, I have something to do."

After finishing speaking, under the regretful gaze of the female students, Liu Xu strode away from this place, and at the same time made up his mind that unless he met a beautiful woman, he would only talk to men.

In the Qingnan Library, a man with short purple hair and a suit was sitting on a chair with a smile on his face, holding a book in his hand and reading quietly.

This man seemed to perfectly interpret the posture that a noble should have. His body moved according to the textbook of noble etiquette. Every movement, every smile, and even every breath was operating according to a specific rhythm.

While he was reading a book quietly, several girls were looking at him from the other side of the long table, blushing and whispering, and burst into low laughter from time to time.

Yue Shanxi enjoys this kind of life of being noticed, looked up to, and admired by others the most.

Since...these people love themselves so much, they must be willing to give their lives for themselves, right?

Slowly closing the book, Yue Shanxi showed a perfect aristocratic smile to those girls.

"Several, tonight, are you interested in going to an interesting place with me and having a good time together..."

Before he finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared above his head without warning.

A foot slammed into Yue Shanxi's face with unparalleled strength, and in the next second, Yue Shanxi was trampled into the ground by this force.


There was a roar in the library.

Yue Shanxi, as the current head of the Yue Shan family, an S-class ghoul, and the owner of the ghoul restaurant in District 11, he doesn't know how long it has been since he has been insulted like this.

Hearing the screaming voices of the girls running away, feeling the sting of the shattered floor tiles piercing into his face, and the shoe that was just removed from his face, Yue Shanxi had the illusion that he was dreaming.

Slowly getting up, Yue Shanxi looked straight at the man in front of him who dared to kick himself to the ground.

With short black hair, a handsome appearance, and a faint dangerous aura, with just one glance, Yue Shanxi knew that the person in front of him was not simple.

However, no matter how difficult it is, he messed with himself, this is a fact!

Gritting his teeth and opening his mouth, Yue Shanxi clenched his fist tightly and said angrily, "You bastard...I don't care who you are today, if you dare to mess with me, don't even think about going back alive."

As he said that, Yue Shanxi's fist had already hit Liu Xu fiercely.


Chapter 574

It has to be said that Yue Shanxi's body is very strong. Although he looks like a rich man, once he starts to fight, that kind of powerful explosive power will be manifested instantly.

Liu Xu had no doubt that this punch could knock down a wall in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that in Liu Xu's opinion, such an attack is not enough in terms of combat effectiveness.

Under Yue Shanxi's unbelievable gaze, Liu Xu dodged his confident fist with a slight dodge. Then, he waved his arm, and a fist quickly magnified in Yue Shanxi's eyes.


With a loud bang, Yue Shanxi was just blown away, knocking down several rows of book shelves before stopping.

Holding his nose in pain, Yue Shanxi gritted his teeth and stared at Liu Xu who was slowly approaching.

"Who are you? The human being who can defeat me cannot be an unknown person."

Ignoring Yue Shanxi's words, Liu Xu's figure flashed, and in the next second he appeared in front of Yue Shan, and his right knee slammed into his stomach hard.

"Pfft ah ah!"

A mouthful of blood spewed out, even Yue Shanxi was so painful that he almost lost consciousness at this moment.

Desperately staring at Liu Xu with the last bit of reason, Yue Shanxi murmured: "You...you can't kill me, I am the head of the Yueshan family, you will be retaliated by the Yueshan family, even you... can't live... ..."

Before he finished speaking, Yue Shanxi suddenly felt a pain in his chest, subconsciously looked down, and what caught his eyes was a red whip.

Following He Zi, Yue Shanxi saw three red tentacles swaying slowly on Liu Xu's back waist.

"You, you are actually... 喰..."

Before he could finish the last sentence of his life, Yue Shanxi died in the hands of Liu Xu.

Boring to throw down Yue Shanxi's corpse, Liu Xu thrust his right hand into the latter's shoulder. After stirring a few times, he showed a displeased expression, then withdrew his hand, and inserted it into the corpse's shoulder blade with a "pop" Down.

This time, Liu Xu showed a satisfied expression, pulled out a red thing from inside, and walked out of the library slowly.

The next morning, before Liu Xu woke up, there was a knock on the door.

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