"Crazy wild hound! Yanxin, pirate... As a shameless gangster who likes to play with women, although he likes to have sex with women, no matter what, he didn't empty out his body. Wu [Wind Blade Sword]'s Teigu long sword, its combat effectiveness can be considered first-class."

"Champ, a serial killer, is a big fat middle-aged man with the same height and waistline, but he likes to play with children's bodies, I don't know if it's because he feels too inferior to the length of his little XX. However, Sheila doesn't think there's anything wrong with this strange hobby, anyway, with Champte's quick throw [big pitcher], it can cause a lot of group damage."

"Cosmia, a womanizer and a wolf, likes to play with men. A witch singer from a western country, the Teigu used is called the earth's sound [heavy pressure]. It is a microphone-shaped Teigu, although it looks It doesn’t look like much, but it’s destructive.”

"Dotya, an alchemist whose body has undergone countless transformations, has the ability to suck people into mummies... Although she has a relatively unreliable personality, her strength in alchemy science is completely first-class, and she can use the human body A drop of blood on the body can restore the alchemy of the human body. However, Dotya's combat power is very unqualified in my opinion. Although blood sucking can be used to restore one's own physical strength and for alchemy research, but the actual combat power is really just a scum with only 5..."

"As for the last one, the swordsman Yizang, as a swordsman who loves swords more than anyone else and constantly performs blood sacrifices on his own sword Jiangxue, his swordsmanship is very superb. Moreover, he can regard all human blood as his own blood. A swordsman who loves the sacrificial offerings of Dao Jiangxue Blood Sacrifice and doesn't pay attention to human life or anything else, this kind of scum is rare!"


Everyone stared at Liu Xu dumbfounded, and even Xinnai and Ari, who were laughing and playing around, stopped their movements.

"What's the matter with you?" Liu Xu saw that after he finished speaking, no one spoke, did he remember wrongly?No!The information is absolutely [-]% correct.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Where did you get this information?"

"Of course it's Chelsea..." Liu Xu's heart skipped a beat. Could it be...

He swallowed hard, and said, "Of course Chelsea didn't say it, and I made it up for her."


"Boss, after resting for so long, people are rusty, why don't you let me get rid of those bastards."

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he turned around and ran away.

"Wait a moment!"

"Anything else?"

Najie Xitan glanced at the team members one by one, and finally said: "Hei Tong will go with you."

Chi Tong will definitely not compete with Hei Tong, but if she chooses someone else, Ma Yin will definitely quarrel, and Hei Tong is the first person to establish a relationship with Liu Xu.It couldn't be more suitable.

As a boss, he is very skillful in selecting candidates. Anyway, Hei Tong's identity has been exposed, so it doesn't matter if someone finds out. Besides, even if this couple is besieged by the imperial guards, they can break out of the siege!

"Let's go!" Liu Xu took Hei Tong's little hand, saying that as a boyfriend, he is really not qualified, and he has never gotten along with Hei Tongjiang, how can this be, and Hei Tongjiang also helped I have persuaded Chitong, so I should be very grateful.

The streets of the imperial capital.

Liu Xu and Hei Tong walked down the street holding hands, like a couple who are really in love.

"Uncle, come, two marshmallows..."

Liu Xu took Chitong's little hand and came to a small shop selling cotton candy. "

"Okay, what color do you want?" the boss said enthusiastically.

"Is there any difference?" Liu Xu asked, "Is it a different taste?"

"No, the taste is the same, just the color is different."


"Two red ones." Liu Xu said casually.

"I want a red one and a green one..." Heitong said suddenly.

"The taste is the same." Liu Xu said.

"I know, but I want a red one and a green one..."

"Okay!" Liu Xu shook his head helplessly and said, "Boss..."

"Understood, one red and one green, it will be fine soon."

The boss quickly made marshmallows and handed them to Liu Xu and Hei Tong.


Hei Tong held the marshmallow in both hands excitedly, and lightly licked it with his small tongue. He immediately felt that it was sweet and tasted good.

Liu Xu smiled and held Heitong, and walked forward slowly. It's not bad to go shopping with a cute girl!

Heitong also excitedly looked left and right, sizing up everything that she was not interested in watching at all, now she really exists as a young girl!

"A rare world for two people." Liu Xu said while holding Heitong's little hand.

"Hmm!" Hei Tong suddenly felt very nervous. This is probably the moment when the two of them really get along after confirming their relationship?

In fact, apart from the last step, they had a lot of physical contact, and Heitong has already discovered that her opponents seem to be a little too much!

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Chapter 867 Two people's world

Unknowingly, the two came to a park, which is the park where Seleu killed Hill in the original book.

Because of the rampant behavior of the wild hounds, the entire imperial capital seemed to have become depressed, and no one on the street could see anything.

The two sat on a long chair, Heitong slowly ate the cotton candy in his hand, looking cute.

Heitong slowly leaned his body against Liu Xu's arms, smelled the pleasant smell coming from him, and said softly: "I know that besides myself and my sister, there must be other girls who like you, Empire All the men are like this (because of the war, there are more boys and girls), but you can't bully us just because you have other girls, you should care, take care of and love us like you do now!"

The man who can bully your sisters [Cunyu] [Bafang] is probably not born yet, Liu Xu thought silently.

"Did you hear that?" Hei Tong asked angrily.

"Yeah, how could it be! Don't worry, I really like you, Chitong, and other girls. Of course I won't bully you, and it's okay for others to bully you. I will definitely be tight Hold your hands tightly and never let go." Liu Xu said with his arms around Hei Tong's weak shoulders.

