The next day, Liu Xu woke up early, while Chelsea had already opened her eyes and was staring at her own face.

"What's the matter, baby, do you still want to?" Liu Xu said caressing Chelsea's soft breasts.

Chelsea shook her head immediately, and said: "I just feel that I can never get enough of it, oh, why am I attracted to you? Tell me, I just met you for the first time, and people feel bad about you, but Why do I like you so much now, isn't it strange?"

"Haha, it's not surprising at all. You man, I don't lie to girls by appearance, but by connotation. After getting in touch with you, you will naturally fall in love..." Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Hey, there should be a limit to narcissism!" Chelsea pouted immediately and said, "You're really thick-skinned."


Liu Xu suddenly said helplessly: "Cooperate, it won't work, okay, but no matter what, don't you still like me? Why, regret it?"

Chelsea shook her head and said seriously: "I don't regret it, I just feel that you have a very attractive aura! What attracts me is probably your aura. Although people can't describe what it is, but look at it. Looking at you, the confident smile on your face is very attractive, so don't smile at other girls casually in the future..."

"I love to hear that..." Liu Xu nodded and said.

"But why do people suddenly feel that you are about to leave? Wouldn't it be good for you to stay?" Chelsea said hesitantly, with faint anxiety and fear, afraid of Liu Xu's departure.

"Sixth sense?" Liu Xu immediately put away his smile. To be honest, he really couldn't bear to ask for someone and then leave suddenly, but this time the matter is really serious. Since he met CC, Liu Xu has never seen her like this before. That main god is probably an existence that Liu Xu can't even imagine now.

"Stay here? I can't do without you anymore. Please, I don't need any title or status. I just want to be able to see you every day and that's enough. Can’t even a small wish be satisfied? Why leave, isn’t it good here? After overthrowing the empire, you took us to retreat completely. I believe that everyone will go anywhere with you, why leave?” Cheer Xi suddenly said as if begging.

Little wish?But this little wish Liu Xu can't satisfy her, it's a difficult choice, but after going through several worlds, Liu Xu also knows that nothing is impossible, that reincarnation game can only be completed, get The rewards should be enough to realize your wish!

"Chelsea, I..."

All of Liu Xu's words suddenly became stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit it out or swallow it.

"If you have to go, then let me be more happy during this time, accompany me every night, at least leave me the crystallization of our love, so at least I won't be lonely..." Chelsea suddenly complained Said.

Chelsea was the first woman who expressed her willingness to have a child for Liu Xu.

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Chapter 882 Hey, you couple!

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Southwest Frontier, Esthers Team, Campground.

The massacre of foreign nationalities repelled the task-heavy Esdes army...

"It's an emergency messenger from the imperial capital!" A soldier in a thick cotton coat riding on the back of a flying dangerous species shouted, "Where is General Esdes?"

"This is really urgent enough." The adjutant of the Esdes army sighed.

"That..." the adjutant rubbed his chin and asked the subordinate beside him, "Where did the general go tonight?"

"It should be on the side of the Jaches team!" The soldier replied.

"That's over here." The adjutant stretched out his hand, "Please come!"

"Isn't the general in his tent?" the messenger from the imperial capital asked.

"Our general even eats with the soldiers." The adjutant ignored the other party's shocked expression and led the way first.

Not far away, Esdes was sitting with soldiers in front of a fire, talking and laughing.

"However, it's also because our army is full of evil spirits who only know how to fight!" The adjutant said triumphantly, "That's why we can get along with each other."

"It is said that there will be casualties during exercise..." The messenger sighed, "Is this rhythm the secret of the elite?"

in the tent.

"I thought it was something that made me go back to the imperial capital! Isn't Bud still there?" Esdes sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and rested his cheek with one hand, "It seems that there are also unrest in the northeast Let's move!"

"The higher-ups said that they hope that you can go back, General... It should be enough for the foreign nations in the West to rush out of here..." the messenger said in a deep voice.

"A new rebellion?" Estes laughed, "The battle never stops!"

It seemed as if they had heard good news. This was the same thought that came to everyone's mind when they saw the expression on Esdeth's face.

"Go back! Imperial Capital..." Estes ignored everyone and muttered to himself: "Xu, I will meet you again soon, my premonition told me so..."

Night raid, kitchen.

"Hey, you couple!" Lubbock broke into the kitchen and said loudly, "I have something to discuss!!"

"What's the matter, Lubbock?" Liu Xu was cooking food.

"What, all of a sudden..." Ma Yin was in charge, and when she saw Lubbock coming in, she suddenly put down the things in her hand and took Liu Xu's arm, "We are together on a rare rest day." Let’s make love snacks!”

"I..." Lubbock suddenly fell to his knees, kowtowed and said, "I also want to play intimacy like you guys! Please help me!!"

meeting room.

"Hmph, so that's the case!" Liu Xu rolled his eyes after listening to Lubbock's narration, "That means you dare not confess to the boss?"

In fact, I have to say that it is wise for Lubbock not to confess, because he will fail if he makes it clear!

"It's so embarrassing! Why don't you just go straight up!" Ma Yin didn't feel back pain while standing and talking, and she didn't think about the embarrassment she had to confess to Liu Xu at the beginning.

