"I'm sorry that the key point is not useful."

"No, this can be used as a reference."

This is not a scene, Liu Xu had never expected to hear the answer all at once, not to mention, the fact that a person who "may need to beware" is identified as "a person who has to beware" is of great importance in itself. significance.

Tomorrow, let the disciplinary committee have the opportunity to monitor Si Jia, first find evidence and then slap him to death. This is also the policy that Liu Xu has been pursuing for a year.

Liu Xu was writing the reservation form in his mind.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu suddenly remembered that there was one more thing to ask.

"Speaking of a fake monk, Si Jia's eyes are also the kind of eyes that can detect other people's aura. What level has he reached?"

Asked by Liu Xu, Yakumo rested his chin with his hands and fell into deep thought.

"That's right! I can recognize the fluctuations of the aura released, to this extent! It should be impossible to read the aura stored in the body. At the very least, it won't be as powerful as the crystal-eyed little girl Liu Xujun knew. of clairvoyance.”

Yakumo's last words made Liu Xu frown.

"Have you even investigated the matter of Mizuki?"

Hearing Liu Xu's question, Yakumo showed the most malicious smile tonight.

"You're interested in her, too?"

Liu Xu grinned and said, "Is it more than just interested? I have an absolute sexual interest in all the cute girls in Yigao, and my sexual interest is something that will definitely be satisfied."

In addition, there is another reason why Liu Xu didn't say it, that is, Shibata Mizuki's eyes may see the magical power that she inadvertently leaked, and if it is publicized, it will be a little trouble.

"As far as the conclusion is concerned, I don't think there is any need to be vigilant!" Kunou Yakumo said, scratching his bald head.

He no longer smiled, and although his leisurely tone and light attitude remained unchanged, it was no longer a joking expression.


Chapter 810 Ninefold Yakumo, Physical Skill Showdown

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"That girl's words, even if I can see your aura, I can't understand... After all, your terrifying aura is beyond the level of magicians I know. If you are proficient in magic to the point where you can understand you, you can't understand it. You won't have to worry about your 'eyes'."

Hearing this, Liu Xu nodded in approval.

So far, the collection of intelligence has been basically completed.

Standing up slowly, Liu Xu looked at Kuno Yakumo, who had been squinting his eyes from the beginning to the end, looking extremely wretched.

"Speaking of which, fake monk, you say you are a ninja, right?"

"...Well, the monk is indeed a ninja."

This name is messed up.

Ignoring Kunou Yakumo's convulsive claim, Liu Xu waved his hand with a smile, and said, "In this case, you must have good physical skills. Let's practice two moves. I will only use physical skills. Let's see how many physical skills you have. Get the brush."

Hearing this, Kunou Yakumo showed a bit embarrassed expression.

In his opinion, Liu Xu's magic may be good, but if he wants to compete with a master of physical arts like himself, it's just a daydream. It is also impossible to beat yourself.

"This... I've been feeling windy and cold recently, so it's really not suitable for strenuous exercise..."

"Then it's time to sweat!"

Before he could finish speaking, Liu Xu leaned forward directly and threw out a fist. This is a boxing technique learned by General Bude in the world of Zhanmei. Go forward without any sloppiness.

Liu Xu could naturally feel the deep contempt hidden by Kunou Yakumo.

No one likes to be underestimated, even if Liu Xu doesn't value other people's opinion of him, he doesn't like others to underestimate him casually.

Therefore, if you want to fight, you have to fight. This is Liu Xu's joyful enmity, Liu Xu's motivation to move forward...

Faced with this no fancy punch, even Kunou Yakumo couldn't help showing a dignified expression.

As a practitioner, he could tell at a glance that Liu Xu was definitely not a simple person, and that he could improve physical skills to this level while practicing magic, perhaps even Si Boda would not be able to do it.

After all, Shiba Tatsuya's magic is actually just two abilities that he was born with. It's completely impossible for him to practice magic by himself.

Liu Xu, on the other hand, has his own strength completely. Looking at it this way, it is clear which one is superior and which is inferior.

Shen stretched out his hands and lightly flicked Liu Xu's wrist, Kunou Yakumo dealt with Liu Xu with four or two strokes he was good at, but found that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Liu Xu's arm is too strong.

Even though he tried to push Liu Xu's wrist away with great strength, Liu Xu's arm remained motionless as if it was frozen there.

