After thinking about it, Team Sixty-Six made up his mind that as soon as the other party came in, he would go up and scold him, and just make the matter dirty.

Anyway, I didn't intend to get engaged so early.

Thinking of this, Liuliuzhen couldn't help praising his wit.

Just then, footsteps were heard in the corridor.

Kitayama Chao showed an expression as if he had received an amnesty.

Sixty-six Fenglin breathed a sigh of relief.

Sixty-six took a deep breath, stood up and walked towards the door, a person reached out and opened the horizontal sliding door and walked in.

Sixty-six Zhen blushed, closed his eyes tightly, and said loudly: "You, you are so rude! I, I want to go back, I don't want to talk anymore!"

After speaking, the sixty-six team was ready to be slapped.

However, the imaginary girl's angry reprimand did not come.

Instead, it was a mocking sound that I was somewhat familiar with.

"...May I ask who you are, and why are you holding my little girl's hand?" Bei Shanchao asked with an ugly expression.

"Oh, it seems that Ting is interesting...cough, cough, I mean, it doesn't look very good." Sixty-six Fenglin changed his words while coughing dryly.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere in the room, Liuliuzhen opened his eyes with some doubts.

What came into view was a face that almost dropped his jaw.

Following behind Liu Xu, Kitayama Shizuku looked at the scene in the room with a little fear.

Although she knew that Liu Xu's strength was good, if she was facing the patriarch of one of the hundred families, she might not be able to gain the upper hand.

It would be too bad if Liu Xu was embarrassed because of himself.

However, immediately after, Shizuku was surprised by the performance of the young master of the sixty-six families in front of him.

Sixty-six formations, the leader among the hundred families, the young master of the sixty-six families.

Known as the best of the younger generation, the hope of hundreds of schools.

Even many people in the Ten Master Clans admit that the sons of the Sixty-Six Family are very talented.

It was such a person, after seeing Liu Xu, his first reaction was to straighten his body with a snap, and then hit his left chest with his right fist.

The sixty-six formation's expression was unusually respectful, like a soldier in the army seeing the chief.


Not only Shizuku, but also Jin's father Liuliu Fenglin and Shizuku's father Kitayama Shio, everyone in the room was so stunned.

Others don't know, so how could Liuliu Fenglin not know how arrogant his son is.

To make my son so respectful, plus that title...

Liuliu Fenglin suddenly recalled what his son had said to him a few days ago in his mind.

"Father, our new Chairman, will become a legend!"

At that time, when I heard my son say that, I thought it was just a joke.

But now, looking at Liu Xu's faint smile, Sixty-Six Fenglin suddenly felt that his son might have made the prediction correctly once.

Seeing the respectful expression on the sixty-six array, Liu Xu raised a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

"It's not bad, Zhen, look at you, are you going to go on a blind date with my girlfriend?"

"Huh?!" Upon hearing this, Liuliu jumped back in fright.

It's not an exaggerated "startled", but a genuine "startled", the kind that scares the urine.

Looking at Shizuku Kitayama, who was standing behind Liu Xu and holding hands with Liu Xu, her head shook like a drum in sixty-six bursts.

"Slander! Chairman, this is absolutely slander, I can guarantee that I have never met your girlfriend!"

Hearing this, Liu Xu smiled helplessly.

Liu Xu also knew that this was probably just a coincidence.

The Beishan Chao and Liuliu Fenglin on the side didn't think it was a coincidence.

Seeing that Liu Xu patted his son on the shoulder, like a leader meeting his subordinates, Liuliu Fenglin slowly stood up and said, "Hi, my name is Liuliu Fenglin, Baijia One of the sixty-six Patriarchs."

Liu Xu glanced at him.

"It seems to be quite capable. My name is Liu Xu, and your son is a good boy."

Sixty-six showed the iconic smile after being praised.

Seeing that his son, who was not afraid of anything that day, was so happy after being praised by someone, Liuliu Fenglin couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

Shizuku slowly walked back to Kitayama Shio.

