"There are no more things I want to ask, but there is one more thing I want to do."

"Ah... lighten up... the button is torn..."

Chapter 659 The Second Method

Empire, a dwelling.

The furnishings in the room are simple but not simple, and they are extremely neat and clean. It seems that the owner has good living habits or family conditions.

The most luxurious arrangement in the entire room is a large double bedding, on which a man and a woman are entangled profusely in sweat.

On the carpet in the room, some clothes were scattered in a mess, and a strange white iron was protruding from the pocket of the clothes, shining with a faint cold light...

After a long time, the room finally became quiet.

The two of them who fell asleep were covered only by a shabby, crumpled quilt that couldn't cover anything.

The man is the minister's son, Sheila.

The woman, named Miranda, was the daughter of a merchant.

Miranda was naked in Sheila's arms at this time. From the side view, the merchant's daughter had a pretty good figure. Although the curve between her waist and hips was not exaggerated, it was enough to make people's heart beat.

Although her youthful female body is slightly plump, it is enough to evoke the idea of ​​any man wanting to possess her.

Of course, as the minister's son, Sheila's aesthetic vision is definitely not low, how can he be good at ordinary women.

After an unknown amount of time, Sheila woke up from her deep sleep.

Miranda's sleeping position is very presumptuous, and she is almost greedily entangled with men.

Sheila pulled her arm out of Miranda's warm embrace beside her.

In my head, next to my ears, the sound of shouting and killing on the battlefield seems to be still close at hand.

He has been traveling for a long time, and he needs a period of time to adapt to urban life.

This woman was met by Sheila at the bar last night, and he hooked her up after a few drinks.

If she didn't show her violent side, Sheila would definitely not be less attractive to women.

Last night at the bar, two women even fought for him. In the end, Sheila chose Miranda, who was pure and in her youth, but Miranda who was chosen by him didn't know that it was not the favor of the goddess of luck. But the curse of the devil.

"Next, it's almost time to open the way back."

Sheila got off the bunk and put on her pants. Her upper body was bare, revealing her strong and well-proportioned muscles.

It's no wonder that Sheila has no disadvantages in picking up girls. Just this bronze-colored personality. Muscles, coupled with an evil and handsome face and a cold temperament, can completely make most women fall into nympho.

"Coordinate B, open!" Sheila picked up the white iron object on the ground, the Teigu Dimensional Square [Shangri-La], fiddled with it, "It's all right now."

As the most powerful female general in the empire and the sharpest sword in the hands of ministers, Esdeath can make her disappear for a few days without any problem, but if Esdece is really lost, Sheila won't do that either. Courageous, although he is much stronger now than when he was traveling three years ago, but if the opponent is a minister...

Just thinking about it in your head makes you shudder!

Miranda, who was soundly asleep, was awakened by Liu Xu's movements, stretched comfortably, and then showed a provocative smile: "Oh! You are so strong! I...I'm going to fly... ..."

Miranda hugged the quilt and sat up. Her face was flushed. She let out a long breath and asked, "What are you doing there?"

"It's nothing." Sheila said coldly.

"You, that way of speaking is too bad!" Miranda smiled, "I always feel that there is a tasteful style!"

"That's right... I'm actually the minister's son." Sheila put her hands on her waist, and the moonlight poured into the window, casting a layer of silver on his body.

"Hey... the minister is..." Miranda hesitated, "That?"

Sheila glanced at her, turned around, strode up to the woman, stretched out her hand to hold her snow-white neck, and lifted it vigorously.

"What does that mean?" Sheila said with a grim expression, "That's... huh?"

As he spoke, he let go of his hand, and Miranda fell to the ground, panting heavily.

"I respect him very much, huh?" Sheila looked up, the X wound on his face that had already healed made him look like a monster in hell, "However, one day, I will surpass him. "

Miranda didn't know what to say anymore, she was completely frightened and burst into tears.

"Being able to surpass my father, I think it is the ultimate filial piety to my parents!" Pulling down, he grabbed Miranda's hair, pulled her lowered head up, and enjoyed the gaze of her desperate eyes, and felt a pang in his heart. There is a kind of perverted pleasure.

