Opening the door, Liu Xu looked at the person standing at the door in surprise.

"Molly? How did you come here?"

It was Mori Watanabe who was standing at the door. Seeing Liu Xu's surprised expression, the girl seemed to have received a great reward, and a happy expression appeared on her pretty face.

"Hmph, I was taken aback, you have today too!"

Walking in happily, Watanabe Moli looked around the room, as if he was confirming something. After a while, this energetic and serious girl showed a slightly surprised expression.

"Strange, Mayumi isn't here?"

"How do you think Mayumi is with me?"

Hearing Watanabe Moli's words, Liu Xu shook his head helplessly, then walked back directly, sat at the dining table and continued to eat the food made by Sayaka Mibu.

Watanabe Mori, who was following him, had no sense of being a guest at first, and wanted to find a stool to sit down, but when she saw Sayaka Mibu, the woman's attitude changed instantly.

"Sorry to bother you, may I have a seat?"

Seeing Mori Watanabe, the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, Sayaka Mibu nodded quickly. This girl with little talent was born the type who was not good at rejecting other people's requests, and Watanabe Mori might be embarrassed to lose her morals in front of her because of this.

After getting permission, Watanabe Mori sat down.

Seeing Liu Xu's disdainful eyes, Watanabe Moli blushed cheekily and said, "Ahem, I don't want to eat, I just want to find a convenient place to chat."

As he said that, Watanabe Moli made a lightning move, picked up a boiled ball and threw it into his mouth.

"Why do you think Mayumi came to you... Do you even need to ask? The reason why Mayumi left at the time was obviously because you said something about your fiancee, so I think she should come to you to ask clearly, who knows , Tsk, I guessed wrong..."

While talking, Watanabe Moli stretched his chopsticks towards the boiled meatballs again, but this time Liu Xu easily knocked them aside with his chopsticks.

"You want to say, Mayumi likes me? I think it's probably your illusion."

Hearing this, Watanabe Moli shook his head and said, "It's not an illusion. After all, I'm also a girl. It's impossible not to see such a thing. Mayumi herself may not have seen it yet, but in the eyes of others, Mayumi's affection for you is simply obvious."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Then tell me, do you like me?"

"Like it!"

To Liu Xu's tone that was almost like teasing, Watanabe Mori smiled and answered this question easily.

Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment.

Seeing Liu Xu's surprised look, Watanabe Moli let out a tricky laugh, and said, "Hahaha, I scared you, just kidding, just kidding, I don't like a stupid boss like you, when will Wait until you change your bad personality!"

Hearing what she said, Liu Xu continued to eat with a subtle expression.

I don't know if it's my illusion, but the girls in this world seem to be a little too lively. In the past, whether it was the world of ghouls or the world of Attack on Giants, the girls were all working hard to fight.

Sure enough, in a comfortable world, is it easier to have such an optimistic girl?

However, if you want to collapse, shouldn't you choose that kind of sad world?

Could it be that... I really have the potential to become a Demon King?

However, Sayexiang didn't think so little like Liu Xu.

She could feel that what Moli Watanabe was thinking in her heart was not as easy as what she said. Even if it was true what Moli Watanabe said, she didn't really like Liu Xu, and she definitely had something special about him. Emotions, such as good feelings.

Goodwill is often the first condition for love.

Swallowing the food in his mouth, Liu Xu glanced at Moli Watanabe and said, "Mayumi didn't come here. If I'm right, it's almost time to get home. Why don't you make a phone call?"

As soon as Liu Xu finished speaking, a gentle voice suddenly came from the door: "Alas, it seems that Liu Xujun guessed wrong!"

As he said that, under the slightly surprised gazes of Liu Xu, Mo Li, and Sayexiang, two girls who were so beautiful that they were almost shining came in.

One is Nanakusa Mayumi.

One is Chiyoda Hanon.

Seeing these two people, Sayaka Mibu hurriedly stood up and said, "President Nanakusa!"

"Don't be like this, now we are outside the school, we are just friends..."

Seeing Sayaka's respectful look, Nanakusa Mayumi waved her hands in trouble, and Sayaka nodded quickly when she heard that, and went to get the chair.

But Liu Xu's expression was not very good-looking.

From the moment he saw Chiyoda Hanane, Liu Xu felt that something must have happened that he didn't know about.

Seeing Liu Xu's vigilant expressions, Chiyoda Hanon rolled her eyes and said, "Damn it, what kind of expression do you have? Am I a man-eating tiger?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "No, you are a kitten who doesn't know when to scratch my paw."

With that said, he stood up, walked slowly to the sofa, and sat down.

"You all come to my house, what's your business?"

Watanabe Mori also had a puzzled expression.