"However, if it fails... isn't my relationship all this time just a cloud?" Lubbock's face was very decadent, it seems that he is very self-aware!

"As a man, what are you talking about!!" Ma Yin slapped the table angrily, and said, "Say it directly!!"

"Can we remove the option to go directly up first?" Lubbock promised.

The reason why Ma Yin is so excited is probably because if Lubbock succeeds in confessing, Liu Xu will no longer be able to attack Najie Xitan!

"This is the admiration I've been hiding in my heart for many years!! How can you guys who have become lovers like that understand!!" Lubbock leaned in front of Liu Xu excitedly, spitting all over his face.

"Otherwise, I'll confess to the boss, you learn..." Liu Xu wiped the saliva from his face, "But what if it succeeds? It's really embarrassing!"


outside the meeting room.

Both Najie Xitan and Leonai heard the conversation of the three people in the room.

"Boss, you are so charming! What should I do?" Leone laughed.

"Hmph, although I am indeed attractive... But now is not the time to fall in love..." Najie Xitan bit an unlit cigarette in her mouth, touched her chin, and said narcissistically: " Because I'm the type who can't handle ambiguous relationships!"

"Oh, it's suddenly feminine!" Leonai patted Nobuna's shoulder and left, "Let's play with lonely single young women like us!"

"When Leone and I are together, not only are we not lonely, but we are also very happy!" Nobuna laughed.

"Hey, hey, Leonai..." Najie Xitan rolled her eyes and glanced into the room. The one-armed, one-eyed, silver-haired former female general of the Empire silently said sorry to Lubbock in her heart. It was taken away by a bastard three years ago, and the betrayal of the empire was also because of that person.

Aiolos, my love!

In the training ground.

Chitong and Ma Yin are practicing.

The two girls come and go, and the battle is exhilarating.

"Ting is so imposing! Ma Yin!" Chi Tong with black hair and red eyes was wearing a black pantyhose and black shorts.

"Because the boyfriend I fell in love with is a dishonest person! That's why I said it! You can't do it if you don't work hard!" Ma Yin, who has pink hair and pupils, is wearing the same style of white Mo Yuexiong shorts as Chi Tong.

Although the Wild Hound's base has existed in name only, as long as Sheila doesn't announce its disbandment for a day, the organization's venue and funds will not be lacking.

In a large cylindrical glass vessel, Cosmia soaked naked in it, and the penetrating muzzle, which was originally at the mouth of the moon, has now been plugged with a ruby.

"How is it, Cosmia?" A voice said.

"However, seeing how big her Yuexiong department is, I'm very upset." Dotya said with a displeased face.

"I didn't ask you this! Can it be used?" Sheila was speechless.

"Well, it's really good. Although I have helped a lot, I didn't expect to be able to reply like this from the dying." Dotya closed her eyes, "Her singing can confuse people's minds, so that's why I'm so happy." You will be treated as a 'witch', and you will be afraid of people with special abilities, which is the same in every country!"

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Chapter 883 The Three of Us Together

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"Then... At that time, her whole house was burnt down and she survived... her family members were all dead, and she herself was hacked and bruised... What a remarkable vitality!" Dotya opened her eyes, alone Hands on hips, "As the object of my alchemy, it is so perfect."

Turning around, Dotya looked at Sheila and said, "By the way, the other two are completely dead, so give up!"

"Yanxin and Shangpu?" Sheila scratched her hair, "I don't belong to the guy who will lose on the night of the full moon at home."

"Forget it! Since the workshop has been built for me, I'll be a big guy! But her brain was damaged when her heart stopped beating."

Dotya said something completely different from her heart. She thought that Sheila and Yan Xin had a good relationship, but it turned out to be so straightforward.

"As long as she can become an excellent fighter, I don't care what her heart is." Sheila waved her hand indifferently, but she was not happy in her heart, because if there was no good news, he would definitely be scolded by the minister.

Minister's Palace, restaurant.

"Hmph, so that's the case, that woman is also a bit troublesome!" The minister said while eating the food, "However, the current manpower is still not enough to deal with nightraid!"

"As long as there is Dotya, there will be no shortage of fighters." Sheila said with her eyes closed.

"In that case, Dad will give you a small gift!" The minister clapped his palms.

A person walked in from the outside.

"Are you calling me?"

"This is the Suzuka of the Raksha Four Ghosts, and I gave it to you Sheila."

The minister introduced a sentence.

"It was said to be four ghosts, but it turned out that there was only one left and threw it to me. I don't want it! This kind of miscellaneous fish from Huangquan Temple." Sheila looked unhappy.

He verbally abused him as soon as we met, it seems that this is a good boss!

Hearing Sheila's words, Suzuka didn't have any dissatisfaction, but instead showed a fascinated expression.

"Yeah, I can't forgive her but send her to the torture room, but let her feel like a fish in water." The minister seldom had any embarrassing things, but when he thought about Suzuka being whipped in the torture room sent by his subordinates, he shouted loudly. He was a little speechless after shouting the report of "Ah, come again, a little more".

"Just kill it!" Sheila said as she looked at Suzuka who had fallen into the happy memories of the torture room.

"But she brought back some interesting information," said the minister.

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