After a few minutes, I finally saw the clues on the stone, revealing a trace of white, white and transparent.

"It's gone up, it's gone up..."

Liu Xu is also curious. After all, he has heard of this industry, but he has never seen it before. This thing may make people rich overnight, or ruin their families overnight. Otherwise, how can it be called stone gambling?

But anyone who is contaminated with the word "gambling" is gambling, betting on luck!

Looking at the transparent big white, smooth and moist like suet jade, Liu Xu used his spiritual sense to communicate with the aura, and it was indeed a good suet jade. Yes, it's an awl-shaped one. I guess it's okay to make a few pendants, but it's hard to make a big increase.

"Don't cut it, I bought this, I bought it for five million..."

"I'll offer [-] million... Fatty, you sold this to me... I bought it for [-] million..."

"I offered fifteen million, and I bought..."

Looking at these rising prices, Liu Xu secretly beat his heart. The one who bid five million just now was equivalent to about two hundred thousand in his previous life, at least half of the loss.

But for this [-] million, even if you can get a fine carving, it is still a loss... let alone [-] million.

"I don't want to sell this stuff, I'm here to make my two buddies look good... I don't sell it, I don't sell it..." Fatty proudly pointed at the two friends beside him, and said with a smile.

"Keep cutting! Keep cutting!" the fat man laughed.

Slowly, under the cutting of the stone cutter, another large piece of stone fell, but to everyone's disappointment, they didn't see any miracles, and they were all emotional.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer people bidding, and the fat man's complacent look disappeared. What finally appeared was a jade that appeared to be the size of three fingers on the surface. In fact, there was nothing underneath, and it shrank instantly...

Alas, seeing this, everyone lost their mind to watch and dispersed one after another.

This thing is worth one or two million at most, and it's still finely crafted. For the rich and powerful like them, it really doesn't make any sense...

On the left side of the quarry, on a tall building, a woman is looking down.

The woman's skin is snow-white, with a bit of arrogance, her exquisite figure is like an angel, her pretty face is like a devil, she is wearing a black hip-wrapping skirt and a white shirt, and the thin fabric reflects her exquisite figure Emerging, it was Eguchi Sakura. At this time, she glanced coldly, and stared at her in an instant.

It's him?How did he get in?

"Knock knock knock..."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Eguchi Sakura said.

Then I saw the old man walking in slowly, looking at Sakura Eguchi with a smile.

The cold arrogance on Eguchi Sakura's face disappeared in an instant, and it turned into a full-faced smile, saying, "Uncle Ishimaru... why are you here?"

The old man smiled "hehe" and said, "Sakura, what's the matter? I like it..."

Eguchi Sakura walked over, took the old man's arm, and kept shaking it, with a bit of coquettish taste: "Uncle Ishimaru, look at you, you are talking about this again..."

The old man smiled heartily, patted the back of Eguchi Sakura's hand lightly, and said: "Sakura, don't shake it anymore, I will shake you to pieces if you shake it again, you are thirty this year... a woman of thirty If you don’t get married again, you won’t be able to get married... But our cherry blossoms are naturally beautiful, so you don’t have to worry about getting married, but your father and I are both old... Your father is also old enough to have a son... This grandson..."

"Oh...Uncle Ishimaru..." Sakura Eguchi said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, our eldest lady, I won't say anything, I won't say anything... How about it? How about the young man below? Well, I think that Xintang Ergui Taiting is pretty good... And if I read correctly, He is a master, even I can't see the depth, it's really rare..."

"In the beginning, I also tried your father's cancer cells, but my strength was not enough to control them, but this young man managed to control them in less than an hour, and let your father's body inject As if alive... Such a handsome talent is really rare..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, this old man named Uncle Shimaru actually praised Liu Xu a lot. If Liu Xu knew about this, he wondered if his tail would be turned upside down.


Eguchi Sakura snorted and glanced at Liu Xu below, but who knew, Liu Xu seemed to have sensed the two of them, and suddenly turned his head and smiled, which surprised Eguchi Sakura, and then blushed.

"Hehe... How could my old man be wrong in judging people? At the beginning, from the data, I really didn't believe it. After all, a young man can achieve such an achievement, but today, I really believe the old man. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. ..." the old man said with emotion.

"Uncle Ishimaru, so you brought him in?" Eguchi Sakura asked.

As the owner of this jade shop, she naturally knows that the people who can come in here are not ordinary people, who is not a rich man.

But they have investigated this second lady of Xintang, she is just a student, how could she be rich?

"Well, both your father and I are satisfied with his court, Sakura, you can consider it. The Eguchi family does not lack talents, but it lacks a good leader, let alone money, as long as he can inherit the three zeros Carry forward, don't care about the right family..." said the old man.

Ginger is still old and spicy!

He even wanted to recruit Liu Xu as his son-in-law.

"Uncle Ishimaru!" Sakura Eguchi said coquettishly.


Chapter 944 Insufficient


Liu Xu looked around at the surrounding stones, and finally stopped at an inconspicuous place.

Smiling at the corner of his mouth, he walked to a small stone the size of a bowl, picked it up, and weighed it twice in his hand.

Heh, luck is really good, although this thing is small, but inside it is full of real aura bred enough.

At this time, the fat man just now smiled at the two friends beside him: "Hey, I think this kid must be pretending, if he doesn't have money, he can only buy such a small thing..."

Liu Xu didn't take it seriously. Do I need to pay attention to the eyes of small characters?

