Hearing Liu Xu's voice, Jozo Suzuya finally regained his sanity, and stared at him with wide eyes. The young man rushed over without saying a word, holding the dagger.

However, in the eyes of Liu Xu, who was on full alert, this was no different from slow motion.

The knife in his hand was easily blown away, and Liu Xu held Jozo Suzuya down with a catch.

"Jozo Suzuya, do you want to submit to me and become my subject?"

For Suzuya Jozo, Liu Xu still has a good impression of him. If this young man is trained well, he will be a good tool.

"Don't! Let me go! I want to fight you to the death!"

Hearing this, Liu Xu shook his head wordlessly, stretched out his hand to grab Suzuya Jozo's hair and lifted the boy up.

"You want to avenge that special class?"

Seeing that Suzuya Jozo didn't speak, Liu Xu smiled coldly, and ruthlessly threw the boy into the wall on one side.

He pushed Juzo Suzuya hard into the wall, and then lifted him out again. Looking at the white-haired boy whose face was covered in blood and flesh, Liu Xu's expression was only indifferent.


Chapter 591 Two Little Brothers, A Date Invitation

"Revenge? Friends? Comrades? Why do you have such emotions? I can't see it wrong. You are not a person who will take care of these things at all. There is only loneliness in your eyes. You are destined to rely only on your own strength." The last person to go."

Hearing this, the expression in Suzuya Jozo's eyes suddenly changed a little, it was a kind of joy after being understood.

"Jozo Suzuya, since you have seen through this stupid world, don't continue to be led by the nose by this world."

As he spoke, Liu Xu put his hand on the boy's head.

"Follow my footsteps, and I will let you know what the path of a beast like you should be, in return for giving me your strength."

As he spoke, Liu Xu slowly released his mental power. Beast gods and generals all have mental power, which is what controls the beast soldiers.

The white-haired boy Suzuya Jozo was standing there quietly, seeing his eyes, Liu Xu already knew Suzuya Jozo's decision.

Nodding in satisfaction, Liu Xu took Kouink of Shinohara Koki away. Even if he is not needed, there is no need to leave it to the enemy.

"Let's go!"

Liu Xu took Suzuya Jozo back to the mask shop.

Seeing that Liu Xu brought back a boy again, Bai's expression was a little weird, and the expression he looked at him suddenly became vigilant.

"My lord, you don't have that kind of habit, do you?"

Putting on a weak look, Bai said cautiously: "If it is, please let me go, I am not as tender as these two little guys."

"Do you want me to open your brain to see how big the brain hole is inside?"

Grinning stiffly, Liu Xu just wanted to knock this unlucky boy into a SB.

Although Bai's strength suddenly changed from S to SS because of Du Niang's misleading relationship, Liu Xu still has the confidence to teach him how to behave.

"Where's Kaneki Ken?"

After looking around the room but not finding the kid wearing the blindfold, Liu Xu asked.

"For Mr. Jin Mu, he's exercising in the basement! It's not that he can't help you at all, and he eats and drinks for free here." Bai sighed helplessly, "Speaking of which, what he eats and drinks for free is my family's thing, right? , why did you repay your kindness to you?"

Hearing this, Liu Xu patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said with a smile, "This is probably character."

As he spoke, Liu Xu beckoned to Jozo Suzuya with a curious face, regardless of how he was gritting his teeth angrily, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the basement and walked in.

With the dim light, Liu Xu saw a young man practicing push-ups.

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Liu Xu didn't expect the child to be so consciously working so hard.

It seems that although this kid is a bit dull, he is not so deadwood that he can't be carved. Moreover, he is the hero, born with a cockroach life, as long as he doesn't die, he will eventually come out.

"Kinmu, rest for a while, I brought you a partner."

Hearing Liu Xu's voice, Ken Kaneki, who was concentrating on exercising, was taken aback for a moment, then stood up happily.

"Mr. Liu Xu!"


Nodding his head, Liu Xu pointed to Jozo Suzuya standing beside him.

"This kid's name is Suzuya Jozo, and he will be your master from today on. You should learn more from Suzuya. His fighting instinct is more than ten times stronger than yours."


Kaneki nodded quickly.

Suzuya Jozo looked at Kaneki Ken curiously, and nodded after a while.

"It's interesting, that's okay."

Seeing the appearance of the two, Liu Xu raised his eyebrows noncommittally.

