As he spoke, Liu Xu raised the giant sword in his hand high, and pointed at Yotsuba Maya with a bang.

"Come on, let's fight!"

Hearing this, Maya Yotsuba narrowed her eyes.

She felt that Liu Xu was a little different today. He was not as sharp-edged as the first time she saw him, but he was not restrained either.

No matter who it is, I'm afraid that a person who points a sword at himself is a restrained guy.

Although it was just an inconspicuous change, the degree of horror was turned upside down.

Even so, Yotsuba Maya didn't think she would lose.

The reason is that one's own magic is unsolvable.

Although he does not have the ability to control the field of a tactical-level magician or the destructive ability of a strategic-level magician, Maya Yotsuba is the "Seven Sages".

The "Seven Sages" standing on the top of the world.

Relying on his invincible magic "Meteor Night", Zhenye is confident that even if Liu Xu can separate out ten or eight, he can still defeat him.

Looking at Liu Xu standing indifferently in front of him, Maya Yotsuba burst out with the light of psion.

A darkness enveloped the two of them.

"Meteor night!"

"Always use the same trick, and something will happen sooner or later." Looking at the familiar dark scene, Liu Xu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Maya Yotsuba just smiled and said, "At least, it's enough to kill you, even if you brought that strange cat with you last time."

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "Song Zhe is still sleeping at home, not here."

"Whether you are exposing your hole cards or using deception, it will not change your fate."

After finishing speaking, Maya Yotsuba waved her hand lightly.

In the next second, countless rays of light shot directly at Liu Xu's body.

Facing this attack that ignored all defenses, Liu Xu raised his hand expressionlessly.

CAD processed the ability that Liu Xu planned to use in an instant.

"Pressure cannon, mimicry, defense mode!"

Although it's just a common attack method of strong colony armor, neither its lethality nor speed is at the crushing level, but the heavy pressure cannon has a place that Liu Xu's other attacks cannot match.

That is the super-annihilation property of the pressure cannon. No matter what it is, as long as it exists in this world, it is the annihilation target of the pressure cannon, even if it is energy, even if it is a concept, even if it is an electric wave...

As long as it manifests and appears in this world, it can be annihilated by the heavy pressure cannon.

Seeing that the invincible magic she used was blocked by a black ball that Liu Xu casually released, Yotsuba Maya showed an expression of disbelief.

You know, your own magic is not something that can be blocked so easily.

Maya's magic is "Meteor Night".

Japan named it "Meteor Night" for its external characteristics, but the English name "Metero (Meteor) Line (Orbit)" can better show the nature of the magic.

It is this magic that makes Maya one of the strongest magicians in the world, and has won titles such as "Devil King of the Far East" and "Queen of the Night".

"Meteor Night" is a kind of aggregation-type magic that changes the distribution of light within the range of effect. It is especially powerful in closed spaces such as indoors or tunnels.

Even the "Wall Square Formation" where the Jumonites can activate both physical and magical walls at the same time cannot defend against this magic.

Therefore, Maya is invincible in the battle between magicians, and is regarded as one of the "world's strongest magicians".

Therefore, Maya never thought that her magic would be cracked.

This is the third time she has encountered something that can completely shake her when she grows up.

Liu Xu's expression looked neither happy nor sad. With the assistance of CAD, he used a "shield" mimicked by a heavy pressure cannon to resist Maya Yotsuba's attack and walked towards her.

Looking at Yotsuba Maya, who looked like a magician with an egg in the legend, Liu Xu slowly showed a gentle smile on his face.

"Maya, you say I'm too arrogant, but why aren't you?"

Under Yotsuba Maya's surprised gaze, Liu Xu continued to move forward.

"The stronger a magic is, the more loopholes it has. Your magic seems to be invincible, but you have unknowingly overlooked a problem."

"That is, if there is a person who is better than you in manipulating photons, what should you do?"

Yotsuba Maya's pupils suddenly shrank.

She summoned more balls of light to attack Liu Xu, but Liu Xu dodged it with a wrong step.

If you can't dodge it, you can also use the shield that mimics the heavy pressure cannon to easily block it.

Suddenly appearing in front of Maya Yotsuba, Liu Xu smiled and extended his hand, and placed it on Maya Yotsuba's pretty face.

"I'm sorry, this time, it seems that you lost."

Feeling Liu Xu's energy-filled hand on her face, Maya Yotsuba knew that if she still wanted to fight, Liu Xu would definitely not mind detonating that little bit of energy in her brain.

