At the moment, Xiaoxue slowly recalled everything in the class recently, and felt that sometimes she did have a little pride, and even looked down on some students with poor grades, and didn't pay much attention to some of her behaviors. Until this time, the election of the study committee gave her a blow in the head.

However, even though she herself lost the election, Xiaoxue still didn't realize that it was her fault. Instead, she felt that some of her friends betrayed her, and she did nothing wrong.

Until now, after hearing Liu Xu's words, Xiaoxue began to calm down, reflect on herself, and finally discovered some of her own problems and some usual shortcomings.

Seeing Xiaoxue's silence, Liu Xu knew in her heart that she had begun to reflect on herself gradually, so she didn't bother him, but just sat beside her and accompanied her quietly.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 699 Rocket Class

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


It took a long time for Xiaoxue to come back to her senses, and she showed a sweet smile to Liu Xu, and said, "Cousin, I understand, thank you."

Seeing Xiaoxue like this, Liu Xu was also secretly relieved. It seems that Xiaoxue has recovered, which is very good news.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu stood up and said, "Since you understand everything, I'm relieved. It's getting late. I'll go back to my room first. You should go to bed early. You have to go to school tomorrow!"

"Well, I see." Xiaoxue nodded.

Suddenly, she also stood up, stood on tiptoe, kissed Liu Xu on the face and said, "Good night, cousin."

"Good night."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu wanted to take Fengsao's position, but one of them didn't control well, and when he turned around, he bumped into the wall, causing Xiaoxue behind him to giggle.


It has been a while since Xiaoxue competed for the study committee, and the day of Xiaoxue's college entrance examination is getting closer and closer.

According to the "hidden rules" of each school, the school will group some students with top grades into a class, which is called: top class, elite class or rocket class.

And as the teacher of the rocket class, he is naturally one in a million, assigning the best teachers in the school to the rocket class to tutor the students in their teaching.

Liu Xu is lucky. Although he has not been in school for a long time and his teaching experience is not as rich as that of some old teachers, since he came to Xiaoxue's class and served as the Chinese teacher of Xiaoxue's class, the class's Chinese performance has been consistent. He was ahead of other classes, and even got the first place in the previous monthly exams.

This was a miracle for the school leaders. Therefore, in this selection of excellent teachers, Liu Xu was selected as an exception.

"Students, I believe you already know that the school specially formed a rocket class for the college entrance examination, and the places are selected from the classes of the third year of senior high school. Those with the highest scores can get the admission ticket for the rocket class Although I personally don’t agree with the school’s approach, since the school has already arranged this way, we can only implement it according to the school’s plan. However, what I want to tell everyone, no matter whether you end up in the Rockets or not Ben, I hope that everyone will not relax on themselves in the next period of time, and work hard for their own future."

On the podium, Liu Xu looked at the students below and said loudly.

Although this kind of thing is usually told by the class teacher, Liu Xu feels that since he is the language teacher of this class, he should also tell the students, which can be regarded as a kind of encouragement to them.

"Mr. Liu, will you come to teach Chinese in our class in the future?"

The rumors of the rocket class were very loud, and even the teacher of the rocket class had spread among the students. Knowing that Liu Xu was going to be the Chinese teacher of the rocket class, all the students felt very sorry, especially Those with slightly worse grades knew that their grades would not be able to enter the rocket class, and they felt very unwilling.

For them, Liu Xu is a very good teacher and friend. He is enthusiastic, careful, and patient. All the students like him very much. When they learned that he was going to leave them to teach another class, it would be a lie if they said they were willing. human.

"According to the school's regulations, the teacher of the rocket class only leads one class, so I may not be the Chinese teacher of this class anymore."

Speaking of this, Liu Xu also felt extremely regretful and a little helpless in his heart. This is the way of education in our country.

To be honest, he disagrees very much, but so what, he is just a "little" teacher, and all he can do is "obey" the school's plans and decisions.

