Walking out of the room, Liu Xu picked up a can of coffee from Bei's workbench and drank it.

Following Liu Xu out of the house, Bai asked while rubbing the wound on his body, "Mr. Venerable, did you affect a human boy when you fought last night?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Liu Xu recalled it for a while, then nodded indifferently, "There is one, what's the matter?"

"It was just reported on TV. It described in detail what you did last night. I also learned from the TV how much trouble you made last night." Bai shrugged and said.

"Humans are afraid of the unknown, and everything about ghouls is reported with great fanfare. In fact, they don't know that ghouls kill as many people as humans themselves."

Smiling lightly, Liu Xu didn't bother to take care of that young man's business. Anyway, even if he went to the hospital to see him, he would probably be avoided by the other party as a scourge.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu said, "Hey, help me investigate something."

"Huh?" It was rare to see Liu Xu asking for anything, so he showed an interested expression.

"Help me investigate a ghoul group called Bronze Tree, the one that Jason used to belong to, there is also an S-rank ghoul named Kirishima Ayato, and a ghoul named Noro, at least SS-rank There is also a stinky fart ghoul named Tatara who wears a mask on his chin... It is estimated that he will soon become an SSS-level ghoul."

Under Bai's stunned gaze, Liu Xu concluded in one sentence: "Find out their identities and scope of activities, and I must find this place back!"

"A suspected SSS, an SS, and an S, aren't these all members?!"

He repeated it in surprise, and almost thought Liu Xu was crazy.

"That's right, and this is only the level of cadres. I haven't seen the real leader yet. I guess it may be at the same level as that Fangcun old man."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu touched his chin and asked another question regardless of the pained expression on his face.

"Hey, do you still remember the special ghoul investigator I asked last time?"


"Well, that's the one. I want to know his current location. Is there a way?"

Hearing Liu Xu's words, I felt an urge to leave Tokyo for refuge.

This guy is so crazy, he not only has the idea of ​​the SSS-level ghoul group, but also the idea of ​​a special investigator!

Does he want to be an enemy of the world?

Before he could say anything, Shendai Lishi stepped out of the room, looking at Liu Xu with beautiful eyes.

"I know about that special Baijiu. He has been appointed as the investigator of District 20. If you want to fight him, I can take you there."

Hearing this, Liu Xu looked at Jindai playfully.

Could it be that this woman has been overwhelmed by her own bastard spirit, and is willing to stand on the saddle?

"Look at me with that impolite look again, be careful I'll dig them out." Looking at Liu Xu's malicious eyes, Shendai Lishi smiled dangerously.

Liu Xu laughed and said, "Just kidding, then, let's go!"

With that said, Liu Xu turned around and was about to leave the mask shop.

As soon as he turned his head, Liu Xu froze there.

At the door, stood a young girl with beautiful blue hair and purple eyes.

At this moment, her eyes, which seemed indifferent to everything, were showing a feeling of astonishment.

The mask shop HySyArtMaskStudio, a mask making house dedicated to ghouls in the 20th district, although it sometimes accepts human guests, it is absolutely impossible for human guests to stand with the SS-level ghoul god Dai Lishi.


Chapter 583 Don't Use Kazuko, Beat Me

Kirishima Touka came to the mask shop today to repair the mask she had scratched in the last battle, but she didn't expect that she would be at a loss to see such a scene when she came here.

The mask merchant, the S-rank ghoul, was smiling helplessly in the shop.

Dagu, Shendai Lishi smiled happily and said something to Liu Xu.

Liu Xu was preparing to go out like a child going on a trip.

Even if Touka Kirishima is a fool, he would never believe that a human can chat with two super ghouls so cheerfully, and then think of the ghoul that saved himself and Ryoko Futeguchi last time, Touka Kirishima He gritted his teeth immediately.

Seeing Touka Kirishima's expression, Liu Xu knew it was a bad dish.

I wanted to use my human identity to capture Touka Kirishima for fun, so I never told her my real identity, and my favorability will definitely drop now.

"Listen to me, wife, there is a reason for this. In fact, what you see now is just an illusion." Liu Xu said seriously.

Unexpectedly, Touka Kirishima didn't scold herself as expected, and didn't even say anything.

The girl just glanced at Liu Xu quietly, then turned around and left in the next second.

Looking at the back of Kirishima Touka, Liu Xu was a little surprised.

This reaction... Could it be that this child really has special feelings for him?

Thinking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help but want to tear up his mouth that couldn't help joking at that critical moment.

"Ahem, Kojiro, just wait here, I have something to settle, and then we'll troubleshoot the white pigeon."

After saying this, Liu Xu hurriedly chased him out.

Watching this scene, Shendai Lishi showed a subtle expression.

