
Seeing this scene, Watanabe Moli nodded happily.

Mayumi Nanakusa, Suzune Ichihara, Azusa Nakajo, and Hanon Chiyoda showed expressions of admiration.

"As a first-year freshman, with a simple speed-up magic, all five discipline committee members were defeated by him. With such strength, it is not an exaggeration to join the army directly and obtain a high-level job."

Saying that, Nanakusa Mayumi slowly walked to Liu Xu's side.

"Liu Xujun, I'll wait for you at the school gate after finishing dealing with the matter here."

Hearing this, Watanabe Moli was taken aback, and quickly ran between the two of them, saying: "Hey, hey, blatant dates are prohibited by the Disciplinary Committee, do you want to take the lead in breaking the rules?"

"...What are you talking about, Molly, I just want to chat with Liu Xujun, girls can't think so much!"

With a light smile, she teased Moli, and Mayumi left the room just like that. Seeing Mayumi leave, Azusa Nakajo quickly trotted out as if she had been pardoned.

Seeing that nothing happened, Ichihara Suzune also greeted with a smile and went back.

Seeing Liu Xu with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and casually helping up several discipline committee members, Chiyoda Hanon pursed his lips slightly.

Although she still has prejudice against Liu Xu, she has to admit that Liu Xu like this is really attractive to a man.

Thinking of this, Hua Yin quickly shook her head.

I want to escape Liu Xu as my goal, so I can't have such dangerous thoughts!

He easily defeated all members of the Disciplinary Committee, and Liu Xu naturally gained the trust of all Disciplinary Committee members.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 753 There shouldn't be many people as strong as me!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


As Watanabe Mori said before, under her influence, the organization of the Disciplinary Committee already has the concept of supremacy of strength.

As long as you have the strength and you are a high-ranking person, you will be respected no matter whether you are in the first or second division, whether you are from China or Japan.

At least from this point of view, the members of the Disciplinary Committee can be regarded as the pacesetters of advanced thinking in the whole of Japan.

Using the last minute of the day before school started, Liu Xu taught the members of the disciplinary committee some methods of training their reaction speed.

I believe that with this kind of training method, the members of these disciplinary committee members will soon be able to improve their combat quality as a whole!

Just like that, after finishing everything, Liu Xu, Moli, and Chiyoda Hanon walked slowly in the teaching building.

"After school starts tomorrow, I think this place will be crowded with people!"

Looking at the open space in front of the auditorium downstairs, Chiyoda Hanon shivered.

In her opinion, a place with so many people is not a good space for living.

Molly smiled and said: "It's okay, after all, there are only two hundred new students! Compared with ordinary high schools, magic high schools are already sparsely populated."

Suddenly, Liu Xu interrupted her.

"It's one hundred freshmen, don't make a mistake, the other hundred are just substitutes, not so-called students."


While speaking, the three of them had already reached the school gate.

When they got here, Kanon and Moli left separately.

Watching the two girls walk away, Liu Xu turned his head to look at a pillar beside the school gate.

"Aren't you coming out yet? What are you waiting for?"

Hearing this, Nanakusa Mayumi walked out from behind the pillar with a smile, and said, "Hey Kuro, I thought you forgot!"

"My memory is pretty good." As he spoke, Liu Xu raised his chin, "Let's talk while walking, I remember that the first half of our journey was the same."

The girl quickly trotted and followed.

Seeing Liu Xu's expressionless face, just looking straight ahead, Mayumi pouted.

This guy doesn't even look at him. Is his femininity so bad?

The self-confidence that had been cultivated under the envious eyes of other students was almost destroyed by Liu Xu.

Seeing that Liu Xu had no intention of chatting for a while, Mayumi sighed and said, "Liu Xujun, are you a member of a big family in China?"

"Why do you ask?"

Liu Xu looked at Nanakusa Mayumi. Although he thought it was the girl's whim about this question, who knows if she discovered something.

"Well...it's nothing, I just think that Liu Xujun is very talented. At such a young age, his fighting power is stronger than that of the general Ten Master Clan. If all the students in China are like this, then my self-confidence will really be destroyed. It's gone."

