Looking at the appearance on the second floor, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Vacuity, are you going to use the second floor as a dojo?"

Sayexiang was taken aback, and said: "No, no, how is it possible, that will disturb your rest, the reason why the second floor is empty is because before I came here, there was a purple-haired girl who took away all the things here Yes, the original owner said that the girl is the original owner of the house, and the items are just stored."

"Purple hair?"

Upon hearing this adjective, Liu Xu's first reaction was Zhou Gongjin and Zhou Zimao, but Zhou Zimao was a man.

Well, sometimes it looks like a girl.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help but want to laugh.

Kicking Zimao out of his mind, Liu Xu looked at Sayaka Mibu.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 732 Beautiful Disciple, Living Together

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Forget it, there's no need to get the sword. I'm also curious about your sword skills. Let's try it out in the yard."

"Eh? But there is no sword."

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Well, that's a problem."

As he spoke, Liu Xu suddenly took off his coat and put it on his right hand.

"Sayaka, do you know magic?"

Hearing this, Sayaka Mibu tilted her head slightly, and said, "Of course I know, don't treat him like a fool, Liu Xujun."

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, now that I know, it's easy to say, let me do a magic trick for you!"

After speaking, Liu Xu slowly grabbed one side of the coat with his left hand.

Then, Liu Xu threw off his coat, and a bamboo sword appeared in his hand covered under the coat.

Seeing this scene, Sayaka Mibu couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Okay, that's amazing, how did you do it?"

"This is a magician's secret, you can't just say it casually."

Shaking his head, Liu Xu covered his hand again, and made a second bamboo sword in the same way.

Sayaka was amazed by Liu Xu's miraculous ability, and at the same time she was naturally curious.

However, Sayexiang is not the kind of woman who makes trouble for no reason. Since Liu Xu doesn't want to talk about it, she can't go to the bottom of it. She just admires it.

Giving a sword to Sayaka Mibu, Liu Xu and Sayaka Mibu stood in the yard holding bamboo swords.

Looking at the indifferent Liu Xu, Sayaka Mibu showed a confident smile after saluting.

"I'm going to fuck! Liu Xujun!"

"Well, let's go!" Liu Xu said with a smile.

Mibu Sayaka's swordsmanship is a well-regulated Japanese style of swordsmanship, and the opening is to put a middle section first.

Seeing that Liu Xu was full of flaws, and even seemed a little indifferent, the girl tilted her head in doubt.

"Liu Xujun, may I ask you not to make a fighting stance?"

Hearing this, Liu Xu shook his head with a smile, and said, "Well, it's not necessary, but if you think it's in line with etiquette, it's fine."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xu casually swung his sword backwards and leaned forward slightly.

Sayaka smiled wryly and clenched her sword tightly.

In her opinion, Liu Xu's posture is simply an amateur among amateurs.

Maybe Liu Xu doesn't know much about swordsmanship. The reason why he knows it is to practice with him.

Thinking of this, Sayaka's eyes showed gratitude.

"Liu Xujun, you are really a good person!"

As she said that, the girl had already raised the bamboo sword in her hand and rushed over.

Looking at the firmness in Sayexiang's eyes, Liu Xu didn't understand why he was issued a card without doing anything.

Then, Liu Xu noticed Sayaka's attacking appearance.

"The footsteps are too vain, you don't think I'm full of flaws, I'm just playing with you!"

Thinking of this possibility, Liu Xu said helplessly.

Then, before Mibu Sayaka could react, Liu Xu took a slow step forward, facing the bamboo sword that Sayaka slashed, and poked the tip of the sword lightly on Sayaka's hand.

As the bamboo sword fell to the ground with a bang, Sayaka couldn't help but froze there.

Seeing Liu Xu retracting his bamboo sword and standing there again, Sayexiang suddenly laughed.

"Liu Xujun... so amazing! So powerful!"

Saying that, this cute girl forgot to even pick up the bamboo sword, just ran up to Liu Xu, bowed at a standard ninety degrees.

"Liu Xujun, please, teach me swordsmanship!"

"That's a really difficult request."

Looking at the girl who was bending down in front of him, Liu Xu's expression was a bit subtle.

I did not come to this world to accept apprentices, and my sword skills were only honed in endless battles.

Do you want to teach this girl how to kill swordsmanship?

Then I'm afraid I'm a secondary school student.

Seeing that Liu Xu didn't seem to want to teach herself, Sayaka Mibu just scratched her hair regretfully.

After all, swordsmanship is the most important thing for a swordsman. The basics of the basics are more important than the sword. It is impossible for ordinary people to teach their own swordsmanship casually.

Therefore, although it is a pity, Sayexiang will never blame Liu Xu for being stingy, because she can completely understand Liu Xu.

"Ahahaha... Well, it's almost time for dinner, I'm going to prepare and cook."

Saying that, Mibu Sayaka had to go back to the house quickly, so as not to keep the atmosphere from being awkward.

At this moment, Liu Xu suddenly said: "Well, it's not impossible. If one day, I think you have the necessity and ability to learn swordsmanship, I will consider teaching you."

Hearing this, Sayaka's pretty face turned rosy.

Those emerald green beautiful eyes were full of surprise and joy.

Looking at Liu Xu happily, the girl bent down all of a sudden.

"Disciple Mibu Sayaka, I have met Master!"

"Good boy."

Stretching out his hand to rub Sayexiang's little head, Liu Xu returned to the room with a smile.

Looking at Liu Xu's back, Sayaka Mibu suddenly had a subtle illusion.

Obviously, I and Liu Xu... bah bah bah, are the same age as my master, but for some reason, every time I look at my master, I feel like I'm looking at my father.

Thinking of this, Sayaka uttered a mournful cry.

Probably... because I was too naive!

If only I could have a more mature mentality.

Xiao Pao followed Liu Xu back to the house, and Sayaka Mibu began her cohabitation with Liu Xu... No, it was a shared life.

Sitting on the spacious second floor, Liu Xu was basking in the sun with his eyes squinted.

At this time, Liu Xu suddenly saw a small flat thing in the corner.

The object is only a few millimeters thick, and it is the same color as the floor. If you don't pay attention, you can't find it at all.

If it weren't for the lack of focus in his eyes, Liu Xu probably wouldn't have paid attention to this thing.

After picking up the small slice, Liu Xu looked at it carefully.

"A recording instrument, used to record data, similar to a USB flash drive."

Liu Xu's body shook suddenly, because he had read the contents of the small chip.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 733 Chiyoda Hanon, I Want You

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After a second or so, the contents of this memory appeared in front of Liu Xu.

Looking at the long string of words and symbols, Liu Xu touched his chin and said, "Is this a spell? Or a spell?"

After comparing the knowledge in his head with the information in the memory, Liu Xu came to a conclusion.

It was a magic formula. According to Liu Xu's understanding of magic, what was recorded in it was a magic called "Line Source".

The source of this magic is "vibration".

That is, the magic that creates vibrations through magic power, causing the earth to tremble, and even destroying objects on the surface.

After understanding this magic, Liu Xu's expression was a little subtle.

"It's really interesting. If it's applied properly, it can even play the role of a fixed-point explosion, but the requirements are also quite high..."

There was a sudden knock on the door, and then, without waiting for anyone to open the door, a person walked in directly.

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