Hearing what Liu Xu said, the students who had a glimmer of hope suddenly became disappointed.

"Ms. Liu, don't worry, in order to be able to take your class and be your student, I will definitely study hard and strive to be admitted to the rocket class."

The one who spoke was Huang Xiaomin, the representative of the Chinese class in the class. To be honest, Liu Xu really didn't think so highly of Huang Xiaomin.

After all, Huang Xiaomin was only a little good in Chinese, and was always in the top five in the class, but his grades in the rest of the subjects were only average, and he was a student who was seriously biased.

Compared with Xiaoxue, there are two levels of existence, but now that Huang Xiaomin can say such a thing, Liu Xu is naturally very happy in his heart.

At this stage, as long as he can motivate students to work hard, he will try. At that moment, Liu Xu made a promise: "Well, since Huang Xiaomin has such fighting spirit, the teacher also promises you, as long as you enter the rocket class , Teacher, I still let you be the representative of the Chinese class, and the teacher also believes that as long as you work hard, you will definitely be able to get a ticket to enter the rocket class."


Huang Xiaomin looked surprised. Originally, she had no hope of entering the rocket class, but after listening to Liu Xu's encouragement to her, Huang Xiaomin felt that she should work hard for Teacher Liu. , for my parents, but also for myself...

"Of course, Mr. Liu never lies to everyone!" Liu Xu said with a smile: "Whether it is Huang Xiaomin or any of the students below, I hope that you can all go all out, even if you fail this time. Yes, if you didn’t enter the rocket class, I also believe that you will have no regrets, because you have worked hard, so this is enough, in my heart, each of you is an excellent student.”

It has to be said that Liu Xu is also very talented in speech. After a few words, all the students were infected by the passionate words, and their innocent faces rose and blushed, as if they were making a certain decision. It seems to be making final preparations for the battlefield.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 700 Let Dreams Come into Reality

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


What happened in the rocket class not only affected the students, but also affected all the parents of senior high school students.

It can be said that parents are more tired than their children when their children are going to take the college entrance examination. Not only do they have to cook delicious food for him every day to supplement his nutrition, but they also have to persuade their children not to have any burdens, etc. .

As a parent, Liu Mei is naturally the same as other parents. She has a very close relationship with the rocket class. However, compared with other parents, she has an advantage, that is, she has a nephew who is a teacher, and Or the nephew who is about to go to the rocket class.

Therefore, she got much more news than others.

When eating at night, Liu Mei obviously talked more than usual, and what's more, what she talked about was about the rocket class.

For this class, Liu Mei valued it quite a lot.

"Axu, do you think Xiaoxue can enter the rocket class? You don't know, I have been worrying about Xiaoxue these days! You said that the third year of high school is the most important stage, how important it is to be able to enter a good class!" Liu Mei looked at Liu Xu and said worriedly.

"Auntie, don't worry!" Liu Xu could understand Liu Mei's worry, and said with a smile, "As long as Xiaoxue performs normally in the exam, it is certain that she will be able to take the rocket class, right, Xiaoxue?"

Xiaoxue nodded and said: "Mom, don't worry, since my cousin has said so, what else do you have to worry about, I promise, I will definitely enter the rocket class, and I will not let you down."

Seeing that Xiaoxue had said that, Liu Mei felt relieved.

It was Xia Donghai who said to Xiaoxue: "Xiaoxue, the exam is important, but you must not tire yourself out, otherwise, your body will be exhausted, but the loss outweighs the gain, understand?"

Xiaoxue nodded obediently.


The selection exam for the rocket class started a month later, and everyone was very nervous.

A few days later, when the test results and the list of rocket classes were handed down, some people were happy and others were worried.

As Liu Xu expected, Xiaoxue entered the rocket class with excellent grades. At the same time, there were six other students in the class. Among these six, what surprised Liu Xu was that Huang Xiaomin was among them. .