At the same time, an uninhabited island in the south of the empire.

After the battle was over, although they were very tired, Liu Xu and Estes were surprisingly not sleepy.

"By the way, Estes, what's the second way to go back?"

The two lay under the starry sky, hugging each other and looking at the stars.

"It's time for me to tell you, just to prepare the means of transportation." Esdes didn't hold back, and directly told Liu Xu what the second method was.

"That's right, among the dangerous species there are those that can ride on their backs... just like your flying dragon beast..." Liu Xu suddenly realized.

"However, it is very difficult to tame them, but it is also very easy for me." Esdes lying in Liu Xu's arms moved to make himself more comfortable, "I read in the literature However, this is the habitat of flying manta whales and sea dragons, and you can see them if you pay attention to the sky."

"Is that what you're talking about?" Liu Xu pointed to the sky.

"It just appeared when I was talking about it! What a coincidence." Esdes had an unhappy expression on his face.

"What should I do, it flies so high in the air!" Liu Xu asked.

"After I knocked it down with ice arrows...Teach it well." Estes got up and chased it out, "See where you escape to!!"

At this moment, the gossip engraving on the ground beside Liu Xu began to respond with energy.

"Hey, Estes, don't bother..." Liu Xu waved at Estes, he didn't intend to leave Super S Queen alone and leave alone.

Estes heard Liu Xu's call and hurried back.

As a result, the light of the gossip imprint flickered on for a while, and then went out again.

Is this the god horse situation?

The original doesn't seem to be like that.


The two looked at each other.

"Otherwise, you'd better go and shoot down the flying manta whale!" Liu Xu sighed.

"It's already flown away." Esdeath shrugged.

"..." Liu Xu embarrassed.

Chapter 660 Esdeth is here


In fact, it can't be said!

Neither Liu Xu nor Estes had a strong desire to go back. It was not impossible for them to go back. Estes came up with two ideas. Could Liu Xu be worse than her? Of course not.

But Liu Xu was able to summon the Teigu Bronze Warhorse [Sand Field Emperor Seat], the chances of them going back were certain.

Although Liu Xu didn't know if the bronze horse could cross the sea and fly to the land, but riding a bronze horse to capture a dangerous species that could fly was not a big problem. With the dangerous flying species, there was no way go back?

Now that the first method doesn't work, let's do the second!

Anyway, there is plenty of time.

Another day passed, and at night, Liu Xu and Estes strolled along the beach, listening to the sound of the waves, he held her hand, and walked side by side. They were both barefoot, stepping on the sand, so comfortable!

Suddenly, Estes stopped, turned around and looked at Liu Xu without blinking.

Liu Xu hugged Esdesh in his arms, and immediately felt the softness of Yuexiong's two lumps, but Esdesh left his embrace again, still looking at him.

Liu Xu habitually looked left and right. At this time, the sea breeze is light, the moonlight is shining, and the beautiful woman is pregnant with such a beautiful scenery...

He stretched out his hand to stroke Esdeth's long hair that was blown by the wind, and slowly leaned his mouth towards her face, Esdeth closed his eyes lightly, and took a light breath...

Another perfect night, but the imperfect thing is that Esthers came.





Even if she is the Super S Queen, Esther is also a woman, as long as she is a woman, there will always be a few inconvenient days every month.

However, Estes also no longer resisted Liu Xu's aspect, which refers to the matter of "who is on top" between the two of them...

Since Estes is inconvenient, can you use bites?

If the Queen of Super S is really willing to give Liu Xu a bite, it would be perfect...

Thinking of this, Liu Xu felt a kind of happiness in his heart, so a smile could not help but float on the corner of his mouth.

"What are you thinking? Laughing so strangely?"

Estes' voice broke Liu Xu's fantasies.

"No, nothing?" Liu Xu quickly shook his head.

"Really?" Estes asked suspiciously, and then an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes.


Can't sleep, can't sleep, how did you fall asleep yesterday?

Liu Xu put his arms around Estes, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Can't sleep?"


"Then let's chat."

"What can I say?"

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