When I went to the counter, I paid the money and didn't plan to cut it open. I asked the service staff for an opaque cloth bag and put it in it.

Just when I was about to continue watching, I heard the fat man say to his two friends again: "See, that's the case with low-class people who don't have money. Buying a stone is just for pretending to be a Ah, not everyone is as bold as us..."

Liu Xu's forehead darkened, he turned his head with a smile, and walked over with a bit of hostility in his eyes, he said: "I said fat brother, it seems that it is bad behavior to speak ill of people behind their backs... This time I am a warning You, people's patience has a limit... I hope you can take care of yourself."

Speaking of which, Liu Xu turned around and was about to leave, but the fat man looked embarrassed, as if he couldn't bear face, he winked at the two friends, and the two surrounded him.

Liu Xu paused and said, "What do you two want to do?"

"Boy, I think you are only dressed in rags. I only say a few words about you when I think highly of you. Don't think you are great... If you don't apologize today, then don't blame me for being rude." The fat man snorted arrogantly. road.

Liu Xu shook his head, turned around, looked at the fat man with deep eyes, with a slight smile on his lips, one step... two steps... walked in front of the fat man, and then smiled "hehe".


The fat man felt a black shadow of a fist in front of him, and the black shadow was getting bigger and bigger. He didn't allow himself to react and felt a sharp pain from the bridge of his nose. Immediately afterwards, his whole body felt a sense of instability, floating In the air, my mind went blank, and I could vaguely feel the blood spurting from the bridge of my nose.


The fat man fell to the ground, dust was flying up, and the bridge of his nose was sprayed with blood. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the bridge of his nose was broken.


The fat man screamed, clutching his nose, and wanted to press it down, but the more he pressed it, the more blood flowed out. After the fat man's face flushed, he became pale and panicked, and the severe pain made him yell loudly.

"According to your logic, I'll give it back to you...I hit you because I think of you...Boy, let's make the sign brighter in the future..."

Liu Xu blew his fist lightly, and glanced at the fat man with disdain.

The people around quickly gathered around, pointing and pointing, some with smiles, some with disdain, some with injustice...

The two friends were dumbfounded, looking at Liu Xu's fist, not knowing what to say.

You know, the two of them know the fat man's weight the most, it's a real two hundred and fifty catties, and he sent him flying four or five meters with ease?How much strength does this take?

The two friends facing the fat man just stretched out their fists. Both of them were subconsciously nervous to stop them, but they realized that Liu Xu was just trying to scare them.

"Mist server, I want this too."

Liu Xu smiled and didn't pay attention to the few people, and then pointed to a huge stone about three meters high and two meters wide not far from him.

The fog service officer was still stunned, but when Liu Xu called him, he woke up instantly and ran towards Liu Xu.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing around..."

At this time, a loud roar came, and only a burly man about two meters in height came out, wearing a security uniform, very domineering.

Where the burly man's security guard walked, people gave way one after another. They naturally knew the background of this stone shop if they could come here. It is really rare for people who dare to use force here.

And this security captain, they are naturally familiar with, and he is very skilled, and he is an ace guardian of the Sakura stone shop.

"Who is causing trouble in the jade shop..." the burly security captain said softly.

"Liu Tian-jun, you have to decide for me. I'm your golden VIP member. This kid came out of nowhere, and suddenly attacked me. Look at my nose... ouch..."

The fat man yelled loudly enduring the severe pain, but this yell touched the bridge of his nose again, and blood flowed out.

His two friends hurried over to support him, looking at Liu Xu with some fear in their eyes.

The burly captain Liu Tianjun turned his head, looked at Liu Xu, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "This gentleman is so new, is it your first time here?"

"Why? Can't you come in without introduction?" Liu Xu laughed.

"Since it's your first time here, you probably don't know the rules of my Sakura Jade Shop. This is a place where martial arts are banned. Mister broke the rules of our jade shop. Please coordinate with us!" the burly security captain said.

"Coordination?" Liu Xu pointed to the fat man and said, "Are you coordinating with him?"

The security chief nodded.But as soon as this head was pointed, Liu Xu stepped out one by one, and then put his foot on the fat man's belly.

There was a huge bounce, and the fat man flew upside down, and even his two friends flew upside down, just hitting a few stones behind.

The three of them who were in pain rolled on the ground in circles... groaning...

The security captain's eyes flashed coldly, and he grabbed Liu Xu, his muscles pulsating across an arc, and it landed on Liu Xu's shoulder in an instant.

Liu Xu slanted his shoulders, and then suddenly turned his feet [-] degrees. With a bang, the two punched each other, and each took a few steps back.

"Sir, I think you are also a martial arts practitioner, right or wrong, our stone shop will never take sides, please go and coordinate with me, how about..." the burly security captain said.

"I've already given him a chance, but he's not sure about it himself. Besides, asking me to coordinate with this kind of stuff? It's not qualified enough. Maybe if you call your eldest lady, Sakura, I will think about it... "Liu Xu laughed.

Chapter 945


"You know Miss?"

The security captain Liu Tian-kun frowned, how many people can call his lady Sakura Girl?Could it be that this unattractively dressed person is still some kind of young master?

As a security captain, he will naturally not be the same as those who have no vision. You can see the essence of a person from the way he dresses. Nowadays, many rich people like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, so you have to look at each other's eyes, tone, To judge by the atmosphere.

Is this man still a tiger in the forest?

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