Looking at his daughter, Bei Shanchao showed an expression of hatred for iron.

"You silly girl, Dad finally found you a boyfriend who is good in character, strong in strength, and has a family. Boyfriend? Dad, I have never heard that you are in love!"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 772 Rules

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Looking at Liu Xu who stood opposite the sixty-six formation, Bei Shanchao had a bitter expression on his face.

In his opinion, if his daughter can marry the sixty-six family, she will definitely live a happy life for the rest of her life.

As for that Liu Xu?

Although it seems a bit arrogant, but compared to a super family like the Sixty-Six Family, what kind of onion is it?

On the other side, looking at Liu Xu, Liuliu Fenglin was very upset.

I'm upset with my stupid son.

I have raised him for so long, this bastard does not worship me, but a classmate, who is still a junior in the first grade!

At this time, Sixty-six Fenglin had completely forgotten about the blind date, and the only thing he wanted to do was to regain his father's majesty in front of his son.

"Liu Xujun, well, I've already remembered this name, Xiaozhen told me several times."

With that said, Liuliu Fenglin slowly walked in front of Liu Xu.

"Although it's embarrassing for an adult to say that, I still want to challenge you, Liu Xu, as a father! I want Xiaozhen to know that I'm still young, Dad!"

Saying that, Liuliu Fenglin showed a hearty smile.

Liu Xu smiled, and said with his mouth, the Beishan family must not allow him to associate with Beishan's daughter, so he can only use his fists...

"Since the sixty-six Patriarch is so persistent, I will be disrespectful."

Hearing this, Liuliu Fenglin laughed and said, "That's refreshing! Sure enough, I now feel more and more that my son is right this time!"

With that said, Sixty-Six Fenglin ignored Bei Shanchao, and directly made a gesture of invitation to Liu Xu.

"Follow me, Liu Xujun, over there is our family's dojo."

Sixty-six also quickly followed up: "The battle between father and the chairman... must be very exciting!"

"Father, let's go together."

Shizuku also followed Kitayama Ushio firmly.

Bei Shanchao sighed helplessly, and said: "What else is there to see? Everyone knows that Liuliu Fenglin can easily defeat that kid. Compared to this, the failure of the blind date is the most troublesome thing for me."

Hearing this, Shizuku looked at Shizuo Kitayama firmly.

"Father, Liu Xujun, will win."

"...Impossible, he is only fifteen years old, unless he is the Seven Sages, how could he beat the Sixty-Six Family?"

"seeing is believing."

Without saying anything, Shizuku increased her strength and pulled Kitayama Shio towards the dojo.

Approaching the dojo, Liu Xu looked around.

"It's really big enough, it's worthy of the sixty-six family."

"Hey, not bad, chairman, this is a venue specially designed for magic battles after many expansions and enhancements, even if there are not many in the hundred!" Sixty-six said proudly.

Seeing how happy his son was following Liu Xu's introduction, Liuliu Fenglin was even more depressed.

"Okay, don't gossip! Does Liu Xujun know the rules?" Liuliu Fenglin interrupted.

"Rules? You can't kill seems to be this!"

After thinking about it, Liu Xu only remembered that Mayumi had emphasized this to herself.

Hearing this, Bei Shanchao, who had just entered the dojo, had a trace of indiscernible contempt in his eyes.

"Probably a young boy who has never fought a duel, and doesn't even know the rules."

Kitayama Shizuku didn't speak.

She knew that at a time like this, all she had to do was trust Liu Xu.

Seeing that his daughter trusted Liu Xu so much, Bei Shanchao's expression was a little subtle.

At this time, he really understood Liuliu Fenglin's mood very well.

Because he himself wants to go on stage to teach Liu Xu, the bastard who drugged his own child, a lesson!

Sixty-six Fenglin smiled.

"If you want the rules to be like this, then it's okay to be like this."

Saying that, Liuliu Fenglin raised his arm, revealing his CAD.

"I'll be merciful."

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