His slender fingers rested lightly on the delicate lips, and after Liu Xu's figure disappeared at the door, Kamitori Toshi slightly pouted and said, "Go after another girl and leave her here... Really? What a sinful man!"

Hearing this, Bai trembled all over, and the words "kill people and silence" flashed in his mind instantly, and before Kamdai Toshiyo could react to his soliloquy being heard by others, Bai hurriedly slipped away without a sound up.

As expected of a ghoul with the nickname "Rabbit", Touka Kirishima's speed is very fast. If Liu Xu's strength has not been improved a lot and the speed of breeding equipment has been accelerated, he might have lost it.

After a long time, Liu Xu saw Touka Kirishima sitting by the fountain in the park.

Seeing the latter's faintly lonely expression, Liu Xu knew it was time to tell everything.

Slowly walking in front of Dong Xiang, Liu Xu stopped, quietly looking at the girl wrapped in loneliness.

"Feel sorry."

After a long time, Liu Xu spoke.

Hearing this, Kirishima Touka didn't say anything, didn't raise his head, just sat by the side of the fountain.

Around, some children ran past laughing, their parents smiled and reminded them to pay attention to safety, and soon these people disappeared into the distance.

Not far away, office workers began to busily walk on the street.

The slightly cold air in the morning makes this small square extremely quiet.

"I really already thought you were a human being."

After an unknown amount of time, Touka Kirishima suddenly said this.Liu Xu didn't know what she meant by that.

"Actually, I'm really human."

After thinking about it, Liu Xu still said the truth.

Hearing this, Kirishima Touka's expression turned cold all of a sudden, and he said, "Should I continue to fool me at this point? Although I, Kirishima Touka, have no strength, I won't be fooled by people as a fool!"

"I didn't mean to fool you. I am indeed a human being, and I can testify."

There was no trace of guilt in Liu Xu's tone, he just stated the fact.

Hearing what Liu Xu said, Touka Kirishima slowly stood up.

"Since you insist on saying that, let me see it!"

The bright red wings spread out suddenly behind the back, and the dazzling color seemed to be a flowing flame. Before seeing Dong Xiang, Liu Xu never thought that the power used for fighting could be so beautiful.

"If you say you are human, just show me! No need for Hezi, beat me!"

Shouting angrily, Dong Xiangfeng of Kirishima rushed towards Liu Xu like the wind. As the fastest Hezi, Yuhe gave her a powerful mobility like a rabbit. For an ordinary human being, when Dong Xiang attacked The speed is no less than teleportation.

"Dong Xiangjiang, is this love and killing each other?"


"Well, even if I use Kazuko, it doesn't conflict with me as a human being, but since you asked for it, I will satisfy you."

As he said that, facing Dong Xiang who was attacking at high speed, Liu Xu dodged Dong Xiang's attack with a slight movement of his feet.


What the strong colony armor brings to Liu Xu is the mobility that is even better than that of Hezi. At the same time, the strong colony armor also brings powerful power. It can be said that the strong colony armor is almost a plug-in in this world. The same powerful existence.

The moment he escaped Dong Xiang's attack, Liu Xu reached out and wanted to grab her arm, but the next second he found that he seemed to have underestimated this strong girl.

Realizing that Liu Xu wanted to control herself, Touka Kirishima twisted her body in mid-air, dodging in a difficult posture that even Liu Xu could hardly do, and at the same time kicked Liu Xu on the wrist .

Withdrawing his hand, Liu Xu looked helplessly at Dong Xiang who was hiding away again.

It seems that it is impossible to be serious!

Slowly urging his strength, Liu Xu's muscles bulged slightly. Under the powerful power of the strong colony armor, the muscles were fully utilized, producing unparalleled strength!

"Be careful, Dong Xiang."

Said, Liu Xu dodged in front of Dong Xiang, raised his leg high and slashed down. Under the pressure of such absolute power and speed, even if Dong Xiang dodged with all his strength, he couldn't help falling to the ground with a plop under the impact force. .

Slowly walking in front of Dong Xiang, Liu Xu squatted down and reached out to touch Dong Xiang's smooth hair.


Chapter 584 Dong Xiang, I like you!

"As you wish, without using Kazuko, I won."

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Dong Xiang didn't say anything, but quietly took back Hezi behind her.

The next second, Liu Xu was surprised to find that the girl in front of him, who he thought was very strong, suddenly shed tears.

Lying on the ground like this, Kirishima Touka's tears couldn't stop flowing down, flowing down, and finally couldn't help crying.

Seeing Dong Xiang who was crying, Liu Xu suddenly seemed a little overwhelmed.

Although he is the successor of the venerable, Liu Xu has never dealt with the tears of a girl. Faced with this situation suddenly, Liu Xu couldn't help but panicked. He hugged Dong Xiang, and Liu Xu stretched out his hand to help her wiping tears.

That delicate skin made Liu Xu feel distracted for a while.

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