When Liu Xu regained his visual ability, he was already at the entrance of a cave, which was pitch black and could not see the bottom.

"Come with me!" Lika said and jumped into the hole.

Liu Xu was not idle either, and immediately followed.

This cave is vertical and quite deep, about [-] to [-] meters long. After landing on the ground, he immediately activates the five-sight omnipotent, so that he can fight with all his strength even in the dark.

The passage here is not wide enough for one person to walk, and Liu Xu didn't feel the unique aura of the seal. Obviously, this place is just a natural crack in the ground.

Chapter 620 Robbery, what else can I do?

"Could it be that the power of the seal has weakened after only three years?" Liu Xu couldn't help but feel a little worried. Although his personal strength can be classified as the enemy of ten thousand people, but the ants are killing the elephant!

"Don't worry! The power of the seal has not weakened, but..." Lika glanced at Liu Xu, as if she knew what he was worried about, "You don't naively think that this seal can seal our family for another thousand years!"

Lika moved forward flexibly on the sharp and rugged rocks. Liu Xu had no time to think, and hurriedly followed.

The slope along the road is getting steeper and steeper, and if you are not careful, you will fall down, and Liu Xu also feels that the breath of the seal is getting weaker and weaker, and the body odor of the dangerous species is getting more and more dignified.

"Wait!" Liu Xu suddenly stopped when he saw something.

There is a palm-sized gap in the wall, but what matters is the scene next to the gap.

Next door is an unimaginably huge square, and the terrible thing is that the square is densely packed with dangerous species.

Liu Xu took a condescending look, but couldn't see the edge, and couldn't guess how many dangerous species there were.

"This is the third legion. Our clan signed a covenant and will launch an attack every three years to weaken the power of the seal! Today is the day to attack the seal..."

"According to what you said, how many legions like this are there?"

"A dungeon can raise at least three legions. You can count the thirteen dungeons by yourself, provided that these do not include the reserve force."

"That is to say, there are at least thirty-nine such armies? This is a force capable of changing the entire world." Liu Xu began to shake his head after doing the calculations. If these guys are allowed to run out, it is probably equivalent to Doomsday!

At that moment just now, Liu Xu did intend to rush out and cast a big trick, but then he calmed down again.

In terms of overall strength, it seems meaningless to destroy one or two legions, and the dangerous species cannot be killed.

All the dangerous species in the human world on the ground can't be killed, let alone the birthplace of the dangerous species. It's completely nonsense to want to kill all the dangerous species.

As he walked down the passage, Liu Xu heard the more obvious sound of running water, and finally gathered together into a roaring waterfall.

After going to the end of the passage, Lika pushed away the big stone blocking the entrance of the cave, and the exit of the passage was just behind the waterfall.

"Go this way." Lika led Liu Xu out from the side.

This waterfall is quite high, about several hundred meters long, and the flowing water crashes down rumblingly, which is a magnificent sight that cannot be seen from the ground.

But now it is not the waterfall that attracts Liu Xu's full attention, but the vast underground city that is dotted with lights under his feet.

In front of him was a genuine underground city, and Liu Xu could even see the crowds gathering.

Lika was very satisfied with Liu Xu's reaction, and proudly introduced to him: "This is the dungeon 'Gregor', which is also my hometown."

On the way down, Liu Xu found that there are also plants growing here, but most of them are huge ferns and fungi, and these plants all have one thing in common, that is, they emit a faint blue light, so The entire underground space is shrouded in this soft light without appearing dark.

"It's beautiful here!" Lika didn't rush to walk, and squatted on the side of the road to tease the flowers and plants.

"Hmm! It's beautiful." Liu Xu didn't deny this, but he also had another question, "Since you already have such a beautiful environment, why do you want to invade the ground?"

"I don't know..." Lika couldn't answer because she didn't know the reason.

"I don't want to go to the ground at all! I don't want to fight at all!" Lika squatted on the ground and cried, "I don't want to care about anything, I just want to go home."

"Don't cry, haven't you already returned home?" Liu Xu also squatted on the ground, reaching out and stroking Lika's head.

After speaking, he picked her up and continued walking down.

After an unknown amount of time, Lika stopped crying and quietly rested her head on Liu Xu's shoulder.

As they walked, two men flashed out from the mushroom grove, holding bright knives in their hands.

Although their complexion was as sickly and pale as Lika's, the foreheads were not gems like Lika's, but sharp horns like a rhinoceros.

"It seems that this is the most obvious characteristic of men and women of this race!"

Liu Xu touched his chin if he realized something.

"What are they doing?" Liu Xu just arrived here, and he doesn't know the customs and habits of their side. Maybe they are used to welcome guests with a knife.

"Robbery, otherwise, what else can I do?" Lika looked at Liu Xu as if she was looking at an idiot.

Liu Xu smiled wryly in his heart—it seems that no matter what race he is, robbery is a very popular profession that costs nothing.

The two men were shouting in a language that Liu Xu could not understand, but the pitch was the same as that used by Lika to order the dangerous species before. It seemed that this was Lika's mother tongue in her hometown.

Although he didn't understand, Liu Xu also knew that it was definitely not a good word.

"Oops! I don't understand." Liu Xu had a troubled look on his face. A language barrier is a very serious matter.

"Open your mouth!" Lika said, taking out a piece of bread and throwing it into Liu Xu's mouth.

"What the hell, it's bitter enough..." Liu Xu immediately wanted to vomit.

"Swallow it!" Lika glared at Liu Xu.