"...You think too much, I am not a big family, and my strength is honed through my own efforts. As for China, I can only say that there should not be many people as strong as me!"

As he spoke, Liu Xu smiled inwardly.

If you can't grow clothes, you are not too invincible and strong, but once you can grow clothes, even giant clothes, and even the giant god clothes...

In these low-level worlds, Liu Xu was really infinitely deified.

At least for now, I can easily defeat most of the magicians in the world by relying on the breeding clothes. Although I haven't seen the legendary thirteen apostles and the higher-level "seven sages", but Thinking about it, it shouldn't be too far away.

Seeing what Liu Xu said, Nanakusa Mayumi didn't ask any more questions.

If you keep asking, not only will you not know more, but it may also make Liu Xu feel like a meddler.

"Then, let's go here, Liu Xujun, I'll take a step first." After arriving at an intersection, Mayumi smiled and bowed slightly.

"Well, see you tomorrow, thank you for the chief speech."

"That's what I should do." Hearing Liu Xu's praise, Mayumi blushed and responded.


Early the next morning, Liu Xu was woken up.

It is Sayaka Mibu.

This little girl learned yesterday that she would be enrolled as a second-year student. After hearing the news, she seemed a little depressed all night.

After all, for the students who applied for the first high school, no one wanted to be assigned to the second subject.

Liu Xu didn't say much about this. Although he had decided to help her, Liu Xu didn't like to talk nonsense before things were done.

Hearing Sayaka's voice outside the door urging him to get up, Liu Xu smiled slightly. It seemed that she had already walked out of the shadows, which couldn't be better.

If it's Chiyoda Hanon, I'm afraid he's already throwing things crazily at home by now, right?

Thinking of the girl who always wanted to run away from him, Liu Xu hummed.

After eating the breakfast prepared by Sayaka, the two arrived at the school together.

As soon as he entered the school gate, Liu Xu saw a group of students from the student union standing at the gate to greet the students.

Azusa Nakajo is not here because she hasn't formally joined the club yet, but is going to the auditorium to give a freshman report.

Seeing Liu Xu, Suzune and Mayumi walked over with a smile.

"Good morning, Liu Xujun, I thought you would be late today!"

Hearing Mayumi's words, Liu Xu laughed dryly and said, "It's also possible, if Sayaka hadn't called me, I wouldn't have wanted to get up so early."

Sayexiang quickly shook her head and said, "Liu Xujun is joking, even if I don't call, he still has a very regular routine every day!"

"Oh, you are very experienced!"

As soon as he heard this hearty voice with a smile, Liu Xu knew that Watanabe Moli was coming.

"Don't you want to go on patrol? What do you think of the work of the Disciplinary Committee?" Seeing this somewhat boyish girl, Liu Xu reprimanded him playfully.

"Hmph, do you think that everyone is like you and treats work as a joke? I have already assigned the disciplinary committee members to their positions. Under the protection of the disciplinary committee members, the school is extremely safe!"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 754 The chairman will take care of this matter... Probably!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"The title, and the word "absolutely safe" is impossible to appear, so I will mark you off."

"No! Chairman! You can't do this!"

Molly immediately showed the expression of his dead mother.

"Okay, let's stop making trouble. Liu Xu still has a speech by the chief freshman. I have to take him to prepare now. Mibu-san, you should go to the auditorium as well." Lingyin walked over and said.

Hearing this, Sayaka Mibu was stunned.

"Liu Xujun... is the chief freshman?"

"Yes, didn't he say so?"

Ichihara Suzune nodded, then walked over, and directly dragged Liu Xu, who was still joking with Watanabe Moli, to the auditorium.

Seeing the back of the two leaving, Sayaka Mibu looked a little at a loss.

Because I was stunned for a while, when Sayexiang walked into the auditorium, the seats were already half full.

Seats are not designated, so whether you sit in the front row or the last row, sit in the middle and sit next to each other, it is all right.

But the distribution of new students is obviously regular.

In the first half of the auditorium, there are students from the first department, and in the second half are students from the second department.

Looking at everything in front of her eyes, Sayaka Mibu felt her nose was a little sore, she tried her best not to let the tears flow out.

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