At this moment, Mayumi has just become the perfect number one, and the audience's eyes are still focused on her. With Mayumi's character, she must be embarrassed to sit on it, and then Liu Xu will probably tease her well...

Before finishing thinking, Watanabe Moli froze there.

Nanakusa Mayumi actually sat on Liu Xu's lap with such a beautiful smile!

Suddenly, there was a gasp in the entire competition field.


Chapter 867 Declaring Sovereignty

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Seeing Mayumi's lovely smiling expression, Liu Xu was a little surprised.

Although Mayumi has always had a good impression of Liu Xu, and has done all kinds of unsightly things, even to the point where there is only one layer of window paper, Liu Xu never thought that this layer of window paper would be destroyed. Mayumi broke through first.

Amidst the surprised gazes of the surrounding audience and the sound of whistles, Liu Xu looked at Mayumi's expression playfully, and suddenly showed a clear smile.

"Declaring sovereignty? I didn't expect Mayumi to play such a trick. It really impressed me."

Hearing this, Mayumi's already blushing little face was even more radiant, Liu Xu looked at it and just wanted to go up and take a bite.

And Liu Xu did the same.

Under everyone's gaze, Liu Xu slowly approached Mayumi, and gently kissed Mayumi's pink lips.

At this moment, Liu Xu only felt a good feeling rushing straight into his brain.

Mayumi didn't resist. Even she herself thought that she would have stage fright in the presence of so many people, but unexpectedly, Mayumi found that not only was she not afraid, but she also developed a very pleasant feeling.

It's like, I deliberately want to create such an atmosphere.

This bold scene spread throughout Japan directly through the live broadcast of the Nine Schools Battle.

After a long time, Liu Xu let Mayumi go without saying anything.

Looking at this beautiful girl, Liu Xu showed a pleasant smile and said, "It seems that you have already made up your mind, and next time you won't let you go so easily."

Mayumi smiled slyly, and said, "Hey, you'd better think about how to deal with other girls first, especially that Isshiki Airi who is aggressive towards you, she's probably already blown up!"

Hearing this, Liu Xu shook his head indifferently.

A small matter like a fire in the harem has never been in Liu Xu's consideration. As long as there is no fight, everything is up to them.

Suddenly, Liu Xu received an unexpected communication.

After looking at the contacts above, Liu Xu showed a funny expression.

"Sorry, Mayumi, I have something to leave. In the women's surfing competition, you can only cheer for Molly instead of me."

Hearing this, Mayumi smiled and said, "Replace Liu Xujun? Okay, I understand."

Being able to "replace" Liu Xu to cheer Watanabe Mori, in some respects, has proved Mayumi's leading position.

Soon, Liu Xu returned to the hotel and went to the guest room for senior officers.

It was Kazama Gennobu who made an appointment with Liu Xu. Although Liu Xu has never been able to compliment Kazama Gennobu's suspicion, Kazama Gennobu's character is still credible for the time being.

He said "communicate without violence" so there should be no problem.

Even if there is a problem, Liu Xu will not be afraid of Kazama Gennobu.

Kazama's class is a major, but his seniority and the particularity of his troops make him receive treatment above his class in the army.

In this spacious guest room that was originally only used by the colonel class, Kazama ordered tea and refreshments from room service, and was taking a short break with the brigade cadres.

Seeing Liu Xu push the door open and walk in without restraint, Xuanxin Kazama who was sitting in the room smiled slightly and said, "Are you here? Anyway, sit down!"

Liu Xu was led in by the guard soldiers (not the soldiers of this base, but Kazama's subordinates). Kazama invited him to take a seat in a casual tone, but Liu Xu showed a subtle expression after seeing the cadres present.

"I'm really flattered that so many people welcome me."

While talking, Liu Xu casually found a sofa and sat down.

Hearing this, Xuanxin Kazama smiled wryly and shook his head, and said: "Please don't get me wrong, Liu Xujun, we have no malicious intentions, and even if we really did, under the pressure of so many students, we will not do anything lightly. "

Hearing what Kazama Xuanxin said, Liu Xu snorted noncommittally, taking what he said was true.

This table is round.

The tea time of the Independent Magic Clothing Brigade follows the spirit of the round table.

This table was not attached to the guest room, it was specially ordered by Kazama to move it.

