"You rascal!"

After being told by Liu Xu, Chiyoda Hanon didn't dare to provoke anymore, and went back to sort out the files in a daze.

Liu Xu looked around the room.

Mayumi was making coffee for herself, Suzune was writing something on a document with a smile on her face, and Azusa Nakajo, who looked like a little loli, was constantly calculating things with a calculator.

As for Chiyoda Hana, Liu Xu didn't bother to complain about her anymore. For a violent woman of pure force, it would be better to kill her than to ask her to approve documents.

Therefore, the job that the student will give her is to classify and organize, which is much simpler.

After making coffee, Mayumi sat back in the chairman's chair. Liu Xu wanted to find a place to sit down, but after searching around, she couldn't find a suitable chair.


Chapter 801 They Are All Beautiful Girls, Long Time No See

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After thinking about it, Liu Xu walked slowly to Chiyoda Hanon, and sat down as soon as he squeezed.

"Wow, Liu Xu, you big rogue, what are you going to do?"

Suddenly being sat down by Liu Xu like this, Hua Yin couldn't help but screamed.

The chairs used by the student union are not too small, and two people can barely sit together if they insist on sitting together, but let alone the degree of crowding.

At this time, Hua Yin felt her thighs and Liu Xu's thighs were tightly pressed together, and the heat from Liu Xu's body made her face turn red to the base of her neck.

Even so, Kanon didn't dare to stand up casually.

There is no other reason, but Huayin is worried that Liu Xu is so narrow-minded, and he will find something to trick her. People who lose to him, if they lose again, they really can't afford to lose.

Seeing Liu Xu and Hanano sitting together so "intimately", Mayumi's eyes dimmed.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the student council room.

Hearing this voice, Chiyoda Hanon seemed to have heard the gospel of heaven, she stood up quickly and ran to open the door.

Liu Xu, who was sitting alone on the chair, didn't have any special reaction, just swaying leisurely.

However, the person who came in after him made Liu Xu feel uneasy.

"First year Class A, Shizuku Kitayama, come and report."

"First year Class A, Miyuki Shiba, come and report."

Hearing these two names, Liu Xu almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Both of them are acquaintances, and neither are ordinary acquaintances.

Saying that, two girls walked in one after another.

Seeing Liu Xu, Shizuku and Miyuki were taken aback at the same time.

Of course, Miyuki's surprise was not very obvious. After all, she had already known everyone before, and knew that Liu Xu was the chairman of the discipline committee, so it was normal to see Liu Xu in the student union room.

The only thing that makes Shenxue feel a little dissatisfied is that Liu Xu stays in such a place full of beautiful girls, so he wonders if it will turn bad.

Then, a gleam of light flashed in Miyuki's eyes.

There were only four chairs in the room, which were designed for the four members of the student union, so whose chair was Liu Xu sitting on?

Knowing that this is not a place for nonsense, Shenxue just wrote down this note silently, just waiting to settle accounts with Liu Xuqiu.

Shizuku was completely stunned.

"...Liu Xu?"

A year ago, Liu Xu suddenly appeared in her life, completely disrupted her life, changed her heart, took her heart away, and even made her father say "You must take that The Chinese kid got it" and so on.

After that, the bastard Liu Xu suddenly disappeared.

Thinking of this, Shizuku can't wait to grit her little silver teeth.

"Ahem, long time no see, Shizuku."

"Yes, it's really good! Long time! No! See you! Alright!"

Kitayama Shizuku bit down every single word, as if she wanted to put Liu Xu into this sentence, bite her into pieces and swallow her stomach.

At the same time, the girls around were dumbfounded.

Chiyoda Hanon only felt that she wanted to burn Liu Xu at the stake. This guy was relentlessly attacking the student union, and he was having an affair with Watanabe Mori, and this guy was so cute with Shiba Miyuki from the new student. The child is an old acquaintance, and I heard that he had a good chat with several freshmen from the second department.

It's good now, even Kitayama Shizuku, the princess of the Kitayama Zaibatsu that Mayumi wanted to absorb into the student union, has become Liu Xu's prey!

Where did this bastard come from?

Is his surname Ito or Ze Yue? !

This damned man is a prostitute!