Feeling the incomparable strange force from Liu Xu's arm, Kunou Yakumo's complexion changed drastically, and before Liu Xu fully exerted his strength, he quickly avoided it.

Although Liu Xu's punch had been withdrawn the moment he jumped away, the released punch still exploded a cloud of dust on the ground.

"...Oh, it's so scary, so scary, if this kind of fist hits me, will I die immediately?" Kunou Yakumo said in fear.

"Hmph, stop pretending, fake monk, do you think I will be fooled by your weakness?"

With a grin, Liu Xu naturally knew what strength Kunou Yakumo was hiding.

This loud bang woke up the monks who were still sleeping.

The monks who rushed out of their rooms one after another saw a hole in the ground and Liu Xu who was posing for the next attack.

He rushed to Kunou Yakumo's side like lightning, and Liu Xu threw out another punch casually.

Yakumo took advantage of the situation to wrap around Liu Xu's right hand and punched him with his right hand.

Liu Xu used the horoscope to break free with his right hand, and then took the opponent's fist as if to wrap it around, and just clamped it under his armpit.

Yakumo, who did not resist, kicked Liu Xu on the back of the head, and Liu Xu bent down to avoid it.

The two distanced themselves at the same time.

The onlookers couldn't help but hold their breath.

At some point, the two confronting people have been surrounded by people.

Watching the battle between Liu Xu and Kunou Yakumo, these monks exclaimed and commented one after another.

"Fuck... who is that person who fought with Master, and why is he so strong?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't look very big, maybe it's just a student?"

"What the hell, this guy is too strong... He can completely overwhelm Master. I used to think that Shiba Tatsuya was a genius, but I didn't expect to see an even more genius!"

"It's not just a genius, it's simply a monstrosity... You didn't see how much murderous aura was contained in his punches just now. He can master such a strong murderous aura at such a young age, and he can send and receive it freely. Among the people I know, there has never been such a level. The presence."

"how come……"

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, Liu Xu had figured out Jiuzhong Yakumo's attack routine.

"The speed is very good, but unfortunately, the strength is a little weaker."

As he said that, Liu Xu raised his legs high under the gaze of Yakumo.

"Fall down!"

With a loud bang, ninjutsu Yakumo Kunou was swept away by Liu Xu's whip kick and knocked down a wall.


As the morning sun shone into the room, Liu Xu slowly opened his eyes.

After returning from Kunou Yakumo last night, Liu Xu tidied up a bit and went to sleep, and he just woke up now.

At this time, Sayaka's voice came from the door.

"Liu Xujun, breakfast is ready, it's time to get up."

"Okay, I'll get up now."

Temporarily dismissing the idea of ​​practicing footwork in one step, Liu Xu got dressed, washed up and sat at the breakfast table.

Looking at Sayexiang who was sitting on the other side of the dining table wearing an apron, Liu Xu smiled slightly.

"Sayaxiang, do you feel that you really look like a wife when you look like this?"


Chapter 811 Brother Controlling Attributes, Brother Liu Xu

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Hearing this, Sayexiang blushed and said in a low voice, "Liu Xujun...just joking again."

Saying that, Sayaka showed a somewhat lonely expression.

Which girl doesn't want a good man to like her?

She would be happy when she heard Liu Xu's words, but Sayexiang knew that it was impossible for someone like Liu Xu to have anything to do with her.

Sayexiang could tell that there were many girls around Liu Xu, and all of them were more than a little bit better than her.

Not to mention others, just student council president Nanakusa Mayumi, former discipline committee chairperson Mori Watanabe, Hyakuka's Chiyoda Hanon, former Jushi clan's Ichihara Suzune, freshman chief Miyuki Shiba.

All of them are too excellent, in front of those girls, I am like a little firefly under the bright moon, I dare not shine my light at all.

Even sharing the rent with him is probably Liu Xujun's charity to him!

Thinking that Liu Xu took Shiba Miyuki to find a house nearby yesterday, Sayaka couldn't help but think with a wry smile.

Liu Xu naturally noticed Sayaka's mood changes.

It's just that Liu Xu doesn't want to care about it now.

Can't handle it either.

It is true that Liu Xu can get her out of this vicious circle by manipulating her emotions, but once is fine, what about twice or three times?If the child's inferiority complex cannot be eliminated, she will probably continue to do so in the future.

As the saying goes, cannibals have soft mouths but short hands. Liu Xu, after eating for a year, naturally wouldn't stand by and watch.

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