It seems that she really worked very hard this month, but it was also because of her hard work that Huang Xiaomin realized her wish.

Let dreams shine into reality!

On the podium of the newly established rocket class, Liu Xu, as the Chinese teacher and head teacher of this class, looked at the group of youthful students below, and said with a smile: "First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone, congratulations on entering the rocket class , Entering the rocket class means that you have already stepped into the threshold of university in half a step, but this is only a half step. If you relax in the next paragraph, what awaits you is still failure. This year , you will not be able to step into the gate of the university."

The students at the bottom listened quietly, which made Liu Xu very satisfied, and continued: "My surname is Ye, I believe all of you have heard of me more or less, in the next time, I will be your Class teacher and Chinese teacher, I hope that in the days to come, we can work together to meet the challenges of the college entrance examination."

"Yes, Teacher Liu." The students below said loudly. They had indeed heard of Liu Xu's name, and they also knew that he was the youngest and best Chinese teacher in the school. To them, being able to become Liu Xu's student was a big deal. It's an honor.

"As the saying goes, an army cannot be without generals for a day, and the same is true for the class. So, in today's class, we will select some class leaders in the class. Students, do you have any recommendations, or self-recommended ones? " Liu Xu asked.

"Teacher, I am willing to be the class monitor." As soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, a voice sounded from below.

Liu Xu looked over, he was a very energetic boy, and he said: "I used to be the monitor in my original class, so I believe that I can be qualified for the position of monitor, I hope the teachers and classmates can give me a opportunity to prove my word."

It would be best if someone recommended himself to be the squad leader.

After all, the third year of high school, especially the third year of the rocket class, is a particularly sensitive period.

If you have the position of class cadre, you can't devote all your thoughts to study, and you have to spend a little time on class affairs. This is very uneconomical for all senior three students.

Originally, Liu Xu thought that no one would be the monitor of this class, and he planned to ask Xiaoxue to act as the monitor temporarily, but he didn't expect that someone would raise his hand and ask to be the monitor so soon.

"Student, what do you call him?" Liu Xu looked at the male classmate and asked with a smile.

"Teacher, my name is Wang Dahu." The male student said.

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Well, student Dahu, from today onwards, you will be the monitor of this class. If you have anything to do, feel free to come to me. I hope you can lead this class very harmoniously." .”

"Teacher, don't worry!" Wang Dahu patted his chest and said confidently.

After confirming the squad leader, it was relatively easy to find the other class leaders. Xiaoxue was still the study committee member, and as his secretary and Chinese class representative, Liu Xu did not break his promise and handed it over to Huang Xiaomin.

Heaved a sigh of relief.

After the tense atmosphere, there will always be a moment of relaxation. Sure enough, after a long time, Dai Mingming found his home and said that he wanted to take advantage of the next long vacation to invite Xiaoxue and Liu Xu to play in the mountains and have a good time. Feel the nature.

After discussing with each other, Liu Mei and Xia Donghai agreed to Dai Mingming's request.

They feel that after Xiaoxue enters the rocket class, her future study pressure will definitely become extremely huge, and it is also necessary to take advantage of this holiday to relax.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 701 Triple p, uh, three people travel...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


This trip can be regarded as a kind of reward for her, rewarding her to enter the rocket class, one step closer to the footsteps of the university.

Besides, with a man like Liu Xu around, I believe nothing would happen, so it was reasonable for Liu Mei and Xia Donghai to readily agree.

But when Liu Xing and Xiaoyu knew that their sister and cousin were going on a trip, they also clamored to go, and even kept trying to please the three of them. Unfortunately, they all failed in the end.

When Dai Mingming mentioned traveling in the mountains this time, it was actually a sudden whim. He has been living in a big city, and he can’t really get close to nature. Just taking advantage of the holiday, I want to have a good experience.

However, Dai Mingming didn't have the courage alone after all, so he brought Xiaoxue, his best friend, and Liu Xu, his favorite man besides his father.


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