There was a trace of helplessness in Zhen Ye's eyes.

She can't remember how long it has been since she was so passive. You must know that even when she faced the attacks of other families alone, she could sweep away thousands of troops with her own strength.


Chapter 794 Release control, fresh blood

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In the face of his invincible magic, no one has ever been able to win.

Now, his pride was broken by a little boy.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Yotsuba Maya.

Seeing Yotsuba Maya calm down, Liu Xu withdrew his hand with a smile.

Then, under Yotsuba Maya's surprised gaze, Liu Xu hooked his finger and took back the energy left in Maya's mind.

After feeling what Liu Xu had done, Yotsuba Maya was already speechless in surprise.

The purpose of coming here, the purpose of fighting to the death, was just realized by Liu Xu at will?


Staring into Liu Xu's eyes, Yotsuba Maya asked.

"what you mean?"

"Why did you release the control on me? With this control, you may be able to control the Yotsuba family. At that time, no matter whether you want to turn Yotsuba into a spy of the Great Asia United, you will help you become Japan's secret supreme. Well, it can be done..."

Saying that, Yotsuba Maya suddenly showed a sullen expression, and said, "Still, do you look down on the Yotsuba family?"

Hearing this, Liu Xu smiled helplessly, and said: "You are too imaginative, I have never had any special feelings for the Ten Master Clan from the beginning, I don't think highly of them, nor do I despise them, so naturally I can't talk about looking down on them." Don't look down on it."

"If I have to say it, I naturally like the strength of your Yotsuba family. It must be difficult to ask the military to give you a refuge in a war, but you did it easily. In real life There must be many other conveniences here.”

Hearing this, Maya smiled wryly, and said, "War...refuge? Are you really the Liu Xu that Tatsuya mentioned?"

"You are fifteen years old. That is to say, you were only thirteen years old two years ago. When you were thirteen years old, you were able to sink all the Okinawa defense warships by yourself. You are really a genius."

Hearing this, Liu Xu's expression was a little subtle.

What Maya Yotsuba said, probably [-]% of what she traveled back to did two years ago.

Didn't expect that what I did two years ago would actually affect the current world?

"Actually, I was not as talented as you imagined back then. There is a little... misunderstanding."

After thinking about it, Liu Xu could only say so, anyway, she would not believe her if she told her about time travel.

Overcoming this topic, Liu Xu flipped his wrist and retracted Hezi's giant sword. When he was not in a combat state, Liu Xu didn't like to hold such a big sword, and it wasn't cosplay.

If you have to carry it with you, Liu Xu still likes to bring a samurai sword, such as Zanpakuto.

"In short, my future lies in a place beyond your comprehension. For me, everything in front of me is destined to be destroyed."

After speaking, Liu Xu turned around and walked in the direction he came from.

"If it's okay, I'm going back to school, and you should go back to your family too! Oh, by the way, you should think about becoming my Beast General."


Looking at Liu Xu's leaving back, Yotsuba Maya showed a confused expression in her eyes.

Then, Yotsuba Maya shook her head lightly, and her figure slowly disappeared there.

Liu Xu, who returned to school, completely perfected the members of the Disciplinary Committee.

It can be said that the total combat power of the discipline committee at this time has more than doubled that of Watanabe Mori's period.

After that, Liu Xu used his own strength to tell all the students what would happen if they wanted to challenge the authority of the discipline committee and the student union.

During the war-like year, Liu Xu completely pacified the entire No. [-] High School. Every student in No. [-] High School respected and feared Liu Xu.

What I'm afraid of is Liu Xu's cold-blooded and merciless discipline management.

It is respectful that every student from No. [-] High School can report Liu Xu's name when they are bullied when they walk outside. Unless they caused trouble by themselves, there will be news that the bully went to the hospital the next day.

Since then, even students from other schools have known Liu Xu, the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, not to mention the people in Tokyo.

A year has passed like water, and after sending away the third graders, Yigao is about to usher in fresh blood.


Walking slowly in the corridor of the school, Liu Xu was looking at the documents in his hand.

"Sixty-six, why are you still graduating? It would be nice to stay here as a discipline committee member." Liu Xu clicked his tongue and said unhappily.

Hearing this, Watanabe Moli, who was following him, rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said, "It's his luck that he can leave, and he can save himself from being ordered to do so much work by you all day long, and he is still happy."

"It's his blessing to work for me!"

Liu Xu looked serious, Watanabe Mori just wanted to make him look bad.

Then, Liu Xu turned over a few pages of documents again.

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