Seeing Liu Xu's indifferent and carefree look as it was a year ago, Shizuku just felt that her little nose was a little sour.

This bastard actually left him behind and disappeared. He wanted to investigate him with the strength of his family, but he couldn't find anything.

When she thought that she worked hard day and night to investigate his information, but this guy was comfortably with so many girls in school, Shizuku really wanted to punch Liu Xu a few times.

However, as soon as he saw Liu Xu, all this was forgotten.

Liu Xu's various bad and ruthless behaviors were all forgotten by Shizuku at this time.

At this time, Shizuku just wanted to throw herself into Liu Xu's arms and cry loudly.

Resisting the tears in her reddened eye circles, Shizuku gave Liu Xu a hard look and motioned for "wait for me", and then slowly walked to Mayumi's desk.

"Shizuku Kitayama, come here to take up the post of Assistant Secretary of the Student Council."

Shen Xue also looked at Liu Xu meaningfully and walked over.

"Shiba Miyuki, come and take up the position of vice president."

Sometimes there can be two vice presidents of the student union. Liu Xu knows about this, but what the hell is this assistant secretary?

After asking Chiyoda Hanon who had just walked back from the door, Liu Xu knew that this was just a specially created position to ease the work pressure of a newcomer, Azusa Nakajo.

The debriefing work of the two was completed very quickly. The first day was not the day of school. All the freshmen had to do on this day was to get their ID cards, divide into classes, and get to know their teachers and classmates.

If you are a second-year student, it is even easier. You can go home after taking the ID card and being assigned to a class.

For this reason, Mayumi did not intend to keep everyone too late.

After dealing with the membership incident of the two, Mayumi put down the documents in her hand and stood up.

"For the first day, let's do this first. Everyone clean up. We will talk about the specific work tomorrow when we go to school. Someone can also take this opportunity to prepare a speech quickly." Looking at Liu Xu, Mayumi said with a smile.

Liu Xu adhered to the policy of never blushing, so he kept quiet so calmly that Mayumi didn't bother to talk about him when he saw this.

Of course, this kind of "too lazy to say" is not because Mayumi has lost interest in Liu Xu.

On the contrary, the reason why Mayumi indulged Liu Xu as much as possible was precisely because she was afraid of losing this man who was like a broken kite.

I don't know if it's her own illusion, but Mayumi always feels that Liu Xu may disappear in her own world forever if she doesn't pay attention at any time.


Chapter 802 Joy, Joy, Stallion Maniac

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Thinking of this possibility, Mayumi felt that it was difficult for her to breathe.

Ichihara Suzune was the first to stand up and pack her things. After a busy morning, even she couldn't help but feel a little tired, and stretched subconsciously.

With this action, the breasts that had already begun to take shape were revealed in everyone's sight.

Looking at Ichihara Suzune, several girls unabashedly showed envious eyes.

Chiyoda Hanon didn't care.

First, she doesn't have much feeling for Liu Xu now, at least she never admits that she has feelings for Liu Xu.

Second, Huayin knew that Liu Xu, a bastard, had always been interested in poor breasts!

Thinking of Liu Xu's bunch of XX controllers, Hua Yin felt a chill down her back.

This guy, how hungry and thirsty was he before that he showed so many perverted symptoms?

When walking out of the student council room, Miyuki deliberately lagged a little behind.

It happened to go out with Liu Xu.

Seeing Liu Xu's unfazed look, Miyuki smiled slightly.

"Mr. Liu Xu, can I ask you something?"


Liu Xu looked at Shenxue.

"I just came to Tokyo and haven't found a suitable place to live yet. Although my aunt found a place for me and my brother in Tokyo, my brother and I are not children after all. It's inconvenient to live together. Mr. Liu Xu, you can Would you like to go look at the house with me?"

Hearing this, Liu Xu looked a little surprised.

Liu Xu couldn't help but automatically translate Shenxue's words into "A date? A date?".

Seeing Shenxue's innocent smile, Liu Xu shook his head.

This girl definitely doesn't understand those dirty things, her intention is definitely not that, she probably really just wants to find a suitable house!

Anyway, I have lived in Tokyo for a long time, so it is not impossible to take her around.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take you there after school later, I can't wait for this kind of thing."

"Then thank you, Mr. Liu Xu."

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