Chapter 833 Miyuki, come to my bowl

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Brother Liu Xu, if possible, can Shenxue take this test first? Shenxue, I want to witness the history created by brother Liu Xu."

Hearing this, Liu Xu thought for a while and nodded.

"Okay, if you want, no problem, although it has not been tested, but I am confident that there will be no danger."

"Thank you Liu, brother Liu Xu!" Miyuki smiled happily.

Hearing this, Ushiyama wanted to refute at first, after all he knew that Miyuki was the young lady of the Yotsuba family.

It has nothing to do with trusting Liu Xu, it's just a subconscious worry.

However, Niu Shan stopped immediately.

Because he saw that Siboda didn't say anything.

You know, Shiba Tatsuya, he is Miyuki's guardian, that is, a lifelong bodyguard, if he doesn't say anything, what position does he have to express his opinion?

However, Niu Shan couldn't help being even more shocked by this.

Ushiyama knew that Sibo Tatsuya, although he looked weak and didn't talk much, but if it wasn't someone who made him really submit, it was absolutely impossible for him to be so obedient.

Does this Liu Xu actually have the capital to make Si Boda dare not refute?

Ignoring their thoughts, Liu Xu took Shenxue directly to the testing place.

Miyuki took the CAD and stood on the stage.

This CAD is a specialized calculation device.

Miyuki was not familiar with the specialized type, but the operation method was extremely simple.

There is only a switch button on it. After opening, as long as it is not actively closed, it will automatically absorb psions from the user, and continue to process the activation until the power is exhausted.

A rather violent item in a sense.

If it was in the past, even if it was her, it would definitely be very difficult to use this CAD, because the mana consumption is too great.

But after Liu Xu's improvement, Miyuki is confident that she can use it herself!

"start testing."

Niu Shan's voice sounded.

The uncontrollable tension caused the throat to squirm slightly.

There is nothing in the mouth that can be swallowed.

Just because her hands didn't shake, Miyuki wanted to praise herself.

Even if the test fails, brother Liu Xu will definitely not blame her.

However, she was absolutely unwilling to let brother Liu Xu suffer because of her lack of ability.

Miyuki pressed the CAD switch.

You don't need to pay special attention to know that the calculation device is absorbing the psion in the body.

Even so, the amount absorbed is so small that special attention is required to notice it.

At most, it is just a little more of the excess psion flow that is usually released.

When I realized this, the activation formula had already been copied and stored in the magic calculation field.

Miyuki opened her eyes wide in surprise.

At this moment, she almost broke away from the feeling of magic activation.

Seeing this scene, several technicians were also taken aback, and then continued the test after seeing that Miyuki was fine.

Shiba Tatsuya and Ushiyama who were standing on the sidelines were also stunned in shock.

Although Liu Xu had explained in advance, the small scale of the start-up ceremony still surprised everyone.

No, it should be said to be terrified.

Miyuki was the one who felt the most deeply at this time, and with her processing ability, it was more than enough to handle dozens of similar activations at the same time.

But if it is the CAD before improvement, she guesses it will be very tiring to develop one by herself.

Although the scale is small, all the necessary conditions are described.

Miyuki thinks that this is a start-up method that completely removes the complexity and improves the efficiency.

Miyuki began to imagine herself floating to the height of the ceiling.

At this moment, the shackles of gravity disappeared.

The five senses lost weight information, just like the illusion that her own body disappeared, which made Miyuki a little flustered.

However, Miyuki's heart was full of quick shocks that were more than panic.

It turns out that flying brings such a sense of liberation.

She was almost jealous of the astronauts who were probably enjoying the same thrill.

I also sympathize with them having to put on bulky space suits to enjoy this kind of quick shake.

Miyuki really wanted to leave this narrow basement and soar freely in the sky.

"How is it? Will the continuous processing of the activation pose a burden?"

Liu Xu's leisurely voice brought Shen Xue's consciousness back to reality.

Miyuki felt embarrassed that she almost indulged in quick shakes in an important experiment.

Yet this is not the time to sink into self-loathing.

Shenxue, you have to cheer up, Shenxue reprimanded herself in her heart, and answered Liu Xu's question.

"No problem, no headaches or burnout."

"Well, that's really good. Then move slowly horizontally, get used to it and slowly accelerate, and fly the way you want."


Following Liu Xu's instructions, Shenxue imagined herself slowly moving horizontally.

A very small-scale activation formula that automatically expands and replicates, and constructs a magic formula that changes the direction of gravity to horizontal.

According to Liu Xu's instructions, Shenxue slowly increased the speed of turning.

Use the limited space in the basement to the limit, turn around, turn around, somersault, and fly freely.

Flowing skirts, flowing hair, graceful lines as they stretch and bow.

Even Liu Xu couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he saw this scene.

For some reason, Liu Xu suddenly subconsciously said: "Shenxue, come to my bowl, uh, come here..."

The girl who didn't know what Liu Xu wanted to do, naturally flew over happily.

The moment the girl approached Liu Xu, Liu Xu hugged her tender body just like that.

At this moment, Liu Xu had only one thought.

So soft and fragrant.

Feeling Liu Xu's hug, Shen Xue's little face turned red instantly.

"Brother Liu Xu?!"

Dancing and falling into a state of panic, Miyuki had no idea what to do.

If you don't push her away, will brother Liu Xu think she is a frivolous girl?

But if she pushed it away, not to mention what brother Liu Xu would think, she would regret it for several days.

Fortunately, Liu Xu let go of his hand soon.

However, before letting go of his hand, Liu Xu suddenly moved closer to Shenxue's ear, and lightly touched that small earlobe.


Chapter 834 Testing the Flying Spell

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Feeling Shenxue's shaking like an electric shock, Liu Xu smiled with satisfaction, and turned to look at Niushan.

"So, can the test begin?"

Hearing this, Niu Shan, who was originally shocked by the intimate behavior of Liu Xu and Shen Xue, quickly shook his head to stay awake.

"...Azhe, how many T-[-]s does the research institute have now?"

Finally, Niu Shan asked his subordinates in a calm tone.

After getting the answer of "ten branches", his half-closed eyes suddenly widened.

"Bastard! Only ten? Why didn't they make up!"

"What? I'll place an order later, first install all the existing ones into the tuning machine, and completely copy the system written by Mr. Liu Xu!"

"Hiro, call all the testers over here! What? Is someone on vacation?"

"Don't worry about him! Go tie your neck and drag him over!"

"All the other guys stop working and prepare for precise measurements!"

"Do you really understand? This is the 'flying spell'! It will rewrite the history of modern magic!"

Probably using an internal broadcast!

Not only this room, but also the measurement room on the opposite side. The research institute staff who were on duty during the holidays were busy moving at the same time.

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