By the end of the war, the world population had shrunk to three billion people, a third of what it would have been in 2045.

After that, the division of power in the world changed.

Russia once again absorbed Ukraine and Belarus to form the New Soviet Federation (New Soviet Union).

The Chinese conquered northern Burma, northern Vietnam, northern Laos and the Korean peninsula, forming the Greater Asia Alliance (Great Asia Alliance).

India and Iran annexed Central Asian countries to form the Indian and Persian Federation.

USA merged Canada and countries ranging from Mexico to Panama to form the United States of the Continental North America (USNA).

The territory of the four countries has expanded respectively. In contrast, the integration of the EU countries has failed, and the EU has split into east and west sides; half of the African countries have been completely eliminated.

Except for Brazil, South America is in a state of separation of small countries with local governments acting independently.

After reading the proven world history report, Liu Xu already knew what world it was.

An underachiever in a magic high school.


An hour later, Liu Xu traveled through the black hole and appeared at a military base of the Daya Alliance on the coast of the East China Sea.

Looking at this well-equipped military base, Liu Xu's expression was a bit subtle. How could he send himself to such a place?

Sure enough, the moment Liu Xu's footsteps landed, a large group of soldiers with firearms spotted him. With a burst of exclamation, everyone pointed their rifles at Liu Xu.

Although such a small amount of firepower is not too difficult for Liu Xu to deal with, but as soon as he crosses over, he is pointed at with a gun, which reminds people of a certain Saiyan who has just arrived on Earth.

After squinting slightly, Liu Xu noticed that there were several guns in the crowd, and they looked strange.


Liu Xu raised his eyebrows.

CAD is a record of activation of magic activation, equipment for simplifying and speeding up magic activation.

It is a necessary tool for modern magicians to replace traditional methods and props such as incantations and charms.

It is really troublesome to explain this concept.

However, from Liu Xu's understanding, it was quite simple.

First of all, when magicians in this world cast magic, they have to use long incantations and symbols to activate it.

Reading all these things out must be very troublesome and a waste of time.

Most importantly, the instantaneous computing power of the human brain is not very good, and it is easy to miscalculate the power of magic.

Therefore, it is necessary to use CAD as a machine to help people calculate.

CAD plays such a role.

Sure enough, it is still very troublesome!

No wonder Akafir said that there is a problem with the technology in this world, and the technology of magic is really a wonderful world.

Stretching out his hand to scratch his hair, Liu Xu didn't bother to understand these useless things anymore, anyway, he didn't intend to learn the magic of this world.

Looking at the soldiers around him, Liu Xu raised his foot and was about to deal with them before they alarmed more people, but at this moment, an invisible mental wave suddenly centered on Liu Xu and spread out with a "swish" .

Although he couldn't see it, Liu Xu knew that this mental wave actually covered the entire Daya Union in an instant.

Then, under Liu Xu's gaze, confusion appeared in the eyes of these soldiers, and then they slowly began to recover.

When everyone's eyes became completely clear, there was no doubt in the eyes of these people looking at Liu Xu. Then, everyone quickly put down their guns and saluted.

"Colonel Liu Xu!"

Looking at the reactions of these people, Liu Xu knew that the will of the world had arranged an identity for him again.

Sure enough, in the next second, Liu Xu had some more questions in his head. His identity was the strongest magician of Daya United, and he was a colonel.

In the past, he traveled directly, and everything was already done. This is the first time he encountered such a situation where he waited for Liu Xu to arrive before starting to set up.

"It's been a long time."

Shaking his head speechlessly, Liu Xu waved his hands to the saluting soldiers.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 719 Great Asian Union, Ten Master Clans

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"There's no need to be too polite. I also came here because of a mission. Everyone's purpose is the same."

As he spoke, Liu Xu looked around.

"You guys, who is in charge?"

Hearing this, a man in military uniform stepped forward with great strides.

"The person in charge of the thirteenth military base in the East China Sea, Dude!"