The aura was as if Chitong was staring at Liu Xu, Liu Xu didn't dare to resist, and obediently ate it.

"Although the thirteen underground cities are of the same race, their language and culture have developed independently, so they communicate with each other through this magic bread."

"Magic bread?" Liu Xu couldn't help blurting out, "Is it the sister bread of the memory bread in Doraemon?"

"Memory bread? Never heard of it!" Lika gave Liu Xu a blank look, and continued: "This kind of bread can convert your own words into a language that the other party can understand, and can also translate the other party's language into a language that you can understand. if."

"It's so amazing? Then I don't need to learn English in the future!" Liu Xu was secretly happy, and he didn't have to memorize a lot of English words in the future.

"English?" Lika didn't know what Liu Xu was talking about.

"It's the language that makes people dizzy, confused, and even go crazy and want to kill people." Liu Xu gritted his teeth.

"Sounds like some kind of spiritual spell." Lika thought seriously.

"Uh...you think too much." Seeing Lika's serious appearance, Liu Xu said, "If you are serious, you will lose."

"Both of you, can you please take a look here?" The robber who was left aside said very unhappy.

Because the effect of the magic bread had begun to play out, Liu Xu could understand what they said now.

Chapter 621 The Covenant

"Look, do I look rich?" Liu Xu turned around to show the robber.

The whole body can be seen through at a glance, and the person is also thin, not a fat sheep at all.

"Then you go to die!" Robber A rushed over with a knife in both hands.

"Are all of you guys so aggressive?" Liu Xu wasn't nervous at all, he left a footprint on the opponent's face and kicked him unconscious.

"The strong are respected. This is the iron rule enshrined in the underground world. There are troops in the city to maintain law and order, but robbery outside the city is legal. Those who are robbed can only think that they are not strong enough, so only those who are confident in their own strength Only those who dare to act alone. But..." Lika broke free from Liu Xu, and the other bandit B deceived Lika because she was young and chose her as his target instead.

"The robber himself must have the awareness to be killed. Here... killing people is also legal."

Lika's footsteps moved slightly, and she easily dodged the attack. At the same time, she moved to the back of Bandit B and jumped lightly. She turned around and slashed at the back of his neck with a knife. Bandit B foamed at the mouth and fell down.

"But you didn't kill him." Liu Xu knew that Lika's strength was well controlled and did not hurt his life.

"I'm not a murderer." Lika gave Liu Xu a blank look, but then veins appeared on her forehead, and she stared at Liu Xu with fiery eyes, "It's you... what are you doing right now?"

Liu Xu was busy looting the two unlucky robbers. He turned around and said with an innocent face: "Robbery! You should be charged some spiritual compensation for being so frightened by them!"

"Yes!" Liu Xu searched out a bag and poured out several round coins made of crystal. The colorful ones are very beautiful, "Is this your common currency?"

Liu Xu picked up a crystal coin and looked at it carefully.

Lika nodded.

"Unfortunately, there is only one point." Liu Xu pouted.

"If they were rich, they wouldn't come out to rob." Lika suddenly had the urge to miss people.

"Little girl, rich people really eat people and don't spit out their bones!" Liu Xu said suddenly and solemnly.

Lika found a large black robe in the robber's bag, so she took it out and threw it to Liu Xu to ask him to wear it.

"Is it okay not to wear it?" This robe covered Liu Xu's hands and feet, and he would fall if he walked accidentally.

Lika pointed to Liu Xu's forehead and said, "No, you don't have our clan's mark on your forehead, and you will be easily recognized by people because of your skin color. Then you won't even be able to enter the city gate."

Now that Lika said so, Liu Xu couldn't refute it, so he took out Adayos as a crutch.

After arriving in the suburbs of Gregor, the number of people also increased significantly.

Liu Xu saw that the people here were using the dangerous species like livestock to carry goods or ride them, just like humans on the ground treat animals.

There is a huge moat in front of the city wall. The source is that Liu Xu has seen the lake formed under the waterfall. There are guards in strange armor standing guard at the city gate and on the city wall.

Although it looks scary on the outside, its combat effectiveness is actually very low.

Liu Xu and Lika walked in easily without being questioned by the guards. Of course, this had something to do with Liu Xu popping out the blade of Adayos and standing on Lika's body as a guest star of death.

Lika said that the strong in the underground world are respected, and the soldiers guarding the gate naturally dare not offend the strong who exudes evil aura.

When the two were walking on the street, the passers-by automatically divided into two columns to let Lika pass.

But they didn't give way because of Lika, but they were automatically divided into two rows by the black-robed god of death holding a sickle behind her.

Although Lika knew that Liu Xu was pretending to be acting on purpose, she always felt chilly behind her back.

God!Is the breath of death emanating from him really a fake?That would be too realistic.

Lika took Liu Xu to the pharmacy, where you should be able to buy antidote drugs.

Liu Xu looked at the strange things in the room, and the scrolls made of dangerous seed coats were neatly arranged on the bookshelves. It seems that these underground peoples are good at a lot of spells.

Liu Xu picked up the book casually, and it was indeed full of words he could not understand.

It seems that although Lika's magic bread allowed Liu Xu to understand the language here, it still couldn't make him understand the text here.

After buying the medicine to understand the Nether Cold Mist in the pharmacy, Liu Xu was ready to go back, but he was worried about letting Lika, a little girl, walk on the road, especially in such an environment where there was no law and order at all, so he decided to put it away first. Lika was sent home, he seemed to have forgotten that Lika grew up in this environment, of course she has the ability to protect herself.

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