That girl with purple hair, if I remember correctly, isn't that Chiyoda Hanon?

I saw her photo in the student union room just now, and Watanabe Mori would not admit it wrong.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 747 Penghu Bay, uh, Tokyo Bay...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Nanakusa Mayumi left in a fit of anger because of this child. It stands to reason that even if the two of them don't quarrel when they meet, they should treat them like strangers.

Why are both of them here?

Could it be that like in the novel, the two want to divide Liu Xu equally and let him hug left and right?

Thinking of this, Watanabe Moli looked at Mayumi Nanakusa with a shocked expression.

Although I thought I knew this good friend well, I didn't expect that the things he did became more and more scary.

As for what Mori Watanabe said just now, Nanakusa Mayumi's feelings for her, Liu Xu smiled.

In this weird atmosphere, Mibu Sayaka finally couldn't bear to speak first.

"That... President Nanakusa, Senior Watanabe, and this classmate... Although I don't know what happened between Liu Xujun and you, can we sit down and have a good talk?"

After finishing speaking, Sayaka pinched the corner of her clothes with her fingers nervously.

It stands to reason that I actually have no right to speak on this occasion. One of the opponents is the president of the student council, the other is the chairman of the discipline committee, and although I don't know the last one, he is probably a member of the Hundred Families, or a powerful user of ancient magic. , I, a person who can't get into any subject, is like an ant in front of them.

However, if it is for Liu Xu, Sayaka is willing to speak out in front of these radiant girls.

Probably because they were overwhelmed by Sayaka's powerful aura, everyone present did not speak.

In this somewhat awkward atmosphere, Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly showed a relieved smile.

Apart from a sudden whim, the biggest purpose of coming here today is actually to see Liu Xu's attitude.

After seeing Liu Xu's reaction to Chiyoda Hanon, Nanakusa Mayumi can already confirm that there is really only an agreed relationship between Liu Xu and her, like the "discord on the surface, but in fact they still love each other" that I had imagined before. There is no such setting as ".

Of course, it is limited to not having it now, and no one knows what will happen in the future, so if you don't want to regret it, you have to play your cards well.

Thinking of this, Nanakusa Mayumi smiled slightly.

She is not that kind of stupid woman. On the contrary, Nanakusa Mayumi, who received an elite education since she was a child, has wisdom beyond the reach of ordinary people. She can also make perfect decisions in this situation.

It is an established fact that I have a good impression of Liu Xu. In this case, to force Liu Xu, or to make a big noise is a senseless and stupid act.

For Mayumi, this makes sense.

Seeing that Nanakusa Mayumi didn't ask any more questions, Chiyoda Hanon naturally didn't want to cause trouble. For her, Liu Xu now is like a scourge. If you take a risk, what should you do if you want to lose more things to him?

In such a strange and harmonious atmosphere, the meal was finally finished. Except for Liu Xu, everyone felt that they were not full.

After finally sending off these plague gods, Liu Xu checked the time.

There are still nine hours before the end of the task arranged by Akafir. According to the time in Japan, the completion time of this task is probably limited to tonight!

Looking at Sayaka Mibu who was cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen, Liu Xu slowly walked out of the room.

After dinner, it was not far from darkness, and Liu Xu was very happy to feel the coolness in the air.

After coming to this world, I haven't fought a decent battle much, and even if I win, I can't completely kill the opponent. Just ordinary people.

"I am really unqualified as a demon king!"

Smiling and shaking his head, Liu Xu waved to this taxi, opened the door and got in.

"Good evening, brother, where are you going so late?"

"Penghu Bay, uh, Tokyo Bay..."

"Huh? Going to Tokyo Bay at this time?"

Hearing this, although the taxi driver was a little curious, he just grumbled and stepped on the gas pedal.

Sitting in the co-pilot's seat, Liu Xu quietly watched Tokyo as night fell.

Here, I don't know how many animals in the night!

After the taxi stopped, Liu Xu casually took out a few banknotes and handed them over. Anyway, these Japanese money can be obtained from Zhou Gongjin, so it doesn't feel bad to spend it.

Looking at the night scene not far away, Liu Xu's pupils slowly narrowed.

Colonization equipment, thermal imaging capabilities, start.

With the completion of this action, Liu Xu raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Lucky, I didn't expect to find the place all at once."

Activated by the ability to grow equipment, Liu Xu found the so-called military base easily.

However, it is hard to determine whether there are any documents mentioned in the task.

After thinking about it, Liu Xu reached out and took out his mobile terminal, and dialed a number.

The other side answered the phone very quickly, as if they were always in front of the phone.

"Hi, I'm Zhou Gongjin from Chinatown, who are you?"

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