Looking at this resolute soldier, Liu Xu nodded with a smile.

"Your quality is very good, let me see the hope of Daya United."

"Thank you Colonel Liu Xu!"

With a military salute, the person in charge responded loudly without arrogance or rashness.

From his epaulets, it can be seen that this man is also a colonel.

Looking at this man's appearance, Liu Xu said a little playfully, " are also a colonel, so you don't have to be like me."

Hearing this, Dude shook his head vigorously.

"No! Colonel Liu Xu is willing to go to the Japanese Magic High School to endure humiliation for the benefit of the country! You are our military role model!"

"Okay, I'll try to get more beautiful girls from island countries..."


"Hey, what I said is so reasonable, are you speechless? Hey, it seems that I was played badly by myself... In that case, let's arrange a schedule, I plan to go directly in the near future."


Under Liu Xu's order, Colonel Du De, who was obviously of the same rank, saluted again, and then strode out.

Taking advantage of this time, Liu Xu walked slowly outside the base.

Walking out of the base is a jungle for camouflage.

Smelling the moist sea breeze in the air, Liu Xu stretched comfortably.

Then, he moved his feet and disappeared in place.

Relying on his astonishing speed, it didn't take long for Liu Xu to arrive at the beach from the military base.

The sea here is very clear.

The beach is very white and the grains of sand are very fine.

Everything is as beautiful as a picture scroll.


Three days later, at an airport not far from the military base, Liu Xu and Du De stood in the waiting hall. To conceal their identities, Liu Xu didn't take a special plane or anything else, but took an ordinary flight.

Looking at Liu Xu who was about to go to Japan, Du De's eyes were full of respect.

"Although I have said it many times... But I really want to thank you again for your willingness to go to Japan to carry out such a dangerous mission. If I were to go, I might die in a foreign country in less than a month... Bah, bah, bah, my mouth What are you talking about!"

Seeing Du De's annoyed look, Liu Xu shrugged indifferently.

"It's no big deal. I'm not going to fight a war. I just observe their teaching methods as an international student, and see if I can get something that I shouldn't get."

After speaking, Liu Xu turned around directly, intending to leave.

At this time, Du De seemed to suddenly think of something, and hurried over.

"Sorry, Colonel Liu Xu, I don't know why, but I suddenly remembered a very important piece of information! Please contact a man named Zhou Gongjin in Chinatown after you arrive in Japan!"

After finishing speaking, the expression on Dude's face was stunned.

He was annoyed at why he kept forgetting such important news and didn't remember it until now.

Seeing Du De's expression, Liu Xu nodded.

"Has the memory been tampered with? It seems that the Celestial Dynasty is not as simple as it seems! At least as far as I know, there are not many magicians in the world who can manipulate memory so precisely."

Thinking quietly, Liu Xu ignored Du De and got on the plane directly.

After slowly following the ticket to his sofa seat in the first-class cabin, Liu Xu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Beside him, a person was already sitting.

And it's still a girl.

It was a beauty with a tall figure, long dark blue hair, and a quiet face. Even if Liu Xu was used to seeing beauties, he couldn't help but admire this girl.

However, Liu Xu didn't have the problem of being unable to walk when he saw a beautiful woman. After admiring this classically beautiful woman for a while, he sat down slowly and took out a "mobile phone" with a virtual screen to look at it. material.

Aircraft in this era are no longer likely to be interfered by wireless terminals and cause accidents, so there is no need to care about small things such as turning on and off the machine.

Stretching out his fingers to fiddle with the screen, Liu Xu quickly recorded the information of this world.

First of all, it is about the "Ten Master Clan".

The talent of modern magic is influenced by innate qualities, everyone understands this, and the reason comes down to the strength of the blood.

No matter which country in the world, as long as it has the national strength to use a systematic method to study magic, it has already started research in the era when modern magic and superpowers have not yet been separated.

The same is true of Japan in this world.

As a result, a new group has formed that dominates the country's wizarding world.

This is the Ten Masters.

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