"Then, I won't bother you, Suzuya, you can train this kid well! As long as he doesn't die, it's fine. However, he probably won't die so easily, the male protagonist is always a cockroach Life."

After speaking, Liu Xu left the basement.

Seeing Ken Kaneki with a nervous face, Jozo Suzuya laughed out loud.

"Then... let's get started!"

"Jin Mu-jun!"

Ignoring the screams coming from behind, Liu Xu closed the basement door.

Seeing that Liu Xu was done, Chu Shi walked over slowly and handed Liu Xu a glass of water.

"Well, thank you."

Taking the cup, Liu Xu drank it all in one gulp.

The water was just the right temperature and a little salt was added for hydration.

For Hinako who doesn't need human food, she really has a heart.

Gently touching Chu Shi's head, Liu Xu returned the cup to Chu Shi approvingly.

At this time, Chu Shi suddenly said with a somewhat expectant tone: "Well, Master Liu Xu... I, I want to go to the bookstore to buy some new books tomorrow. I don't know, can I... can I invite you to come with me?"

"Well, of course."

Liu Xu nodded.

Liu Xu didn't think too much about Chushi's invitation. Although she is cute, she is only fourteen years old. There is an old saying that loli is for love, not for sex.

After receiving Liu Xu's answer, Chu Shi nodded happily, seeing the two talking and laughing, she smiled and shook her head.

These two people must come together sooner or later!

I hope their road will be smoother and there will be no more twists and turns.

After a while, Hina went to prepare for tomorrow's "date", while Bai continued to make weird masks in the house.

Slowly sitting on the chair in the store, Liu Xu closed his eyes and fell asleep. In fact, he was carefully feeling the state of his body. Now he may be able to fight against the full-fire God Dai Lishi!

At the same time, the atmosphere in the CCG headquarters has dropped to freezing point.

Sitting on the high rostrum, the director of CCG and Xiu Changji looked gloomyly at the investigators sitting below the stage.

After almost everyone arrived, He Xiu Changji took a deep breath and opened his mouth in a low voice.

"Everyone here... I think you have all received some unfortunate news."

Hearing his words, the people sitting under the stage showed uncomfortable expressions.

"That's right... this news is exactly in line with your prodigal dog's expression!"

Suddenly raised his voice and said, and Xiu Changji stood up all of a sudden, and slapped the big screen behind him hard.


Chapter 592 Crusade plan, my lady

"District 20! The most stable District 20... One of our special investigators and a quasi-special investigator died there!"

Gritting his teeth tightly, he and Slender Ji stared at the audience.

"In less than a month, four investigators of our CCG died one after another in the 20th district - a first-class, a senior, a quasi-special, and even a special!"

"More than that, there is also a third-class investigator who just walked out of the academy. If there is no accident, I am afraid that he is no longer alive."

Having said that, He Slender Changji clicked on the computer on the table, and then a man with a glaring King Kong mask appeared on the screen behind him.

"This photo is the man who killed Senior Investigator Mato and First Investigator Amon. As for Mr. Hachikawa and Mr. Shinohara, although there is no direct evidence, judging from the injuries of the corpses, they are It's caused by this 'Raging King Kong'!"

Hearing this, the investigators present finally fell into the noise.

If these people were killed by a ghoul group, that would be nothing, but if these investigators were killed by one person, then the problem would be really serious.

At this moment, a hand was raised suddenly.

Seeing the person who raised his hand, He Slender Ji let out a long sigh of relief.

"With Matt and so on, what's your question?"

Following the conversation with Slender Ji, a man in a neat suit and short silver hair stood up.

"Excuse me, what kind of equipment are the search officers equipped with when they are attacked by this angry King Kong?"

Hearing this, he nodded with Slender Ji, and said: "For Quinque, except for Shinohara who is equipped with 'Oniyamada', everyone else is equipped with a relatively ordinary Quinque, and the best ones have not reached the S level. .”

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but have a feeling that "they will be killed because they didn't bring the best Quinker".

Seemingly aware of this, He Slender Ji smiled coldly.

"It seems that what I said made you have some strange thoughts that are beyond your control...Since this is the case, I would like to ask you, even if you are given the best CCG equipment, how many of you can fight against the special class? of!"

"Furthermore, how many of you can survive the face of Chief Shinohara who is using the SS Quinker 'Oniyamada'?! Let alone kill him!"

Hearing this, the venue finally became quiet again.

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