The power is too weak.

Even with the help of strength, it is impossible to shake the mercenaries who have been trained for many years.

As early as the moment Shizuku held his wrist, the other party had already adjusted his center of gravity.

Without saying a word or doing anything superfluous, the two men with pistols shook their fists at Shizuku's stomach at the same time.

These two punches were strong and powerful, like two fired cannonballs.

Facing such an attack, no matter how talented Shizuku was, there was absolutely nothing he could do.

Touching the general-purpose CAD on her wrist, Shizuku reluctantly gave up her resistance and was about to bite her tongue to kill herself.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed.

Then, the two killers who were attacking him flew backwards so viciously, hit a pillar in the underground garage with a thud, and fell to the ground with a thud.

The moment Sombra stopped, the two killers who didn't operate the crystal sun stone fired at Sombra without hesitation.

"Using a pistol in this world view, don't you think it's too embarrassing?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Liu Xu just waved his arm casually and easily swept all the bullets shot at him to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Shizuku Kitayama's pretty face was full of surprise.

For her who rarely saw outsiders, what Liu Xu did at this time was like a knight in a novel who bravely came to rescue the princess.

Hearing the ding ding of the bullets falling on the ground, the killers all showed surprised expressions.

"The crystal sunstone is invalid, the mission has failed, retreat."

Saying that, the killer who used the crystal sun stone was about to turn around and leave.

"Heh, who told you to go?"

Raising the arm of the part-dressed high, Liu Xu narrowed his eyes slightly.


The killer who was holding the crystal sun stone ring had his skull crushed by Liu Xu's slap, and he lay on the ground and lost his breath.

Then came the killing time.

After shattering the heart of the last person with a wave of his hand, Liu Xu took the crystal sun stone from the person who used the crystal sun stone ring, and slowly came to the girl with short gray hair.

"Are you injured?"

The other party shook his head, did not speak, and just looked at Liu Xu steadfastly.

Just when Liu Xu thought that the child had been scared out of his wits, the girl suddenly spoke.

"I want to hire you, please set a price."


Hearing the girl's speech which was completely different from ordinary people, Liu Xu was a little speechless.

If it is a normal person, it will definitely say "thank you" or "it was terrible just now", even if it is a person with personality, the most it can say is "huh, even if you don't help me, I can handle it myself!" .

But this little girl from Beishan's family is worthy of being the daughter of a big chaebol's family, and what she says is such an explosion of local tyrants.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu smiled and asked, "What are you going to hire me for?"

Even though it was a question, Liu Xu could probably guess it.

It's nothing more than bodyguards, guards, martial arts technicians in the family or something.

Unexpectedly, the girl said directly: "I hire you to be my boyfriend."


Liu Xu suddenly felt that he might have accidentally entered some emotional theater.

After Kitayama Shizuku's explanation, Liu Xu finally understood.


Chapter 769 Be My Real Girlfriend

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After Kitayama Shizuku's explanation, Liu Xu finally understood.

It turned out that the reason why Kitayama Shizuku brought four bodyguards here this time was to avoid a blind date arranged by the family.

As the only daughter of the Kitayama family, Kitayama Shizuku is indeed loved, but in contrast, his father, Kitayama Ushio, has always wanted her to find a reliable boyfriend as soon as possible, preferably directly after graduating from high school. The married kind.

It would be even better if it was a magician.

So, Kitayama Ushio brought Shizuku to one of the Hundred Families early this morning, the Sixty-six Families with the title of one of the strongest Hundred Families, and made an appointment to meet and try it out.

Shizuku Kitayama ran away with a few bodyguards while his father was talking to the head of the sixty-six family.

It was also at this time that the assassins who originally wanted to assassinate Bei Shanchao focused on her and tried to capture her, thereby threatening Bei Shanchao to give up more commercial interests.

Naturally, Kitayama Shizuku would not think of the last paragraph so quickly, it was just what the bodyguards who died just now said.

After listening to her words, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Why, then do you think I'm better than that young master from the sixty-six family?"

Shizuku shook her head.

"I haven't met the young master of the sixty-six family, so I can't make a judgment, but I think you give me a good feeling."

As if afraid that Liu Xu would feel uncomfortable, Kitayama Shizuku continued to explain: "I have no intention of using money to settle everything, but I just think that you should not accept my help for free, at least I have to repay you in some way."

Shizuku's words were not offensive.

Then again, even if Shizuku said something bad, Liu Xu would tolerate it.

Because Liu Xu's most helpless attribute is the three-no loli.

If it's a beautiful San Wu loli, even if it makes Liu Xu unhappy, Liu Xu will tolerate it to the utmost extent.

Coincidentally, Kitayama Shizuku happens to be a perfect Sanwu loli.

The delicate little face, the indifferent eyes, plus the petite body, and the milky white skin, all these make Liu Xu's index finger twitch.

If it wasn't for the fun, Liu Xu really planned to eat her here.

Looking at the cute girl with an expressionless face like a doll, Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "I don't need money."

Hearing this, Shizuku's eyes showed a hint of disappointment.

"Sorry to bother you..."

Before she finished speaking, Liu Xu continued: "But, I want something more precious."

"No problem, whether it's a gem or an antique, as long as you agree, it's fine!"

As soon as Liu Xu changed his mind, Kitayama Shizuku said without hesitation.

"very good."

Hearing what Shizuku Kitayama said, Liu Xu smiled even more.

"I want you to be my real girlfriend."

Hearing this, Shizuku showed a surprised expression on her pretty face.

Originally, she thought that Liu Xu would say that he wanted shares in the consortium, or a position in the consortium, or even fame, or something else.

But I didn't expect that Liu Xu would say such a thing.

For a long time, Shizuku has been called "expressionless", "cold", "ruthless girl" and "doll" by the people around her. Not to mention friends, even relatives can't dodge her.

Shizuku has been troubled by this for a long time, and sometimes even trains herself to learn some expressions, but unfortunately even if she learns them, the effect is not satisfactory.

Sometimes, Shizuku even thought, with a self like this, stop thinking about happiness and the like, anyway, no matter what kind of man he is, he probably won't like a girl who always has an expressionless face!

However, the man in front of him, the man he originally planned to find as a shield, admitted himself.

He wants to be his girlfriend.

In other words, the man in front of him liked him and wanted to be with him.

Most importantly, Shizuku could see through Liu Xu's eyes.

This person didn't regard himself as the daughter of a big chaebol or a cash cow at all.

This man is simply full of love for himself and treats himself as a girl.

Simple feelings can make Shizuku happy.

Looking into Liu Xu's eyes, Shizuku showed a smile in his eyes.

"If you can help me get through today's test, I can consider being your girlfriend."

After finishing speaking, Shizuku's little face turned red.

It looks so cute.

"Then, it's a deal."

After speaking, Liu Xu raised his head and looked towards the entrance of the underground garage.

There, a large group of men in black hurried over.

"Miss! I'm glad you're all right!"

Then Liu Xu standing in the darkness appeared in their sight.

"Who? Stay away from Miss!"

As soon as they saw Liu Xu, the people in black took out their pistols one after another, and several of them directly launched the magic activation of the CAD.

Just now, Miyamoto, the captain of the Beishan family's guard, was waiting outside the door of the sixty-six house.

Then, he received a message that almost made him scream out of fright.

The lady who was supposed to be waiting for a blind date with the master at Sixty-six's house unexpectedly ran away with four bodyguards.

Upon hearing the news, Miyamoto led a large group of people without hesitation and chased them out separately.

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