Liu Xu unceremoniously sat down in the innermost place. In the etiquette of Eastern countries, the person sitting in the innermost seat is the main seat.

Seeing Liu Xu like this, the irritable soldier known as Liu Lian suddenly showed an unhappy expression, but he didn't say anything because of the wind.

Kazama Xuanxin sat down on the second seat indifferently.

"First of all, I should say it's been a while. Although it's not nice to use a teacup, let's drink!"


Liu Xu drank very refreshingly. To Liu Xu, poison is ineffective, which is the innate ability of the devil.

Today, everyone in the Independent Magic Costume Brigade wears full suits, or folk costumes with only shirts and no coats.

Obviously, these people came out in casual clothes.

Seeing Liu Xu drank the tea in the cup without any doubt, Xuanxin Kazama smiled slightly and said, "Liu Xu-jun, you are really bold."

"I'm just relying on something."

Liu Xu didn't hide his dislike for Kazama Xuanxin, anyway, he must have taken precautions against himself long ago.

The Great War in the Okinawa Islands three years ago.

During the "first meeting" in this world, Liu Xu instantly killed Kazama Xuanxin.

The kidnapping of Kyoko Fujibayashi.

Although Kazama Xuanxin couldn't be sure that Liu Xu did these things, the growing doubts could not disappear.

What's more, Liu Xu didn't know that Si Boda was actually a special member of the Independent Magic Equipment Brigade, and his military rank was a special lieutenant. He had also given Kazama Xuanxin a lot of small information during such a long time.

Although out of respect for Liu Xu, Si Boda will not say things that should not be said, but Liu Xu's daily life, which in itself is very scary information.

Obtained by Kazama Xuanxin, he will naturally see many details.

Seeing Liu Xu's calm state, Kazama Xuanxin slowly put down the cup in his hand.

"Liu Xujun, may I you know who the person who attacked the student dormitory last night was?"


Chapter 868 Magic Bullet Shooter

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu shook his head and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Actually, really don't know.

However, since Kazama Xuanxin came to the door, it is probably related to Daya United.

Seeing that Liu Xu didn't intend to admit it, Xuanxin Kazama didn't ask any more questions.

Originally, he didn't think that Liu Xu could affect the Daya United. Considering Liu Xu's age, if he died, he would be about the same as Si Boda, outside the army.

Thinking of this, Kazama Xuanxin refilled Liu Xu's tea with an apology on his face.

At the same time, the preliminaries of the surfing competition also came to an end.

Watanabe Mori easily won the second place with a huge score gap and won the first place in the preliminaries.

Not only that, her long hair fluttering image also left a deep impression on the audience, and Moli has unknowingly gained popularity in this competition that can compete with Mayumi.

Generally speaking, players who participate in surfing competitions will put their hair away and use things like shower caps and surfing helmets. However, Watanabe Moli not only did not do this, but let his long hair flutter in the wind.

That graceful figure is like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world.

Amidst the endless cheers from the audience, Watanabe Mori walked off his surfboard with a satisfied smile and looked in the direction of the auditorium.

The position of Yigao had long been remembered by her, and Moli Watanabe knew that Liu Xu liked to sit in the back seat.

In the last row, there was no such figure.

One row ahead, still nothing.

Looking over row after row, until the end, Mo Li didn't find Liu Xu's figure either.

The girl gave a puzzled look.

"Liu Xu... didn't you come to see my game?"

Looking down at the beautiful swimsuit that he had hesitated for a long time before deciding on, Watanabe Moli showed a somewhat disappointed expression.

After chatting with Kazama Xuanxin for a while, Liu Xu had grown impatient with this man who always hides his words.

After taking out the terminal to check the time, Liu Xu stood up.

"I am very grateful for the major's hospitality, but I should go back now. After all, I am different from the colonel, and the time is still very tight."

"You mean our time is very loose?!" Liu Lian frowned and shouted.

Liu Xu glanced at the powder keg lightly.

"It's your turn to speak again, miscellaneous soldiers."

Liu Lianteng stood up abruptly.

"Liu Xu, do you think you are very good? Do you think that you, a guy who has become good among the students, can be good in society?"

Thinking of how he was humiliated by Liu Xu in public yesterday, Liu Lian's blood rushed into his mind, and he sneered, "It's really a big tooth to laugh at, Liu Xu, let me tell you, it's just what you did, put it in the society , no one cares about you!"

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