"Then do you like my sister more, or me?" Heitong stared into Liu Xu's eyes and said, "Tell the truth!"

Girls love to ask questions like this!

Black pupil vs red pupil

Is this another battleground?

"This one……"

Liu Xu suddenly had a headache. For this question, he fell in love with Chitong first, and then Heitong suddenly stood up. His plan was to eat his sister first, and then his younger sister. But now it's just the opposite...

"Sure enough, is she still my sister?" Hei Tong pursed her lips and said, "But there is one thing, I have priority over my sister. I am your girlfriend first."

"That's true." Liu Xu pursed his lips, caressing his little black face and said, "That's why I came out with you to live in the world of two people. After all, we haven't really stayed together. I was with Chi before. Hitomi performed missions together, and then they often hunted together, then ate and trained... and I only hugged you every night, so I felt that I needed to build a deeper relationship, and then I decided to experience the world of two people..."

Heitong nodded, blushing and said: "So I'm very happy now, as a reward, I can give you a reward, tell me, as long as I can do it..."

"What reward, aren't you the best reward? And if I really don't know how to accompany my girlfriend, am I still a man? This is what I should do..." Liu Xu pinched the soft face with black pupils Said.

"Oh..." Hei Tong nodded, hesitated for a moment, and said coyly, "Well then, I will allow you to do that, at night, today I will not sleep with my sister again... What do you want to do... It's all... all right..."


Liu Xu's heartbeat quickened immediately, it's so tempting!

Although he continued his relationship with Nelia and Leonai one after another, Liu Xu was not satisfied!

Hei Tongjiang is now decisively dedicating himself, this is definitely a blessing!

"Is it really possible?" Liu Xu gasped and said.

"Hmm... In this way, she has a little advantage over my sister, right?" Hei Tong said.

Uh... so it's still a little bit more than Chitong!

"Indeed..." Liu Xu nodded. Well, in order to surpass the relationship between Chitong and himself, Heitong took the initiative to take this step. It is really unexpected. Yes, even if they are sisters, they like the same man after all. , naturally want to occupy more, not to mention that the younger sister naturally wants to have more things than the older sister.

Moreover, there probably is an element of Ma Yin contributing to the flames in it!

"But you have to be gentle!" Hei Tong blushed and said, in fact, it was Chelsea who instilled some bad thoughts in her.

Chelsea secretly told Heitong that as long as that kind of relationship happened, he would definitely be more devoted, more gentle, and would like her more than Chitong, and Heitong obviously believed what Chelsea said...

When Chelsea said this at the beginning, she was just joking. At that time, she didn't know that Liu Xu's true identity was Aiolos, whom she had been missing for three years. Otherwise, Chelsea would not have said such a thing, but Hei Tong It turned out to be true.

"Well, well, it will definitely be gentle. Next, let's go shopping and find a good hotel..." Liu Xu's energy suddenly surged up, happiness is tonight.

Sure enough, there will be good rewards for going shopping with your girlfriend, but you really have to be gentle, the figure like a loli with black pupil sauce is so delicate, you can't destroy it...

Although compared with SandM, the queen of Estes, a loli-like girl needs gentle gradual penetration, but the cute crooning voice of the loli girl and the soft body are simply too loving, Liu Xu suddenly remembered a good poem by Temiao: "To be happy in life, you need to be happy, don't let Lori (Jin Zun) keep the house (to the moon)".

It's really a good poem, it looks like a poem written by the poet Li Taibai, alas, it's really tasteful, it seems that Li Da is also a member of my generation, it's a good poem.

Then, Liu Xu and Heitong walked down the street blushing. Although both of them felt a little strange at first, they quickly merged into the lively market. It was a good experience for two people to go shopping sweetly. Liu Xu also felt very happy. This was the first time he saw Heitongjiang showing a pure and innocent smile, a girlish smile...

After a day of shopping, near dusk, Liu Xu and Hei Tong stopped at a hotel. After eating something, the two of them checked into a double room.

"Well, Hei Tong, you should wash it first, you must have sweated a lot all day..." Liu Xu handed the towel to Hei Tong in embarrassment.

"Mmm... 孤..." Heitong nodded, shyly entered the bathroom, and began to wash her body.

Looking at the transparent bathroom door, Liu Xu felt so excited. He really wanted to take a mandarin duck bath with Hei Tongjiang, but Hei Tongjiang definitely couldn't stand too exciting things.

It's not bad if she can accept that kind of thing, so let's leave the double bath for later, Lori needs to develop.

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Chapter 868 Sweet Dreams and Nightmare

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"Wow... la... wow..."

The sound of water flowing made Liu Xu's heart fluctuate. Meow, his endurance is getting weaker and weaker!

There is no way, after all, she is a soft girl or something, she is so loving, how can an otaku bear it.

At this time, every second of waiting is a torment. Liu Xu, who is anxious to wait, can only distract his attention by counting sheep. One sheep has four legs, two sheep have eight legs, and three sheep have eight legs. A sheep has twelve legs, four sheep have sixteen legs...

You sister Yang, you can't even count to two digits until Liu Xu can't count.

So, Liu Xu immediately decided to use the greatest Teigu on the Teigu Envoy, the five-sight omnipotent, one of the five abilities, the see-through ability, peeping and so on, as long as there is love, it doesn't matter.


But before Liu Xu could use it, the bathroom door opened.

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