
At this moment, Zhou Gongjin, who was suspended in mid-air by the power of magic, only felt that he had completely lost control over the psion (a kind of magic element), and the whole person fell to the ground with a swish.

Fortunately, to become the leader of Chinatown, Zhou Gongjin's strength is not a joke. Relying on her powerful physical skills, Zhou Gongjin borrowed a little strength from the wall, and finally shed the speed of her fall, and she was a steady one. Turned over and fell to the ground.

Looking at Zhou Gongjin's unharmed appearance, Liu Xu nodded.

This way, he could barely be his teammate in Japan, otherwise Liu Xu wouldn't be in the mood to play house with a novice.

He closed the curtain casually, and Liu Xu also jumped out of the window.

Seeing Liu Xu jumping from the height of the third floor without even using his strength, Zhou Gongjin whistled.

"That's great, Colonel Liu Xu."

"But you are ordinary."

Liu Xu responded lightly to Zhou Gongjin's flattery.

Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, Liu Xu suddenly looked at Zhou Gongjin.

"I said...Xiao Zhou, you are also Chinese, so you should know that your name makes me very uncomfortable, so I have to change your name."


Subconsciously stunned, it was the first time that Zhou Gongjin saw someone as rude as Liu Xu. You must know that ordinary people, even generals in the military, are polite when talking to themselves!

Just like that, before Zhou Gongjin could react, Liu Xu snapped his fingers.

"Since that's the case, let's call you Zimao. Look at your hair, it's blue and purple, so it suits this name."

"...Colonel, you can just call me Xiao Zhou."

Hearing the name Zimao, Zhou Gongjin twitched her eyes speechlessly, and quickly interrupted Liu Xu's thoughts.

Saying that, Zhou Gongjin slowly took out a silver suitcase from behind and put it between the two of them.

Seeing this box, Liu Xu instinctively thought of the weapon "Quink" held by the ghoul investigator.

Of course, Zhou Gongjin is definitely not a ghoul investigator.

Seeing Liu Xu's tangled expression, Zhou Gongjin showed a understanding smile.

"Well, magicians do have an aversion to this kind of thing, but after getting used to it, it's not a big problem."

Liu Xu didn't say anything, because he couldn't understand what Zimao said.

Although Liu Xu didn't speak, Zhou Gongjin slowly opened the box.

In this large suitcase, there are only three rings.

After a little comparison with the information given to him by the will of the world, Liu Xu recognized this thing.

"Ant-knight? You are really good, you can get this kind of thing."

Slowly picking up a ring and putting it on his finger, Liu Xu said in admiration.

"Where is this? It's just a trivial matter. It's for your convenience in No. [-] High School... You know, there seem to be many scary children among the freshmen of No. [-] High School this year."

Zimao smiled like a little chrysanthemum.

Ant-knight is a kind of scarce military material, which can generally only be found in ancient ruins. As long as a small piece can emit a strong interference wave, the magician's magic will be interrupted.

This kind of thing can really be said to be hard to find in the black market, and there is no market for the price. I didn't expect Zhou Gongjin to give herself three casually this week, and the quality is still the most high-end one, which is comparable to that of ordinary troops. The "miscellaneous brands" equipped in the car are completely different.

With a movement of his fingers, Liu Xu put the three rings into the dimensional space, and his gaze towards Zimao was much more satisfied. Even the long purple hair like a woman's head was not so annoying to look at.

Seeing Liu Xu's move, Zhou Gongjin was shocked again.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 722 The Strongest Man in Daya

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


At first, when he saw Liu Xu brought a woman back to the hotel, he thought that Liu Xu was just a bit of a drunkard. Mao was thrown into the clouds.

It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Xu can get the title of a magician killer with the one move just now. Even if he is caught off guard, he may be killed directly by this move.

Seeing Zimao's uncertain expression, Liu Xu smiled slightly.

"Don't panic, Zimao, in fact, that was just a joke just now, I won't kill you just because of a trivial matter, besides, how could I use such a low level of magic to kill you?"

Zimao almost knelt down.

Nima, such a strong magic can be called the level of the hole card. In your eyes, it is a low level? !

Seeing Zimao's expression, Liu Xu was very happy.

"The things are also given, so it's time to talk about business?"

Liu Xu was too lazy to communicate with someone like Zhou Gongjin, who was so scheming at first glance. Anyway, Zhou Gongjin was just a small character in the villain, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Sure enough, Zimao looked at Liu Xu respectfully, and said, "The Great Asia United has planned a military operation against Yokohama, but it's not in the name of the Great Asia United...the specific time and content will be sent to you, Please enjoy your school life now."

Zimao's tone was very respectful, and Liu Xu didn't care whether it was true or not.

"Okay, talk about it later."

Nodding, Liu Xu went straight back to the hotel.

Looking at Liu Xu's back, Zhou Gongjin wiped the cold sweat off his brow.

"Although I also have the strength to be proud of, but in front of this person, I always feel like I can't hold my head up!"

With a slight smile, Zhou Gongjin turned around and slowly disappeared into the street.

"As expected... he is called the strongest man in Daya!"

And Liu Xu also returned to the room.

Originally, Liu Xu wanted to do something interesting with Ichihara Suzune to indirectly control her, but when Zhou Gongjin's purple hair disturbed him, he suddenly lost his mood.

Looking at Ichihara Suzune lying on the bed and breathing quietly, Liu Xu squinted his eyes and scratched his hair.

"Forget it, it's not my character to be strong, and it's too cheap. With my Liu Xu's ability, is it still necessary to be strong?"

Saying that, Liu Xu grinned, just lay down on the sofa, and fell asleep comfortably.

After an unknown amount of time, Ichihara Suzune slowly opened her eyes from sleep.

Stretching out her hand to rub her still aching head, Ichihara Suzune looked around the room.

Not my own room.

Thinking back carefully, Ichihara Suzune remembered that she had gone to drink coffee with Liu Xu, and then fell asleep for some reason...

Thinking of this, Suzune looked at her body worriedly.

The clothes are still in good condition, and there are no traces of being played with on the body.

Suzune heaved a sigh of relief.

Although as a scholar, I don't care much about what the future man will look like, but I don't want to lose the first time casually.

Then, Lingyin saw Liu Xu sleeping on the sofa.

Cursing secretly for thinking wildly, Lingyin walked off the ground a little embarrassed, walked slowly to Liu Xu's side, and stretched out her hand to wake him up.

Suddenly, Liu Xu who was still sleeping soundly opened his eyes suddenly, and then reached out and grabbed Ichihara Suzune's wrist.

With a light flip, the girl was pushed to the ground by such a standard grabbing action.


Called by Ichihara Suzune, Liu Xu seemed to have reacted suddenly, let go of her quickly, and took a few steps back.

Seeing the girl kneeling on the ground unable to get up because of shock and pain, Liu Xu hurried over to help her up.

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention just now..."

Frowning helplessly, Liu Xu felt that it was time for him to be a hunting tool, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to be so surprised.

"No, it's nothing...I'm also at fault, I shouldn't wake you up rashly."

Stretching out her hand to rub her sore wrist, Ichihara Suzune looked at Liu Xu with a hint of curiosity.

In the past, when Lingyin was studying, she also heard stories like "Cao Mengde killed someone in his dream".

I thought it was an artistic fabrication by the Chinese, but I didn't expect to meet such a vigilant person today.

Quietly looking at Liu Xu, Ichihara Suzune couldn't help but start brainstorming various settings about Liu Xu, such as a super mercenary returning from overseas, a cold-blooded killer lurking in the city, and a transformation experiment where the enemy chased him here. products and the like.

Thinking of the last possibility, Ichihara Suzune couldn't help but salivate in his eyes.

To a scholar a fresh experiment is the most delicious delicacy.

Looking at Ichihara Suzune's scary eyes, Liu Xu cleared his throat and said, "Ahem, um, Suzune, you've almost had a rest, should you go to school? If I remember correctly, today is Time to report."


Taking out her mobile terminal and taking a look, Ichihara Suzune exclaimed in a low voice.

However, this lovely girl didn't notice Liu Xu's change in addressing her.

Normally, it would be very difficult for a person to call Ichihara Suzune by his name directly. If those people in school who admired Ichihara heard it, a battle would be inevitable.

"I originally said that I would go home yesterday... It's really rude, but I fell asleep during the meal."

"No, it's nothing. After all, it's normal to be tired after sitting on the plane for so long."

Smiling and shaking his head, Liu Xu reached out and took Ichihara Suzune's luggage in a gentlemanly manner.

For Liu Xu's strength, carrying such a little thing is like holding a piece of paper.

For Ichihara Suzune, this is already the experimental materials and books that require all the effort to memorize.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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